• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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*Chapter 13 - The First Mission Briefing

Early the next morning the Mane Six, Ember, the newly formed squad, and Arc prepare to head to the train station. The group talk amongst themselves as they walk across Canterlot Castle’s drawbridge. Arc stretches as he turns to Ember.

“While that room was nice, it will certainly be a good feeling to sleep in my own bed again tonight.”

Ember turns her head and looks at Arc with a gleam in her eyes. “Yes. Yes, it will be.”

Arc sighs and shakes his head at this wordlessly. Suddenly and angry voice rings out from the end of the bridge.


Ember groans. “Oh great. Not this stallion again.”

An Earth Pony of great rank rushes toward them with another officer at his heels. Following them is a small contingent of Royal Guards. Their numbers effectively block the end of the drawbridge. The officer points an accusatory hoof at Ember as he speaks.

“As the Captain of the Royal Guard, I am hereby taking this dragon back into custody!”

Arc steps in front of Ember as he looks at the insignia on the officer’s uniform. “How about we start with your name, Captain…”

The stallion looks down his nose at them smugly. “You may refer to me as Captain Decimus. I am the head of the princess’ Royal Guard and defender of Canterlot Castle.”

Arc nods soberly. “I see. My name is Arc. And while it’s not exactly public knowledge yet, I’m Equestria’s new Hero of Light.”

Captain Decimus scoffs as he looks Arc up and down for a few moments. Eventually he again speaks.

“I had heard rumors that their royal highnesses were looking into appointing a new one. However, I was not aware that you would be so young and inexperienced.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’m experienced enough to know what I can and can’t do, captain.”

Decimus again gestures to Ember. “Well then, Arc. I suggest that you turn over the prisoner to me peacefully before this gets... messy.”

Arc touches his ring and calls forth his armor and weapon. “That's... not going to happen.”

Captain Decimus looks at Arc incredulously as he grunts. “SUCH IMPUDENCE! YOU DARE RAISE A HOOF AGAINST THE CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD?!”

Arc points his Spear of Righteousness at the errant captain. “You dare raise a hoof against Equestria's Hero of Light?”

Max steps forward with the rest of his squad. “Sir. Your orders?”

Arc doesn’t take his eyes off Captain Decimus. “You four stand your ground… for now.

He walks toward the captain and his guards. Looking them over for a few moments, Arc again looks to the captain as he continues.

“Now then, Captain Decimus. The way I see it, we can do this one of two ways. Either you and your troops turn around and walk away, or I'll be forced to teach all of you a lesson in manners. Your choice.”

Captain Decimus turns to his troops and points to Arc. “Soldiers! Attack!”

His troops do not move. Frowning, he continues.

“Well?! Why are you loafers just standing there?!”

The lieutenant turns to his superior. “Sir, we can't attack the Hero of Light! Besides it being treason, it's also suicide!”

The captain, furious, grabs one of his soldier’s spears. “Fine! I'll show you cowards how it's done!”

Captain Decimus charges at Arc, spear in hoof. Arc tosses his own weapon to Ember as he smirks.

“Hold my spear! I got this!”

Arc steps forward to meet Captain Decimus head on. As the stallion nears him, Arc grabs Captain Decimus' spear, rips it out of his hold, and kicks him off the drawbridge into the moat. Looking up at him as he treads water Decimus cries out.

“You’ll pay for this!”

Arc tosses the spear back to the Royal Guard it came from. “Not likely.”

Looking to the rest of the soldiers, Arc continues.

“Now then, does anyone else want to try and stop me?”

Captain Decimus' lieutenant approaches Arc and salutes. “My apologies for my commanding officer's behavior, sir. He's just doing his best to protect the citizens from what he believes to be a dangerous criminal.”

Arc nods to Ember. “Well, this so-called ‘dangerous criminal’ will be under my watchful eye until her trial before Princess Celestia.”

Captain Decimus shouts up to them from the moat. “She already had a trial before me!”

Arc looks down at him and yells back. “Well, I'm appealing the decision!”

He turns back to the lieutenant.

“Now then, if you will excuse us, we have a mission to plan.”

The lieutenant salutes. “Yes sir. Again… my apologies.”

Nodding to the soldiers, the Royal Guards step either to the right or left to clear a path for Arc and his group to pass. They salute their new Hero of Light as he passes. As he does so, Captain Decimus can only look on from the moat and seethe as he mutters under his breath.

“You just made a very powerful enemy. This is not over, Arc. Far from it.”

Meanwhile, the group makes the short walk to the train station and boards. Twilight sits down and breathes a sigh of relief.

“Hopefully we can avoid any more altercations with Captain Decimus from now on.”

Arc sets down his spear and clenches a fist. “That depends on if he wants to get beaten in front of his troops again.”

Rainbow Dash shadowboxes. “Yeah! That was awesome!”

Pinkie grins. “You sure showed him who’s boss, Arc!”

Fluttershy shudders. “It was really scary though. I though somepony was really going to get hurt.”

Applejack groans. “Me too. Glad Arc went easy on him though.”

Rarity turns up her nose. “He certainly didn’t have to. That brute had it coming. And more, if you ask me.”

Ember sighs. “Somehow, I doubt that's the last we've seen of him though.”

As the train gets underway the Mane Six chat happily amongst themselves. Arc stares out the window absentmindedly. Applejack stands and walks over to him.

“Is something wrong, sugarcube? You haven't hardly said two words since the train started moving.”

“Well, it's just... after the rest of you left the Mausoleum yesterday, the princesses told me one of Equestria's greatest state secrets.”

Pinkie hops over to them. “Oh, oh! What was it?!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Um, Pinkie? I think that's why it's called a ‘secret’.”

Arc sighs. “They also spoke of certain imminent danger to all Equestria.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she stomps a hoof. “So?! Let's do something about it then!”

Arc shakes his head. “It's not that simple. Believe me, if I could stick a spear in it and end the problem right now I would. But as it stands we don't know where the danger will come from, or when.”

Twilight looks over. “So... what are we supposed to do now?”

Arc shrugs. “The only thing we can do, I suppose. Keep the peace and protect the innocent. Just like we've been doing. Speaking of which, I have another promise to keep. I've been mulling over how I’m going to pull this thing off since I got home. And I think I came up with something when Platinum Valve enchanted my armor the other day.”

Ember looks over at Arc, wide-eyed. “Wait! Does this have anything to do with... him?!”

“You guessed it. The Marquis.”

Applejack raises and eyebrow. “The what-now?”

Ember looks over to the others. “You remember that huge monster that came to Arc's aid in Tartarus?”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw drops. “Wait! You want to release that… that THING?! Are you insane, Arc?!”

“He won't be staying in Equestria. In fact, I have the Dragon Lord's permission to bring the Marquis to his domain to receive amnesty in the Dragon Lands. Think of it less like a rescue, and more like an ‘extradition’.”

Rarity looks over at Arc. “You're really going to go through with this, aren't you?!”

Arc nods. “I am, yes. After all, that's the thing about promises. They have to be kept.”

Applejack nods. “That they do. Anything we can do to help out?”

Arc looks out the window. “We're almost to Ponyville. Let's talk more about this at Sugar Cube Corner.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Yeah! Oh! But why there?!”

“Well, they have plenty of tables and chairs, ample room, and... well... I could go for a cupcake or two right now.”

Ember facepalms. “I knew there was more to it.”

The party arrives at Ponyville Station shortly thereafter and disembarks together. Arc turns to Ember.

“Do you think you could fly to Derpy's house and have her meet us at Sugar Cube Corner?”

Ember nods. “No problem.”

As Ember flies away Arc turns to the others and grins.

“The rest of you, follow me! FOR THE CUPCAKES!!!”

The party follows Arc to Sugar Cube Corner. They enter the shop together as Mister Cake greets them warmly.

“Welcome back, Pinkie Pie! I see you brought you friends with you today.”

Pinkie nods happily. “We came here to have a secret meeting!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Uh… it’s not exactly ‘secret’ if you tell everypony about it, Pinkie.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah! We need to keep this quiet, after all!”

Arc enters the shop last and closes the door behind him. Mrs. Cake looks over as he does so and sees his Crest of Light.

“Oh my, the Hero of Light! What can we do for you, sir?!”

“Uh... Mrs. Cake? You can just call me Arc. I'm still the same old me, after all.”

Mrs. Cake nods. “Alright, dear. What can we do for you today?”

“My friends and I need a place to formulate something of a rescue plan. Can we borrow your shop for a while? Oh! And I’ll need three dozen assorted cupcakes please.”

Mr. Cake nods as Arc pays for the cupcakes. “Of course. I suppose you would need a meeting place.

Mrs. Cake giggles. “At least until your Command Center is completed, that is.”

Arc looks at the Cakes, confused. “My what now?”

Mrs. Cake points a hoof out the window toward the forest. “You didn’t hear? A rather large facility is currently being built on the edge of town.”

Mr. Cake nods as he puts the money in the cash register. “The construction crew was in here buying some doughnuts earlier this morning. They said orders from Canterlot are to build the finest Command Center they could for the new Hero of Light. I'm sorry, I thought you knew.”

Arc shrugs. “This is the first I've heard of it. But it would appear that the princesses are certainly full of surprises.”

He looks to his squad before continuing.

“Although I guess that would explain what Princess Luna was doing while I was reviewing the troops.”

A short time later Ember, Derpy, and Dinky enter the shop together. Derpy rushes over to him with little Dinky riding happily on her back.

“Arc! We came as soon as we could! What's happening?!”

“Nothing as of yet. How about a cupcake break?”

Arc recalls his armor. Bending over he picks Dinky up and holds her in his arms.

“How's my favorite little pony?!”

Dinky’s reply is happy, incoherent baby babble. Arc hands her a muffin that isn’t much smaller than she is as he continues.


Dinky takes the muffin in her tiny hooves and bites into it happily. Derpy watches the scene before her happily.

“Oh Arc, thank you for being there for my little Dinky.”

Arc looks over to her, concerned. “Derpy? Is everything alright?”

“It's just... I wish that you know who was here. After all, Dinky deserves a father.”

Arc nods toward his platoon standing at the door. “Do you want me to send them to find Moonlit Dusk?”

Derpy thinks for a moment before shaking her head. “No. After all, I can't force him to be there for our daughter. But thank you for the offer.”

Arc walks over to Derpy with Dinky and kneels down to give her a hug, which she returns.

“While I'm not Dinky's father, I will do my best to always be here for both of you.”

“Thank you, Arc. Dinky and I appreciate that.”

Arc stands up and walks back to the front of the room. He motions for everyone to take a seat as he speaks.

“Now then, we have a rescue operation to plan.”

Derpy raises a hoof. “I'll help in any way that I can!”

“Thank you, Derpy. But I think this will be a bit too dangerous for you.”

Arc paces in front of the others as he continues. “Alright. Here is the plan so far. The rescue team will consist of myself, Ember, my squad, and a single unicorn.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “What about the rest of us?!”

Applejack nods matter of factly. “Yeah! We can help too!”

Fluttershy shrinks back instinctively. “What?!”

Rarity taps the table with a hoof. “Here, here!”

Pinkie pulls out her party cannon and cocks it. “Let me at em!”

Twilight giggles warmly. “Yes, if we can help in any way my friends and I will.”

Arc smiles at them. “While I do appreciate the thought, this rescue team needs to be as small as possible.”

Ember frowns. “Why? I mean, there’s safety in number.”

“We must be able to move quickly and quietly. And while I can’t deny what you said is true, I'm afraid that a larger party would draw unwanted attention. Somehow, I doubt the inhabitants of the land will be too thrilled to see me, after what happened last time.”

Twilight raises a hoof like a school child. “How about just me then, Arc? After all, you said that you needed a unicorn.”

Arc nods. “I was actually hoping you would volunteer, Twilight. The special magic I need you to cast should be a cakewalk for you.”

Pinkie salivates. “Cake…”

“Now then, as soon as we enter Tartarus the first...”

Derpy stands up and gasps. “TARTARUS!”

Rainbow Dash looks over at her and nods. “Yup. Arc’s going back there to rescue the creature that saved him.”

Derpy looks at Arc, suddenly serious. “Then I’m coming with you!”

“But Derpy…”

Derpy interrupts him. “I nearly lost you forever to that place once before, Arc! I won't lose you again! Besides, my abilities as a Templar would be nothing but helpful in that hellish place!”

Rarity nods as she looks to Arc. “She does raise a good point.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “Yes, that’s true. Derpy was most insistent on joining us on our trip to save you.”

Arc sighs. “Alright, fine. I just hope I don't regret this later.”

Derpy’s eyes light up. “Really?! Thank you, Arc!”

She turns to look at Pinkie Pie.

“Could you watch Dinky for me while we’re gone!?”

Pinkie nods happily. “Sure thing!”

Arc clears his throat and continues with the plan. “Now, as I was saying... when we enter Tartarus, the first thing we need to do is stop by the old Vile Tribe hideout. Assuming it’s still standing, we can use it as a place to rest and get our bearings before heading out to the Hydra Marshes.”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Is that really necessary though, Arc? I mean, maybe it would be better to get in and out as quickly as possible.”

Ember shakes her head. “Believe me, Twilight, we don't want to be wandering around Tartarus at anything less than full strength.”

Twilight again raises her hoof. “Will we be stopping by the new Vile Tribe village first?”

Arc shrugs. “I don't see why not. That and Mythic Honor may be able to give us some advice before entering Tartarus. If not, well… I suppose that we should see how they’re getting along anyways.”

Ember speaks up as she finishes her cupcake. “Not that I'm complaining about Twilight coming with us or anything, but what do we need her magic for anyways?”

“I'm glad you asked. As you know, the Marquis is too big to leave Tartarus, barrier or otherwise. So my plan is for Twilight to cast Platinum Valve's Matter Compacting spell on him so that we can carry him out.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “That and you may need some magical muscle if things go south.”

Twilight looks at Arc’s hand. “Don't you have sigil magic in your gauntlet though? Why not just teleport in, get the Marquis, and teleport back out?”

Arc sighs. “If it were anywhere else, I might just agree with that plan. But this is Tartarus we’re talking about. There’s always the chance one of the demons could find a way to use my sigil and portal to escape.

Rarity shrugs. “Either way you would still have to walk in, as I’m guessing you don’t have an sigils in Tartarus. Right, Arc?”

“Exactly. Remember, I didn’t get my armor’s enchantments until after I came back to Ponyville.”

Ember nods. “That plan is quite sound. But what do we do about the demon king?”

Arc looks out the window in the general direction of Tartarus. “That's why I just want to go in with a small group. With any luck we’ll be able to get in and out before he even knows that we were there.”

Derpy look to Arc. “Do you really think that will work?”

“Probably not, but what other choice do we have?”

“Good point.”

“Just one last thing, Derpy. Would you be okay with Ruby staying at your house while we are gone?”

Derpy nods. “Sure! My home is her home!”

“Thanks. I'll stop by the hospital before heading back and let her know of our plans to leave town.”

Derpy stands. “Okay. Ember and I will get supper ready.”

Ember nods. “Sounds good to me.”

Arc smiles at the pair. “Alright. I won’t be long.”

Derpy picks up Dinky and puts the little filly on her back as she and Ember leave Sugar Cube Corner together. Arc looks over at Twilight as he continues.

“We’ll meet you at the library first thing tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll be ready!”

Arc chuckles. “I guess that breaks up the meeting.”

The Mane Six stand up and walk over to the door. Rarity is the first to speak.

“Do be careful in that horrid place, darling!”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Yeah! But feel free to teach those demons another lesson if you get the chance!”

“I’ll be careful.”

The rest of the party disperses as Arc heads toward Ponyville Hospital. He knocks lightly on Cherry's room door before opening it and sticking his head inside.

“May I come in?”

Ruby sits up. “Of course, Arc! You're always a welcome sight!”

Arc steps inside and walks over to the bed. Smiling at Cherry, he continues.

“You're looking a lot stronger today. How's everything going?”

“I'm doing much better, yes.”

Ruby smiles at her sister. “The doctor says she should be well enough to return home in a few days or so. But, how are you doing, Arc?”

Cherry nods nervously. “We saw you and the others fighting that large bear-like creature the other day! Are all of you, all right?!”

“Yes indeed! I was nothing we couldn't handle together.”

Ruby points a hoof to the window. “After the battle was over, I opened the window so that Cherry and I could hear the speech. What an occasion that turned out to be!”

Cherry looks to him soberly. “Arc? Is... is it true? Are you really... Equestria's new Hero of Light?”

“Yup. In fact, we all just returned from Canterlot where the princesses made it official. I've already been given a squad of Lunar Protectors and apparently a Command Center of sorts is being built for me on the outskirts of town. Now I just have to think of what exactly I’m going to do with all that I’ve been given.”

Cherry smiles at him. “I'm sure the princesses will have any number of assignments for you to undertake. After all, there’s always trouble somewhere.”

“To tell the truth, the Hero of Light is pretty much left to their own devices. I'm sure if there’s an emergency or something I’ll be called for. But for the most part... well... I pretty much do what I want, it seems.”

Ruby appears surprised. “That's quite the responsibility you have there.

Cherry quickly chimes in. “But, I can think of no one more deserving of such an honor as you, Arc! That and I’m sure you’ll do a fine job!”

“I’ll do my best. In fact, that's why I stopped by today. I've already decided on my first real mission. Ember, Derpy, Twilight and I are heading out tomorrow. So I wanted to give you this.”

Arc hands Ruby his key to Derpy’s house as he continues.

“Derpy says you’re free to stay there while we’re gone. We should be back in a day or so.”

Ruby accepts the key. “Thank you. I appreciate do appreciate that.”

Cherry clops her hooves happily. “I’m certain it will go well for the four of you. But where are you headed to this time?”

“We're going back to Tartarus in order to...”

Ruby and Cherry look at Arc with horrified expressions on their faces.


“Going BACK to?!”

“What in Celestia's name were you doing in Tartarus, Arc?!”

Arc sighs as he looks to the window. “I spent quite a bit of time there. My friend Twilight banished me there after she mistakenly assumed I had brutally murdered someone.”

Cherry shakes her head in disbelief. “And... you're going BACK to that place?! Why?!”

“To save a friend.”

Ruby gasps. “But what about the criminals in there?!”

Arc clenches a fist. “I beat the Demon King and his army once before. I'll do it again if I have to.”

Cherry bows her head. “Please be careful, Arc. Equestria needs you.”

“I will. You just worry about getting better, Cherry. I'll try to be back in time to escort you and Ruby back to Dodge Junction.”

Ruby smiles. “Thank you, Arc. That is most kind of you.”

Arc looks to the door. “Well, I should probably be going. Have to get ready for tomorrow. Take care you two.”

Heading for the door Arc leaves the room. There is silence between the two mares for a few minutes. Eventually Ruby turns to her sister.

“You kinda like him... don't you Cherry?”

Cherry smiles as she blushes slightly. “Well, I do admit that he is very nice. But... considering Arc’s already fought to protect me twice, and spent all his reward money to save my life, I guess there would be something wrong with me if I wasn't... interested in him. Arc is what every mare is looking for in a stallion.”

Ruby nods as she pats her sister’s fetlock. “Strong enough to rip a stallion in half if he wanted, but kind enough not to.”

Cherry sighs happily. “Yes. Arc somewhat reminds me of our father.”

“His strength?”

“And his gentle nature, yes. Like you said, Ruby. Arc’ strong enough to protect those he cares for. But gentle enough to care for them as well.”

Ruby grimaces as she looks out the window. “I don’t think his caring nature will help him in Tartarus though.”

Cherry sighs. “Maybe not. But I pity anypony in there whom gets in his way.”

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