• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Assailant

Moving like lightning, Arc rolls off the bed as the bolt buries itself in the wall across the room. He lands heavily on the floor next to the bed and winces in pain.

“Darn it! Forgot about my hand!”

Arc peeks out from behind the bed and calls out to the intruder.

“Can I assume you’re with the rebels?”

His assailant does not respond, but instead fires another bolt toward him. Arc pulls his head in as the bolt lodges itself in the wood bed frame beside him. Grunting, he holds his head as another wave of pain comes forth.

“Okay, I’m getting a little bit annoyed at the whole cloak and dagger thing!”

He hears the intruder reloading.

“Look, this… argh… isn’t the best time to make me angry.”

Arc leans forward as his head throbs. He breathes heavily as he claws at his head in agony.

“You… wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!”

The sound of flapping wings can be heard. He looks up to see a robed griffon flying over the bed with a crossbow in their talons. They fire as he rolls away. Arc sweats profusely as he struggles to stay coherent.

“Not… now!”

The griffin puts a fresh bolt in their crossbow and takes aim.


They fire straight at him. In a flash Arc raises his hand and grabs the bolt in midair. The assassin gasps.

“WHAT?! Impossible!”

Arc raises his head angrily as he snaps the bolt in his hand and glares at his opponent.

“I warned you!”

He charges headfirst at the griffon as they try to reload their crossbow. Arc slams into them sending the pair crashing against a wall. He grabs at their cloak angrily.

“You should have run when you had the chance!”

Arc throws them across the room to slam against the other wall. Meanwhile the guards outside the room look at one another nervously.

“Should we… do something?”

“No. The princess said he’s been poisoned with something or other. As per her orders, we are to ignore anything we hear.”

One of the guards turns and looks at the door. “Sounds like he’s fighting something.”

“Probably just hallucinating. These walls are thick enough to keep out anypony threatening the princess.”

“Or keep somepony in?”


Meanwhile, the griffon rises from the floor and charges at him. Arc grabs them and turns 180 degrees to use their momentum and slam them to the floor. He angrily looks down at them.

“That better not be you under there, Natalya! After all I did to help you, this is how you repay me?!”

His opponent leaps up and hurries away from him, running woozily toward the door. They open it a few inches before it slams shut. Turning they see Arc’s outstretched arm casting a Telekinesis Spell.

“You had your chance to run! Now you pay the price for your mistake!”

The griffin takes flight in an attempt to put distance between the pair. Loading the crossbow again they take quick aim and fire. Arc raises a magic shield, deflecting the bolt harmlessly.

“All that’s doing is…!”

He is cut short as the crossbow itself hits him in the face. Arc picks the weapon up and breaks it in half before tossing it aside.

“Enough of your little toy!”

Arc puts a hand to his face, wiping blood from a small cut. He raises his head to look at his opponent.

“That… was a MISTAKE!”

The griffon continues to hover on the opposite side of the room. They look around frantically for a way out.

“Get down here!”

Arc jumps on the bed and, using it as a springboard, grabs his opponents legs to slam them to the floor yet again. Jumping up he lands on top of his assailant.

“Give up?!”

Their response is a powerful kick from their hind legs. Arc is thrown across the room to slam into the vanity. His royal cape tears in several places as the mirror is smashed to pieces. He stumbles to his fee and points a finger.

“You’re paying for that with your blood, Natalya!”

Arc again charges headfirst at them, plowing into the griffon. However, as they hit the ground the griffon uses their hind legs to launch Arc over their head. He slams into the far wall again and rises unsteadily, breathing heavily.

“That… all you got, lieutenant?! I thought you took those lessons better than that!”

The rebel charges at him. As they near Arc lets loose a powerful right-hook to his opponent’s gut. They fall to the floor gasping for breath. Arc reaches down unsteadily and grabs the griffon by the front of their cloak. He hits them in the chest.

“No armor, Natalya?! Really?! You couldn’t have grabbed SOMETHING during your apparent escape?! Other than an ineffective weapon that is!”

He throws them with what little strength he has left at the dresser. The griffon falls to the ground and does not rise. Arc walks over to them slowly as he pulls the Dagger of Eternal Slumbers from his ring.

“Time to end this charade… permanently.”

Arc falls to his knees over his opponent and holds the knife high.

“Good night… lieutenant!”

Suddenly Arc reaches for his head as a fresh wave of pain overtakes him.

“ARGH!!! W-why now?!”

Woozily he falls to all fours, dropping the dagger. Arc grabs his opponent and raises a fist.

“Have to… finish… it…”

But Arc falls to the floor unconscious on top of his assailant. Meanwhile the two guards outside listen intently.

“You think he tired himself out?”

“I sure hope he did!”

“What did the princess expect us to do if he came out here?!”


Meanwhile, Luna and the Council of Lords smile and wave at the streets filled with happy onlookers. Griffon Guards throw confetti and streamers. Luna turns to King Guto.

“Your subjects look very happy.”

“Why shouldn’t they? This is a day for celebration, princess!”

Luna nods. “I know, but… I can’t help worry about the rebel problem. They just so… organized!”

Adalbert grins broadly. “Well, with the leader out of commission and several members in the morgue, I believe they’ll think twice before being so brazen in the future.”

Weller nods. “I would hope so. This is their biggest setback to date.”

Goldstone frowns. “Somehow I doubt they’ll go THAT quietly though!”

Guto chuckles. “Agreed. We’ll be able to focus on that problem now though! It’s only a matter of time for them!”

Luna turns and looks down at the throngs of joyful faces below as she sighs.

“I hope I did the right thing…”

The Lunar Destiny touches down behind the Aviary sometime just after noon. King Guto turns to Luna as his guards move to surround him and the council. He takes her hoof in his talon and gives it a small kiss.

“Thank you for coming, your highness! I have enjoyed meeting you immensely!”

Luna nods. “Thank you for having me.”

“Perhaps when next you come we can have a longer visit.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

Adalbert nods. “Perhaps at the rebel’s public execution.”

Goldstone smiles. “Yes, it will be quite the spectacle. Worth the bits to put on THAT show!”

Weller clears his throat. “Either way, please have a safe trip back to Equestria, Princess Luna.”

She nods as the troupe descends the gangplank and heads for the castle. King Guto turns to Adalbert.

“Princess Luna is quite the leader!”

“She seemed a bit out of her element to me, your highness.”

Weller smiles. “Agreed. Perhaps that’s why she sent Lord Arc to negotiate this treaty originally.”

Goldstone chuckles. Most likely. We all do what we’re good at. He’s good at fighting and fast-talking. She’s good at… smiling and waving I suppose.

King Guto laughs. “I’m sure she’s good at other things, Goldstone!”

“If I may say so, your majesty, I haven’t seen you this happy since the last Promotion Ceremony.”

“New allies, new trade and new eye candy for our nation makes one happy!”

Adalbert smiles slyly. “Indeed. If all female ponies look half as good as the princess does, your highness…”

“Yes. I’d love to get to know her better. It’s been far too long since I enjoyed such pleasant female companionship.”

Goldstone nods. “Shall I arrange a diplomatic trip for you, sire?”

King Guto shakes his head. “Not right away. I don’t want her thinking I’m desperate, or anything. However, I want the finest artist in the land to start work on a portrait of her right away.”

Weller stops walking, confused. “Sire?”

“Money is no object! Just make sure it’s PERFECT!”

Goldstone sighs. “I’ll see to it, sire.”

“Good! This is a monumental day for our nation, and I want to remember it!”

Adalbert nods soberly. “Shall I look for a proper hanging place in the Hall of Records, sire?”

The king grins. “No. That painting will be hung in my private chambers. After all… who other than I are worthy to enjoy such beauty?”

Meanwhile, Luna, Flash Sentry and Rose head back inside the Lunar Destiny. Luna turns to Flash Sentry as the ship takes off and breathes a sigh of relief.

“I’m certainly glad THAT’S over!”

“You did just fine, your highness.”

Rose nods. “Yes. The treaty was signed and everyone got what they wanted out of the deal.”

Luna shrugs. “The king did look quite pleased with himself.”

Rose looks despondent. “I do feel bad for Lord Gestal though. It must be terrible to have someone you care about snatched from right in front of you.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Agreed. I’d feel awful if somepony snatched my marefriend, or something.”

Luna nods. “Pray it never happens then, lieutenant.”

Rose smiles at him. “Yes.”

“Thank you, your highness. May I escort you to your quarters?”

Luna appears confused. “What for?”

“I just thought you would like to rest after such a busy morning, your majesty.”

“Truthfully, I’m more hungry than tired at the moment. But let’s go to my quarters and see how Arc is doing.”

Rose leads the way. “Yes, ma’am.”

They make the quick walk to the guarded door. The pair of Royal Guards salute Luna as she approaches.

“Anything to report?”

“Yes, your highness. The Hero of Light was very… active earlier.”

Flash Sentry raises an eyebrow. “Active?”

“He was apparently hallucinating. It sounded as if he was rearranging the furniture with his fists!”

Luna appears nervous. “Oh my! Is he alright?!”

“Truth be told, we were afraid to open the door, your highness.”

“Forgive us, but he was like an animal in there!”

Luna turns to Rose.

“How is he now?”

Rose scans the room from the corridor.

“He’s sleeping peacefully at the moment.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Perhaps we should let him rest.”

Luna nods as she turns away from the door. “Agreed. Knowing Arc, he will awaken when his stomach tells him to. We shall let him sleep for now. After all, he’s certainly earned a good rest.”


Luna and her Honor Guards proceed to the Cafeteria for a quick lunch before heading to the onboard office. Flash Sentry opens the door for Luna.

“Here we are, your highness.”

“Thank you lieutenant.”

She walks over to the desk and sits down. Rose appears confused.

“Work to do, your majesty?”

“I need to contact Cadance and let her know our mission was a success.”

Luna picks up the phone. A few moments later Lemon Hearts comes on the line.

“Yes, Princess Luna?”

“I need to speak to Princess Cadance in Canterlot Castle.”

“Right away, ma’am.”

Luna turns on the speakerphone. A minute later they are connected. Cadance reaches over to her desk phone in the Royal Office and speak into the receiver sleepily.


“Cadance, it’s me.”

“Luna?! Is everything alright?!”

“Yes. The ceremony is over, and we have the treaty in hoof.”

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! Where are you now?”

“Aboard the Lunar Destiny returning to the castle. We’ll probably arrive tomorrow mid-morning.”

“I’ll be glad to have you back. Things have been very busy here in the meantime.”

“Anything wrong, Cadance?”

“Oh no. Just the normal day to day affairs here. It’s a bit more difficult to do alone though.”

Luna nods. “Yes. That I understand.”

“Fortunately I had some rather charming company these past few nights.”

Luna blushes. “Cadance… I’m not alone.”

There is an awkward silence from the other end of the line.

“Oh! Um… I… ah…”

“It’s alright, Cadance. Just a moment.”

Luna looks up at Rose and Flash Sentry, a serious look on her face.

“Do not repeat what you heard to ANYPONY!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes, your highness.”

Rose appears nervous. “Not even Arc?”

Luna sighs. “He already knows.”

Rose blushes slightly. “Oh…”

Luna turns back to the phone.

“They will keep this to themselves.”

She responds warily. “Who’s there?”

“Rose and Lieutenant Flash Sentry.”

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! They can be trusted.”

“Yes. In any case, I just called to let you know we’re on our way back. And I wanted to make sure all was well over there.”

“I do have one thing to tell you. Well, Arc to be more precise. Is he around?”

“Oh… um… he’s resting at the moment.”

Cadance sounds confused. “At this time of day?”

“Yes. We had some trouble here.”

“What kind of trouble?”

“Two assassination attempts and a kidnapping.”


Flash Sentry steps forward. “She’s fine, ma’am.”

Rose nods. “Yes. Arc protected her.”

“They are correct. However they too defended me during the kidnapping.”

There is a sudden crash from the other end of the line.

“Cadance?! Is everything alright over there?!”

Cadance slowly gets back into her chair. “Y-yes! This… this is just so hard to believe! We almost lost another princess!”

“I was fine.”

Rose smiles. “Arc and I went to rescue her!”

“Yes. And the lieutenant protected me from harm as we waited.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “As is my duty.”

“Is Arc okay?!”

“He will be. After a bit of antidote for Sanguine Azolla.”

Flash Sentry nods. “The second assassination attempt he was struck through the hand by a bolt poisoned with it.”

“So he’s unconscious from that?!”

Luna shakes her head. “No. It appears to have affected him differently.”

Rose giggles. “Yes. He’s been… acting strangely, and even thought I was Miss Cherry for a time.”

“Chief Medical Officer Redheart assures me he his life is in no immediate danger though.”

“Thank goodness! Well, tell him ‘hello’ for me when he wakes up. I’ll see you at the dock tomorrow morning with Doctor Whooves.”

“See you then, Cadance. Goodbye.”

Luna severs the connection and sighs.

“She worries too much.”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “Begging the princess’ pardon, but she has good reason to do so.”

Rose nods. “Yes. It’s not every day one almost loses a friend three times.”

“Hopefully that is the end of this dangerous mission.”

Luna stands up.

“I’m heading over to the Bridge and speak to the captain about our arrival time.”

Flash Sentry follows her. “We’ll join you.”

“That isn’t really necessary.”

“I’d like to take precautions until we are safely back at the castle, your highness.”

Rose nods. “Probably a good idea. This whole thing has me on edge as well.”

Luna opens the door and steps out into the corridor. “Very well.”

After a consultation with Captain Tight Ship, the group heads to the Library for a bit of reading before the evening meal. They escort Luna back to her quarters as the sun sets. As they approach Luna turns to the guards.

“Has the Hero of Light awakened?”

“No ma’am.”

“Either that or he just hasn’t left the room.”

Luna nods. “Very well. I’ll sleep elsewhere.”

Flash Sentry turns to her confused. “Your highness?”

“Arc needs rest more than I do. He can sleep in there tonight.”

“Very well.”

He turns to the Royal Guards.

“You two are dismissed.”

They salute and walk away as Rose turns to Luna and Flash Sentry.

“I’ll see to it Arc doesn’t cause any trouble tonight.”

Luna nods. “You are very brave, Rose.”

Rose smiles as she turns to the door. “Thank you, your highness. Pleasant dreams.”

Luna and Flash Sentry turn and walk down the corridor together.

“You should get some rest as well, lieutenant.”

“Thank you, but I’d rather guard your door tonight, Princess Luna.”

Luna shakes her head. “Assign a couple guards if you will, but I want you to…”

A scream is heard behind them.


Luna and Flash Sentry run back the way they came. Coming to the door they find Rose hunched over an unconscious Arc. She turns to them as she scans him.

“He won’t wake up!”

Luna turns to Flash Sentry. “Get Redheart! Hurry!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

He gallops out the door as Luna hurries over to help Rose.

“I don’t detect any major injuries!”

Luna looks around the room. “Well it sure looks like what the guards said was true. This place is a mess!”

Rose spots the Dagger of Eternal Slumber lying on the floor nearby. “You don’t suppose he was attacked, do you?!”

“I doubt that.”

Rose leans toward Arc, but Luna holds out a hoof.

“While I trust your scanners, let’s wait to move him until the medical officer examines him.”

“But, I…!”

“Just trust me.”

“Yes, your highness.”

A few moments later Nurse Redheart hurries into the room with Flash Sentry. She gallops over to Arc and quickly feels his limbs and torso.

“I don’t feel any serious injuries or broken bones.”

Rose appears nervous. “Is it safe to move him?!”

Redheart nods as two guards rush in with a gurney. “Yes. Help me lift him.”

As they pick Arc up they are surprised to see a robed griffon under his cape. Flash Sentry steps forward.

“What the…?!”

Rose gasps. “Where did THEY come from?!”

Luna looks at the nurse. Better examine them too.

Redheart does so. As Flash Sentry sees the insignia on the robe he pulls his blades.

“The Rebel Leader!”

Rose frowns. “My scanners show serious injuries in them!”

Flash Sentry eyes the rebel warily. “Is it… Natalya?”

Redheart cuts him off. “We can ask questions later! Right now I have two patients to care for!”

She orders another gurney brought. The patients are taken to the Infirmary together. Redheart begins to examine the griffon. Flash Sentry looks to her incredulously.

“Ma’am! The commander is over here!”

“I know that! However this patient is in MUCH worse condition than he is!”

Luna turns to Flash Sentry. “Let Redheart do her job, lieutenant.”

Rose looks over at the griffon as she takes Arc’s hand. “Yes, my scans show quite a bit of head trauma in her.”

Luna frowns angrily as she walks over to the bedside.

“If this is Natalya, her life is forfeit!”

She puts a hoof on the griffon’s mask. Arc stirs and squeezes Rose’s hand. Rose gasps.

“Y-your highness! Arc is coming around!”

Luna turns to walk over to his bedside. “Good!”

Arc raises his head slightly and looks around. “What the…?”

Flash Sentry hurries over and puts his front hooves on Arc’s chest. “Please sir, rest!”

Rose nods. “Yes, you must have had QUITE the battle with this rebel!”

Arc looks over to the bed next to his, weakly. Redheart…?

The nurse looks up as she begins cutting open the rebel’s robe. “Yes, sir?”

“S-see if you can help them. I need answers.”

“I’ll do my best. But it doesn’t look good for them.”

Luna clears her throat. “Arc? What happened?!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “I… can’t quite remember the details.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Do try, sir!”

“I… I entered the room and lay down. Then I heard a noise. Looking over, I saw this rebel aiming a crossbow at me!”

Rose gasps. “She tried to kill you?!”


“Do you remember anything else, sir?”

“Just… getting angry and… losing control. Things fade after that. Next thing I remember I was lying here.”

Luna looks over at the rebel lying in the bed next to him. “Don’t worry, Arc. We will deal with this assassin. I for one have had enough of these rebel’s antics! A swift message MUST be sent!”

Redheart turns to Luna. “Well, you may have to put that on hold.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “What’s that, Nurse Redheart?”

“I can’t seem to get this mask off the patient.”

Rose shakes her head. “They must REALLY not want to be revealed!”

“Rose, help me up.”

What?! But you…!”

“Just do it!”


Rose puts an arm behind Arc’s back. Slowly he sits up and stands. Luna frowns.

“Arc, what are you doing?!”

“I… I have to know the truth.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Sir? What truth?”

Arc takes the few steps to the bedside as he leans heavily on Rose. He puts his hands on the bedside and looks down at the injured griffon angrily.

“Whether or not this is Natalya!”

Rose shrugs. “Her garb is somehow preventing me from scanning her.”

Arc slowly reaches forward. “Let’s see who you really are!”

The mask appears to be somehow connected to the robe. However with a bit of effort Arc is able to tear it away from the fabric.

“There we…!”

He drops the mask to the floor. His face aghast.

“It… it CAN’T BE!!!”

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