• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Culture Shock

A short time later Arc, Ember, and Frank leave the Dining Room. Frank breathes a sigh of relief as they walk down the corridor.

“That… was quite the stressful experience!”

Ember frowns. “I don’t see how.”

Frank chuckles as he glances over at Ember. “From what I gather, they hold no sway over you. Am I right?”


Arc grins. “He means they can’t tell you what to do.”

“Oh. I suppose that’s true.”

Arc makes a mock bow. “Well, you ARE a dragon princess.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Please don’t call me that.”


Frank pipes up. “If I may, Arc. Where exactly ARE we going?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah! I mean, someone here should be able to help him, right?”

Arc stops and looks out a window overlooking Canterlot.

“I suppose that’s true. But if Frank’s going to get a true taste of this land, he’ll need to go where my own journey started.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “So… where now?”


Arc calls forth his gauntlet. Opening a portal he turns to his friends.

“Ready to get this show on the road?”

Ember shrugs. “Might as well. We’ve come this far, after all.”

Frank chuckles. “Lead on, my friend.”

Ember and Frank step through the portal as Arc follows them. They appear on the sigil in Derpy’s house. Frank looks around.

“It’s certainly a bit… smaller here than the palace. Is this a normal pony dwelling?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “This is a bit spacious than normal, but for the most part, yes.”

Arc nods. “I rent a room here from a friend of mine.”

“A… pony?”

“Yes. Something wrong with that?”

“Not really ‘wrong’, I suppose. My apologies, but I’m still having trouble coming to terms with an equine society.”

Ember grins. “We should head into town then. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Arc motions toward the front door. They exit and head down the road. Frank looks around at the surrounding buildings.

“This town… is Ponyville?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes. I know the name is really on the nose, but…”

Ember grins. “But it’s quite the place.”

“How so?”

“Think of it like Angel Grove, but much smaller. Pretty much everyone who lives here knows everyone.”

Frank smiles. “A close-knit community, eh? Not much different from the Shards.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Don’t get any funny ideas.”

They continue on their way. Eventually they come to their destination.

“Here it is. The Golden Oaks Library.”

“A… tree?”

Ember nods. “Yeah, it’s kinda fitting though, don’t you think?”

Frank shrugs. “I’m not sure yet. But what do we hope to find here?”

“A bit of advice mostly.”

Walking up to the door Arc knocks lightly. A few moments later Twilight answers.

“Oh, hello Arc! I see you’ve brought a new friend!”

“Yeah. Twilight this is my friend, Frank. Frank, this is Twilight Sparkle. She lives here and runs the library.”

“How do you do, miss?”

Twilight nods.

“Please, come in.”

She steps aside to let them enter before leading the group to the Kitchen.

“I was just about to have a cup of tea. Would anypony care for one?”

Arc nods. “Yes, please.”

Ember grins. “Sure.”

Frank appears uneasy. “I… uh… suppose I’ll join you as well.”

Twilight smiles warmly. “So it’s unanimous. Just let me put the teapot on the stove.”

She uses her magic to pick up the pot and fill it with water before levitating it over to the stove. Arc and company sit down as Twilight joins them.

“So what brings you here today, Arc?”

“Some advice, actually.”

“Oh? What about?”

Arc gestures to Frank. “My friend here was artificially infused with magic.”

Twilight gasps. “Really?! How?!”

Frank shrugs. “I’m… not fully sure. Things are a bit hazy in that regard.”

Arc sighs. “The problem is that he’s having some trouble with it.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“Uh oh. What happened?”

“Some kind of mana buildup.”

Frank nods. “I suddenly felt the need to release my energy. Sadly, the only thing I could do at the time was to spirit Arc and I away.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “It was a fairly long range Blink.”

“Both of you?”

Ember nods. “Yeah. One minute they were there, the next, poof.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “That was probably for the best. Think of it kinda like turning on a garden hose then putting a kink in it. The pressure can build until it bursts forth uncontrollably.”

Arc frowns. “Do unicorns have that problem?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not usually. But were pretty good at controlling our magic, as we have it from birth.”

Frank shudders. “I don’t like the idea of being a ticking time bomb.”

“Well, what were you doing at the time?”

“Just talking with Arc over breakfast.”

“What about?”

“My plans for the Shards.”

Ember turns to Twilight. “They’re a group of young humans back on Earth.”

Arc nods. “He was very passionate at the time.”

“I see. Emotions and magic usually don’t mix well. Especially if you don’t know how to properly channel a spell.”

Frank sighs. “What should I do?”

Twilight smiles. “First, do your best to stay calm.”

“That’s usually not a problem.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Unless we get you talking.”

Ember frowns. “Yeah.”

“Second, I know it may sound counter-productive, but you need to learn more about how magic works.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… wouldn’t that just make him more dangerous?”

Twilight shakes his head. “At the moment he’s a loose cannon. Tempering that raw power will help keep it stable.

Frank sighs. “Where should I start?”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Do you still have that book I gave you?”

“Which one?”

“The beginner’s primer to basic spellcasting. You used it to learn your first spells.”

Arc nods. “Yes, it’s in my quarters at Light’s Hope.”

Ember grins. “We could be there in no time! Let’s go!”

She stands up, but Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and pulls her back down into her seat.

“What gives! We have to…!”

Arc looks to the teapot as it begins to steam. “…enjoy a nice cup a tea. That was what you were going to say, right Ember?”

Ember sighs. “Sure. Why not?”

Frank sniffs the air. “I must admit, that tea does smell nice, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight stands to put the teapot on the serving tray. “Please, call me Twilight. Now then, is anypony hungry for a slice of cake with their tea?”

Ember appears skeptical. “Um… did you make it?”

“I did. But I’ve been practicing the recipe for a while. Auriel and I have a slice with supper every night.”

Arc grins. “I’ll try it.”

Frank nods. “As will I.”

Ember shakes her head. “None for me, thanks.”

Twilight heads to the refrigerator for the cake carrier. Ember looks to Arc.

“You’re braver than I thought.”


Frank appears confused. “Is something wrong?”

“Um… probably not. Just…”

She returns with the cake and several plates as Arc pours each of them a cup of tea. Twilight carefully levitates a slice to everyone.

“I hope you all like it.”

Arc nods nervously. “Thanks. I… uh… I’m sure we will.”

He cautiously takes a bite and chews it carefully.

“This is pretty good, Twilight.”

Ember gasps. “It is?”

Frank nods. “Yes, indeed.”

Twilight appears relieved. “That’s good to hear! I was afraid I’d never get it right.”

Arc grins. “It tastes like your hard work paid off.”

They sip their tea as Arc turns to Twilight.

“So where’s Auriel?”

“Sleeping at the moment. We both had a rather late night tending to the Dragon Berry bushes.”

Ember chuckles. “They’re not too much trouble, are they?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Oh no. Truth be told, they pretty much grow themselves. But if we leave them for more than a day or so, they start making their way up into the grow lights. A few minutes per plant with pruning shears takes care of that though.”

Frank looks to Twilight, confused. “If I may, why not just grow them outside?”

“We’re doing our best to grow only the strongest plants. It helps with the potency of the fruit.”

Ember nods. “It’s a magic plant.”

“Interesting. Would they be able to help me with my little… problem?”

Twilight shakes her head. “It’s not likely.”

Ember sighs. “The magic within them is more of a latent power than something that actively enhances magical abilities.”

Arc grins. “That and it tastes great!”

Ember nods. “Yeah. It’s crazy sweet.”

The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs can be heard. Auriel appears in the doorway groggily. Her hair is a mess and her lab coat is wrinkled and unbuttoned, exposing her breasts.

“Twilight, do you have the tea ready yet? I’m…”

Her eyes grow wide as she spots the company. Turning away, she hastily buttons her coat and tries for fix her hair as she blushes.

“I, um… didn’t know anyone else was here. Sorry.”

Arc nods. “It’s okay, Auriel.”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah. Accidents happen after all.”

Auriel turns back around sheepishly. “I suppose so. But I see you’ve brought someone new, Arc.”

“Yes. This is Frank. Frank, this is Auriel. She and Twilight perform various scientific experiments in the basement.”

“Oh? Like those plants?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. We’re trying to see if we can create a small artificial sun.”

Ember turns to Auriel. “How’s that going?”

“Very well. Everything works out on paper. That and we should have enough extract to make our firsts sun by the end of the week.”

Arc appears confused. “First sun?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Shining Armor insisted that we deploy a proof of concept before moving forward.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Because Tartarus isn’t the safest place to go with untested magical tech.”

Frank gasps. “Tartarus?!”

Auriel nods. “Yes. That’s where my father and the rest of my kind live.”

“Your… kind?”

Auriel looks to him, sheepishly. “Demons. Um… is that alright?”

Frank looks Auriel up and down before shrugging. “If Arc isn’t worried, neither am I.”

Auriel breathes a sigh of relief as Frank continues.

“That and it wouldn’t make much sense for me to judge you, as I’m rather out of place in this land myself. But I am rather curious how my old friend came across a demon.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s kinda a long story.”

Ember nods. “Yeah. If memory serves correctly, I believe that was Arc’s second trip to Tartarus.”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure it was my third.”

“I remember you saying that’s where you two met, Ember. However, I am a bit confused why either of you would want to go back to such a hellish place.”

Ember sighs. “Well, like Arc said, it’s a long story.”

“I suppose we’ll have plenty of time to catch up in the coming days.”

Auriel looks to him. “Arc? Um… would you do something for us?”

“I’ll try. What is it?”

“It’s about the artificial sun project. Twilight and I have been looking over our maps for suitable locations these past few days.”

Twilight nods. “We need a remote location without any nearby towns or settlements. The area will also need to be relatively flat and free of animal life.”

Arc pulls a map from his ring and opens it. Ember pushes aside his teacup as he lays it out and points.

“How about the Badlands?”

Twilight grimaces. “Not a good idea. Queen Chrysalis would certainly not take our presence lightly.”


“The queen of the Changelings. Nopony’s seen one of their kind in quite a few years. But anypony who’s set hoof in her domain has never been heard from again.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Is she someone who we should play a visit?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “Probably not. While they have been quite a threat in the past, we’re hoping they’ll stay where they are.”

Frank frowns. “Not a sound plan.”

Auriel appears confused. “It’s not?”

“No. Those who’ve caused trouble in the past will certainly do so again.”

Arc turns to him. “What do you suggest, Frank?”

“A pre-emptive strike would probably be the best course of action.”

Ember grins. “The Dragon Lands would certainly be willing to aid in the offensive, Arc.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. But I’m not too keen on Equestria being the aggressors here. Not that I really have much to say about what lands we invade, or whatnot.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Violence just begets more violence.”

Auriel sighs. “My own race’s past is certainly proof of that.”

Arc turns back to the map. “In any case, let’s keep looking. There has to be someplace we can test the artificial sun.”

Ember points a claw. “What about the Dragon Lands? Lots of uninhabited land there.”

Twilight shakes her head. “That may be. But this test needs to take place on Equestrian soil.”

Ember chuckles. “Why’s that? Afraid we’ll try to make one for ourselves?”

Arc sighs. “I’m more concerned about something going wrong.”

Twilight nods soberly. “While Auriel and I have done our best on this, if there were to be an accident, Dragon Lord Torch might not be so forgiving. Especially after what happened last time.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “Last time?”

Arc chuckles. “Another long story, my friend.”

He looks over the map again and points.

“What about over here?”

Arc’s finger lies on a good sized peninsula far to the south-west. Twilight raises an eyebrow.

“That’s on the edge of the San Palomino Desert.”

Auriel turns to her. “Does anyone live out there?”

“No. But that’s probably because it’s a very inhospitable region though.”

Ember points a claw to the north. “What about this city?”

Auriel looks over her shoulder. “It looks like there’s quite a bit of water between that city and the South Luna Ocean.”

Frank turns to Twilight. “So you’re looking to use it as a natural buffer?”

“Exactly! The only issue there is transportation.”

Auriel sighs. “We can’t just take the train, after all. Too much equipment.”

“That and even if there wasn’t, we’d have to cross the desert on hoof.”

Ember frowns. “Not a good plan.”

Auriel nods. “Agreed.”

Arc clears his throat. “I can take you two on The Equinox. It can safely take us straight there as well as carry all your equipment.”

Twilight’s face lights up. “That would be perfect!”

Auriel smiles. “Yes, thank you, Arc. When do you want to go?”

“Whenever you two are ready.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “We only need to bring our equipment and supplies to Light’s Hope.”

“Is it a lot?”

“Several good size machines and a few crates. I can get Applejack to lend us her wagon if need be.”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s okay. I’ll help you move it. We could be off first thing tomorrow morning if you want.”

Auriel grins. “That soon?”

Arc nods. “I think the demons of Tartarus have waited long enough for this. Don’t you?”

Ember shrugs. “He kinda has a point. That and it would be a good chance for Frank to see more of Equestria. That is, if he wants to come.”

“Yes, indeed. I’d like to use the time to catch up on what Arc has been up to since he left Angel Grove.”

Arc chuckles. “That might take the whole trip and then some.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Plenty of time.”

Twilight nods excitedly. “Auriel and I will have everything ready by tomorrow morning then.”

Arc stands up. “I’ll be here early. Well, we should probably be going now. I’m sure you two need some time to make preparations.”

Auriel beams. “That we do. Oh, this is so exciting!”

Ember grins. “Yeah! Even I’m looking forward to this!”

Twilight walks Arc and his friends to the door. He kneels down to give her a hug which she returns.

“Thanks for doing this, Arc. I know you’re probably very busy these days.”

“No problem. If I didn’t come, I’d just worry about you two anyways.”

Arc stands and leaves the library. Twilight turns to Auriel.

“Well, I guess we’d better get started.”

Auriel smiles. “Yes!”

Meanwhile, Arc, Ember, and Frank walk down the path together. Ember turns to Arc.

“Where to now?”

“We should probably show Frank Light’s Hope.”

“You mentioned that during the conversation. What exactly is it? A nearby town?”

Arc shakes his head. “My base actually. It’s also where The Equinox is kept.”

Frank sounds confused. “Base? The Equinox”

Ember nods. “Arc’s the Hero of Light here. The princesses saw fit to give his own military base complete with soldiers and support staff to manage it.”

“Very generous of them. But there’s something I don’t quite understand.”

Arc turns to Frank. “Oh? What’s that?”

“What exactly IS the Hero of Light?”

Ember grins. “The land’s greatest and most respected warrior, for starters.”

“Yeah. Part of my job is to handle problems too big for others.”

“Such as…?”

Ember chimes in. “Going into Tartarus, for starters.”

“Pretty sure that one isn’t in my job description. But I’d rather go myself then send someone else.”

Arc thinks for a moment before continuing.

“You know, I never gave it too much thought.”

Frank frowns. “Which part?”

“The whole ‘what am I supposed to be doing’ bit.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “A lot if the past is any indication.”

“Yeah. I mean… I’m always on the move it seems. But there has to be more to it than I’ve thought of.”

Ember looks grim. “You mean other than your original task?”

Arc nods as Frank turns to him.

“What would that be?”

“To do whatever it took to bring down any kind of attempt by a member of the ruling class to usurp control.”

“You mean if someone were to try to overthrow the princesses?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But mostly if one of THEM tried take full control.”

Frank puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I see. An interesting concept.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Most rulers would rather consolidate power than share it.”

Arc sighs. “That’s true. But there was an… incident long ago that made the last remaining princess rethink that mentality.”

“Oh? An attempted coup?”

Ember nods. “Yeah. My father told me about it. He said thhe felt the magical backwash from the battle all the way in the Dragon Lands.”

Arc looks to her, astonished. “Really? The battle must have been more intense than I was lead to believe then.”

Frank nods. “Most uprisings are. That is, if history is to be believed.”

“I suppose. However there was no standoff between armies.”


Arc frowns. “It was two princesses battling it out, one-on-one.”

Ember looks around. “I’m surprised their fight didn’t level all of Equestria!”

“The history books record massive devastation to the capital and its surrounding areas at the time. So much so that the last remaining princess ordered it rebuilt elsewhere.”

Frank turns to Arc, surprised. “Oh? Where?”


Ember turns to Arc. “You mean that wasn’t where Celestia and Luna fought?”

Frank gasps “Princess Luna?! She took down the other princess?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She was the instigator.”

Ember nods. “Apparently she was so jealous of her sister that she became an evil tyrant named ‘Nightmare Moon’.”

They walk on for a few moments in silence. Eventually Frank turns to Arc.

“May I ask why she now sits on the throne?”

“Because she’s still a princess of Equestria. That and she’s changed her ways.”

“Are you certain?”

Ember turns to Arc. “Yeah, I always wondered that myself.”

“I believe so, yes. As for how I know… even after her banishment, she still understands the importance of a Hero of Light. A last line of defense for the inhabitants of the land. She was the one who extended the job offer, after all.”

Frank chuckles. “I’d like to learn more about this. And the rest of the land’s history, of course.”

“That’s probably a good idea. But I have some things to show you first.”


Arc nods and points to a building as they pass.

“For starters, that’s the Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Ember nods. “Arc requested it to be built here to replace the New Beginnings Orphanage in Vanhoover. It’s a town far to the north-west.”

Frank nods approvingly. “Did he now?”

“Yeah. The first job I undertook as the Hero of Light was investigating claims of abuse against the orphans whom lived there. But what I found there was FAR beyond what I was expecting. Not only was the matron mentally abusing them, but she wasn’t even feeding them properly!”

Frank clenches a fist. “I certainly hope you taught her a lesson, my friend!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Oh, he did. She’s still around, but no longer in her previous position.”

Arc nods. “Right. I saw to it her assistant was given her vacated position. The foals really seem to like her.”

Frank smiles. “That’s good to hear.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully. “Truth be told, Coco Pommel kinda reminds me of Miss Kulara.”

“Then the orphans are in good hands.”

The visage of The Equinox and Light’s Hope comes into view. Frank gasps.

“Quite a base you have here, Arc!”

Ember grins. “You think it looks nice out here? Then you should see the inside.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I couldn’t ask for a better base of operations.”

He gestures to The Equinox parked silently on its pad.

“The ship was a more recent gift.”

Ember nods with evident pride. “The princesses felt Arc had accomplished enough to warrant the investment.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “What exactly did he do?!”

“We can talk about that on the way to our destination tomorrow. Like I said before, it’s a long story. But for now why don’t we show you to one of our rooms?”

“Thank you. I believe a rest is in order.”

Ember wrinkles her nose. “And a bath too.”

Frank looks down at his rumpled clothes before responding.

“I believe you’re right, Ember.”

They enter the base. Raven looks up as they do so and smiles.

“Good morning, commander.”

“Hello, Raven.”

He turns to Frank.

“This is Raven, my secretary.”

“I… how do you do, miss?”

“Very well, thank you.”

“Raven, this is my friend Frank from Earth. He’s going to be staying with us for a while. See to it the guards are notified.”

“Yes, commander. Shall I have a room made ready for him?”

Ember turns to Frank. “There’s some pretty fancy rooms here for diplomats and visiting VIPs.”

Arc nods. “That we do. However, if all of this is still a bit overwhelming, I do have a spare bed in my quarters.”

“Thank you, my friend. That would be fine. After all, I don’t want to be a burden. Well… any more of a burden than I already am, that is.”

“This way.”

Ember leads the way to Arc’s quarters. Opening the door she switches on the light and turns back to the pair.

“It isn’t much, but we call it home.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “You two live together?”


Ember shrugs. “I don’t actually have a permanent home her in Equestria, so that extra bed is usually where I sleep. That is, when I’m not sharing Arc’s bed.”

Arc blushes. “You don’t have to put it that way, Ember.”

“Why? It’s the truth.”

“In any case, why don’t you get cleaned up, Frank?”

Arc reaches into his ring and pulls out a fresh set of clothes.

“We can talk more after you’ve showered, my friend.”

Frank nods as he accepts the clothes. Walking into the Bathroom he closes the door behind him and sighs.

“This is all so new to me.”

He hobbles over to the tub and turns on the water.

“A magical land filled with magical ponies and magical pony princesses. Had you not told me, I don’t believe I ever would have figured this one out, Arc.”

With great difficulty Frank disrobes before stepping into the shower. He sighs contentedly as the warm water washes over him.

“While my mind is already blow from what I’ve seen thus far, somehow I get the feeling I haven’t seen anything yet.”

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