• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Correspondances

Author's Note:

This chapter marks 2,000,000 words! In celebration of this, I've commissioned a special picture of the Lord Regent and his little family!

The mares tell Luna of Dinky’s letter. She frowns.

“This is… troubling. I find it very difficult to believe my sister would try to cover up such a thing.”

Twilight sighs. “I know what you mean, Princess Luna. It’s just not in her nature to kill somepony. Much less try to cover it up.”

“You don’t know my sister at all, Twilight.”


Luna heads for the telephone, ignoring the question. “I will call Sandstorm Mirage and have him bring me copies of whatever reports were filed regarding Arc’s end.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

Applejack appears relieved. “This means a lot to us.”

Rarity nods happily. “Yes. Truth be told, when the guards at the gate told us Princess Celestia wasn’t holding regular audiences we were at a loss on what to…”

Luna frowns as she puts down the receiver. “What did you say?”

Rarity shrinks back nervously Um… about what, Princess Luna?

“About audiences. I was under the impression they were still somewhat active.”

Pinkie shakes her head. “It didn’t sound like it. Judging from what the guard at the drawbridge said.”

“This is… troubling. My sister always insisted that audiences be allowed to continue except under the most extreme circumstances.”

Applejack frowns. “What do you think changed?”

Derpy turns to Luna. “Well, she’s probably still trying to get over whatever happened to her on Earth.”

“Perhaps. But she has been far removed from the public eye in general since returning to the throne. A trait that does not befit her normal attitude. But let me request the reports so that we may go over them.”

Rarity gasps. “We, your highness?!”

Luna nods as she picks up the phone again and waits for the switchboard operator. “Yes. Arc was a good friend to me. For the sake of his daughter and her friend’s safety I will do all in my power to get to the bottom of this matter.”

Speaking into the receiver, Luna asks to be connected to Sandstorm Mirage. After giving him the order she hangs up and turns to the others.

“This may take quite some time.”

Pinkie appears confused. “Why’s that?! After all, the Archives are here in the castle, right?!”

“First he has to walk there from his office. Then wait in line to put forth the request with the proper steward. After that they have to locate the documents and bring them to the copy room, which will have a line of its own, before walking them here. However the result for your patience will be the information you requested.”

She turns to Twilight.

“However, if there isn’t anything you need to do at the moment, there is a task which you can assist with.”

“If we can help you with anything…”

Luna walks over to a large desk and pulls out a scroll along with an inkwell and quill before turning back to Twilight.

“Come here.”

Twilight nervously does so as Luna pulls back the chair.

“Have a seat.”

Fluttershy steps forward. “May we help?”

“You may observe.”

She turns back to Twilight and motions to the quill.

“Write what I tell you to.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Luna walks over to the balcony door and looks out them as she begins to speak.

“Dear Cadance. The state of affairs in the castle remain unchanged. My sister is elusive as ever since her return, and I’ve seen very little of her. Doctor Whooves assures me that her strength is returning quickly. However I can’t help but wish to be able to see this for myself.”

Luna pauses momentarily before sighing.

“I had a very special… group come to visit me today. Twilight and her friends from Ponyville. They wanted to see my sister, of course. But that was not possible for reasons I put forth in a previous correspondence. Needless to say, I’m grateful for the company in this dark time. Now I’ll allow Twilight, whom is writing this letter for me, to pen in her own message to her former foal sitter and friend.”

Twilight looks over to Luna, confused.

“Princess Luna? Isn’t this an official royal message though?”

“It is, yes.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Then why…?”

“I’m sure she’d enjoy hearing from both of us.”

Derpy turns to Luna. “But what should she say?”

“Whatever comes to mind. The rest of you may help if you wish.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “Oh… okay.”

Applejack grins. “How about you talk about the weather?”

“It’s a beautiful summer day here in Canterlot.”

Fluttershy looks to Twilight. “Say something about the robins flying through the skies.”

“The birds are chirping happily and the warm breezes are a welcome change from winter’s cold.”

Rarity giggles. “Tell her how beautiful she looked at the Grand Galloping Gala last year.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that kinda old news though?”

“Trust me. What mare doesn’t like somepony telling her how good she looked? Even if it was quite some time ago.”

“Rarity still speaks of the lovely dresses you and Princess Luna wore to the Grand Galloping Gala last season.”

Luna rolls her eyes and sighs as Pinkie pipes up.

“Be sure to thank her for inviting us to that peace summit!”

Applejack frowns. “You enjoyed that?!”

“Sure! It was a PARTY!”

“Pinkie wanted me to thank you for allowing her and the rest of us the opportunity to attend the peace summit at Light’s Hope. I’m sure you know just how much she loves a good party.”

Everyone turns to Derpy as Twilight speaks.

“Anything you’d like to say, Derpy?”

“Actually, yes.”

Derpy clears her throat and begins to speak.

“Dinky’s mother, Derpy, wanted me to pass on a message to you. She wishes you to know that she was very happy to see you and Princess Luna at Arc’s funeral. He meant a lot to her and Dinky, and she was very pleased to see that Arc meant a lot to you. Your duties as princesses are certainly time consuming and without end, so for two princesses to take time out to attend the memorial was very touching indeed. While the nation mourned his loss, she and Dinky felt his passing deeper than anypony. We understand that nopony could ever take his place, but please honor his legacy and do what is best for the kingdom and its inhabitants.”

Derpy sighs and walks over to join Luna in her vigil. Sitting down next to her, the gray pegasus puts a hoof on her back as she speaks.

“I know he meant a lot to all of us. It’s hard to believe he’s gone.”

Luna sighs. “More so than you know.”

“Your highness?”

“Arc… protected this land from certain ruin on numerous occasions. Even going so far as to do our jobs for Cadance and I when we could not. He was more than just another soldier to us. Arc was a confidant and friend.”

She is silent for a long moment before turning to Twilight.

“Close the letter as you see fit.”

Twilight nods and looks back to the scroll.

“I hope you and Shining Armor are doing well in the Crystal Empire. You and I spoke at length of this when last we saw each other aboard The Equinox, and I just wanted to say again that I approve of you and him seeing one another. While I know he now has even less time on his hooves, what with protecting you and securing the Crystal Castle, I’m very happy that you two have reconnected after all these years. I still remember just how nervous he looked every time you would come over to foalsit for my parents. He’ll be a great help to you in these hard times.”

Smiling, Twilight continues writing.

“As I close this letter, I just want to tell you how much you mean to me, Cadance. You were my first friend, after all. Since that time I’ve learned so much about life, friendship, and even love. Arc was very special to my friends and I. The things I told you some time ago… even now they ring true. While I know it wasn’t exactly culturally acceptable, your advice will live on in my heart, now and forevermore. With warmest wishes… Princess Luna and Twilight.”

Twilight smiles and puts the quill back in the inkwell before rolling up the scroll and standing up. Derpy smiles.

“That was beautiful, Twilight.”

“I just wrote from the heart. Was that okay, Princess Luna?”

Luna nods. “Yes, Twilight. I’m sure Cadance will enjoy hearing from you.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Begging your pardon, Princess Luna. But isn’t this supposed to be your letter?”

“It is. However…”

There is a knock at the door. Luna looks momentarily at the clock and calls out.

“Come in.”

A Lunar Protector enters and salutes. A satchel slung over his shoulder.

“I have a missive for you from Princess Cadance, your highness.”

“Very good. Leave it on the table next to the door.”

Luna turns to the desk and picks up the scroll Twilight penned gingerly with her magic before wrapping it neatly with a black ribbon and affixing her seal. She then levitates it to the guard.

“See to it this letter is delivered to Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire right away.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”


The guard salutes and backs out of the room, closing the door behind him. Luna looks at the scroll and sighs before turning back to the window and looking out it again.

“That scroll… one of you read it aloud.”

Applejack gasps. “Are you sure, your highness?”

Pinkie shudders. “Yeah! It might be super-secret personal princess stuff!”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Believe me when I say that it is not.”

Fluttershy, being closest to the scroll, reaches over and unrolls it.

“Dear Luna. Today the weather is rather cool. Almost unseasonably so. Things are going reasonably well here with but a few bumps in the proverbial road. With luck, my horn’s bruising will go down with no permanent scars. Best wishes… Cadance.”

Applejack frowns. “That wasn’t much of a correspondence.”

Rarity sighs. “Indeed. I for one would have thought the Princess of Love would have sent something a bit more… personal.”

Luna looks to Fluttershy. “Bring me the missive.”

“Y-yes, your highness.”

She walks over to the princess and holds out the scroll respectfully. Taking it with her magic, Luna looks over its contents for a few moments. Suddenly the paper bursts into flames as she drops it into a metal waste bin. Everyone gasps. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Princess Luna?!”

“That letter was actually written in code.”

Derpy appears confused. “Code?”

Applejack grimaces. “What for?”

“To appear to be nothing more than idle banter between two princesses. The actual message was really quite chilling.”

Pinkie stretches her neck out comically. “What was it?!”

Rarity frowns. “Pinkie Pie! That’s none of our…!”

“It’s fine. Truth be told, you six should know. The weather being cooler was Cadance reporting to me the ‘temperature’ of the Crystal Empire’s population. Their reaction to current events.”

Twilight gasps. “You mean from Princess Celestia’s return?”

Luna shakes her head. “More regarding her recent actions against our nation’s Hero of Light. The bumps in the road mean she’s having trouble maintaining order, but is managing with help. I’m assuming she means General Virtuous Lance, Captain Shining Armor, and Lieutenant Trixie.”

Twilight appears nervous. “And her horn?”

Luna sighs. “The horn is in reference to Celestia personally. Cadance hopes that her body and mind will recover soon without physical or mental scars.”

Applejack grimaces. “Are things really that bad, your highness?”

“Yes. My sister is… different these days. Reclusive… defensive… protected at all times. She never used to allow soldiers inside her room at night. But now she insists on around the clock surveillance.”

Derpy sighs. “But why?”

“Whatever happened on Earth has changed her.”

Pinkie looks to Luna. “Maybe you and Twilight could talk to her about it!”

Luna shakes her head. “I have tried several times. However she rebuffs every attempt at any meaningful contact.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “That doesn’t sound like her at all!”

Fluttershy appears hopeful. “Can we do anything to help?”

“No. Right now all we can do is monitor the situation and hope Celestia will come around in time.”

Twilight grimaces. “But… if she doesn’t… what then?”

Luna shudders. “I… don’t wish to think of that. After all, this sort of thing is the exact reason Celestia came up with the idea for a Hero of Light in the first place.”

Derpy’s ears droop. “But Arc’s gone.”

“Indeed. He would have known how to diffuse this situation. Of that I am certain.”

Pinkie frowns. “Are you sure that wasn’t her intention?!”

Twilight turns to her friend. “Pinkie?”

“I mean… that night Arc was the only casualty. Could he have been singled out because of his position?”

“I don’t think so. If you had seen Princess Celestia’s state of mind that night…”

There is a knock at the door. Luna calls out.


The door opens and Sandstorm Mirage walks in. Saluting, he stands there nervously. Luna appears confused.

“Where are the files?”

“The archivists were unable to locate them.”

Luna frowns. “Which ones?!”

of them, your highness.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! But EVERYTHING is stored there!”

“Well, they were unable to find the transcripts of the interviews with Miss Twilight, Princess Celestia, Captain Decimus, Captain Shining Armor, Lieutenant Trixie, Admiral Gaston, or Lady Ashe.”

Twilight frowns. “Wait… what was that last name?!”

“Lady Ashe. She was recently appointed as her nation’s ambassador.”

Luna grits her teeth. “When?!”

“It’s been at least a week from what I’ve heard, your highness.”

Twilight frowns. “And you didn’t say anything?!”

“She’s just a bureaucrat here. No real authority or official duties have been assigned to the best of my knowledge.”

Luna turns and looks away. “This is unsettling.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Why? I mean, she just seemed like an aristocrat’s daughter at the peace summit.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Yeah! What harm could she do?!”

Luna glowers. “Lady Ashe is…!”

She turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“You are dismissed, sergeant.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Luna waits for him to leave the room before lowering her voice and continuing.

“This information does not leave this room. Do all of you understand?”

All assembled nod as Luna takes a deep breath.

“When Arc and I went to Griffonstone for the signing of the treaty we were attacked several times by the rebels. It was thought to be an attempt to prevent our nations from becoming allies. However, during the flight back to Equestria, Arc was attacked by the rebel leader whom had stowed away aboard the Lunar Destiny.”

Rarity nods proudly. “I imagine he showed them a thing or two.”

Pinkie grins. “Yeah! That punk probably didn’t know what hit em!”

Applejack smiles. “Darn right! So what ever became of them?”

“When we took the prisoner to the infirmary to treat their wounds, we found that the leader was none other than Lady Ashe herself.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide. “But… but Arc allowed her to attend the peace summit!”

Derpy tilts her head to one side, confused. “He did?! Why?!”

“Probably to avoid raising suspicion. It would have been disastrous to our diplomatic relationship had Lord Gestal learned whom really injured his daughter.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “He never found out?!”

“Arc convinced Lady Ashe to tell her father the rebels were responsible for her injuries. Not sure how he managed that, but it’s for the best he did.”

Rarity grimaces. “But now she’s the ambassador!”

Applejack stomps her hoof angrily. “This HAS to be part of some larger plan!”

Twilight nods. “Agreed. But what?”

Pinkie gasps. “Maybe she wants to steal all our country’s secrets!”

Fluttershy turns to her. “Like what?”

“I dunno. It sounded good in my head though.”

Derpy shudders. “This isn’t good! We need to find out what really happened, now more than ever!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Something’s going on here in the castle. While I can’t imagine Princess Celestia being compliant in any wrongdoing, we still need to discover what the Griffon Kingdom is trying to do here.”

Applejack gasps. “Maybe it’s her trying to establish a rebel foothold!”

Pinkie nods. “Yeah! Their government might have nothing to do with it!”

Luna sighs. “That is possible, yes. But Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom don’t have the best past.”

Rarity frowns. “Are you saying this might be a way for them to get to us?!”

“We need to entertain all possibilities. No matter how remote.”

Fluttershy shrinks back. “What about Captain Decimus?”

Applejack grits her teeth. “Yeah! Arc’s killed him before, as have others.”

Derpy sighs. “He shows up and now there’s problems.”

“My Pinkie Sense says they’re connected somehow!”

Twilight turns to Luna. “The real question now is where do we begin our investigation?”

“I have an idea. It’s a bit risky, of course. But I have an expert I can put on it.”

Meanwhile, Sandstorm Mirage sits in his office with a small bud in his ear, listening. He sighs and shakes his head.

“They just can’t leave well enough alone. The Dark Lady won’t be too happy to learn of this new development.”

The phone rings. Picking up the receiver the stallion clears his throat before speaking.

“Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage.”

“I need you back in my quarters right away, sergeant.”


“There is a very important job I need done. One that can make use of your special skills.”

“Yes, your highness. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Putting down the receiver, he sighs and stands up.

“I have no idea what Princess Luna has planned for me. But I’m quite sure I won’t like it.”

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