• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Medical Planning

Later that afternoon Arc and Rose sit in the Jeep in the hospital parking lot. Looking at his watch he turns to her.

“It’s almost time.”

Rose grimaces. “Yes. The shift change will give us a bit of a cover story.”

“That was a good idea, Rose. After all, new faces showing up in the middle of the shift would be a bit suspicious.”

“I’ve… had plenty of time to analyze the mistakes from my last time doing something like this.”

“We all have.”

“But I was the one whom messed up back then.”

“No, there were other mistakes on my part.”


“I relied too much on luck and chance versus proper preparation and backup plans. Most of that was just the guys back home watching and calling out information while I made things up as I went.”

“Admittedly you can’t always have a solid plan, Arc. But at the same time I am happy to see you moving in the right direction.”

“I’ve done my best to grow and learn. We all have.”

“Then why don’t we get this show on the road?”

Arc chuckles. “Where’d you hear that?”

Rose giggles. “Internet.”

“Well then, let’s start.”

Stepping out of the Jeep the pair head for the building. Entering a family bathroom together covertly, they close and lock the door behind them. Rose heads over to the sink and, climbing up on top of it, pushes up on a ceiling tile. Pulling down a bag she tosses it on the floor before hopping down. Arc picks it up and pulls out two pairs of surgical scrubs as he looks to Rose.

“Now we’ll be able to hide in plain sight.”

“Similar to last time I might add.”

“But this time I’m not hiding behind a magic cloak. I’ll be right there by your side to take the same risks.”

Rose frowns. “I still don’t like this part of the plan. You don’t need to be so exposed.”

“True. But what kind of leader would I be if I just stayed behind friendly lines?”

Viktor’s voice rings out in his ear.

“Not a very good one, I’d wager.”

Max frowns. “Viktor!”

Hugh chuckles. “Well, the commander DID ask a question.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. He was just answering.”

Arc glances at his watch before responding. “Glad to see you guys following orders.”

Max looks to the wall clock to verify. “Five o’clock on the dot, sir.”

Hugh taps his headset. “We turned on the radio and that was the first thing we heard.”

Viktor continues. “Everything going according to plan, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Rose and I are in the bathroom retrieving the scrubs she hid here earlier today.”

“Yes, but we should probably get dressed now, Arc.”

“Good idea. Viktor, disable cameras.”

“Yes sir.”

Pressing a few buttons he kills the signal before calling out to Arc via the radio.

“Done sir.”

Xenos looks over. “Should we shut down the audio too?”

Arc shakes his head. “Negative. Keep the comms open at all times during this mission.”

Rose begins undressing. Several wires taped to her artificial skin come into view as she keeps talking.

“Remember, you’ll be extra sets of ears and eyes. The camera layout will allow us to be able to focus on other matters while you guard our backs. How was the coverage?”

Hugh calls out. “The test run earlier was perfect, ma’am.”

Viktor grins. “We could see three-hundred sixty degrees around you at all times.”

Xenos looks over his screen. “Yeah. And no one noticed due to the camouflage used.”

Max nods. “If you help the commander do the same as he dresses we should have excellent results.”

“I’ll take care of it momentarily.”

Quickly putting on her scrubs, Rose adjusts them accordingly in order to accommodate the numerous hidden cameras on her body. Turning to Arc she sees that he is facing the wall. Sighing, she calls out to him.

“You know, you don’t actually have to do that. After all I really don’t mind you seeing me uncovered.”

Arc sighs as he turns around. “It just feels inappropriate not to though.”

Rose rolls her eyes as she looks Arc over. “Says the man standing there in his undergarments.”

“What can I say? I need a little help getting ready.”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out a satchel. Handing it to Rose she opens it and pulls out some wires along with surgical tape. Running the wires over his chest she tapes them down along with a small thin box to his back. He grimaces as she does so.

“Not looking forward to this.”

Rose appears surprised. “I would have thought you’d be happy to get underway.”

“Huh? Oh, no. I meant the tape.”

“What about it?”

“When we’re done it’ll have to be removed.”


“That’ll sting!”

Rose smiles. “Says the man who’s undergone numerous grievous injuries in the past?”

Arc shudders. “It’ll be like ripping off a bandage.”

“I think you’ll manage.”

The sound of snickering rings out in Arc’s ear. He chuckles.

“Glad you all share my dread.”

Viktor uncovers his microphone. “Sorry sir.”

Hugh nods. “We just couldn’t help ourselves.”

Xenos laughs. “Yeah. It was always just assumed that you had a really high tolerance for pain.”

Max clears his throat loudly. “How’s it going, sir?”

“Rose has the base wires ran and the connector box taped on.”

Rose nods. “Everything’s in place. Now all you need to do is get dressed so I can do a few final checks.”

“Sounds good.”

Grabbing his pair of scrubs Arc puts them on and stands before Rose again.

“How’s that?”

Rose smiles. “You look very convincing.”


“Yes. But remember that this hospital is a lot smaller than the one in Farburg. The staff here all probably know one another. I overheard a lot of personal greetings and conversations when I was here earlier today.”

“So we’d better stick with the plan then.”

“And go in order to avoid some very difficult questions.”

Viktor calls out. “Right. Now then, am I ready for a visual check?”

Rose nods. “Yes. Viktor, activate cameras.”

“Yes ma’am.”

Pressing a few buttons the screens around the group turn back on. Viktor calls out.

“We’re online. Go ahead and attach the camera’s, Rose.”


Reaching into the bag she pulls out a badge. Attaching it to Arc’s chest she pushes a small wire through a hole in the fabric behind it and reaches inside to connect it to the box.

“Hardwired camera is hooked up. How’s the picture?”

“Kinda fuzzy. Let me adjust it from here.”

As Viktor fiddles with the controls Rose reaches back into the bag. Pulling out a stethoscope she puts it over Arc’s shoulders.

“The cameras are in earpieces just below where they fit into your ear canal.”

Arc touches the instrument as he talks. “Can I actually use this?”

Rose nods. “To maintain your cover you can put it on and pretend use it, yes. However please understand that this isn’t actually medical grade equipment.”

Xenos chuckles. “It’s a modified stage prop.”

Max smirks. “But a very realistic looking one, sir.”

Hugh calls out. “The business end of that thing is also a secondary microphone too.”

Arc taps it lightly. “Handy.”

Pulling out a pair of glasses from the bag Rose puts them on Arc’s face.

“These have small cameras in the frames so you can direct your troop’s attention at whatever you look at. It also has micro speakers on the inside of the temples near your ears to allow you to hear the others.”

Viktor begins typing. “I’ll bypass your earring when you’re done setting up, sir.”

Arc adjusts the glasses. “How about speakers to let them hear us though? I doubt the one in the stethoscope is going to pick up everything.”

Hugh nods. “The clip on your badge also has a microphone in it as do the nose pads of your glasses, sir.”

Xenos grins. “We’ll be able to hear you loud and clear, sir. Uh... under normal circumstances.”

Arc sighs. “Please tell me someone tested this stuff out first.”

Max nods. “I did, sir. Viktor hooked me up and let me walk around the second floor to make sure it’d work.”

Xenos calls out. “Then I walked down the street to the convenience store with it.”

Viktor grins. “Crystal clear audio and visual I might add.”

Rose finishes her task. “How’s the video now?”

Max presses a few keys. “Much better. We’ll be able to maintain a signal under normal circumstances.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Normal… what now?”

Rose sighs. “Things that normally interfere with wireless technology will still hamper us.”

“Such as…?”

“Going too deep underground, electrical fields caused by large amounts of machinery that consume a lot of electricity, and magnets.”

Viktor pats his computer. “That last one probably won’t be an issue though as it’d have to be a VERY powerful magnet to mess with this equipment.”

Arc chuckles. “Like an MRI machine?”

Xenos gasps. “A what?!”

Rose calls out. “That stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It’s a device that uses high powered magnets to create internal images of a patient’s organs.”

Max shudders. “Might want to stay away from that part of the hospital then, sir.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not to worry. The rooms those machines are in have to be shielded for safety. Wouldn’t want cell phones and watches getting bricked when someone walks by.”

Rose smiles. “Right. We’d literally have to walk into the room while it’s running for there to be any problems.”

“Anything else I should know?”

Viktor smirks. “Just one more thing, sir. All of this equipment is only water resistant, not waterproof.”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll try to avoid going for any swims then.”

Hugh nods. “You should also avoid going outside in the rain too.”

Max opens an internet browser. “The weatherman says it was supposed to come down pretty hard later.”

Xenos grins. “That’s why Rose scheduled this when she did. To hopefully miss it completely.”

Rose turns to Arc. “With any luck we’ll be back home before the heavens open up.”

“Well, let’s not try to rely on luck for this. You ready, Rose?”

“Not quite. I still need to check my own equipment. Viktor?”

“All cameras and speakers on you are transmitting perfectly, Rose.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. But we figured you already knew that.”

Arc appears confused. “Rose?”

“One of the advantages of being an android. I can run all the variables and come up with data that gives the highest chance of success.”

Hugh sighs. “Hopefully that will keep both you and the commander safe, Rose.”

Max nods soberly. “Yes indeed. After all, Equestria needs him.”

Viktor snickers. “Especially Princess Twilight.”

Arc smiles slyly. “Right. And she’ll have all of your heads if something happens to me.”

Xenos grimaces. “Uh… would she really, sir?”

“Could be.”

Rose winks as she speaks. “Oh yes. Mother does have quite a temper. Most don’t know about that though.”

“Let’s just keep that little secret, shall we?”

“Right. Don’t want her finding out and taking it out on the troops.”

Max groans. “Very funny, you two.”

Hugh sounds nervous. “You… were joking, right sir?”

“Yeah, yeah. But let’s get underway.”

Rose kneels down again. “First things first though, Arc.”

She reaches into the bag and pulls out a jumpsuit.

“Remember, I need this for the first phase of the plan.”

Arc chuckles. “I was just seeing if you were paying attention, that’s all.”

Stepping into the jumpsuit, Rose pulls it over her scrubs and zips it up before turning to Arc again.

“Remember that only your cameras will be functional during this portion on the mission.”

Viktor nods. “Right. As far as Rose’s cameras go we’re effectively blind until she takes that thing off.”

“Then let’s get this part finished as quickly as possible.”

Arc puts on a surgical mask and steps out of the family restroom. He leans against the wall and looks around for a few moments before whispering.

“All clear.”

Rose opens the door and steps out with the bag in her hand and a tool belt around her waist. She begins walking down the corridor. Arc gives her a bit of a lead before following. Coming to the elevator they get inside together. Setting the bag down as the doors close she pulls a screwdriver out of her belt and hurriedly removes the screws holding the panel over the buttons. Working quickly, she makes a few adjustments to bypass the card reader. Succeeding, the ‘LL’ button lights up on the board. Putting the panel back together just before the doors open, Rose steps out with Arc again trailing her. Arriving at a large door marked ‘Authorized Personnel Only’ she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a lockpick. Making quick work of the lock she hurries inside as Arc sits down at a nearby hospital computer terminal down the way as he speaks softly.

“She’s in.”

Viktor grins. “And in good time too.”

Xenos chuckles. “Yeah. Nice picking skills, Rose.”

“Thank you.”

Arc frowns as he presses keys randomly. “Don’t dawdle. I can’t pretend to work forever over here.”

“Yes sir.”

Looking around, Rose quickly finds her target.

“I’ve found the terminal. Shall we begin?”

Max nods nervously. “Please do.”

Sitting down in front of a computer, Rose pulls a flash drive out of her pocket and inserts it into the port.

“It’s all yours, Viktor.”

“Alright. Hands off the keys.”

Pressing a series of buttons, Viktor gets to work. Rose watches as the screen goes blank for a few moments before popping back up with an ‘Access Granted’ message. Viktor calls out as he finishes.

“That should do it, Rose.”

“Alright. Here I go.”

Taking the mouse, she accesses the personnel records. Finding the ‘Nurses’ folder she uploads two files from the flash drive and smiles triumphantly.

“Phase one complete.”

Arc calls out. “For both files?”

Rose nods. “Yes. Both were uploaded.”

“Good. Let’s start phase two.”

Removing the tool belt and her jumpsuit, Rose quickly steps out of it and stuffs both into the bag. Straightening her outfit in certain places she calls out.

“Status check.”

Viktor frowns. “Badge camera is fuzzy.”

Rose flicks the badge as Viktor calls out.


Hugh nods. “Everything else checks out, if a bit laggy.”

Max shrugs. “Well, they ARE in the basement.”

Arc smirks. “Let’s see if we can remedy that.”

Rose heads for the door. “Is the coast clear?”

Arc looks left and right before responding.

“All clear to move.”

Nodding, Rose takes a deep breath and opens the door. Walking toward Arc sitting at the corridor desk she puts the bag on the table as she passes. Arc deftly stuffs it into his magic ring as he stands up. The pair head for the elevator together as Rose pushes the ‘up’ button. The doors open and they head inside. Leaning against the wall Rose lets out a sigh of relief.

“Glad that part’s over with.”

Max grins. “Admittedly it was the most dangerous part, yes.”

Xenos grimaces. “Yeah. But they’re far from done there.”

Hugh nods. “Phase two is on the second floor. Take a left off the elevator and keep walking until you see an ‘Information’ desk. There you’ll turn left and follow the corridor left then right to the security office.”

Arc calls out. “Roger.”

The doors open and the pair step out. Following the earlier directions they find themselves at the security office. Entering, the pair walk up to the desk. The receptionist looks up as they do so.

“Can I help you?”

Arc nods as he holds up his badge. “Yes, these didn’t work when we tried to punch in earlier.”

Rose sighs. “They’re probably expired.”

“I’ll look you two up. Names?”

Reciting their names, the pair wait as the secretary types them in. Looking at the pictures of the pair as they pop up on the screen the woman visually compares them to Arc and Rose.

“Yup, looks like they expired this morning at midnight. I’ll print you up new ones.”

She points to a receptacle in the corner before continuing.

“Expired badges go in there for shredding.”

Nodding, Arc and Rose take their badge off the clasps and put them in the slot. An electronic buzz sounds as they are destroyed. A few moments later a printer spits out new badges behind the desk. The receptionist looks them over before handing the badges across the counter to the pair.

“There you are. Your new IDs should now function as the old ones did. Come back if you have any problems with them.”

Rose smiles. “Thank you.”

Arc and Rose leave the security office and take a right toward a small employee elevator. As they walk they carefully put the badges on their respective clasps before Arc speaks again.

“Okay. We good?”

Viktor nods. “Yes sir. Camera aligned and working.”

Hugh looks at his screen as he speaks. “Rose’s as well.”

Rose sighs. “I still don’t feel good about taking those badges from the staff the last time I was here.”

Max shrugs. “I’m sure they’ve long since been replaced.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. And your new ones were actually made for you two with real pictures!”

Arc chuckles. “Right. So we’re legit now.”

Rose frowns. “Somewhat, yes.”

Viktor nods. “Relax. The files uploaded to the database gave both of you a full employment history complete with pay stubs and authorization codes to be inputted into the badges.”

Hugh smirks. “Which that secretary did when she made them.”

Xenos pans his screen to test the alignment. “Yeah. So you two don’t have to worry about being questioned anymore.”

Max sighs. “Still not quite sure why you went to all that trouble though, sir.”

Rose nods. “I could have just gone up to a terminal and printed out the records we need.”

“True. But we need it to look completely legit. That way there’s no chance of someone nearby getting suspicious and calling security, or something. Now then, on to phase three.”

“Lead on.”

Taking the elevator up, the pair step off and start walking. Coming to the Intensive Care Unit they approach the nurse’s station together. Arc addresses the woman behind the desk.

“Hello. We’re here to help fill in.”

The nurse behind the counter appears confused as she speaks.

“Oh? We weren’t informed of any changes to staffing.”

Rose smiles. “It was a last minute decision I’m told.”

The nurse looks over their badges. “Let’s see here…”

She types on her computer and frowns.

“I see you two here, yes. But I don’t remember seeing an e-mail earlier saying anything about…”

A chime rings out. Clicking something the nurse reads as she frowns.

“Hospital administration just now sent it!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it was certainly last minute.”

The nurse sighs as she stands.

“Well, I don’t really need the help right now. But as long as you’re here I might as well put you two to work.”

Rose grins. “We’re ready, ma’am.”

Picking up a clipboard, the nurse hands it to Rose.

“The note in my email said you have a lot of experience keeping numbers and papers in order. I’d like you to fill out these reports on our patient’s vital signs.”

Rose nods as she accepts the clipboard. “I’ll take care of it, ma’am.”

“Let me give your companion his assignment and I’ll show you where to start.”

She turns to Arc and looks him up and down before speaking.

“I know this is going to sound a bit sexist, but… how strong are you?”

“Let’s just say that I’m above average.”

Rose giggles. “Really? You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met.”

The nurse appears surprised as Rose, realizing her blunder, continues.

“We’ve worked together extensively in the past.”

“I see. Well, I have a bit of a troubled patient in here right now.”

Arc nods. “Someone doesn’t want to stay in bed, eh?”


Rose frowns. “Why not just restrain them?”

“We’ve done that already. But somehow they keep breaking their bindings and trying to leave the hospital.”

Arc nods. “And their condition doesn’t let them get too far?”

“Right. Their balance is off due to problems in their head which forces them to more or less crawl. While I hate to relegate a staff member to what amounts to little more than babysitting duty, in this case I don’t think we have a choice.”

“Don’t worry. He won’t get past me.”

“Ultimately all you have to do is watch him sleep and try not to do so yourself. After all, he’s not allowed to have any television or radios going or be in earshot of one either.”

Rose raises an eyebrow. “That seems a bit extreme.”

“Doctor’s orders. I agree with them too, as last time he saw something violent on the screen he went nuts.”

Arc chuckles. “Violent?”

“More along the lines of scared for some reason. You wouldn’t know it to look at him though, as he’s not exactly what I would call ‘petite’.”

She points to a door before continuing.

“Room 317 is his. The key’s clipped to his chart next to the door. If he gets out of hand don’t be afraid to hit the panic button.”

“Got it.”

“Well, I’ll let you get to it. Follow me, miss.”

Rose nods. “Right behind you, ma’am.”

The nurse and Rose turn and head down the corridor in the opposite direction as Arc walks toward the room. Unlocking the door he enters and closes it behind him. The lights are low with only the sound of machines humming and the patient’s breathing breaking the otherwise silent air. Locking the door behind him, Arc walks over to the bed and looks down at the patient. Frowning, he muses to himself.

“It can’t be.”

Reaching for the lights he turns them up slightly to illuminate the room. Lying before him on the bed is none other than the leader of The Riders… Bloodletter.

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