• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 32 - Waiting for Answers

As the machine winds down, Arc and the others blink in an effort to clear their vision. Frank looks around and spies his friend slumped over the bed.


They rush over to her as Arc puts two fingers to her throat.

“She has a pulse!”

Auriel joins him. “And she’s breathing!”

Max looks to Maria as she hurries to the bedside. “And Shelly?! Did it work?!”

Maria begins her examination. “Too early to tell. But her heart is beating, albeit weakly.”

Hammer runs over to the telephone and picks it up.

“Operator, we have a medical emergency! Tell Doctor Whooves to prepare the Infirmary immediately and page Nurse Redheart for assistance as well!”

Hanging up, she turns to see Max and Frank pushing the gurney out the door. Arc picks up Lily and hurries after them as Auriel and her mother follow. Ember turns to Tempest and King Malevolence.

“I guess I should thank you two for your help.”

Tempest walks toward the door as she calls out. “Just have Arc’s mutt come to my room to change me back and we’ll call it even.”

Malevolence smirks as he folds his arms over his chest. “I like her.”

Ember groans. “Really? Because I can’t stand her.”

“The same could have been said of you and I not so long ago.”

“I guess. But Tempest is...?”

Malevolence interrupts her. “...different.”

A short time later Arc and his friends rush into the Infirmary. The doctor and nurse hold the curtains aside as they push the gurney into the prepped back room. Maria enters with the doctor as Auriel turns to the others.

“We’ll take it from here!”

Stepping back, Nurse Redheart pulls back the covers on another bed. A few moments later Arc enters with Lily. Hurrying over to the bed he lays her down as Redheart closes the curtain. Grabbing Lily’s shirt, Arc deftly rips it open as Redheart walks over with a stethoscope. After listening to her heart and lungs for a few moments she quickly examines Lily before looking to Arc.

“The patient’s heart and lungs sound fine. Blood pressure is normal as is her temperature. What exactly happened to her?”

“She apparently got too close during the final phase of Shelly’s treatment. When the light cleared we saw her slumped over the bed unconscious.”

Redheart sighs. “I don’t actually know the specifics of that particular treatment, so I can’t say why she’s unconscious. And I can’t confer with Doctor Whooves or Doctor Knowles at the moment for obvious reasons.”

Arc nods soberly. “Give her a full physical then. Check everything so that the doctors have a full report to look over when they have time.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc helps Redheart completely remove Lily’s clothes and undergarments before covering her with a blanket. Turning to Redheart he puts a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m counting on you.”

Redheart nods. “Yes sir.”

Pushing past the curtain, Arc rejoins the others. Turning to his squad he smiles nervously.

“Thanks for all your hard work. This only went so smoothly because you and the others did such a good job here.”

Viktor grins. “It was our pleasure, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. Anything to help Shelly and Lily.”

Hugh smirks. “And we were sure not to leave behind anything that The Organization could use to analyze for reproduction.”

Max looks to the curtain. “How’s Lily doing?”

“She’s out cold still. But her heart is beating and she’s breathing on her own.”

Hammer frowns. “No telling what happened when that treatment beam, or whatever it was, hit her though.”

Auriel shudders. “Right. Best to have her checked out properly.”

“Agreed. Redheart’s going to get all the data and present it to the doctors when they’re available.”

He looks to his squad before continuing.

“Why don’t you guys get something to eat and rest now? You’ve certainly earned it.”

Max grimaces. “Sir, might I stay here? I’d like to be close by to wait for the news.”

“Sure, Max.”

Auriel turns and points to the corridor. “I’ll go see my father. Make sure he’s okay after that mission.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Let me go with you. I need to check on that Tempest character.”

Arc shrugs. “If she’s still here.”

They watch as the group leaves together. Arc turns to see Frank staring silently at the closed off back room where Shelly was taken. Walking over to him with Max, they help him sit down on a nearby bench. Arc is the first to speak.

“Thanks for coming with me, Frank.”

“I could do no less for Shelly. She deserved the most capable of guards, after all.”

Max nods. “That she does.”

Arc smiles. “You still care for her, don’t you?”

Frank nods sadly. “Of course. We all do.”

“True. But you’ve had a crush on her since we were kids.”

Max appears surprised. “You did?”

Frank sighs. “Yes. However she never reciprocated my feelings. Arc and I were always just friends to her.”

“And Lily?”

Arc smiles nervously. “She had a crush on me, but didn’t say so until around a year ago.”

He looks to Max before speaking.

“And you?”

“Me, sir?”

“A blind man could see that you still have a sweet spot for Shelly.”

Max gestures to the man next to him. “But... but what about... Frank here?”

Frank turns to Arc. “Might you check on the others? I’d like to speak to your friend here privately.”


Standing up, Arc walks down the corridor. Max turns to Frank.

“Are you... upset?”

“No. Why would I be?”

“I didn’t know you had an eye for Shelly. The commander did say something about that at one point. But I just thought it was a childhood crush.”

“It was, yes. However I never stopped carrying the torch for Shelly.”

He leans his head back, closes his eyes, and smiles.

“She’s one in a million.”

Max nods. “That she is. I’ve never met a more soft spoken and caring individual before.”

“I’ve known Shelly for as long as I can remember. She was the first one to greet me when I arrived at the orphanage all those years ago.”

“What was she like back then?”

“Exactly the same as she is now.”

Frank chuckles before continuing.

“Albeit a bit shorter.”

“So she hasn’t changed at all?”

“Well... I may be a bit biased, but I believe she’s only grown more sweet with age. Same as Lily really. They almost seemed to feed on each other’s kindness and goodness.”

“But isn’t that a good thing?”

Frank nods. “Yes indeed. It strengthened their friendship beyond what I could even imagine was possible. In fact, that’s probably what led to this incident.”


“Lily was always by Shelly’s side whenever possible. I can only assume that she couldn’t stand being away from her friend when she was needed. In fact, Lily often said that she would stand with Shelly until the very end.”

He looks to the curtain before continuing.

“And she really meant that.”

“So... what happens now?”

“The doctors will do all they can and advise us further when they have more information.”

Max shakes his head. “No, I mean for you and Shelly.”

“I’ll follow Lily’s lead and always do my best to support her.”

“Aren’t you going to... you know...?”

“Confess my love?”


Frank sighs. “I’ve already told her how I feel. But Shelly always maintained that I was just a good friend to her.”

“And me?”

“I think that you and her need to have a very candid, very formal, very private talk when she wakes up.”

Max bows his head. “Shelly... already said she didn’t want to see me until I was willing to be honest with her.”

Frank appears confused. “Honest?”

“When I told her some time ago that I was from another world, she... she thought I was lying.”

Frank nods. “I see. Well then, when you see her just state the truth completely and let things be.”

“And if she still doesn’t believe me?”

“She will. Believe me, after all that’s happened, she will.”

Meanwhile, Arc arrives at a suite. Knocking, he waits patiently. A few moments later Sereb opens the door and steps aside to allow Arc to enter. He spies a magic cloak lying on the bed and Tempest putting on her leather armor. She turns to him as he approaches.

“Came to make sure I left peacefully?”

“Not exactly.”

Turning to Sereb, he continues.

“Would you excuse us?”

Sereb nods and walks to the door. As he leaves Arc turns back to Tempest.

“I actually came here to say... thank you.”

“What for?”

“Being part of the backup plan.”

Tempest shrugs. “I kinda owned you one after all you did for Cerulean Skies in the past.”

“Debt or not, I do appreciate you coming through for us.”

Tempest nods as she walks over to the balcony door. “Well, I didn’t do it for you. Or your little friend.”

“Oh really?”

“I don’t like being indebted to anyone. It’s not good policy for someone in my position, you know.”

“Then why are you part of the Council of Shadows?”

“You’re referring to my pact with the Dark One.”

“For that power he gave you in addition to Light’s Bane you’re heavily indebted to him.”

Tempest shakes her head. “That’s a bit different. I’m getting what I want now and he gets his part later.

“Giving your soul isn’t exactly what I call a fair deal though.”

“I see it as a bargain though.”


Tempest motions with a wave of her hoof. “That city down there...”

She looks to the horizon.

“The many towns and cities that make up Equestria... they are home to so many ponies. Young... old... smart... stupid... and everything in between.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Don’t you see? If by my sacrifice this land can go on, then no price is too high.”

“Very commendable, I suppose.”

“You wouldn’t do the same?”

“I’d gladly give my life for this land and those I care about. But I don’t know about offering up my soul to someone in exchange for anything.”

“That’s the difference between you and I.”


“For me... no sacrifice is too great.”

Arc nods. “I’ll remember that.”

“After all, one never knows when they’ll be called to make the ultimate sacrifice.”

“Hopefully not for a long time.”

“Same here.”

“So... what happens now?”

Tempest smirks. “I have places to be and things to do.”

“With the Council?”

Tempest rolls her eyes. “I’m helping Cerulean Skies cook Hearth’s Warming dinner for those whom need it.”

“Ah! Well... tell her ‘hello’ for me.”

“I will.”

Calling forth Light’s Bane, Tempest slashes at the air to open a dark portal. Walking towards it she looks back at Arc.

“I... hope your friends recover quickly.”

Arc nods soberly. “So do I.”

Vanishing through her portal, Arc watches it close before leaving the room and returning to the Infirmary. Hammer and Auriel sit on a bench nearby as Max and Frank pace the floor. Arc looks to them as he enters.

“Any changes?”

Max shakes his head. “No, sir.”

Hammer shrugs. “We don’t really know, as the doctors and Redheart are still working on them.”

Auriel looks around nervously. “Did Tempest already leave?”

Arc nods. “Yeah, she’s gone.”

Frank frowns. “A creepy mare, that one is.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. But she’s dependable.”

Hammer looks over her shoulder before continuing. “That isn’t necessarily a good thing.”

“I suppose not. But we were successful in part thanks to her.”

Frank folds his arms over his chest. “One cannot argue with results.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “Yes, well... where do we go from here?”

Arc sighs. “That depends on what the medical staff tells us.”

“Sir, what are we going to do about them when they wake up?”

“I’ve actually been thinking about that very thing since we got back.”

Frank appears hopeful. “Any luck, my friend?”

“An idea, yes. But it’s totally dependent on their prognoses.”

Max grins. “Can I help, sir?”

Arc nods. “You can, yes.”

“What do you need from me, sir?”

“A bit of time and elbow grease at the moment.”

Hammer steps forward. “Need a hand with that?”

Auriel raises a hand. “I’ll help as well.”

Frank taps his cane on the floor. “As will I.”

Arc looks to them approvingly. “Good. I’ll need a consultation with the doctor before anything is formalized, of course. But I think I’ve thought of a way to gently bring Shelly and Lily around.”

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