• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 27 - A General Nuisance

For a long moment no one speaks. Eventually Frank breaks it.

“Arc... are you saying that Shelly... is in the same place my boys were kept?!”

“It appears so, yes.”

Max clenches a fist. “We have to get her out of there!”

Xenos smacks his fists together. “Yeah!”

Hugh groans. “Agreed! But how?!”

Viktor grits his teeth. “We’re gonna need one heck of a plan!”

Frank turns to Arc. “And quickly!”

“Right. No point in just running in the half-cocked.”

Max grimaces. “But every moment we wait is another chance Rieper has to hurt her, sir!”

“I don’t think Rieper would do that.”

Xenos appears confused. “What makes you say that though, sir?”

“Because... Rieper is...”

He frowns before continuing.

“...Rieper is Shelly’s father.”

Frank’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?!”

“That’s what Doctor Knowles told me.”

Hugh sighs. “Can she be trusted?!”

Arc shrugs. “Auriel seems to think so. That and she had no real reason to lie to me about that.”

Max shakes his head. “But I thought you and her grew up in an orphanage, sir!”

“We did, yes.”

Xenos groans. “If she had a father why didn’t he take her in?!”

“I have no idea.”

Frank grits his teeth. “I’ll ask him when we get there!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “We, Frank?”

“Yes, we! Shelly and Lily are my friends too!”

Max salutes. “Sir, I volunteer to come along as well!”

Xenos grins. “Yeah! Me too!”

Hugh smirks. “I’m in as well!”

Viktor stands. “Same here!”

Arc smiles. “Thanks guys. Now then, let’s start brainstorming ideas for...”

He is cut off as a knock from the front door is heard. Frank grimaces.

“Uh oh.”

Max turns to Arc. “Who could that be?!”

“It’s most likely Marshal Raynor again. Can’t think of anyone else who’d show up at this hour unannounced.”

Xenos looks to him. “Want me to answer it, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I’ll do it myself. All of you stay down here and don’t make any noise.”

They nod as Arc hurries up the stairs. Closing the basement door behind him, he hurries to the front and opens the door. For a long moment Arc stands there motionless as he stares at the person before him. Eventually they break the silence.

“Hello, Arc.”

Arc frowns. “And whom are...?”

“Come now, no need to feign such ignorance.”

“But I really don’t...”

“...know whom I am? Really? Well, I won’t play such games with you, Hero.”


“Yes, I know you’re the one who’s been making quite the name for themselves under the moniker of the ‘Hero’.”

Arc moves to close the door. “I think you have me confused with something else.”

The door clicks shut as the visitor calls out loudly.

“Tell me, have you seen Shelly and Lily lately!”

Angrily, Arc throws the door open and glares at the man before him.

“What have you done with them?!”

“Nothing really. Might I come in?”

Nodding, Arc steps aside to allow the man entrance. He walks over to the couch and sits down as Arc closes and locks the door behind him. Turning to his ‘guest’, Arc narrows his eyes.

“Start talking.”

“I shall. But first I need to do this...”

Waving his hand, a magical aura appears and rapidly expands outwards to cover the walls in a slight glow.

“There. We shall now have a bit of privacy from prying ears.”

“What did you do?!”

“Just a little spell, my boy. To make sure what is said here isn’t overhead by your little friends in the basement. Or Frank for that matter. But before we go any further I’d like to introduce myself again. It’s been some time since I did it.”


Clearing his throat, the man looks Arc squarely in the eyes as he speaks.

“I am General Mustang. Commander of the military base you know oh so well.”

“And what are you doing here, general?”

“All things considered, I probably should have come a lot sooner.”


Mustang smirks. “It’s not every day someone can get in AND out of my base. That’s quite the feather in your cap.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Your idea to feign ignorance is praiseworthy, but unnecessary. After all, I’m fully away of whom you really are.”

“Then why don’t you tell me where Shelly and Lily are?”

“Because you already know.”

“You have them at Damocles Base, don’t you?!”

Mustang raises an eyebrow. “Damocles Base? I don’t recall saying that name.”

Arc, realizing his grievous mistake, sighs.

“Alright. You see right through me. What is it you want?”

“At the moment, just a simple conversation.”

“What about?”

“Life... power... the future... both of this world as well as the other.”

“You’re starting to sound an awful lot like someone else I know.”

“A friend of yours?”

Arc scoffs. “Hardly. I don’t like him any more than you.”

“The man in the blue cloak.”


“Someone I can’t get a bead on either. Humbling as that is.”

The general stands and walks over to look out a window before continuing.

“It’s not every day someone is able to pull the wool over my eyes like he was. Using magic to teleport deep into my base isn’t something that should be possible. Yet he did it. More than once I might add.”

Arc frowns. “Any chance of you staying on topic here?”

“Forgive me. I do tend to ramble. In any case, the reason for my visit today is to talk to you about a subject very near and dear to you heart.”

“Which is...?”

“Shelly and Lily.”

Arc grits his teeth. “If you so much as touched them, I’ll...!”

Mustang interrupts him. “They are safe. For now.”

“What is it that you want from me?!”

“Tut-tut. I’m getting to that.”

Smirking, Mustang looks out the window for a time before speaking.

“My facility is cutting edge, you now. The world leader in magical research and... implementation. We’ve been able to do great things down there. Such as infusing certain... individuals with magical energies. Tell me, how are my two missing sergeants doing in your employ?”

“Just fine. I couldn’t ask for better.”

“I’d give you Stingray too, if only so you’d have a matched set. However I don’t think you and her would get along very well.”

“She’s not my favorite person.”

“But she is the strongest of the three.”

“Strength isn’t everything, you know.”

“I suppose it isn’t. But it certainly helps when the chips are down.”

“You seem awfully eager to sell me on the idea of taking Stingray in. Why?”

Mustang shrugs. “I just thought she’d like to be with her other two... companions again.”

“But that isn’t the only reason, is it?”

“Very perceptive. However that is a question that will have to wait for another day. At the moment I’m here to ask for your assistance.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You want MY help?!”

“In a manner of speaking, yes.”

“And why would I help you?”

“You DO want Shelly and Lily returned to you unharmed, I assume.”


Mustang turns to face Arc. “Good. I’m glad we can agree on that.”

Arc groans. “Just tell me what you want.”

“A colleague of mine with whom I’m certain you’re familiar, a Doctor Rieper, is in need of a bit of help in his research.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Things like that are a bit outside of my skill set.”

“Agreed. You are quite intelligent, Arc. However the wisest understand the need to bring in help to deal with problems that are, shall we say... too big to handle alone.”

“Get to the point.”

“Doctor Rieper has asked me to acquire help for him in saving his daughter’s life. Shelly is indeed on her last legs and will most likely not survive the night. A shame, what with Christmas being just a few days away.”

“I’m no doctor.”

“True. But I imagine you know where to find one.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you have a Human Resources department down there that could hunt someone down?”

“Oh, I do. However a delicate situation such as this requires someone very... intelligent. Someone with... previous experience with magical experimentation.”

He looks at Arc coolly before continuing.

“I do believe you know someone whom fits this very specific bill.”


“Good. I shall await your arrival at Damocles Base then.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “And I’m supposed to get in there how?”

Mustang puts a hand to his chin. “Well, I suppose you could have your cute little friend pretend to be Colonel Diva again. That’s worked numerous times if I recall. You could also try using that fake badge Hammer gave you some time ago. After all, no one questioned it in the past.”

The general grins as he continues.

“Or you could sneak in by turning to mist and using a magic cloak once inside. Such methods worked wonders the last time. Well, other than helping you get out, that is.”

“You knew I was there, huh?”

Mustang nods. “Oh yes. That last time I decided to give you a helping hand. After all, you had things to do, I’m sure.”

“Yeah... kinda.”

“In any case, there’s no need for any elaborate plans for such a task.”

Reaching into his coat’s inner pocket, Mustang pulls something out. Tossing it to Arc, he smirks.

“In the future, try using that. Simpler.”

Arc looks it over. “This is...?”

“Your very own, fully authorized, ID badge.”

“Why are you giving me this?”

Mustang shrugs. “It just seems logical at this point. If you’re planning to come and go as you please you may as well use the door.

“That doesn’t make any...!”

“It does to me. Now then, I’ve also taken the liberty of adding your name to the list of authorized personnel at the gate as well as given you priority access.”

“Priority access?”

“It allows the bearer, and anyone accompanying them, access to the facility.”

Arc scoffs. “Like a tour guide?”

“Not to worry. As a gracious host, I’ll come greet you and your entourage... personally.”

Arc frowns. “Gee... what an honor.”

“All I ask in return is that you come with the ‘help’ requested earlier.”

“How do you know I even have such a person?”

Mustang chuckles. “Remember, you said it yourself. You’re no doctor, Arc. That and there’s only one person whom could have mixed up that serum for the wolf man in the hospital. And you’ve used her badge in the past to get into the vault, I might add.”

“I’ll... see what I can do.”

“You do that. We’ll prepare a suitable reception for you. But do hurry. I don’t know how much longer Shelly will last.”

Arc grits his teeth but says nothing as the general heads for the door.

“Think about it, Arc. And don’t bother to show me out. I know the way.”

Mustang leaves via the front door as Arc sits down heavily on the couch. He tosses the ID badge on the cushion next to him as he stares up at the ceiling for a time. Eventually, Arc stands and begins pacing the floor.

“What to do. What to do.”

Groaning, he pulls the badge to himself with a Telekinesis Spell and heads for the basement door. Descending the stairs, Arc turns to the others.

“Okay. That just happened.”

Frank appears hopeful. “Can I assume you didn’t tell Marshal Raynor I was down here?”

“It wasn’t him.”

Max raises an eyebrow. “Then who...?”

“General Mustang.”

Xenos gasps. “What?!”

Hugh’s eyes grow wide. “He knows where we are?!”

Arc nods soberly. “So it would appear.”

Viktor cracks his knuckles. “Your orders, sir?!”

“He made it sound like he’s known for quite some time.”

Max groans. “Then why aren’t we being attacked?!”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But I get the feeling he’s been waiting for just this time to come speak to me.”

Frank narrows his eyes. “What did he want?! Ransom for Shelly and Lily?!”

“Kinda, yeah.”

Max clenches a fist. “His demands?!”


Xenos raises any eyebrow. “With what?!”

“Saving Shelly.”

Hugh frowns. “That doesn’t make any sense!”

Arc sighs. “Apparently Rieper transferred Shelly to Damocles Base due to her medical state. She’s really on her last legs at this point.”

Viktor gasps. “Did the general say that, sir?!”

“He did, yes.”

Frank groans. “Then we need to give him whatever it is he asked for! How can we provide this ‘help’ he requested?!”

“Mustang wants the one whom mixed up the antidote for Bloodletter.”

Max groans. “He knows about Doctor Knowles?!”

“It appears so, yes.”

Hugh bows his head. “Are you sure, sir?!”

“While I didn’t mention her by name, he knows that there’s only one person whom could have created the antidote for Bloodletter.”

Viktor smirks. “We could probably convince him that someone else did, sir! After all...!”

Arc interrupts him. “He also knows we used the doctor’s badge to open the vault when rescuing Princess Celestia.”

Xenos facepalms. “Which he rightly assumes we could have only gotten from her.”

Max shakes his head. “Indirectly, but we did, yes.”

Frank turns to his friend. “Arc... what are we going to do about this?”

Arc sighs.” I... I don’t know.”

Viktor grimaces. “Well, we need to figure out something fast!”

Xenos nods fervently. “Yeah! Your friend doesn’t have much time left, sir!”

Arc plops down in a chair. “Less than you know.”

Frank eyes his warily. “Arc?”

“While I’m not sure if it was an attempt to hurry me along or not, the general did say that Shelly most likely won’t live through the night.”

Max clenches a fist. “Then we need to get her out NOW!”

Hugh nods with conviction. “Right. If Shelly really is going to pass in only a matter of hours she should be surrounded by her friends and family. Not a laboratory and Doctor Rieper.”

Viktor salutes him. “Whatever you decide we’ll go with, sir.”

Arc nods soberly. “Frank, you and I need to head back to Equestria and talk this matter over with Doctor Knowles. Maybe she’s come up with something.”

Xenos sighs. “Admittedly, that’s not much to go on right now, sir.”

Arc frowns as he opens a portal. “It’s all we have at the moment.”

A short time later Arc and Frank sit at the Conference Room table with Twilight. Frank drums his fingers impatiently.

“What’s taking them so long?!”

Arc turns to him. “Remember, they need to finish up an experiment.”

“Couldn’t it wait?!”

Twilight shrugs. “Depends on the chemicals involved. Some things, once started, must be finished.”

The doors open as Auriel and her mother hurry inside. Auriel is the first to speak as she looks to Arc.

“We came as quickly as we could!”

Maria nods. “Yes. However, the tone in your voice indicated that something is seriously amiss.”

Frank nods fervently. “That it is! So we need to act!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence as he nods to the chairs across from them. “Yes. However first we need to bring you up to speed on this.”

Auriel and Maria sit down as Arc continues.

“I was called to Earth early today by my squad. When I arrived I was told that Shelly and Lily are no longer at the hospital.”

Auriel bows her head. “So... she went home to...?”

Frank frowns. “No. They denied that Shelly had ever even been admitted!”

Maria narrows her eyes. “To what end?”

“I had one of my guys go into the hospital databanks to see what he could find. The records were reclassified under ‘patient zero’ and filed in the digital archives.”

Twilight gasps. “But what kind of doctor would do something like that?”

Maria folds her arms over her chest. “Rieper would.”

Arc grimaces. “Right. The files show that he personally ordered her sent to an isolation room.”

Auriel’s eyes grow wide. “So she IS still at the hospital!”

Frank shakes his head. “No. They took her.”

“After hearing the story I went upstairs to answer my front door, thinking it was the local marshal. However, it was General Mustang himself.”

Auriel gasps. “WHAT?!”

Maria puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Interesting. Might I ask what he told you?”

“He admitted that Shelly and Lily were taken to Damocles Base.”

Twilight groans. “So they’ve been kidnapped?!”

Frank nods. “Exactly.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “We have to get them out of there!”

“That’s the general consensus on our end too. But it gets weirder.”

Reaching into his pocket, Arc pulls out the badge. Sliding it across the table to Maria, he continues.

“Mustang gave me this too.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “A badge?”

Auriel gasps. “It looks just like yours, mother!”

“That it does.”

Picking it up, Maria feels it for a few moments before looking to Arc.

“It appears genuine. There’s even the standard chip inside. Whether or not it’s activated is anyone’s guess though.”

Twilight frowns. “I don’t understand why he gave such a thing to you though, Arc.”

“The general... wants me to do him a bit of a favor.”

Auriel folds her arms over her chest. “Well, he can forget that! Right?!”

Frank sighs. “It’s a bit more complicated than that, I’m afraid.”

Arc nods. “Right. He’s using Shelly and Lily as bargaining chips to make me comply.”

Maria tosses the badge back to Arc. “Sounds more like something Rieper would do than the general.”

“That’s who this favor is for. General Mustang wants me to ‘help’ him by bringing the one whom make the antidote for Bloodletter.”

Auriel gasps. “My mother!”

Frank sighs. “Exactly.”

Twilight frowns. “You were a big name over there at one point, yes?”

Maria nods. “I was, yes. With me gone though Rieper actually had to do the work two.”

She smirks before continuing.

“Two separate jobs. Neither of which he was THAT good at to begin with.”

Arc sighs. “I do understand his motivations at this point though.”

Frank grits his teeth. “You understand why he resorted to kidnapping?!”

“Actually, yes.”

Arc turns to Auriel before continuing.

“Let me ask you something, Auriel. If your mother was sick and it fell to you to find some way to cure her how far would you go?”

“As far as I needed to. Why?”

“Because that’s the position Rieper is in right now. He just asked the general to get him some help.”

Twilight gestures with a hoof. “Are we actually going to just give him Doctor Knowles though?”

Arc looks to Maria. “That’s kinda up to her at this point.”

“I’ll do it.”

Auriel gasps. “NO!”


“Father and I JUST got you back, mother! You can’t go now!”

Maria looks to her daughter and smiles. “I’ll be alright, dear. After all, Arc will be with me the whole time.”

Frank nods. “As will I!”

Auriel suddenly stands. “Then I’m coming too!”

Twilight smiles nervously. “It appears you’ll be well protected, Doctor Knowles.”

“Indeed. But we still need a plan.”

Auriel raises a hand. “I think I might have something.”

Arc nods. “Go ahead.”

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