• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,626 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Making the Rounds

An hour or so later the tea party attendees depart. Rainbow Dash turns around as she flies after the rest of the Mane Six.

“Thanks for inviting us Arc! That was a lot of fun... other than that movie that is.”

Rarity nods! “Yes indeed, darling! We really MUST do this again sometime soon!

Pinkie hops away. “YEAH!”

Twilight gives Arc a hug before departing. “Don’t be a stranger around the library now!”

“Sorry for neglecting you Twilight. I've just been so busy...”

Twilight interrupts him. “...doing what is right, I know. I understand, but that doesn't mean you can't take a break for tea and cupcakes now and again, does it?”

Arc smiles. “Well, when you put it that way…”

She laughs! “Come see me anytime!”

Arc kneels down and holds Twilight in a long embrace. She closes her eyes and leans into him, happily! Arc leans over and gives her a quick kiss on her forehead. The other ponies smile, knowingly. At last the pair let go and part ways.

“Take care of yourself!”

“You too, Twilight!”

The Mane Six walk around the side of the building back to the path leading to Ponyville.

Rarity looks over at Twilight. A sly look in her eye! “So tell me, Twilight. How long have you had your eyes on Arc?

Twilight blushes feverishly! “What?! I don't know what you’re talking about!”

Rainbow Dash laughs at Twilight’s reaction. “Come on, Twilight! Everypony can see that you act differently when he's around!”

Applejack chuckles. “It’s true!”

Fluttershy looks over at Twilight with a soft smile on her face. “Well, I for one think it's sweet! Twilight and Arc would make a lovely couple!

Pinkie bounces around the group singing! “Arc and Twilight, sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love! Then comes marriage! Then comes Arc, pushing a baby carriage! Oh wait! He already did the baby part! I forgot about Dinky!”

Twilight continues to blush. “I... um... is this what love feels like?”

Rainbow Dash drops down next to Twilight. “Yup! You’re in love!”

“I am. But somehow I don't think he feels the same way about me! I mean, there are so many others in his life right now! Like Derpy! The two of them were living together for quite a while there. Who knows how far they’ve gone! And then there's Ember! Her and Arc sleep in the same room for Celestia's sake! The three of them are constantly together... eating together, sleeping together, saving Equestria together...”

She lowers her head and sighs.

“What chance does a pony like me have against them?”

Pinkie bounces in front of the group. “Oh! You forgot about Lyra!”

Rarity shakes her head. “That’s not love, darling! That’s obsession!

Pinkie shrugs. “Meh, call it what you will!”

Applejack suddenly looks embarrassed. “Um... girls... can we stop for a minute?”

The group walks to the side of the path and lies down in the grass. Rainbow Dash glances over at Applejack with a mischievous look on her face.

“Don’t tell us YOU’RE in love with Arc too!”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nah, it ain't that! Yall remember when Cherry Jubilee was in Ponyville Hospital with her sister Ruby?

Twilight nods. “Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, when Arc, Derpy, Dinky and I escorted them back to Cherry's ranch we spent pretty much the whole day sitting on her porch talking. Anyways, I quickly noticed that both Ruby and Cherry couldn't seem to take their eyes off Arc!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Arc certainly has a lot of marefriends!”

“It started to get dark so Cherry insisted that we spend the night. Derpy and Dinky headed for bed and Arc told me I could have the other guest room.”

Rarity nod approvingly. “That was rather Generous of him!”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “But where did Arc sleep?”

“He stayed downstairs on the sofa. Said he needed some time alone to think. I went up to bed and went straight to sleep. Very late that night I heard the door to Cherry 's room open and hoofsteps going downstairs. I... I didn't mean to pry, but... I was worried about Cherry! As quietly as I could I crept over to the top of the stairs and listened to them talking.”

Rarity turns up her nose. “Applejack! What you did is so very unbecoming a lady and uncouth!”

A hungry looks spreads across Rarity’s face as she turns back to Applejack.

“What were they talking about?”

Rainbow Dash appears peevish! “Rarity! You JUST said...”

Rarity pouts! “Ohh! I know what I said! But I have to KNOW!”

Twilight sighs. “I don't like the idea of you spying on Arc now Applejack, but... I too would like to know what was said.”

“Well, you won't like this Twilight but... well... she confessed her love for him right then and there!

Applejack turns a bright shade of red and looks away as Twilight hangs her head. A tear courses down her face as she lies on the ground.

“What chance do I have against Cherry Jubilee?! She's one of the most kind and beautiful mares I’ve ever seen!”

Pinkie looks over happily! “Not to mention she's a great cook and has her own business!”

“Pinkie... not... helping...!”, hisses Applejack through clenched teeth.

“Oops! Sorry Twilight!”

Fluttershy moves to stand up. “Well, should we get going now?”

Applejack sighs. “We probably should! I really shouldn't have done what I did. Sorry for bringing it up Twi!”

Applejack and the others move to stand. Twilight does not move.


“Yes Twilight?”

“Did... did you hear Arc's response?”

Applejack sighs. “Look Twilight! This was a mistake. I'm sorry I brought it up and...”

Twilight interrupts. “Please Applejack! I have to know!”

Applejack frowns. “…fine…”

They sit back down on the grass.

“Well, she asked if he could accept her as his special somepony...”

Twilight winces at the news.

“It's... okay. Really! Arc deserves only the best Equestria has to offer! I hope the two of them will be very happy together...”

Applejack walks over to Twilight and sits down next to her. Putting a hoof around her friend’s neck before finishing.

“Twilight? Arc... he... turned her down.”

The Mane Six all gasp!

“What?! But Cherry Jubilee is perfect! How could he...?”

“He said something along the lines of he was too busy to have a special somepony and it wasn't fair to Derpy, Dinky and Ember to split his attention any further. She took the news rather well, I guess. She... leaned toward him and he stroked her mane as she lay on the couch next to him. They fell asleep in that position. It really was a beautiful sight!”

Rainbow Dash puts her hooves on her cheeks and pushes them together! “That's... so... SWEET!”

“I thought so too! The next morning Arc asked Cherry if he could place a sigil in her basement. The two of them went down there. I could hear them talking, but let's just say it doesn't take more than a few seconds to place a sigil!”

Fluttershy looks over innocently. “What do you think they were doing down there?”

“I don't know, and left it alone! But... I believe Arc may have... feelings for Cherry.”

“What makes you say that?”, Rarity inquires.

“Well, why else would he put a sigil in her basement if he wasn't planning on returning there at least somewhat regularly?!”

Rainbow Dash zips around the sky quickly! “Aww yeah! Arc's finally being social!”

Twilight looks over at Applejack and smiles. “Thanks for telling me Applejack! I really appreciate it!

“You won't tell Arc I told you, will you?”

“Of course not! But now I know...”

“Know what, darling?!”

“That I still have a chance!”

Meanwhile back at Light's Hope, Arc walks back toward the field where the foals and the Marquis are just finishing their story.

Flash Sentry nods in approval. “That was quite the story, Marquis!”

Pipsqueak looks to the hydra, wide-eyed! “Are you saying Mr. Arc beat you BEFORE he became the Hero of Light and BEFORE he got his armor?!”

The Marquis laughs! “Yes! In fact, I gave Arc the scales he used to make his armor!”

Aquamarine turns to Arc as he approaches. “Mr. Arc! How did you win against the Marquis without your super cool armor, your magic spear, or your power of Light and magic?!”

The Marquis nods. “I too would like to know the answer to that.”

“It was simple really. If I failed, I died. If I died, Ember died with me! That thought kept me going through that battle. That knowledge filled me with determination!”

The foals clap their hooves together!

Pipsqueak looks to Dinky! “You have the coolest dad, Dinky!

Aquamarine sighs. “I wish I had a daddy who cared so much for me.”

The Marquis nods. “Perhaps one day, my little pony.”

Pipsqueak shakes his head fervently! “No, we won't! Nopony has EVER been adopted for as long as any of us can remember! It's like the Matron used to tell us... nopony loves us, and nopony wants us...”

“Pipsqueak! I won't tolerate that kind of talk in my base! Coco Pommel cares for each and every one of you, as do Dinky and I! Please trust me when I say that somewhere out there are homes for many of you! I just know it!

The little coal begins to tear up. “I'm sorry Mr. Arc. It's... just so hard... being alone... not having a loving family like Dinky does!”

Arc walks over to Pipsqueak and picks him up to give him a hug.

“Trust me Pipsqueak, you’re not alone anymore. None of you are! And you will never be alone ever again! This I promise you!”

The Marquis nods. “You can trust a promise made by Arc! He once promised to come back and free me from Tartarus one day... and here I am!”

Aquamarine looks to Arc, wide-eyed! “Wait! Mr. Arc, did you willing go BACK to Tartarus?!”

Arc nods as he sets down Pipsqueak. “That I did! When I make a promise, I keep it!”

Pipsqueak looks up hopefully at the Marquis. “Can we hear that story now?!

“Perhaps next time little ponies. I'm not as young as I used to be. It's time for me to head home and take a nap.”

“Don’t worry. Maybe the Marquis can come back another day and tell you more stories!”

The Marquis nods! “You can count on it!”

Arc calls forth his armor and opens a portal to the Dragon Lands. “I’ll take you back now, Marquis.”

“Thank you Arc.”

As the Marquis enters the portal, Arc turns to Flash Sentry. “I hope you learned something today Lieutenant. Take care of Light's Hope while I’m gone.”

He enters the portal himself and is transported to Ember's small home. The pair walks out Ember's front door. Arc returns the Marquis to his normal size.

“Sorry I can't take you straight back to Hydra Village, Marquis.”


“I look forward to meeting him!”

The Marquis lumbers down the street and Arc returns to his sigil. He is about to teleport back to Light's Hope when another thought hits him! Powering up the sigil Arc teleports to Vanhoover, he then makes the short walk to the Vanhoover Hospital.

Arc walks up to the front desk. “Nurse, may I please speak to the doctor about Coco Pommel?”

She nods. “Certainly, Hero of Light! I believe the doctor is with her right now. You may head back and see him.”

“Thank you nurse.”

Arc walks back to Coco Pommel's room, the doctor is standing next to the bed reading a chart, Xenos is holding Coco Pommel's hoof and looking haggard, as Arc enters Xenos moves to stand at attention.

“At ease Xenos! You don't need to do that here. Uh... I’m almost afraid to ask, but when was the last time you showered?”

“The last time was before we came to Vanhoover, sir.”

Arc frowns. “But that was a week and a half ago!”

“Then it's been a week and a half, I guess.”

“Seriously?! That's just disgusting Xenos! Go take a shower and clean your armor while you’re at it! Don't worry about Coco Pommel. I won't leave her until you come back.”

Xenos heads over to the adjoining bathroom as Arc turns his attention to the doctor.

“How is she doing, doctor?”

“She is much improved from the near death like state she was in when you brought her here. However, she is still VERY weak! The patient is stable for now and fully able to breathe on her own, but... her other major organs have yet to recover, and probably won't for quite some time!”

Arc nods. “How long before she can have visitors? The orphans really miss her!”

“At least another day! Probably two. Right now Miss Pommel can only sleep and receive nutrition intravenously. She hasn't regained consciousness again since the last time you were here, Hero of Light!”

“When will she be able to eat normally again?”

“She can eat anytime she wants. It's just a matter of her having the strength to do so.”

“Any idea when she will be strong enough to leave the hospital?”

“It's hard to say. I will re-evaluate her condition in a week. We’ll be able to tell you more at that time. She won't have the strength to do much for several weeks though.”

“What about her muscles? Wouldn't they be in danger of atrophying?”

“That’s actually the least of our concerns right now. They were already well beyond that point when she arrived! Frankly I don't understand how she was walking around up until she collapsed! It goes beyond all logic and medical reasoning!”

Arc sighs and looks down at the kind mare lying before him. “Doctor... is there ANYTHING I can do to help Coco Pommel?!”

The doctor shakes his head. “Sadly, no. We're already doing everything we can and then some! Perhaps this is not the best time to bring it up, but I'm a bit concerned about the patient's mental condition.”

“Can you elaborate?”

“Considering what she went through on a daily basis for years, there are bound to be extreme mental scars. She's very fragile right now, both mentally and physically. You were wise to have somepony close to her to remain here by her side. It can only do her good!”

“It was more for Xenos' sake at the time. He wouldn't be of much use to me anyways, as distracted as he is now.”

The doctor heads for the door. “Yes well… I have other patients to look in on. I'll just leave the two of you alone.”

“Thank you doctor.”

Arc gently takes Coco Pommel’s hoof in his hand and speak to her quietly. “Coco Pommel? It's me, Arc. You know... Dinky's father? I've come here to check up on you.”

Coco Pommel slowly opens her eyes and looks around. Her eyes appear unfocused.


Arc gives her hoof a light squeeze. “I'm right here! You're not alone.”

“Where… is Xenos?”

“I ordered him to get cleaned up. It looks like he hasn't left your side since we brought you here.”

She slowly moves her head to look at him. “I'm feeling a bit stronger right now. The same happened the other day when you were here.”

“While I'm glad to hear it, I can't really explain the reasoning behind that.”

Coco Pommel spots her robe draped over a chair nearby.

“My robe… I guess you know my secret now… huh?”

“Yes. The doctor... showed Xenos and I after his initial examination. I already knew about it from the moment I first picked you up off the ground though. You were so light, and I could feel your ribs through that robe! Don't worry. Xenos and I will keep that to ourselves.”

“Thank you for understanding. I didn't want the orphans to see me wasting away, so I started wearing it quite some time ago. It did the job of keeping my secret. I have... so many things I want to say. I'm not really sure where to begin. Sorry, I'm sure you’re a very busy pon... er... please forgive me, but…what are you, exactly?”

“I'm a human. But you needn't be afraid of me!”

Coco Pommels weakly nods. “I know the princesses wouldn't have made you the Hero of Light if you weren't worthy of it. But I must admit, you have exceeded my wildest expectations! The stories that have reached us... they don't do you justice!”

“Thank you. I'm flattered.”

“Please tell me... how are the orphans?”

“They’re doing quite well at Light's Hope, my Command Center. Yesterday I introduced them to the concept of lunch. You'll be happy to know that Aquamarine expressed an interest in making you something to eat in my Kitchen! My chef will see to it she doesn't hurt herself.”

Coco Pommel closes her eyes and smiles!

“Tell me… what do they like most… about Light’s Hope?”

“Several things actually. Let's see here... they like the addition of Second Breakfast, Lunch, Snack Time, Cupcake Time and Bedtime Snack.”

Arc leans in close to Coco Pommel and smiles.

“I haven’t let them in on Midnight Snack yet!”

She giggles. “Thank you Hero of Light for everything you have done for the orphans!”

“Please... call me Arc.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Very well... Arc. Somehow, I get the feeling you came here for something other than checking up on Xenos though.”

“I do have several questions for you, if you are feeling strong enough.”

She smiles up at him. “I’m feeling stronger right now than I have in years! Please, ask your questions.”

Arc nods. “Alright, but please tell me if you need a rest! My questions can wait. Why don't we start at the beginning? How did you come to work at the Orphanage?”

Coco Pommel has a faraway look in her eyes. “Nopony has ever asked me that question before...”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

She shakes her head. “No, I want to tell somepony! You see... I was... abandoned... at the Orphanage when I was a filly. I didn't understand what was going on, but they told me they would come for me one day! Years passed, and I grew up into the weak-minded mare you see lying before you. As I was about to age out of the Orphanage, I asked Matron Tempest if I could stay on as her assistant! She agreed, but only as an unpaid position. My wages would be food and a roof over my head... and the company of the orphans.”

“Why did you willingly stay on at the Orphanage? I would have assumed you would have been happy to leave that place behind!”

“Originally I was, but... well, the thought of the other orphans I was leaving behind made me think twice. As the oldest, I had done my best to protect the smaller ones from the wrath of the Matron. What would become of them when I was gone?!”

“You’re quite brave, Coco Pommel. More so than I would have guessed by looking at you.”

Coco Pommel begins to tear up. “I'm... really not. I couldn't stand up to the Matron all these years! Even though I knew what she was doing was wrong! How many foals missed having a loving home because of me?!”

Arc looks at her confused. “I'm sorry Coco Pommel, but I don't really follow.”

“Well, Equestrian law says that upon arriving at the Orphanage, the Matron is supposed to attempt to place the orphan in a foster home with a family member of some kind. New Beginnings is really just supposed to be a "last resort" for foals that truly have no one to look after them.! She didn't even TRY to find homes for even a single foal! That and she would find reasons to block any potential couples from adopting an orphan!”

Coco Pommel covers her tear-filled face with her hooves and rolls over to look away from Arc.

“It's my fault! It's ALL my fault! I could have done... SOMETHING! Xenos... he could have been adopted by several different couples, if I had only found a way. If he only knew... he would hate me for it!”

Arc carefully puts a hand on Coco Pommel’s thin shoulder. “As Xenos' commanding officer, I can assure you he wouldn't. HE was the one who notified me of the situation at New Beginnings Orphanage. HE was the one who most wanted to help you. And HE was the one who, when you collapsed in the rain the other day, was the most concerned for your safety and well-being. Xenos loves you like a mother, Coco Pommel. Nothing will ever change that! He had faith in you, but now you must have faith in him!”

She does not look over, but put a hoof on his hand. “Thank you... Arc. I needed to hear that.”

“Glad to be of service.”

Several minutes pass before Coco Pommel stops crying and rolls back onto her back. “Speaking of service... can you tell me of your other adventures? I've always been fascinated by the Hero of Light and their exploits! I never would have dreamed that I would ever be able to see one, let alone actually MEET a Hero of Light!”

“I would be happy to, but not until the doctor gives us the news that your heart is stronger! Many of my stories are quite harrowing, and your heart may literally be unable to take it!”

She nods. “Oh my! I look forward to hearing more about you someday soon, Arc.”

“Likewise, Coco Pommel. As soon as the doctor gives me the word, I insist you come to Light's Hope as my guest! As happy as they are, the orphans do miss you greatly and would love to have you stay with us!”

Coco Pommel smiles up at Arc. “Thank you Arc! That is quite Generous! I accept!”

Xenos comes out of the bathroom clean as a whistle as is his armor.

Arc looks up at him. “That's better Xenos. See to it you keep tidy now!”

Coco Pommel turns her head and smiles. “Yes. I don't want you to bring shame to the Hero of Light's command now!”

Xenos stops dead in his tracks upon hearing Coco Pommel's voice. Collecting himself, he rushes to her side!

“Miss Pommel! You're all right?! Commander! How did you...?”

“I didn't do anything other than hold her hoof after you left. Go get the doctor. I want another examination done immediately!”

Xenos hurries out of the room! “Yes sir!”

Coco Pommel smiles up at Arc. “He forgot to salute you.”

Arc shrugs. “Considering all he has on his mind right now, I'll let it go.”

Xenos returns a few minutes later with the doctor.

“What seems to be the…?”

The doctor stops in his tracks, astonished! “Miss Pommel?! You’re awake!”

She nods. “And feeling much stronger too!”

“She seemed to come around after I held her hoof for a short while. I didn't do anything more than that though. Could you give her another examination please, doctor?”

“Or course, Hero of Light!”

The doctor performs numerous tests on Coco Pommel before stepping back.

“If I hadn't performed this examination myself, I wouldn't believe it! Miss Pommel...other than being extremely underweight and underfed, your tests come back nearly normal! Hero of Light, are you sure you didn't do anything else, even by accident?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a thing, doctor. Believe me, if I knew what happened I would tell you. I do have a theory on what has happened though.”


“Now, it may sound a bit... far-fetched but, perhaps some of my energies were somehow transferred to Coco Pommel when I touched her earlier. Another theory, perhaps even more outrageous though, is that maybe I am exuding some kind of aura that is strengthening Coco Pommel. I know this may sound absolutely ridiculous, but I can't really think of any other explanation!”

Coco Pommel looks to the doctor. “Doctor? What do you think? Is this... possible?!”

“If it was anypony other than the Hero of Light himself suggesting it, I would recommend they have their head examined! But... the theory certainly cannot be ignored!”

Xenos stands by Coco Pommel’s side. “I guess the question now is... where do we go from here?”

“Perhaps we should test my theory.”

The doctor looks concerned. “What are you suggesting?”

“I will return to Light's Hope. Xenos, I want you to stay by Coco Pommel's side and report to me any changes in her condition. If I’m right, me being ‘out of range’ should cause her to return to her previous state.”

Arc looks over to Coco Pommel with a pained look on his face. “I'm sorry for suggesting this Coco Pommel. But I can't just stand around the hospital all day.”

She nods. “I understand, Arc. You must have many other duties to attend to.”

“Sir, isn't it Happy Hour at Sugar Cube Corner right about now?”

“Don't worry! I sent some guards to buy three dozen Chocolate Chip Caramel Cupcakes with vanilla frosting a couple hours ago.”

“Yes sir. And how many are left.”


Coco Pommel looks to Arc. “Two dozen?”

“No. Just two.”

Coco Pommel giggles! The doctor can only stare at Arc with his mouth agape!”

Arc laughs! “What?! I have needs! That and those things are GOOD! In any case... what do you think doctor?”

“I think it's worth a try. I’ll check back in about an hour or so.”

The doctor turns to leave the room and Arc looks to Xenos. “Very well. I leave Coco Pommel in your care, Xenos.”

Arc turns to Coco Pommel.

“It was very nice meeting you, Coco Pommel. I hope to see you again soon.”

“Thank you Arc. I look forward to seeing the orphans and your base for myself!”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and opens a portal to Light's Hope's Main Hall sigil. He waves goodbye and walks through the portal which closes behind him.

“Well, that's the Commander for you, Miss Pommel.”

She nods. “I admit, he isn't exactly what I was expecting. I always figured the Hero of Light was cold, calculating and solitary. But Arc is just so... nice!”

“Just don't get on his bad side. I would hate to have to face HIM in battle! You saw what he did to Tempest! I'm not completely sure but... I think he was holding back.”


Xenos nods. “Yes... at least until his last attack! Even I didn't know the Commander could fly!”

“Somehow, I don’t think he did either.”

Meanwhile… Arc appears on the sigil in the Main Hall. Flash Sentry and Raven are standing over by her desk. He walks over.

“Raven, I'm expecting a call from Xenos sometime. Patch it through to my office when it comes. Oh! And can you please put away the personnel files that are on my desk.”

Raven nods. “Yes commander!”

“Oh! And I need a blueprint of Canterlot Castle!”

“Right away!”

She returns to her seat and gets to work on Arc’s request. He turns to Flash Sentry.

“Flash Sentry, has my squad returned from Canterlot yet?”

“Yes sir, they headed back to their quarters some time ago.”

Arc nods. “Good. I want to see you and my squad in my office right away.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc proceeds back to his office. A few minutes later Raven brings him a blueprint of Canterlot Castle and leaves with the personnel files. He spreads the print out on his desk as Flash Sentry and Arc's squad enter the office. They stand at attention and salute

“At ease.”

Max steps forward. “Commander! How is Miss Pommel doing?”

“She hadn't woken up since we left her yesterday. However, when I was there by her side, she was able to open her eyes and talk for quite some time!”

Hugh looks amazed as does the rest of the group! “Really sir?!”

“I believe it to be some kind of energy from me! An Aura of Light if you will, that is giving Coco Pommel the strength to remain conscious. A re-examination of her body shows her to be in significantly better condition than before I arrived! The doctor and I are running an experiment to test this theory right now!”

Max breathes a sigh of relief! “That's good to hear, sir!”

Viktor looks at the blueprint on the desk. “Working on our next mission, sir?”

Arc looks back down at the print before him. “Aye, that I am! Some night very soon the three of us will be undertaking a mission to infiltrate Canterlot Castle.”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “Uh sir? Why would you need to do that? As the Hero of Light, you already have nearly unlimited access to all but the most closely guarded areas!”

“Good question! This mission will be to gather intel on Captain Decimus and his activities. I just don't want him knowing he's being investigated!”

“But Commander, Captain Decimus has served the princesses for decades, as did his father and grandfather! As far as most are concerned, he’s above suspicion!”

Arc looks up from the print. “Lieutenant. Captain Decimus knowingly sent Ember to Tartarus after perverting justice by giving her a one-sided trial. He then attacked ME on Canterlot Castle's drawbridge when I refused to turn her over to him, doing so in complete violation of Princess Cadance's orders which put her under my care. To say nothing of... the matter we discussed the other day. So, let's just say for an incorruptible protector, he sure has done some rather questionable things lately”

“Forgive me sir, but it is the dream of every soldier to one day rise to the rank of Captain of the Guard and protect the princesses! It is rather difficult to believe one as dedicated as Captain Decimus could be guilty of... anything.”

“Hopefully you are right Flash Sentry. But if you're not, the princesses themselves may be in danger! Now, I have a map of Canterlot Castle on my desk. Let's plan ourselves a strategy!”

They gather around the desk as Arc explains their objectives. He points a finger to his room on the blueprint.

“We’ll gather in my personal quarters and wait for nightfall. Under the cover of darkness, Max, Viktor and I will infiltrate the Captain's office here. Viktor, can you pick the lock?”

“Of course, sir! If it has moving parts, I'm your stallion!”

“Good! Just remember I need you to UNPICK the lock when we leave! I don't want ANYONE to see us or know anyone was even there! Stealth is key!”

He looks back down.

“While we’re there, I have a secondary objective to complete.”

Hugh frowns. “You mean there’s more?!”

Max chuckles. “There’s always more.”

“Don't worry, Hugh. I wouldn't think of leaving you out of the plan!”

Hugh looks to Arc sarcastically. “Thanks, sir…”

“When the three of us finish in the Captain's Office we’ll meet back at my quarters with whatever intel we’ve gathered. Then we will begin phase two... getting the Captain out of his quarters so we can search that as well! Hugh, I need you to create some... chaos, as far away from the Captain's quarters as you can!”

“What kind of chaos were you looking for, sir?”

“Anything that would warrant the Captain of the Guard's personal attention for an extended period of time! I'm open to suggestions.”

They look over the print carefully. Max points a hoof at the desk.

“What about the Royal Armory? Any trouble there would certainly get Captain Decimus out of bed!”

Viktor points as well. “There's also the Barracks. Trouble there would certainly make a lot of noise!”

Arc looks to Viktor. “Got any smoke grenades? I don't want to hurt anyone.”

Viktor nods. “I'll pack a few for the trip, sir. Leave it to me!”

“Are you planning on notifying the princesses of your plans, sir?”

“No, Flash Sentry. I have a feeling the Captain will try to cover this up as well though. If he does, well, I guess that's one more thing to add to the list.”

Arc points to the barracks. “Viktor, I want you to be the one to create the disturbance at the Barracks. Again, be sure nobody sees you! After you throw the smoke grenades head back to my quarters and wait for us. If all goes well, the Captain will believe your antics at the Barracks are a smokescreen for the ‘real heist’ at the Armory!”

“Yes sir!”

“Hugh, you will tamper with the Armory door. Mess it up! Make it look like a botched robbery attempt! Listen for the sounds of chaos coming from the Barracks. When you hear it, I want you to smash this window.”

Arc points to a window near the Armory door.

“It will help convince the guards of an attempted robbery to see an escape attempt. Then head back to my quarters and await our return.”

“Leave it to me!”

Max points a hoof to Captain Decimus’ quarters. “So when the guards wake the captain to report the trouble, we make our move?”

“Right! As he leaves his quarters, we walk in right behind him and search his room. He should believe the Armory was the intended target and divert his attention there. We should have ample time to search, but let's get in and out before anyone notices anything suspicious!”

Flash Sentry nods. “That's actually quite the plan sir! Much better than the ones Ember told us about while you were gone!

“Hey! Those plans worked! For the most part…”

“Really? The way she described it, they succeeded more out of luck than planning.”

“Can't argue with that. However, this is too important! I can't risk any of us being exposed, as it would alert the captain to our true intentions. Now, does anyone have any questions or anything else to add to the plan?”

Everyone is silent.

“Good! I'll let you all know when I’m ready to begin the operation!”

The phone rings. Arc sits down to answer it.

“This is Arc.”

Raven’s voice comes through the receiver. “Commander, I have Xenos on the line. He needs to speak with you.”

“Patch him through.”

“Yes sir!”

After a brief silence they are connected. Xenos is standing at the nurse’s station. As they are connected, he straightens up and salutes!

“Reporting as ordered, sir!”

Arc, hearing Xenos’ armor shift shakes his head. “Xenos… are you saluting me over the phone?”

He puts his hood down quickly! “Uh… no sir!”

Arc chuckles. “Never mind that... how is Coco Pommel doing?”

“She just lost consciousness a few minutes ago! Her condition is deteriorating back to where it was before your earlier visit! The doctor has requested your immediate presence to discuss new treatment options!”

“I'm on my way!”

Arc hangs up the receiver quickly walks around the desk.

“Max, inform Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage that I am stepping out with Flash Sentry. He is in command until I return! Lieutenant, you're with me! Let's go!”

Arc and Flash Sentry walk quickly down the hallway!

“What is it sir? Monster attack? Enemy invasion? Cupcakes on sale?”

“Cute. Coco Pommel's condition is deteriorating rapidly! I need to get back there right away! With any luck my presence will bring her back to us!”

Flash Sentry’s face sobers. “I hope so sir! Miss Pommel is very important to a large number of our forces! Almost everypony stationed here at Light's Hope owes everything to her!”

The pair enter the Main Hall. Arc calls forth his gauntlet and turns to Raven.

“Raven, the lieutenant and I are heading over to Vanhoover Hospital. Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage is in command!”

“Very well sir!”

Arc activates the sigil and they are transported to New Beginning's Orphanage. Flash Sentry looks at the Orphanage with a sentimental look on his face.

Arc recalls his gauntlet. “You can take a trip down memory lane later, Lieutenant! We have things to do!”

Flash Sentry snaps back to reality. “Yes sir!”

The pair run toward Vanhoover Hospital and immediately head for Coco Pommel's room! The doctor and Xenos are standing by the bed! Flash Sentry slowly removes his helmet and lets it drop to the floor. He does not take his eyes off the failing mare in the bed as he walks slowly toward her. Xenos steps back respectfully as the lieutenant takes Coco Pommel’s hoof in his. A single tear escapes his eye as he chokes out the words.

“Miss Pommel... I'm sorry... for not being there... when you needed me...”

The doctor approaches Arc. “My latest examination of her shows that she has returned to her original condition. Again, her major organs are showing extreme fatigue! Frankly, I'm not sure how much more her already frail body can take, Hero of Light!”

Arc walks toward the bed. “Let me see if I can bring her around.”

Flash Sentry steps back respectfully after giving Coco Pommel’s hoof a final squeeze. Arc takes the frail hoof in his hand and holds it tightly.

“Coco Pommel, it's Arc. I'm here...”

A few minutes pass. Coco Pommel begins to stir slightly.

“Coco Pommel... listen to me! You’ve touched so many lives with your kindness and charity. Now we’re going to help you!”

She slowly opens her eyes and looks at Arc. “It… it happened again… didn’t it?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

Coco Pommel looks up at him. “Arc... you can't stay... by my side... all the... time... Equestria needs... you. Please... don't risk everything... for my sake. I'm... not worth it!”

Arc squeezes Coco Pommel’s hoof. “Pretty much every soldier stationed at my base would disagree; as would I.”

Flash Sentry cautiously steps forward. “What the Commander says is true Miss Pommel! You were like a mother to all of us!”

She looks over to the voice. “Flash Sentry… is that you?”

“Yes, Miss Pommel. I'm surprised you remember me! It’s been years since we last saw each other!”

She smiles at him weakly. “I... remember all the... foals... whom I have... cared for... over the years.”

Flash Sentry takes her other hoof in his and looks Coco Pommel in the eye. “Miss Pommel... you are the most kindhearted individual I have ever met! Any soldier would gladly give their life for you! Please! You must stay strong! I... we all still need you!”

“Thank you... Flash Sentry... I will try...”

Arc looks at the doctor as he checks the various machines. “Doctor?”

“Once again, everything is slowly returning to near normal levels. I can't explain it!”

Arc sighs. “Doctor... might I suggest something a bit... radical?”

“Go ahead. I’m out of ideas.”

“Would it be at all possible for me to bring Coco Pommel back to my base in Ponyville right now? I can keep her close at hand and there are plenty of others around to keep an eye on her. That and I'm sure the orphans would love to have her stay with us at Light's Hope.”

Xenos looks to the doctor. “Love is the best medicine!”

“We humans have a similar saying, but I agree. What do you think, doctor?”

The doctor thinks for a moment. “Well... given the extreme circumstances, I am inclined, albeit against my better judgment, to allow this rather extreme treatment. I'll let the front desk know you will be leaving us Miss Pommel.”

The doctor turns back to Arc.

“Please see to it she receives around the clock care and attention! I know you have an entire base full of soldiers to carry out your will, Hero of Light, but... Miss Pommel's condition is precarious!

The doctor turns to a cabinet and removes a small medical bag. He fills it with a number of vials before giving the bag to Arc.

“Put the contents of one vial into either Coco Pommel's food or drink breakfast, lunch and supper. It will help speed the recovery process by providing her with extra nutrients. Please bear in mind that she may seem fine now that you are here Hero of Light, but her condition is still quite serious! I want her to rest as much as possible! Do you understand?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Don't worry about a thing. Coco Pommel is in good hands!”

“Thank you for doing this Hero of Light! I know you must be very busy...”

“That I am... but this is much more important a task then my current investigation!”

The doctor turns toward the door. “Well, I must see to my other patients. If there is any trouble, don't waste any time in getting Coco Pommel to the hospital!”

Arc walks toward the bed. Coco Pommel smiles at him weakly. “Thank you, Arc. Sorry for being such a burden.”

Xenos carefully pulls back the covers as Flash Sentry helps her sit up. He sees her severely malnourished body for the first time and turns away as the tears begin to flow!

“M-Miss Pommel! I’m… I’m sorry! I… I never knew…”

She nods. “Flash Sentry. Look at me!”

Flash Sentry slowly does so. Coco Pommel takes his face in her shaking hooves and looks him in the eye.

“...I just want you to know... if I had the chance to do it all over again, I would gladly do so! Don't blame yourself for my condition.”


She puts a hoof over his mouth.

“With Matron Tempest gone... after all this time... thanks to Arc, our nightmare is finally over. Xenos... Flash Sentry... the orphans... me... and all the ones whom I have loved over the years. We can finally begin to move past this terrible time in our lives... together.”

Handing the bag from the doctor to Flash Sentry, Arc moves to pick up Coco Pommel, but stops.

“I almost forgot!”

Arc walks over to the chair and picks up Coco Pommel’s robe. Very carefully he helps her put it on.

“I wouldn't want anyone to see you like this Coco Pommel...”

Xenos nods. Thank you for protecting Miss Pommel’s dignity, commander.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal to Light's Hope's Main Hall. Flash Sentry and Xenos step through. He leans down and carefully picks up Coco Pommel.

“It’s our turn next.”

As Arc walks toward the portal Coco Pommel looks up at him.



“Thank you for doing this.”

Arc smiles at Coco Pommel. “Just doing my best to protect and serve!”

He carries Coco Pommel through the portal and enters the Main Hall. His squad is waiting for them. Arc looks around the room before addressing his secretary.

“Raven? Where are the orphans?”

“They just went out back to play. Ember is with them. They’re trying to figure out that game you told them about the other day. What was it called again?”

“Baseball. Thanks Raven. I’ll see them after I take care of Coco Pommel here.”

Raven looks to the mare in Arc’s arms. “Oh my! Miss, are you all right?!”

She nods. “I will be. Thank you.”

“She’ll be staying with us for... an indefinite period of time. Raven, please have Saffron come to my office. I'll need an immediate consultation with her!”

“Yes, commander!”

Flash Sentry follows Arc carrying the bag of nutrients. Arc turns to his squad.

“I need some pillows and blankets brought to my office at once! We need to keep Coco Pommel warm!”

They salute and rush to do so!

“Not you, Xenos!”

Xenos stops and looks back at Arc, confused.


“I want you to head back to your quarters and rest.”

Xenos looks at Coco Pommel, panicked! “But sir…!”

“That's an order! Don't worry, I'll stay by Coco Pommel's side the whole time you’re gone. I want you to rest now.”

Coco Pommel turns to Xenos and nods. “I'll be fine, Xenos. Obey your commander now.”

Xenos slowly walks toward his quarters. “…yes sir…”

The pair continue on toward Arc’s office.

“I'm sorry Arc. Please don't be angry at Xenos on my account! He's just worried about me!”

“I understand, and will forgive his insubordination.”

Arc carries Coco Pommel to his office and lays her down on one of the couches. He then puts some fresh wood in the fireplace and casts a fire spell. The wood quickly ignites! A few moments later there is a knock at the office door!

Arc recalls his gauntlet. “Come!”

His squad enters with several blankets and pillows for Coco Pommel. They do their best to make her comfortable.

Max gently raises Coco Pommel’s head as he slips a pillow under it. “How’s that, Miss Pommel?”

“Just fine, Max. Thank you!”

Hugh covers her with a blanket. “Is there anything we can get you?! Something to eat perhaps?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “Not at the moment, no. I think I would like to rest now.”

Saffron knocks lightly on the open door. Arc waves her in.

“Come in, Saffron!”

Arc turns to his troops.

“I'll take that bag Flash Sentry. All of you are dismissed.”

They salute, smile at Coco Pommel and leave the office.

Arc looks to Saffron and gestures to a nearby couch. “Have a seat, Saffron. I need your advice on how to proceed with something.

“Yes, commander.”

They sit down next to each other across from Coco Pommel.

“Coco Pommel, this is Saffron. She's the base chef. Saffron, I'd like you to meet Coco Pommel. She is going to be my guest until further notice.”

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Pommel!”

Coco Pommel lowers her hood and sits up as best she can.

“Likewise! And please, call me Coco Pommel. No need to be so formal.”

Saffron immediately notices Coco Pommel's gaunt face and thin hooves!

“Oh my! Miss... I mean... Coco Pommel, are you eating right?!”

Coco Pommel looks down at the floor.

Arc clears his throat. “That's what I need to speak with you about Saffron. Coco Pommel here has been malnourished for... an extended period of time. I need your help bringing her back to a healthy weight!”

He gives Saffron the bag of vials from the doctor at Vanhoover Hospital.

“The doctor has ordered that Coco Pommel's food or drink must contain the contents of one of these vials every meal! As you can see her body weight needs to come up, and I mean now! While I'm sure you're a very busy individual, I need you to carefully consider what to feed Coco Pommel to help her recover! Can you do it? I know I'm already asking a lot of you, what with all the orphans to feed in addition to Ember and I.”

“Yes Commander! And don't worry about the extra work! This is what I have been trained for. Although I do appreciate Dinky's help lately. Thank you for sending her to me!”

Arc looks confused. “I didn’t send her.”

“Oh! So, she just took the initiative? That shows a great deal of maturity!”

“I’ll have to tell her soon how proud I am of the fine lady she is becoming. Well, I won't keep you any longer. Thank you for taking the time to do this Saffron.”

“It's my pleasure Commander! Supper will be ready in a couple hours.”

Saffron leaves the office with the vials as Arc stands up and looks to Coco Pommel.

“Are you comfortable? If you need ANYTHING, please let me know!”

She shakes her head. “Thank you Arc, but I'm fine. Just a little bit tired that's all! I'm sure you have lots of work to do.”

Arc nods. “Alright.”

Arc walks back to his desk and reaches for the quill. His arm bumps the telephone and knocks it loudly to the floor! Coco Pommel screams and instinctively runs, or in her case hobbles, as fast as she can behind the other couch to put something between herself and the loud noise!

“Coco Pommel! I'm sorry! Are you all right?!”

Coco Pommel peeks out from behind the couch, shakily. “W-what was that?!”

Arc stands up and walks over to her. “My mistake. I accidentally knocked my phone off the desk!”

He wraps her in a blanket before carefully picking her up. Coco Pommel clings to him as tightly as she can! Her eyes are wide and tears stream down her face as she breathes heavily! Her eyes dart around the room frantically and she cannot seem to stop shaking! Arc carries her back to his desk chair and sits down with her in his arms.

“The doctor warned me about this.”

Coco Pommel opens her eyes slowly. She looks confused and terrified at the same time.

“W-w-warned you about… w-w-what?”

“He said it wasn't just your body that is in need of healing, but also you mind. You’ve lived in constant fear of the Matron for so long that you now act purely out of instinct.”

Coco Pommel looks down, still shaking. “I-I’m… s-sorry!”

“Don't be. This is not your fault! Coco Pommel listen to me...”

She slowly looks Arc in the eye as she continues to shake. Her front hooves remain on his shoulders.

“We are GOING to make you whole again! This I promise! You're not alone anymore! I'm right here!”

Coco Pommel puts her hooves around Arc’s neck and leans into his embrace. She cries uncontrollably!

“Th-thank you Arc! Thank you... so... much!”

Arc leans back and slowly rocks Coco Pommel back and forth, like a mother rocking a small child to sleep. He allows her to cry openly as he strokes her mane and whispers words of encouragement in her ear.

“Don't worry... you're safe here... you and all the orphans. I won't let any harm come to any of you.”

Coco Pommel cries herself to sleep in Arc’s arms.

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