• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 11 - Lord's Chapel

The next morning, Arc and his friends sit in their normal booth at Shelly’s Kitchen. Lily and Shelly bring them their food.

“I hope you all enjoy it!”

Ember nods hungrily. “We will, Lily!”

Shelly smiles as they eat. “Did all of you hear about the fire yesterday?!”

Arc nods. “We did indeed. The news did a good job covering it, as did the newspapers!”

Viktor looks over. “No news on what caused it yet though.”

Lily refills the squad’s coffee cups. “Did you see that bit about the hero and his friends who saved that father and daughter? I think that’s overshadowing the fire itself! Not that it’s a bad thing, of course!”

Max nods. “Well, hard times can sometimes bring out the best in people.”

Hugh smiles. “Well said!”

Xenos looks over to Arc. “What about that hero? He sure was brave!”

Ember grins! “As was his friend!”

Lily heads back to the kitchen. “Well he should be more careful! One of these days his luck might just run out!”

Arc sighs as Shelly wheels herself back toward the kitchen.

“Well, I think he and his friends were very brave for doing what they did!”

The pair head to the kitchen. Viktor looks over at Arc.

“Don’t let it get you down, sir! I’m sure if she knew that was you…”

Arc angrily interrupts him! “...it would give her a heart attack! So let’s just drop it, okay?!”

Everyone is silent for a time.

“Sorry Viktor.”

Ember puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay.”

Max nods. “So what’s the plan for today, sir?”

“I thought we should do a bit of legwork.”

Hugh smiles. “What did you have in mind, sir?”

“I was thinking of all the driving I’ve been doing recently. It wouldn’t take much for someone to see me driving around in my cloak or armor and run my license plate. Next thing we know, I have people knocking on my door!”

Ember frowns. “How else are you supposed to get around?”

Arc stands up and removes a very large but folded piece of paper from his pocket. Opening it he sets it down on the empty table across from them.

“Gather around and I’ll show you.”

Everyone does so.

Max frowns. “A town map?”

Hugh looks to him. “I don’t follow, sir!”

“I know this town like the back of my hand. Please note the red marks I’ve made.”

Xenos nods. “What about them?”

Viktor thinks for a moment. “They seem to be evenly spaced out. But what of it?”

“All of these locations are very secluded. Many of them are building rooftops actually! Perfect places to hide something.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Like what?”

“Like sigils!”

Max grins. “Not a bad idea, sir! You could travel across town in the blink of an eye!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! Then pop back home when you’re done!”

Hugh chuckles. “No one will be the wiser, and your identity stays hidden!”

Viktor looks up at him. “When do we get started on this?”

“I’ll drop everyone off at home after breakfast. Xenos and I will drive around town and see about getting these sigils placed.”

Xenos looks up, surprised! “Me, sir?!”

“Is there a problem?”

“No sir. Just a bit surprised, that’s all.”

Ember laughs! “You need practice driving anyways.”

Arc nods. "Right. That’s one of the reasons why I chose him.”

The group finishes their meal. Arc goes up to the front counter to pay. Shelly looks to him as she rings him up.

“You get out a lot these days, Arc. Any chance you could keep an eye out for something?”

“Sure! What do you need?”

“That Hero of Light from the news.”

Arc looks confused. “You want his autograph or something?”

Shelly shakes her head. “No. I just… wanted him to know that we business owners appreciate what he’s doing. Even if some folks think he’s a menace. So if you run into him while investigating the Shards, do let him know for me please.”

“I will.”

Shelly nods. “Thank you, Arc.”

Arc and company leave the diner and drive back to the house. Ember looks to him as he and Xenos switch places.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

“You can if you really want to. I just figured you would be bored sitting in the back seat with nothing to do.”

Xenos nods at Ember. “You can pump some iron until we get back.”

Ember laughs! “That does sound more fun than babysitting you two!”

“We’ll try to be back before dark. No promises though.”

Hugh waves to his friend. “Have fun Xenos.”

Xenos mutters something under his breath as they get into the Jeep. Arc pulls the map out and unfolds it.

“I’ll give you directions so you can keep your eyes on the road.”

“Sounds good, sir!”

The pair make their way to Main Street. Xenos parks and gets out with Arc.

“So where you want to put this thing?”

Arc points to the alley he used the other day. “That’s a good spot.”

Xenos follows him as the pair walk to the end of the alley and stop. “Why here?”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and makes a sigil on the ground. “Alleys aren’t really used by anyone these days other than for hiding or carrying out unsavory transactions.”

The sigil is made and they return to the Jeep. Xenos looks over to Arc as he starts the engine and pulls into traffic.

“Sir? Why me?”

Arc looks over the map as he pencils a check mark. “Driving practice.”

Cherry speaks. “Are you sure there isn’t another reason, Arc?”

Xenos jumps in his seat! “WOAH!”


“It’s okay, ma’am.”

Arc nods. “You’ve been quiet all morning, Cherry. I almost forgot you were in there. But, you’re right. There is another reason Xenos is here.”


“I thought it was time you and I had a bit of a talk.”

“About what, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Back at Light’s Hope before we came to Earth. I know you’ve been sneaking out at night.”

“Y-you do?”

“Yes. I’m not much for knowing Equestrian military protocol, but I assume that’s very much so against regulations.”

Xenos hangs his head. “Yes sir.”

“So where have you been going?”

“I… I sometimes can’t sleep. So I go for a walk to… clear my head.”

Cherry sighs. “You shouldn’t hide things from your commanding officer, Xenos. He puts a lot of faith in you! Please don’t betray his trust!”

Arc nods. “I assume your walks have a certain destination in mind?”

“They do, sir.”


Xenos sighs. “Sir? Could this just stay between us?”

Arc nods. “I suppose so… for now.”

Cherry giggles. “I won’t tell anypony else either!”

“Thank you, sir. You too, ma’am. What I told you was true. I often have trouble sleeping so I go for a walk to… to verify something.”

“Which is…?”

“I walk over to the Little Hooves Orphanage and check on the foals. Make sure they’re not up to anything!”

Arc nods. “There’s more to it than that, isn’t there?”

Xenos nods and sighs. “Please don’t tell anyone, but… after I check on the foals, I always sneak into Miss Pommel’s room.”

Cherry gasps! “Xenos! You can’t just go into a mare’s room when she’s sleeping! It isn’t proper!”

Arc nods. “I’m sure he has a good reason, Cherry.”

“That I do. I… check to make sure she’s… real.”


Xenos nods. “Often times I wake up and can’t shake the feeling that Miss Pommel coming to Ponyville was just a dream!”

“How many times a week do you do this?”

“About every other night.”

Cherry sounds concerned. “That is quite often! Does she know about this?!”

“No ma’am. I’m always careful not to wake her. That much I promise you!”

Arc frowns. “I had no idea you were sneaking out THAT often!”

“If I may sir, what were you doing out at that hour?”

“I sometimes go for a late walk in the calm of the night to clear my mind.”

“You do, Arc?

He nods. “Yeah. After I… lost you, Cherry, sleep became harder to maintain.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Cherry.”

“Forgive me sir. As the commander, you have every right to come and go as you please! That was the original intention of my own late-night walks!”

He is silent for a time.

“Sometimes I just stand there and stare at her. A couple times… I even touched her. Just to make sure she was real, of course!”

“Thank you for telling me about this, Xenos. Do the others know about it?”

“Kinda. They knew I was sneaking out, as they too have their own problems sleeping. But they had no idea where I was going.”

Cherry sounds surprised. “All of you have the same problem?”

“Yes ma’am. We’re not proud of it. But it is the truth!”

“I see. Xenos, I don’t really mind you leaving the base at night. Especially to check on the orphans. But I draw the line at you going into Coco Pommel’s room when she’s asleep!”

Xenos sighs. “I know what I did was wrong, sir, and will accept whatever punishment you deem fair.”

“Thank you for being so honest about this. I think it’s time you and the others see Emerald Dream about your sleeping issues.”

“The psychiatrist?”

“Yes. All of you suffered greatly under Matron Tempest. Her return to Ponyville during the recent quarantine probably didn’t help.”

Xenos grips the steering wheel tightly! “If I ever see her anywhere NEAR Miss Pommel again, I’ll tear her limb from limb!”

He is silent for a time.

“Sorry sir.”

“Arc, do you think Emerald Dream can really help them?”

“I’m sure she can, Cherry! After all… she… she helped me after… the incident.


“Arc! You went through therapy because of me?!”

Arc nods. “I did. There was a lot of things she and I had to work through.”

“No offense, but I thought you were strong enough to get through that on your own, sir!”

“No Xenos. I wasn’t. And I don’t want to meet someone cold-hearted enough to do so either!”

“I meant no disrespect sir. It’s just… you always seem to have it so together!”

“I’m strong enough to get through a lot, Xenos. But I’m also smart enough to know when I need to talk about something with a professional.”

“I had no idea, Arc! But that does make sense!”

“What should I do, sir?! I love Miss Pommel like a mother! We all do!”

“I think you and the others need to go through therapy as well. Some one-on-one time with Emerald Dream can do wonders for all of you!”

“All, sir?”

“You, Max, Hugh and Viktor. I need to be sure that the four of you are prepared for anything! Mind and body.”

“Thank you sir! We’ll do our best! I just have one question!”

Arc looks over to him. “Yes?”

“Where are we?”


Xenos looks over at him sheepishly. “I’ve just been driving straight, as you never told me to make any turns.”

Cherry giggles! “It seems Arc was too busy with other things.”

Arc smiles and shakes his head. “Do a U-turn and get us back to town. We’re miles outside of Angel Grove now.”

“Yes sir! Sorry sir!”

“Don’t be. You did your job. But it would seem I didn’t do mine.”

Cherry continues to laugh. “No one is perfect, Arc.’

They get back underway. By lunchtime they have almost two-thirds of the map done. Arc points to a small building up ahead.

“Pull in there.”

Xenos frowns at the full parking lot. “Isn’t that place a bit busy for a sigil, sir?”

Arc laughs! “Sigil nothing! I’m looking at getting lunch here!”

Cherry giggles. “It’s good to see some things never change!”

“Just find a place to park and I’ll run in and get us something to go.”

“Yes sir.”

Pulling into a parking spot, Arc unbuckles his seatbelt and opens his door. “Keep the engine running. I won’t be long.”

He walks into the fast food restaurant and returns shortly with a large bag of take-out.

“A burger and fries for me, and a large salad for you!”

Xenos nods as he accepts the salad. “Thank you, sir. Maybe one of these days I’ll try one of those burger things.”

“Whenever you’re ready for it you let me know, big guy.”

They pull back into traffic to complete their task.

“I have to say, I’m feeling a lot more comfortable driving, sir!”

“Good! You seemed to have trouble with it early on.”

“Can I tell you something in confidence, sir?”


“To be honest with you, when we started driving… it kinda scared me.”

“Really? Why?”

Xenos sighs. “I’m used to being the biggest and the strongest out there! But these vehicles are all bigger AND stronger than I’ll ever be!”

Cherry sighs. “You felt small and weak by comparison.

“I did. But I think I’m over it now.

Arc nods understandingly. “No matter how big and strong you are, there’s always someone bigger and stronger out there.”

“Even stronger than you, sir?”

Arc rubbing his sore ribs. “Definitely!”

Shortly before sunset they finish placing all the sigils save for one. Arc looks over the map.

“One more to go. This is the old church my family used to attend when my dad was still around.”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “This has been quite a chore, hasn’t it? But it’s been nice just being with you, Arc! Thank you for taking me!”

“It’s nice having you with me too, Cherry. You really make this fun! To tell you the truth, I actually forgot about this one. It was on our way home so I didn’t say anything. Turn into this parking lot.”

“Yes sir!”

They pull into a nearly empty parking lot to see a suspicious looking van parked in front of the main entrance.

“They’re certainly working late.”

Arc frowns. “Maybe not, Cherry. Stop here, Xenos. Something doesn’t smell right about this!”


“I think they might be robbing this place!”

Xenos looks worried. “What do we do?!”

Arc unbuckles his seat belt and calls forth his armor. “I’m going to investigate. You head on back to the house.”

“You sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

Arc shakes his head.

“No. The others are probably starting to worry about us at this point. That and if something should happen to us, they won’t know where we are!”

“I’ll watch his back, Xenos.”

Xenos nods as Arc steps out. “Yes sir. Take care!”

“Don’t worry. Some thieves aren’t enough to be a challenge for me!”

He nods and drives away. Arc puts on his magic cloak and makes his way over to the van. Peeking inside he sees quite a few boxes. Cherry gasps!

“They’re cleaning the place out!”

“Maybe not. These boxes are all perfectly taped and neatly stacked. Thieves don’t usually do that.”

“What else could it be other than robbery, Arc?!”

“Let’s wait here and see who comes out!”

A few minutes later an elderly man with a clerical collar steps out of the building with a couple others. They walk over to the van and each pick up a box before heading back inside.

“See? They’re just church members unloading supplies, or something.”

Cherry breathes a sigh of relief. “I guess you’re right. At least you won’t have to fight anypony!”

Arc reappears and removes his cloak. “I suppose not.”

“Arc? What are you doing?!”

“Helping out.”

Upon their return, the trio is a bit taken aback at Arc’s appearance. The cleric soon composes himself and approaches Arc.

“Can I help you, sir?”

“I believe it’s you who could use some help. Might I lend a hand?”

The pastor nods. “Certainly!”

Arc helps the men unload the truck. They bring the boxes to a basement storage room together. Arc sets down his boxes and turns to the men.

“That’s the last of them.”

The pastor nods. “You’re the one from the news, aren’t you? The Hero of Light everyone is talking about!”

“That I am. Is that a problem?”

“It is not. Lord’s Chapel is always here for those who have a need! Oh, please forgive me! I’m Pastor Tim Kavanaugh.”

He turns to the young man next to him.

“This is our Family Minister, Pastor John Datema.”

He smiles at Arc. “Good day to you, sir.”

“And this is Elder Greer.”

He shakes Arc’s hand warmly. “A pleasure!”

Arc nods to them. “Forgive me for barging in like this. You see, I was passing by and saw your van out front with all the boxes in it. At the time, I thought you were robbing the place.”

John chuckles. “We appreciate you keeping an eye on the place for us!”

Elder Greer nods. “Yes. One must always be vigilant in these trying times.”

“Have you had trouble lately with the Shards?”

Pastor Kavanaugh sighs. “Just once. Our Sunday morning offering was stolen from the back of the sanctuary.”

John chuckles. “However, a well-dressed young man with a cane returned it the following Monday morning.”

“He did?”

The Elder nods. “He said he was the leader of the Shards, and that it wouldn’t happen again! We didn’t really think much of it until that interview he gave on TV a week or so ago.”

The pastor nods. “I know God moves in mysterious ways. But I never imagined He would send a thief to return the stolen offering!”

“I’m glad it all worked out. Anyways, I need to be getting back home now. My friends are probably starting to get worried about me. It was nice meeting all of you.”

John nods. “Be careful out there, sir.”

Elder Greer smiles at him. “The church will be praying for you.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. I would appreciate that.”

He Blinks onto the roof. Cherry speaks to him telepathically.

“They were nice!”

Arc nods as he places the sigil. “That they are. Pastor Kavanaugh has been here at Lord’s Chapel as long as I can remember.”

“Fond memories?”

“My parents used to bring me here for Sunday School when I was a boy. That is, until my mom… succumbed to alcoholism.”

“Didn’t they try to help her?”

“They didn’t know.”


Arc sighs. “My mom always was a very private individual. She didn’t really go out much at all! You see, everyone knew she suffered from something called Social Anxiety Disorder, so they always gave her plenty of space. Although looking back at it, I never said anything to anyone about her addiction.”

“Why not?!”

“It was… embarrassing! Having her half sloshed all the time! But I still can’t help but wonder if they could have helped her if they had only known. If someone could have done something!”

“You were a little boy then, Arc! Don’t blame yourself for this!”

Arc walks to the edge of the roof and looking out over the town. “I failed my mother back then, Cherry. Nothing will ever change that! But… but I won’t fail this town or its inhabitants! In this small way, perhaps I can finally find what I’ve been looking for all this time!”

“What is it?”

He sighs as they look out over the horizon.


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