• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Claws and Steel

That evening Arc and Hammer sit on the couch together putting on their shoes as the others look on nervously. Derpy frowns.

“Can’t we stand with you too?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not this time. Stingray and Mio will certainly be in on this and ready for you and the others.”

Hammer nods soberly. “My sisters don’t make the same mistakes twice. This isn’t going to be a cakewalk.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “We should at least be in the brush nearby!”

“Yeah, dad! As it stands, they won’t be able to help you two!”

Arc sighs. “A ways down the road is close enough to help while not being directly involved.”

Hammer nods. “It’s the best way for everyone’s sake.”

Eidolon’s Ward raises a gauntlet. “What about me? I’m not magical or alive so Mio shouldn’t be able to pick me up, right?”

Hammer shrugs. “Not sure. But if she did it would put Arc and I in more danger.”

“I’ll have my sights on everything going on at all times. If you need help call out to us, Big Brother.”

“That I will.”

Sereb growls. “When that time comes I will ferry your armor and Miss Derpy to your side as quickly as possible, Arc.”

“Good. It’s the best we can do. Now then… we ready?”

Hammer pulls her gun and looks it over. “I am!”

Sereb grins. “As am I.”

Derpy nods soberly. “Yes.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. Let’s get this over with.

Arc turns to his daughter. “You sure you’re going to be okay alone, Dinky?”

“Y-yeah. I’ll just sit down here and watch some television until you and mom get back, dad.”

Sereb frowns. “It would be wiser to get some sleep, little one.”

Dinky sighs and hangs her head. “There’s no way I’d be able to until everyone’s home safe and sound.”

Arc tousles her hair. “That’s fine, Dinky. Just run upstairs and grab your pillow and blanket. I at least want you to lie down.”

Nodding, Dinky does as she it told. Taking her place on the couch Arc and Derpy cover the little girl up. Derpy takes her hand as Arc leans over and kisses her forehead.

“Don’t you worry about a thing, Dinky. Everything will turn out alright if we all work together.”

Hammer gives a thumbs up. “I’ll look out for your dad!”

Sereb nods. “As will I.”

Derpy clenches a fist. “Me too, sweetie.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “We all will.”

Dinky smiles sleepily as she takes her father’s hand. “Thanks. But I still want everyone home safe when this is over.”

Nodding, Arc leads the group to the basement. Stepping onto the sigil he takes his gauntlet from Eidolon’s Ward and powers it up. A split second later they find themselves on a small hill overlooking the hospital. Arc turns to the others as he returns the gauntlet to his armor.

“This is it. Everyone get ready.”

Eidolon’s Ward calls out. “Aren’t you going to put me on?”

Arc shakes his head. “They’ll be expecting Hammer’s boyfriend, after all. Not the Hero of Light.”

Hammer frowns. “True. But if they read my diary, they already know that someone named ‘Arc’ IS the Hero of Light.”

Derpy grins. “But they can’t put a face to the name.”

Scootaloo nods. “We can use that to our advantage!”

Sereb growls. “It would be wise to keep your appearance from them.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks to Arc. “Agreed.”

“Okay. We’ll do it that way.”

Walking toward the armor, it opens to allow Arc to enter. Stepping inside he takes a deep breath as the chest plate reforms around him. Turning to Hammer Arc motions for her to come to him.

“Let’s go.”

Hammer nods soberly. “Right with ya.”

Arc takes Hammer’s hand and Blinks the pair to the side of the hospital. They hear voices around the side of the building.

“They’re waiting for us.”

Hammer checks her weapon one last time. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

“Put that away.”

“What?! Why?!”

“It’ll only escalate this right off the bat. If possible I’d like to keep this thing civil and talk it out.”

Hammer shakes her head. “That ain’t gonna work!”

“We have to try.”

Hammer frowns as she puts her gun behind her. “Fine.”

Stepping around the ruins of the building, they are greeted by Bloodletter and what appears to be the remains of his gang holding flashlights and lanterns. Hammer glares at them.

“What do you idiots want?!”

Bloodletter grins wickedly at her. “Oh, not much. I just wanted to say ‘hello’. Mostly…”

Hammer scoffs. “Fine! You said it!”

Bloodletter chuckles. “So what bring you here?”

Hammer grimaces. “You have something I want!”

“Not you, Hammer. Him.”

He points a finger at Arc.

“Your letter to Hammer said to bring her boyfriend.”

Bloodletter nods. “Yes, it did.”

Arc clenches a fist. “What do you want?”

Bloodletter chuckles. “I just had to see this for myself. The great and mighty Hammer reduced to the Heroes’ slave.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Oh really?”

He holds up the diary and smirks.

“You wrote in here that your boyfriend, whom has been codenamed ‘Arc’, was doing some jobs for you. Considering the steamy nature of the entries as time went on, you clearly wanted him to plow you.”

Hammer blushes angrily as she holds herself back. Bloodletter looks her in the eye.

“I think my I would make much better host to your sexual needs.”

“Quantity over quality there!”

“Well, you ARE clearly out of your mind.”

“Says who?!”

“Your actions.”


“Think about it. You told me that you fought the Hero of Light a few times in the past and lost every time. And you expect me to believe that now all you want him to do is to pound your holes?!”

Hammer points a finger at him angrily. “It doesn’t matter WHAT you believe, freak! I’ll have sex with whomever I want!”

Bloodletter appears suddenly agitated.

“What did you say?”

“That I’ll spread my legs for whomever I want, freak!”

Jumping to his feet, Bloodletter glares at her.

“NO! You belong to ME, Hammer!”

Hammer makes a face. “What the heck are you TALKING about?! Since when do you have an interest in me?!”

“I always have! But you just never noticed!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Not much TO notice. Well, other than the colossal failures of you and your gang, that is.”

Arc frowns. “Enough. Both of you.”

The armored young man looks to Bloodletter as he takes a step or two forward.

“Look, I think it’s pretty obvious to everyone here that Hammer doesn’t really have an interest in you, fella. So why don’t you just give her back the diary and we can be on our way?”

Bloodletter nods. “Hammer may leave, certainly. But you and I still have business to attend to, runt.”

Hammer frowns. “What’re you rambling about?!”

“The matter of whom is worthy of Hammer’s love and affection!”

Arc shakes his head. “That isn’t really how love works.”

“It is if I say so, punk!”

Hammer grins wickedly. “Yeah! So let me give you a taste!”

Reaching behind her, Hammer pulls her gun and levels it at Bloodletter. However, before she can fire, he reaches out a hand and pulls it to himself.

“How did you…?!”

Bloodletter laughs as he hold the weapon. “A bit of a side effect from the injection you gave me when last we met, my dear!”

Hammer gasps. “The syringe?! It was just supposed to turn you into a beast! Not give you magical powers!”

Bloodletter grins. “Supposedly. But in any case… it’s time for the rest of the show! Behold!”

He turns to the moon as it peeks over the tree line. As he gasps in pain hair begins growing out of him at an alarming rate as the man rips out of his clothing. Growing to more than double his former height, Bloodletter lets out a blood curdling howl as he continues looking happily at the moon before turning to face the pair again. Arc turns to Hammer.


“This… this shouldn’t have been POSSIBLE! Stingray told me the serum was temporary!”

“Well, I’m thinking they lied to you.”

Hammer turns back to Bloodletter. “Where are my sisters, monster?!”

Bloodletter shrugs. “No idea.”

“Wait! They didn’t put you up to this?!”

Bloodletter laughs. “I’m my own man now! No handlers for me!”

Arc grins. “So Stingray and Mio didn’t have anything to do with you breaking into Hammer’s apartment?”


Hammer grits her teeth. “Then what were you DOING there?!”

“Originally I went there looking for your dirty panties! But then I found something much more JUICY!”

Arc frowns. “Ew.”

“My diary?!”


Hammer seethes. “Who told you where to find it! I hid it perfectly!”

Bloodletter narrows his eyes. “Under your pillow is hardly a good place to hide anything, Hammer.”

He grins toothily before continuing.

“That is, unless you WANTED someone to find it!”

“I didn’t!”

“Mayhap. But now I have the knowledge along with the power! Now get over here and stand by my side, my dear! In my current form I have more than enough manhood to please even you!”

Hammer retches as she looks down between his legs. “Um… gross!”

“You can’t tell me that this weakling can pleasure you!”

Arc shakes his head. “Okay, not liking the direction this conversation is going.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Me either. So just for the sake of clarification, Bloodletter… my sisters aren’t waiting to jump out and join us, are they?”

Bloodletter laughs. “If they do, I’ll rip them apart along with you!”

“Great. Hero?”

“On it.”

Focusing, Arc calls out to Scootaloo.

“Join us!”

“On our way!”

She looks down at Sereb.

“Let’s go! Big Brother needs our help!”

Nodding, Sereb runs toward the ruins to join Arc and Hammer as Templar Derpy flies after them. Meanwhile, Bloodletter motions to his gang.

“Remember, Hammer is MINE! Anyone so much as knocks a hair out of place on her glorious head will be ripped in half! Do what you want with the other one!”

Arc points a finger at them. “I think you might find that a bit more difficult to do than you originally thought.”

Sereb runs around the side of the building and over to Arc as Templar Derpy lands and points her spear at the group. The pair yell at those assembled.



Scootaloo grits her teeth. “We’ll take you all on if we have to!”

The gang appears suddenly nervous. Bloodletter scoffs.

“What?! He doesn’t even have weapon!”

Arc ignites both of his magic blades. The thugs take a few steps back at the sight. Bloodletter roars out.

“Let me put it this way, you cowards! Either fall to him, or fall to ME!”

Pulling out clubs and chains the gang slowly approaches Arc and his companions. Derpy hovers a few feet about the ground as she levels her spear and looks to Scootaloo.

“Don’t you think you’d best change too?!”

“Can I Big Brother?”

Arc nods. “Go ahead. Just try not to hurt anyone too bad.”

Scootaloo looks up at the moon. Grinning, she feels her body change. Tossing aside her cloak, she looks at the gang members ominously with her luminous red eyes. Seeing her they stop in their tracks. Bloodletter roars at them.

“Don’t tell me you guys are going to be stopped by a little kid!”

Slowly advancing again, Hammer looks to Arc’s magic blades.

“I could use a weapon.”

“Agreed. Scootaloo?”

“Yes, Big Brother?”

“Get yourself and Hammer a club or something.”

“No problem. Let me try something.”

Concentrating, the little girl bursts into mist. Snaking her way forward, she rematerializes between to Riders. Latching on to their weapons Scootaloo vanishes in a puff of mist to return to Arc’s side. Holding up a club and chain, she turns to Hammer.

“Which one do you want?”

Hammer grins. “I’ll take that club!”

Scootaloo nods and tosses it to her. “That leaves me with the chain. Not that I need it, mind you.”

Gasping, the gang looks back to Bloodletter. Brandishing his claws, he looks them over.

“Last chance! It’s me or them!”

Charging forward, they meet Arc and his companions head-on. Sereb bats them away with his massive paws as Scootaloo mists and moves to flank the group along with Templar Derpy. Finding themselves surrounded the gang members begin to panic. As Arc and Hammer join the fray they begin clawing over one another to get away. Hammer hits several of them in the head with the club as Arc slices deftly through their weapons, forcing them to either take him on unarmed or flee. Derpy knocks members off their feet with large sweeps of her spear as Scootaloo follows up with blows of her own. Wrapping the chain around her fist, she makes quick work rendering unconscious the gangers on the ground. In a short time the remaining Riders grab their companions and flee into the night screaming in terror. Bloodletter growls and chases after them.

“Get back here you cowards!”

Derpy looks to Scootaloo. “Let’s go!”

“On it!”

Grabbing Derpy, they change to mist together. Flowing along the ground the pair rematerialize directly in front of Bloodletter. Hitting him in the chest simultaneously the wolf staggers back. Sereb runs over and latches onto the beast’s tail. With all of his might he tosses their opponent through the air to land in front of Arc and Hammer. The young woman grins as she looks down at Bloodletter.

“That’s more like it. Ready to give up?”


He lunges for Scootaloo, thinking her to be the weakest of the group. However she vanishes in a plume of mist and reappears overhead. Landing on his shoulders, she kicks him in the neck causing the massive beast to fall to the ground. Derpy smacks him with the butt of her spear in the head before aiming it at his neck. Sereb jumps onto the creature’s back, using all four of his paws to pin the large limbs to the ground. Arc walks over, his magic blades still aglow as Hammer uses her magic to pull her gun from Bloodletter’s claws.

“Nighty, night.”

Kneeling down, he punches Bloodletter in the face. As the beast loses consciousness Arc turns to Hammer.

“That was unusual.”

“I don’t think he’s so special.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I mean how easy that was.”

Hammer frowns. “That was EASY?!”

Derpy shrugs. “Kinda was, I suppose.”

“What’s so different from the other stuff we did, Big Brother?”

Sereb steps off the now unconscious beast. “The fact that we did it together. Everyone did their part and together we emerged victorious.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “All this time you’ve been trying to take on everything alone. I mean, usually it works, but…”

Arc nods sadly. “But I could have been so much more effective had I just let others give me a hand.”

Sereb chuckles. “Such as when you allowed the squad to help take this beast down the first time.”

Hammer nods. “I saw the footage of that. It really was incredible.”

Scootaloo grins. “We’ve all learned something here tonight.”

Arc turns to her. “That we can accomplish anything as a team?”

“No! That I can do that cool mist thing too!”

Everyone laughs heartily as Hammer walks over to the diary on the ground. She picks it up and looks it over for a long moment. Eventually Arc walks over to her.

“Looks like we got what we came here for.”

Hammer nods sadly. “Y-yeah.”

Derpy appears confused. “Is something wrong?”

“I… I just wanted to remember.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Remember what?”

“The times we spent on dates originally. That’s the whole reason I started a diary in the first place.”

Cherry calls out to her. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“But it caused so much trouble!”

Sereb sighs. “Perhaps certain facts shouldn’t be recorded on paper.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. But they’ll still live on in your heart.”

“I guess.”

Derpy looks to Hammer. “What now?”


Hammer tosses the diary back down on the ground. Concentrating, she holds out a hand. One of the gang’s lanterns floats into her hand. Dropping it, the glass shatters as oil covers the diary, which quickly ignites. The smell of smoke fills the air as she turns to Arc.

“I’ll keep your secret in my heart from now on.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Scootaloo rolls her eyes. “Um… couldn’t you have just… oh, I don’t know… ripped out the pages that had sensitive information in them?”

“Guess I could have.”

She looks down at the diary, now fully engulfed in flames.

“Kinda late now.”

Cherry sighs. “What’s done is done.”

Sereb looks down at the creature nearby. “Now that just leaves the matter of what to do with this thing.”

Hammer grins as she points her gun at Bloodletter’s head.

“I got it.”

Arc gasps. “Wait!”

“He could wake up at any time! We have to do this now!”

Derpy shakes her head. “But can we? I mean… he’s a bad human, and all. But shouldn’t he be turned over to the guards, or something?”

Sereb sighs. “Most likely.”

Scootaloo frowns. “We could. But I’m with Miss Hammer on this one.”

Hammer looks to Arc.

“Two votes for, two against. What’s it going to be, Hero?”

“We can’t just kill him while he’s unconscious like this.”

Hammer appears confused. “So… we wait for him to wake up?”

Sereb growls. “He’s still weakened. It would not be necessary.”

Scootaloo clenches a fist. “We can’t just leave him here though!”

Arc nods. “True. But at the same time we can’t let him go.”

Derpy giggles as she raises a gauntlet. “I think I may have an idea.”

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