• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Precarious Plans

That night Arc and Scootaloo walk through the forest west of Canterlot. The moon overhead does little to light their path. However they are unhindered due to their innate ability to see in the dark. Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“So… what do I call you?”


“I mean, now that we know your name is ‘Arc’… do I call you that instead?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather you just keep calling me ‘Big Brother’. After all, now that I’m wanted my real name would only serve to bring trouble our way. Something I hope to avoid.”


They are silent for a time.

“Big Brother?”


“I just wanted to say… that I don’t believe for a minute what that wanted poster said about you.”

Arc sighs. “At least that makes one of us.”


“I’m still not convinced. After all, you and I took down that gang so easily.”

“What does that have to do with…?”

“My mind was filled with numerous ways to defeat them. Some with violence. Others with foresight and guile.”

“Anypony could have thought of any number of plans.”

“But mine were very precise and calculated. Like I was a trained killer.”

Scootaloo stops walking as Arc himself does the same. Neither makes a sound for some time.

“Big Brother? Is this about my dad?”


“You had to kill him.”

“Did I?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can think of any number of other ways that could have ended. We could have imprisoned him, misdirected him, knocked him out and fled…”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “My dad was a master hunter and tracker. He would have found us no matter where we went.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. But now we’ll never know.”

“He wanted to kill me, Big Brother. You saved my life and for that I will always be grateful. Trust me when I say that what you did was not only the best course of action, but the only thing that would have worked.”

Arc sighs. “While that may be true, I know I’m going to be second guessing myself on that for quite some time.”

Scootaloo nods and motions ahead. “We should get moving. The night is only so long.”


Continuing on their way, Scootaloo looks up to Arc again.

“So what’s our next stop?”

“There’s only one other town between us and Vanhoover, so we’ll be living off the land.”

“Nothing else?”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe some small settlements here and there that aren’t officially recognized, I suppose. But we shouldn’t count on that.”

“How far does this forest go?”

“Quite a ways fortunately.”

He pulls out the map and kneels down to Scootaloo’s level as he points.

“When we hit these train tracks we’ll follow them north through the mountain pass. After that we’ll come to the forest at the base of the Smokey Mountains. We’ll follow the forest west until we come to the North Luna Ocean.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “What’s an ocean?”

“Think of it like a really big lake.”

“That should be interesting!”

“Probably, yes. I’ve never seen it myself, so this will be new for me as well.”

“Then what?”

“We follow the coast north to avoid the city of Tall Tale. The forest also follows the coast too, so that’s a bit of luck. When we emerge from the northern tip of the foliage we should be in view of Vanhoover.”

“How long will that take?”

“Well, if we get to the mountain pass in a few weeks, I guess it’ll take another month to get to Vanhoover. Assuming we don’t come across anything that slows us down, that is.”

“What could do that?”

“Bad weather, injury, forced detours… that sort of thing.”

“So events out of our control, huh?”

“Unexpected circumstances, yes.”

Scootaloo grins. “I hope lots of those pop up!”


“So you and I can stay together longer!”

Arc sighs and looks away. “I… kinda want that too.”

“Then let’s forget Vanhoover!”

Arc shakes his head. “We can’t. You need to be placed in a proper home and I need to figure out what happened to me.”

“I could…!”

“No, Scootaloo. I don’t want you to get hurt. Please understand that I just want what’s best for you.”

“But you care for me!”

“Yes. However wandering around the country is no life for a filly. You need to go to school and make some friends.”

“What’s ‘school’?”

“A place where you learn. They didn’t have that back in Knothole Village?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Nah. Everypony’s parents just kinda passed on what they knew about their job to their foals.”

“Then you’ll be the first to go to a real school.”

“Will I like it?”

“Probably. They’ll be other foals your age.”

“That makes me nervous.”

“It does?”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah. They’ll probably think I’m a freak just like everypony in Knothole Village did.”

“I don’t think your small wings are what defines you, Scootaloo.”

“They don’t?”

“Right. You decide that.”

“But what about… you know…”

She motions to her bat wings and fangs. Arc sighs.

“Yeah… that you might want to keep to yourself.”

“And you?”

“There’s a reason we’re sticking to the forests. And not just because I’m apparently a fugitive.”

“What else is there?”

“If anyone saw us like this, I’m sure we’d both be in hot water.”

Scootaloo shudders. “Agreed.”

Meanwhile, as Twilight and Celestia sleep, Twilight’s consciousness finds itself in a lush, green field. Moonlight spills across the flowers and illuminates the grove in its pale light. Looking around she spots a large gazebo. Walking toward it Twilight climbs the steps and walks into the center. Candles all around the perimeter suddenly burst to life as the sound of hoofsteps walking toward her ring out.

“You came.”

Twilight nods sadly. “Yes. As you ordered me to.”

Luna sighs and sits down across from Twilight.

“I know this is hard for you. But it needs to be done.”

“Yes… but… where are we?”

“The Lunar Realm. I’ve reimagined it after the… earlier incident.”

She gestures to the field all around them before continuing.

“Somehow this just feels more appropriate given my royal station.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look around you and tell me what you see?”

Twilight does so.

“Endless fields and flowers. What else is there to see?”


“I don’t understand.”

Luna sighs. “This gazebo is sometimes what it feels like to be a princess. Surrounded by a large cage filled with every imaginable comfort a beautiful surroundings, but otherwise alone. How my sister did this during my banishment is quite the mystery to me.”

“Luna, I…”

“I’m sorry for making this about me, Twilight. We need to stay focused on the task at hoof. Tell me, how did it go?”

“Yes, well… as you predicted, Princess Celestia came to your room just after sunset. She told me she felt your presence leave the castle and had come to investigate.”

“And you did as I asked?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I said nothing about Arc or the state of the nation along with her mental state. She wants me by her side from now on though.”

“Good. It’s just as I thought. She couldn’t resist me being out of range.”


“To sense my power. In the back of her mind, my sister still worries that I’ll succumb to darkness and become Nightmare Moon again.”

“Is that possible?!”

Luna sighs. “I suppose it is. But I won’t give in as easily as she thinks. Now then, you understand what it is I want you to do?”

“Observe and report mostly.”

“Yes. I have to know what she’s doing as best you’re able to tell.”

“But why?”

“To monitor my sister’s mental health. I still worry that she is… unbalanced by whatever transpired on Earth.”

“But what about Arc?! He’s being hunted!”

Luna chuckles. “Decimus can put up as many wanted posters as he wants. But it will bring him no closer to capturing Arc.”

“How can you be so sure of that?!”

“Because since that night my sister attacked, there has been no sign of him. His daughter confirmed that he survived and recovered via the All-Seeing Eye.”

“If that’s true why doesn’t he come back to clear his name?”

“Arc must have his reasons. Have faith in him as I do.”

Twilight frowns. “I have faith! But I want to help his as well! If I could just talk to Princess Celestia… tell her of all he’s done, she might…!”

“…perceive him as a greater threat than she already does.”

“But the Archives are filled with reports of his exploits! Surely she couldn’t refute all his actions!”

“True. However, Captain Decimus has made sure that just about everything on him was redacted, altered, or otherwise misrepresented. If she were to read the reports as they now are, it would only serve to convince her that he needed to be found and eliminated.”

“So what should I do?!”

“As I said before, stay with my sister and watch her closely.”

“I can do more than just spy on her for you.”

“Yes, you can. You should also do your best to convince her you’re still her most faithful student and able to be trusted.”

“Trusted? But she already…”

“That means no bringing Arc up to her in any way. When he is ready to formally return, I will come and join him before my sister to reveal the truth. His accomplishments, if told by myself and others whom she trusts, cannot be ignored.”

“But what if she still won’t listen?! He’ll stay a wanted criminal! And if somepony comes after him, Arc might be forced to kill them! Then he’d be arrested for murder!”

Luna shakes her head. “He’s still the Hero of Light. Should somepony attack him, they would do so at their own risk. Arc would have every right to slay them on the spot. That much I am certain of.”

“I just don’t like how this may play out. Too much could go wrong!”


“Wait! You’re AGREEING with me?!”


“Then why are we doing it this way?!”

“Because it’s the best way to keep my sister and Arc safe. Believe me, if there was another way, I’d gladly do it. But at the moment this is an evolving situation. We’ll meet here every night when you fall asleep to discuss the events of the day.”

“And you’ll do what exactly?”

“I’ll do my best to advise you on what to do and say.”

“What advice do you have for me right now?”

“At the moment, just be yourself. And don’t tell her you and I are conversing. Celestia wouldn’t like that.”

Luna sighs.

“Although any other time she’d probably be overjoyed to hear you and I were getting along so well.”


“Celestia’s been trying to get you and I to talk for some time now.”

“She has?”

Luna nods. “Yes. But… I didn’t feel comfortable forming any kind of friendship with the one whom Celestia used to replace me.”

“You did mention feeling that way. But earlier you said you didn’t know how she kept it together all those years.”

“But now that I’m back… she’s still keeping you around! That used to bother me quite a bit.”

“You can have more than one friend, Luna. It would be no different than having multiple siblings.”

Luna sighs. “I understand that now. Only recently did I discover why she chose you.”


“You’re strong, smart, loyal, and the like. But above all, you’re willing to do what’s right.”

“Even if it hurts me to do so, yes. My teacher’s life needs to come first though.”

Luna nods approvingly. “Very commendable. Tell me, are your friends still in the castle?”

Twilight nods. “They should be, yes. Was there something else they should be doing?”

“I would recommend sending them home. At the moment they can do nothing to support the plan or you.”

“Yes, well… it’s a great comfort to know they’re near.”

“I will leave that choice up to you, of course. But if things go wrong, their lives may be in danger.”

Twilight gasps. “Princess Celestia would never…!”

“Captain Decimus might though.”

“I… suppose he might, yes. This is something I’ll have to speak with them about.”

“Is my sister allowing you freedom of movement?”

“We… haven’t actually talked about that.”

“What were you doing then?”

“Hugging mostly.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “Hugging?”

“It’s been so long since I was able to do that.”

Luna sighs. “That’s… understandable. However, please make an effort to stick to the plan in the future. Celestia’s fate as well as that of our land may very well hang in the balance.”

Early the next morning Twilight enters her friend’s room in the castle. They are just getting up. Pinkie bounces over to her.


Rainbow Dash grins. “How’d it go?!”

Twilight smiles. “Perfectly. Princess Celestia came and spoke to me personally.”

Applejack appears relieved. “That’s great news, sugarcube!”

Fluttershy giggles. “Oh, yes indeed! Were you able to convince her to drop the charges against Arc?”

“Not… exactly.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“Luna and I have a plan to set everything right. We just need time.”

Dinky gasps. “But my dad’s innocent!”

Rarity nods fervently. “That he is!”

Sereb growls. “It is not good or just to allow this to stand!”

Twilight sighs. “I know. However, we all need to look at the bigger picture right now.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “What could be bigger than my dad’s safety?!”

“The future of Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “What are you talking about?!”

“Look, this is a really precarious time for our land. If things aren’t done properly it could have lasting effects.”

Applejack shakes her head. “I’m sure Arc wouldn’t want that. But the idea of sitting on the truth while Arc is hunted isn’t very Honest.”

Rarity nods. “I agree, Applejack.”

Rainbow Dash lands nearby. “Me too! We can’t just let him stay in exile over something he clearly didn’t do!”

Fluttershy groans. “I don’t like this either. But Twilight and Princess Luna know what they’re doing. We should trust them.”

Pinkie nods. “Right!”

Sereb growls. “I still do not like this.”

Derpy frowns. “Yes. Arc doesn’t deserve to be used like a piece on a game board.”

Dinky sighs. “Agreed. But all I can figure is that it must be part of his plan. After all, he hasn’t come back yet. Even though he’s completely healed.”

Rarity smiles. “But he will! Of that I’m certain!”

Rainbow Dash pumps a hoof with feeling. “Yeah! But we need to do something to help speed this along!”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Actually, I was going to ask everypony to head back to Ponyville.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Say again?”

“Right now I have the right to approach Princess Celestia at any time. Captain Decimus wasn’t too keen on the idea, of course. But he can’t really do anything about it.”

Sereb growls. “So what is the problem?”

“Decimus can’t directly act against me without drawing the suspicion of the princess. But all of you don’t have that same level of protection.”

Pinkie’s lower lip trembles. “What are you saying, Twilight?!”

“That for your own safety… everypony should return to Ponyville as soon as possible.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “WHAT?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “But you aren’t safe here!”

“I understand that. But I need to do this.”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “We could help though!

“Yes, but… please just let me handle this everypony.”

Derpy sighs. “I’m sure you know what’s best, Twilight. But I worry that harm will still befall you.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “Yeah! That captain is a really dangerous stallion!”

“Thank you for the concern. But there are others whom need all of you more right now.”

She looks all around before continuing.

“Apple Bloom needs her big sister. Sweetie Belle needs her mother. Ponyville needs its weather pegasus. The animals need their protector. Sugarcube Corner needs its resident party planner. Your tribe needs your leadership, Sereb. And the Little Hooves Orphanage needs their cook.”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I suppose that’s true.”

Dinky groans. “It still doesn’t feel right though.”

Rarity sighs. “Would you at least call somepony every night to check in?”

Twilight nods. “I’ll do my best to do that, Rarity. Even if it’s just a few minutes to say I’m doing okay.”

Pinkie appears relieved. “That’d be great!”

Rainbow Dash takes up a battle-ready stance. “And if you stop calling, we’ll come back here and bust you out!”

“I might need the help, yes.”

Rarity smiles. “I’ll be near my phone in the evening awaiting your call.”

“Thanks. Now then, there’s a train leaving for Ponyville in an hour. I really want all of you to be on it.”

Sereb groans. “Yes, well… I will return to the Dragon Lands and my tribe. However, should I be needed, send word across the ocean via Brightwing.”

“I’ll do that. But would you do one thing for me, Sereb?”

“What is it?”

“Don’t tell Ember that Arc’s still alive.”

Derpy gasps. “What?!”

Dinky frowns. “But she cares about him a lot!”

Applejack nods. “That she does.”

Pinkie giggles. “So much that if she know he was alive, she might lead the other dragons here and tear everything apart to find him!”

Rarity shudders. “That’s a scary thought!”

Sereb grunts. “Indeed.”

He turns to Twilight.

“I will keep this matter to myself. However, Ember has other ways of gathering information on Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Brightwing?”


Dinky grimaces. “She’ll tell her eventually.”

Derpy nods. “If she hasn’t already, that is.”

Fluttershy frowns. “I would imagine we’d know if she had.”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! We’d be under attack!”

Twilight shudders. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

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