• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Camping Talks

Arc and Applejack enjoy the afternoon as much as the morning. Swimming, hiking, and playing bocce ball together as the sun slowly begins to set. As it does Arc makes a fire on the beach.

“Alright. That should do it.”

Applejack grins. “I’m ready to get cooking. So what are we making?”

“Well, in the spirit of trying new recipes, I figured we’d give roasting vegetables over the fire a shot.”

“Like what?”

Arc pulls a picnic basket to himself. “How about we start with some corn on the cob?”

Applejack laughs. “I’ve done that before when camping. It’s actually pretty good.”

Arc feigns disappointment. “Oh really? And here I thought I was being original.”

“Well, it’s still a good idea. One thing about roasting vegetables though. You have to wrap them up in something first. If you don’t it just gets really dry.”

Arc nods as he pulls out a roll of foil. “That much I did guess, yes.”

“Why don’t you get those wrapped up while I find some sticks to sharpen?”

“No need to do that. I came prepared.”

Reaching over, he grabs two metal pokers.

“These should work.”

Applejack chuckles. “That they should.”

They each wrap up an ear of corn and place them on the pokers. Putting hers over the fire, Applejack looks to Arc.

“You want to hold it up high, like this. Otherwise it’ll cook too fast on the outside and leave the inside cold and raw.”

“Sounds kinda like roasting weenies.”

“What are they?”

Arc grimaces. “Um… ground up cow... meat.”

Applejack looks nervous. “Did you…?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I didn’t bring any.”

“Why not?”

“Because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

Applejack appears relieved. “Thanks. The whole meat thing is still kinda an ‘out there’ idea to me.”

“I understand.”

Applejack looks back to her poker as she speaks. “But if you do want to have some animal flesh that’s okay with me.”

“While I’d like to, I think I’ll wait until you’re more comfortable with the idea.”

“How long do you think that’ll take?”

Arc shrugs. “No way to know. After all, everyone is different.”

“And that’s okay. After all, if we were all the same the world would sure be a boring place.”

They are silent for a time as they cook their corn. Eventually Applejack turns to Arc.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Do you… do you think Equestria and Earth could ever… coexist?”


“Like if ponies could freely travel to Earth and humans to Equestria.”

“I’m not sure. Never really thought about it before.”

Arc chuckles before continuing.

“It would be a vegetarian’s paradise though.”

“A what now?”

“Vegetarians. They’re humans whom don’t eat meat of any kind. That also includes fish, insects, and gelatin.”

“Sounds like a pony diet to me.”

“Vegans would fit right in too.”

“What’s the difference?”

“In addition to what I said about vegetarians, vegans also don’t eat eggs, dairy products, or honey.”

Applejack shrugs. “To each their own, I guess.”

“Yeah. I have no problem with them eating what they want to. But I do love beef.”

“What’s it taste like?”

“Not sure how to describe that, as the taste and texture is very unique.”

Applejack grimaces. “So the only way to know would be to try it myself?”


Applejack puts a finger to her chin thoughtfully. “The thought is kinda… interesting to me, I suppose.”

“If you ever want to try something just say the word and I’ll buy some.”

“Thanks, Arc. But I’m not quite there yet.”

“No problem. Just go at your own pace.”

Applejack chuckles as she rotates her poker. “It’s kinda funny. When I was a pony I never had any of these thoughts. Of trying animal flesh, I mean.”

Arc muses on this. “Now that you mention it, Derpy and Dinky were the same way.”

Applejack appears surprised. “They tried it?!”

“Yup. I bought them both a cheeseburger from Shelly’s at least once.”

“Were they… okay? Afterwards, I mean.”

Arc nods. “Just fine.”

“And did they like it?”

“Dinky loved the taste. Derpy was a bit less enthusiastic about it though. Can’t remember what she said about the experience though.”

“I see. Maybe I’ll give it a go then.”

Arc pats the picnic basket next to him. “Well, it’ll have to be some other time, as I just brought pony-approved food.”

“Thanks for thinking about my feelings, Arc. It means a lot to me that you do things like this.”

“Like what?”

“How you try to understand where someone else is coming from. Even though I’m a human now, physically, my mind is still that of a pony. You knew I wasn’t emotionally prepared to have a human diet, so you accommodated for me.”

Arc smiles as he looks into the fire. “I’d have wanted the same had I been in your position.”

“But you didn’t have to. After all, you could have just said that you needed the nutrition and had your meal.”

“In my opinion that’s part of a relationship.”

“It is?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Thinking about the other person ahead of yourself. If more couples did that I think they’d be a lot happier.”

“That’s an interesting idea there, Arc. Can you elaborate on that?”

“Sure. Let’s say that a couple is looking to buy a new vehicle. The husband might want a sleek sports car while the wife might be looking at something more in line with a van for their future family.”

“Why not get one of each then?”

“They’re really expensive, so let’s just assume for this example that they can only afford to get one. If the husband wanted to please his wife he would do his best to understand her point of view. In the event of having a number of children they would need a larger vehicle to transport them in.”

“Makes sense.”

“But at the same time, if the wife was concerned for her husband’s feelings on the matter she would probably stop looking at vans and focus more on a spacious car or Sport Utility Vehicle of some kind. In the end they would both get something that would accomplish the task of getting from point A to B.”

Applejack muses on this. “It’s kinda like compromise but at the same time something different.”

“While I understand this technique wouldn’t work for every situation, it’s certainly a step in the right direction.”

“What other choice would there be?”

“A lot of people go into things with the attitude that their methods are best. Therefore the other person is wrong.”

“And how would someone go about getting into this mindset of thinking of the other partner?”

“I’d say it starts with having a proper dialogue. They need to talk things out to get into the right mindset. But at the same time they also need to listen as well. With an open mind, of course.”

“This sounds so simple when you lay it out like that, Arc.”

Arc sighs. “Sadly it’s pretty much unattainable for a lot of couples.”

“It is?”

“Yes. The divorce rates here on Earth are proof of that.”

Applejack appears suddenly concerned. “Do you… do you think that’ll happen to any of us? The girls and you, I mean.”

Arc shrugs. “One never really knows, I guess. But that’s why I’m insisting on a long engagement along with lots of talking and dates. To do my part to avoid entering into something we might regret later.”

“Thanks for being so Honest with us about that, Arc.”

“Honest wasn’t exactly the word I was thinking you’d use there.”


“I was worried I was coming off as not wanting a relationship. Well… relationships, I suppose.”

Applejack smiles warmly. “Truthfully I see it as the opposite. You care about all of us enough to do what’s best, not what’s easiest. The girls and I appreciate it.”

Sometime later they munch on their corn on the cob. Arc grins.

“Experiment successful.”

Applejack smiles. “Told you it would work.”

Arc laughs. “And you were right.”

He reaches over and pulls the picnic basket over to sit between them. Opening it, he looks to Applejack.

“Ever try cooking an eggplant over an open fire?”

Applejack chuckles. “Can’t say that I have, no.”

“Wanna try it?”


Wrapping the vegetable up in foil, Arc holds it over the fire as he turns to Applejack.

“Another experiment.”

Applejack nods approvingly. “You sound like Twilight.”

“Guess I do. But getting back to our talk about the herd, can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“It’s about you and your family.”


“I know Apple Bloom knows about, and is onboard, with you and I getting married. But what about the others?”

“Big Mac knows too. I felt that it wouldn’t be proper to keep something like this from him. Especially when our youngest sister was already aware.”

“And what did he have to say about it?”

Applejack sighs. “To be honest with you, he wasn’t too thrilled at the prospect of me joining a herd. He was nothing but surprised for almost a full ten seconds. Couldn’t even talk.”

“I guess that would be kind of a shock.”

“He was kinda mad actually. Said that I deserved a traditional one-on-one relationship as opposed to a herd.”

“And what do you think?”

Applejack bows her head and looks at the fire. “I… I don’t know. What he said wasn’t wrong. I mean, this whole herd thing is gonna be really hard to make work just from the attention standpoint.”

He smiles sadly. “That’s why I put this off for so long.”


“Remember, I didn’t want to date anyone in the past since I was already neglecting my duties as a father to Dinky.”

“Being the Hero of Light certainly was a full time job.”

“Still is actually.”

Applejack grins. “But that’s coming to an end, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Hopefully soon too.”

“So we can start figuring things out together?”

“Yeah. However, that needs to involve everyone. And their families too.”

Applejack smiles nervously. “Does it have to?”

“It does, yes. After all, you don’t want to throw away your relationship with them just to attain one with me, do you?”

“I… it’s complicated.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Applejack?”

“You’re right. We need to take this thing slow and gentle. Our relationship, I mean. But… if I believe this can work, and I have to choose between you and them, I…”



“You can’t disregard your brother’s feelings so casually. Big Macintosh loves you and just wants what’s best for his little sister.”

Applejack frowns. “I know he does. He told me that much. But I’m not a filly anymore, Arc.”

“To him you always will be.”

“How’s that?”

“Think about it. He watched you grow up and looked after you along with Granny Smith when your parents died. I’m sure there were a lot of paternal thoughts running through his mind at the time.”

“I… guess that’s true. But how can I get him to see that this is something I want to pursue?”

“By showing him just how happy you and I, along with the others, are together.”

Applejack sighs. “That’s what I’ve been doing though. There has to be something else I can…”

Arc shakes his head. “You can’t force someone to change their mind, Applejack. They’re the only ones whom can do that.”


“Think of it this way. What if your brother starting showing interest in someone whom you didn’t feel was right for him?”

Applejack frowns. “Then I’d talk him out of seeing them.”

“And if you couldn’t?”

“I… don’t really know what I’d do.”

“That’s how he feels right now. Big Macintosh just wants you to be happy. But he doesn’t believe that you could find that with me and the others.”

“Let’s just say that’s true. What can I do to help alleviate his conscience?”

“Like I said, we’d have to show him just how happy you are with everyone.”

“But that could take forever!”

“There’s no speeding it up either. Or forcing him to change his opinion on this. All we can do is our best and hope he responds.”

Applejack looks away. “I know he wouldn’t disown me, or anything. But it’ll make things… difficult between us.”

“Just focus on the relationships as a whole then. Remember, if things don’t go well between everyone he’ll worry about you even more.”

“So just worry about my own feelings then?”

Arc nods. “For the moment, yes. Such will assure that what you’re projecting is genuine.”

“Anything else?”

“Not really.”

“And if he brings it up?”

“Then answer his questions or concerns calmly, factually, and straight to the point. Don’t let it devolve into an argument around the dinner table.”

Applejack shudders. “No problem there. He wouldn’t dare bring this up around Granny Smith.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why? Is she upset too?”

“She… doesn’t actually know about it.”


“You know that she’s a bit scatterbrained due to her… condition. I’m just worried that the shock of what we’re planning to do might just push her over the edge.”

“Admittedly that is reasonable.”

Applejack appears relieved. “Good. I was feeling awfully bad not telling her about this.”

Arc sighs. “If these were any other circumstances I’d probably say that you need to have a talk with her.”

“Believe me, I’d love to do that.”

“So… do we just keep it to ourselves?”

Applejack shrugs. “Not sure what else we CAN do. After all, I’m not doing this to be deceptive, as her life and sanity may literally be on the line.”

Arc nods as he pulls the poker away from the flames. “This situation is kinda like our little vegetable experiment.”

“It is?”

Arc gestures to the foil wrapped eggplant. “Sure. We know what’s in here. But at the same time, we don’t.”

“I don’t get it.”

“This might be absolutely delicious. Or it could be terrible.”

“But we won’t know until we try, right?”


Applejack groans. “That’s what has me worried.”

“We can choose to eat the eggplant, not eat it, or even just throw it away without unwrapping it.”

“I don’t understand the last option’s relevance.”

“What I mean is that we could not tell her at all and wait to get married until she passes away.”

Applejack frowns. “That doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.”

“Agreed. Which leaves us with the first two.”

“Tell her, or don’t tell her.”


“But neither sounds good to me.”

Arc smiles. “Understandable. On the one hand, I’m sure you want to do the honest thing and tell the mare whom raised you everything about our herd idea. While on the other, you want to protect her mind from a potentially devastating blow.”

Applejack sighs as she brings her knees up to her chest and stares into the fire. “And I don’t know which to go with.”

“This certainly isn’t going to be an easily answered question.”

“Well, what would you do?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m not sure, Applejack. But you know Granny Smith better than anyone. That makes you the best one to decide what to do.”

“She certainly isn’t getting any better, so telling her soon might be the best bet. Then she can die knowing the family and I will be okay. It’s just that I don’t want to be the one to have to live with the thought that my news killed my own grandmother.”

“I’m sure the others will stand behind whatever decision you make in this regard, Applejack. Myself included.”

Applejack nods soberly. “Thanks, sugarcube. But I need more time to figure this out in my head before doing one or the other.”

“That’s understandable. But don’t spend too much time…”

Suddenly something hits the top of Arc’s head. Reaching up he feels something wet.

“What the…?”

As if on cue, the rain begins. Quickly holding up a hand, Arc casts a Barrier Spell over them. Reaching out with his other hand he grabs Applejack’s arm.

“Back to the campsite!”

The pair run through the woods together toward their destination. Reaching it they spot the open tent flaps being blown inward along with soaked sleeping bags. Turning to the Jeep, Arc motions to Applejack to follow him. Hopping inside through the open back hatch, Arc reaches up and grabs the door. Pulling it down he slams the hatch shut as the rain erupts into a full on downpour. Turning to Applejack, Arc looks her over.

“You okay? Didn’t get too wet, did you?”

“I’m fine thanks to your quick magical thinking.”

Arc looks out the back hatch window. “Those clouds really snuck up on us.”

“I noticed them coming in as the sun went down. But that’s quite the deluge.”

“Well, this sucks.”

Applejack chuckles. “Are you kidding?! That was fun!”

“Glad you’re happy about it. But our tents are soaked now inside and out.”

Applejack shrugs. “I’ve had worse camping trips.”

“Want me to open a portal back to my place? We’ll have to get out to do it though.”

“Nah. In fact, I have an idea.”

Climbing, Applejack makes her way to the front passenger seat. She plops down in it and motions for Arc to follow. Doing so he sits down in the driver’s seat and turns to her.

“I can’t exactly drive up out of here. No roads.”

Applejack grins. “We ain’t leaving. Just getting bed down for the night.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You want to spend the night in the Jeep?”

“Sure. Like I said, I’ve had worse trips.”

She lays against the headrest and sighs contentedly.

“These seats are way more comfortable than the sleeping in the back of an old wagon, that’s for sure.”

Arc grins. “I think I can help with that.”

Reaching to his left, Arc pulls a lever and reclines his seat. Applejack nods approvingly.

“Handy! How’d you do that?”

“Lever on your right side. Pull it up and lean back.”

Applejack does so. Reclining, she laughs.

“There ain’t nothing the makers of this thing didn’t think of!”

“I guess you’re right. Sorry for how this turned out though.”

“Are you kidding, Arc?! I’m having a BLAST!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Lying in a unfolded chair?”

“A comfortable unfolded chair. That and it’s giving me a chance to indulge in something I rarely get to do.”

“What’s that?”

“Watch the rain.”


Applejack nods as she looks through the windshield at the torrential downpour. “Working at the orchard is really time consuming. We don’t usually have time to sit around watching the rain.”

She closes her eyes and smiles before continuing.

“That’s why it’s a special treat for me to have such an opportunity.”

Arc chuckles. “Then you might appreciate this.”

Reaching up, he pulls back a sliding door overhead. Applejack opens her eyes to see a now exposed window in the roof.

“What the…?!”

“It’s called a ‘moon roof’. Never really had any use for it before today though.”

Applejack grins. “That’s neat! It kinda feels like I’m getting hit in the face with raindrops but not getting wet!”

“Glad you’re enjoying it.”

They are silent for a time as Applejack stares upward. Eventually, Arc breaks it.



“Can I ask you something a bit… odd?”

“What is it?”

“How… how do you feel about… um…”

Arc is silent again. After a few moments Applejack speaks.

“Look, Arc. Whatever it is that you want to ask me…”

“This is REALLY out there though.”

“Well, if we’re going to be part of a herd together we need to be able to talk about everything and anything.”

“Okay. Here goes.”

He takes a deep breath before continuing.

“I know you and the others talk a lot. So I wanted to know if a certain… topic had come up. When you’re all together, I mean.”

“Well, I’d have to know exactly what the topic was before answering that truthfully.”

“It’s about something Rainbow Dash said a while back. While it may have just been an offhand comment she made in the heat of the moment, I wanted to run it by you.”

“Want this to just stay between us?”

Arc shrugs. “Not really sure. So let’s just get this over with and then decide.”

“Fine. What did she say?”

“Rainbow Dash... some time back she… she and Hammer were going back and forth about… taking turns.”

Applejack frowns. “In the bedroom?”


“Well, that’s kinda going to be a thing. I mean, it’s not like we can all sleep in the same bed every night.”

“That wasn’t the issue. I understand that there’s going to have to be some kind of schedule, or something, to make that work fairly. But what she and Hammer were talking about was… taking turns sexually.”

Applejack blushes. “Oh… ah… well, to be honest, that’s… going to be a thing we’ll have to figure out together.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. That came out wrong. What I meant was… they were suggesting a threesome.”

“Ah! And that makes you uncomfortable?”

“It didn’t at the time. But I kinda just thought the two of them were making a joke back then.”

“Now you’re not so sure though.”


“I see. Well, if it makes you feel any better that just sounds like Rainbow Dash blowing hot air.”

“So no one else has said anything like that?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Not that I’ve been witness to, no. Should I tell her to knock that off or keep it to myself?”

“We should probably all talk about it together after I bring it up with her.”

“That’s probably for the best. After all, if we just keep everything to ourselves we won’t make any headway.”

“Yeah. And to be Honest with you, I’m not really interested in something like that.”

“It is a bit… out there, that’s for sure.”

“But it may be for the best.”

“Come again?”

“Think about it. Right now we have you, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Auriel, Ember, Derpy, and Hammer. That’s ten of you. Ten mares whom are all going to want attention.”

Applejack counts on her fingers as she talks. “Assuming you only spend the night with one of us at a time, that’s about once every week and a half.”

Arc nods. “Right. Even with a schedule, that’s not very romantic.”

Applejack groans. “And if your turn comes up, it may land on a bad day.”

“That would throw everything off completely.”

“It sounds like quite the problem.”

“But if I were to… double up, it would only be five days between each night spent together.”

“That still sounds like a stretch to me.”

“Me too.”

Applejack turns to him. “Let’s back this conversation up though. You told me earlier that you weren’t interested in threesomes.”

“I’m not. But if it helps…”

Applejack interrupts him. “Stop right there, Arc. Now I know that you’re keen to help others and do your part to make this particular matter easier. However that doesn’t mean you need to compromise your own feelings in the process.”

“That doesn’t help though.”

“And neither does you doing something you’re not ready for.”

She sits up and takes his hand before continuing.

“Listen to me. You’re more than just a means to sate your wives’ sexual needs, Arc. If that was all we needed, there are any number of other ways for us to get relief. But you’re not a tool, and shouldn’t be treated as such.”

“I know that, but…”

Applejack puts a finger to his mouth. “Stop and listen. There are no ‘buts’ here, Arc. You deserve the best we can give you in all things. But that works both ways too. We all need to understand that you’re just one person and can only do so much. Especially in that department.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, you’re right. And I do think we all need to have a talk about this together.”

“Darn right! Everything needs to be on the table to avoid trouble down the road!”

“We’ll never be able to figure everything out ahead of time, naturally. But we can do our best to mitigate as much as possible.”

Applejack nods and opens her mouth to speak. However instead of words, a yawn leaps forth. Blushing furiously, she groans and turns away.

“I-I’m sorry, Arc! Here we are trying to have a heart to heart conversation and I let that slip!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine. After all, we’ve had a pretty busy day. Maybe it’s time to get some sleep.”

“Can we stay here though?”

“If you want to, sure. We can sleep in the Jeep and get the tents dried out in the morning.”

Applejack turns and looks behind her and out the back hatch window. “I just wish the sleeping bags weren’t still out there.”


Applejack shivers. “A bit, yes.”

“The sun going down tends to do that this time of year. But I think I have the solution.”

Reaching behind his seat, Arc picks up a bag. Setting it on his lap, he opens it and pulls out a very old looking blanket.

“My family’s so-called ‘bad time blanket’.”

Applejack appears confused. “Bad time blanket?”

Arc nods. “When I was a kid this is what we’d use to stay warm when things went wrong. A couple times my mom and I used it when the car broke down in the winter. Once I had to use it to stay warm after I fell out of a boat in the fall.”

Chuckling, he unfolds it and covers them.

“Several times we used it like this when the weather turned bad during camping trips. I know it may not look like much, but it is pretty warm.”

Applejack pulls it up to her chin and grins. “That it is!”

“Do you want me to turn on the engine? We can get some more heat if this isn’t enough.”

Applejack shakes her head. “I’m warm enough. You?”

“Yeah. Ready for some shuteye though.”

“Me too. Good…”

A low rumble echoes from the distance. Arc chuckles.

“Sounds like the weather’s going to be entertaining us now.”

Applejack grimaces. “Y-y-yeah.”

Arc turns to her. “Applejack? Something wrong?”

“Kinda. I… really don’t like thunder.”

“It’s okay. Everyone’s afraid of something.”

“I’m not exactly…”

A flash overhead followed by the crash of thunder interrupts her. Arc glances over just in time to see Applejack cover her face with the blanket.

“Would you feel better if we left now?”

Applejack shakes her head. “That’s not a good idea!”

“Why not?”

“It’s dangerous to be outside during a storm! Especially in the woods!”

“I suppose that’s true. But is there anything I could do to help you right now?”

Applejack bobs her head silently. Moving her under the blanket she latches onto Arc’s arm and looks to him nervously.

“Is this… okay?”

“Sure, Applejack. But we might have a bit of trouble sleeping. How about this?”

Reaching up, Arc takes her hand from his arm and holds it in his.

“Now we can both lie back normally.”

Applejack calls out from under the blanket “I’m still going to stay under here though!”

“That’s fine. Anything else I can do?”

“Just… just stay like this, okay?”

“Alright. Good night.”

He leans back and closes his eyes as Applejack does the same. However even with the blanket over her face it does little to keep out the booming echoes of thunder all around them. Squeezing her eyes shut, she does her best to sleep as the storm continues.

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