• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 10 - Passing the Torch

Early the next morning Arc heads to the Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer’s Blacksmith Shop to see if his armor is ready yet. However, when he arrives, Arc finds door locked. He knocks and waits patiently. A few moments later he hears hooffalls and Silver Hammer’s voice coming from the other side of the wood.

“I’m very sorry, but we’re closed today.”

“It’s me, Arc.”

Silver Hammer unlocks the door and opens it for him. “Sorry for that Arc. Please, come in.”

Doing as suggested, Arc steps into the shop as Silver Hammer closes and locks the door behind him. As she turns back, he smiles at her.

“How are you today, ma’am?”

Silver Hammer yawns. “A bit sleep deprived. But the good news is that your armor is almost ready. Care to have a look?”

Arc nods. “Very!”

The two enter the back room as Steel Hammer finishes applying a coat of polish to the newly upgraded armor. Looking up at the pair, he sets the rag down and speaks.

“Hello, Arc. You're in luck. Silver Hammer and I just finished installing the upgrades.”

Arc looks his armor over. “It doesn't look much different from where I stand though.”

Silver Hammer walks over to Eidolon’s Ward and puts her front hooves on the workbench as she giggles..

“To tell you the truth, that exactly what we were going for. Take a look at this. Both hooves... I mean gauntlets now have a blaster installed. The crystal that powers it is inside the armor on the forearm. Its charge will not last forever, of course, but will regenerate over time. Or a unicorn could donate some magic to recharge it.”

Steel Hammer turns the gauntlet around to expose the inside of it. “We've also taken the liberty of adding cybernetics to the arms and legs which should increase your strength noticeably. Although admittedly it did take both of our suit’s robotic parts to make this work, as humans are so much... ah... bigger than ponies.”

Silver Hammer picks up the other gauntlet and turns the back of it upright. “Platinum Valve has already taken care of one of the enchantments you wanted. The right hand is now capable of creating and removing sigils. Simply place a sigil on a familiar place and you will be able to return to that stop instantly at will. Just think of the sigil in question while standing on another sigil to make it work. If you concentrate on its location very hard, you will find yourself there near instantly. And, while it will take quite a bit of energy, you can use this module to open a temporary portal to connect to any sigil that you have previously placed. Quite useful for rescue and emergency situations. Just remember that any portal you open will start to close when you pass through it yourself. Or if it loses too much energy and collapses in on itself. Again, a unicorn can feed a portal magic to extend its life.”

Steel Hammer grabs his old suit of armor and holds up the helmet. “Our own armor had a voice modulator installed in the helmet to prevent anypony from recognizing us in such a way. However, since you're the only human in here Equestria, I guess a secret identity is out of the question. We used the extra space to add more power crystals which should help increase the battery life of all the other modules.”

Silver Hammer opens the chest plate to expose numerous internal pads. “One last addition to your armor. While quite time consuming, we added many small thermal regulators throughout the suit. It should help you stay warm in winter and cool in summer. Just bear in mind that this module will consume more energy the harder it has to work.”

Arc nods soberly. “Meaning that if I venture out into a frozen wasteland, don't linger longer than necessary?”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “Right. Now then, none of these modifications will actually work until Platinum Valve casts the enchantments on them to bring them online. She should be ready to do so any time now.”

As if on cue Platinum Valve walks in to the workshop levitating the ring Arc left with her the other day. Grinning, she hurries over to them.

“Mr. Arc! I just finished enchanting your ring!”

“Great! What does it do?”

She walks over to Eidolon’s Ward. “I'll show you! But first I need to link it to your armor!”

Platinum Valve levitates the ring next to Eidolon's Ward. As she does so, the ring and the armor begin to glow, growing in intensity. Suddenly the two become as one and in a flash of light the armor vanishes. Arc looks around instinctively before turning to the filly.

“What the…? Where did it go?!”

Platinum Valve levitates the ring over to Arc. “It's now inside the ring! Just put the ring on your finger and then concentrate on your armor to bring it forth!”

“Okay, I'll give it a shot.”

Arc concentrates as best he is able. After a few moments his armor begins to appear. First his boots, then greaves, chest-plate, gauntlets, and finally his helmet appears in his hand .Arc puts it on his head and in a flash is fully battle ready. The process takes only a couple seconds. Chuckling, Arc looks himself over.

“Whoa! I wonder if this is how it feels like when the Power Rangers morph?!”

Platinum Valve looks at Arc confused. “Power Rangers?”

“Never mind. It’s a human world reference.”

“Um… okay. In any case, all that's left to do at this point is to put the last enchantment on to link everything together! If you would please put your armor back on the workbench I can get started, sir!”

Arc quickly does so with the help of Steel Hammer. Silver Hammer makes a few minor adjustments to the cybernetics before turning to her daughter.

“Anytime you’re ready dear.”

Platinum Valve’s horn glows as she begins putting the armor together on the workbench. Not taking her eyes off of the armor, she speaks.

“I estimate that this process should take about twenty minutes, sir. Once I start, there's no stopping though. Shall I begin?”

Arc nods. “Sure, go ahead.”

Taking a deep breath, Platinum Valve looks over the armor one more time as her horn glows. A moment later the young filly begins channeling her magic into the armor. However, as she does so there is a sudden disturbance outside. Arc groans as he facepalms.

“Perfect timing… whatever it is.”

They all run to the window, except Platinum Valve, to see what is going on. Silver Hammer points a hoof at something rather large some distance away.

“Is that an Ursa Minor?! Again?!

Steel Hammer turns to his wife. “This has never happened before! Now twice?!”

Arc soberly heads for the door. “We’ll worry about the ‘whys’ later! I’m guessing that the citizens are most likely being evacuated into the Town Hal! Twilight and her friends will need all the help they can get!”

Steel Hammer blocks his advance. “Arc, wait! You'll need your armor first! Let Silver Hammer and I handle this!”

He and his wife quickly don their respective armors as Arc frowns.

“But I thought you used most of your modules to upgrade my armor! That and yours is literally falling apart!”

Silver Hammer looks to Arc as she puts on her chest plate. “We did! Our armor is not what it was before, but together my husband and I are still a force to be reckoned with!”

Steel Hammer reaches for his helmet. “True strength doesn't come from your armor, but from the heart, Arc! Join us when Platinum Valve finishes channeling the last enchantment!

The Heroes of Light dash out the back way to circle around town and flank the Ursa Minor. Arc watches them from the window as he sighs.

“Of all the times…”

Meanwhile the Mane Six, Ember, and Derpy do their best to distract the Ursa Minor. As the others try to keep the beast away from the Town Hall, Twilight charges her magic as she calls out.

“Just like last time, girls!”

Ember looks over her shoulder. “Last time?!”

Templar Derpy knocks a massive paw away from Twilight with the butt of her spear. “Does this happen often?”

Rainbow Dash circles the beast in an effort to distract it. “Nah! But we just have to keep this thing busy long enough for Twilight to charge up enough magic to blast it back to the Everfree Forest!”

Pinkie Pie unloads another volley from her Party Cannon at the Ursa Minor. “Yeah! It's easy!”

The Ursa Minor, seeing what Twilight is doing, charges at her. Moments before it hits her however, the Ursa Minor takes a strong blow from the side. It flies across the ground for some distance as two heavily armored ponies run over to Twilight and extend their hooves.

“Need a hoof?!”

“We’ve got your back, Twilight!”

Rainbow Dash takes one look at the warriors before them and starts gushing. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, OHMYGOSH! It's the Heroes of Light! They're... SO... AWESOME!!!

Applejack calls over to her pegasus friend. “Stay focused, Rainbow Dash!”

Fluttershy cowers nearby. “I sure wish Arc was here right now!”

Ember looks over to her. “You and me both! Where the heck is he anyways?!”

The Heroes of Light look over. “Arc will be here as soon as he can! The blacksmith is putting the finishing touches on his armor!”

Templar Derpy knocks the Ursa Minor back as it approaches yet again. “Let's finish this quickly then! I don't want Arc to have to fight anymore!”

Twilight continues to charge up her magic. “Just need a few more minutes...”

With the aid of the Heroes of Light, the brave defenders are able to distract the Ursa Minor for Twilight. Grinning, she calls out loudly.

“Ready! Everypony scatter!”

As they all scatter, Twilight's horn blasts the Ursa Minor back toward the Everfree Forest from whence it came. As it lands heavily some distance away, the Heroes of Light look over at Twilight and nod approvingly.

“That’s the stuff!”

“Great job!”

Ember shoots Twilight a quick thumbs up. “Nice shot!”

Templar Derpy looks at the state of the Heroes of Light’s armor and gasps. “Oh my! What happened to you two?!”

The rest of the group notices the Heroes of Light’s armor looks as it has been torn apart. Rainbow Dash looks over at them, wide eyed as she tilt her head to one side, confused.

“Your armor is totally trashed! What were you two fighting?! An army?!”

“We… we actually did this to ourselves.”

The Mane Six look to them, completely dumbfounded. Twilight is the first to speak.

“But… but why?!”

“It was the quickest way to remove our armor's combat modules and power supplies.”

Ember shakes her head. “But wouldn't that make it more difficult for you to defend yourselves?! I mean, did you think you needed a challenge, or something?!”

“Truth be told, we gave them to the town blacksmith to be reinstalled in Arc's armor. You see...”

The conversation is cut short by an ear-piercing roar. Fluttershy runs and hides behind Twilight as she shakes in fear.

“What… was… THAT?!”

Twilight looks in the direction the Ursa Minor was blasted. “I don't know, but it sounded... angry.”

The sound of extremely large footsteps rings out across the town. Rarity looks over at Twilight nervously.

“That is most definitely the sound of something very, VERY bad heading this way!”

Pinkie shrugs. “Maybe whatever it is just wants to play!”

Ember holds her spear at the ready. “I doubt that Pinkie Pie!”

Suddenly, a large purple mass lumbers out of the Everfree Forest, rears back on its hind legs, and roars mightily. Rarity appears ready to faint at such a thing as she calls out.

“Good heavens!”

Templar Derpy looks up at it. “That thing is bigger than the Town Hall!”

Applejack turn to Twilight whom is apparently in shock. “Twilight! What IS that thing?!”


Fluttershy covers her eyes with her hooves. “What… what do we do?!”

Rainbow Dash lands in front of her frightened friend and takes up a defensive position. “We fight it!”

She flies at the Ursa Major. It swings its mighty claws in an effort to swat her away. They miss Rainbow Dash, but cut through a dozen trees cleanly. She flies back to the others and lands before looking at the carnage behind her.


Ember holds her spear at the ready. “If anyone has any ideas, now is the time to speak up!”

Templar Derpy stands with the others in the defense of the Town Hall. “As much as I want him to be safe, I do wish Arc was here right now!”

As if on cue, Arc runs up to the others wearing his enhanced armor. “Sorry I’m late! Did I miss anything?!”

Ember shouts to him. “Arc! We need a way to get this thing out of here!”

“Okay, here's the plan! I'll do my best to keep its attention focused on me! While I’m doing that, the rest of you think of a plan!”

Without another word, Arc charges at the Ursa Major. He fires his hoof... er... ‘hand cannons’ at the beast's face. The enraged Ursa Major turns its attention to Arc whom leads it away from the Town Hall. Ember shakes her head and groans.

“THAT’S his plan?!”

Templar Derpy flies toward Arc, carrying his weapon. “Arc! I have your spear right here!”

Arc continues running and gunning. “Just hold onto it for now! I don't think it would do much good against this beast anyway!”

Applejack turns to Twilight. “Has anypony ever fought an Ursa Major before?!”

Twilight nods nervously. “Yes, they have. But let's just say that the end result was always rather... messy.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin and thinks. “If we could somehow communicate with it, like Fluttershy did against the manticore in the Everfree Forest, we might just be able to convince it to leave peacefully.”

Arc looks over. “Rarity! Great plan!”

Rarity looks over to Arc, confused. “Plan? What plan?”

Arc shouts to Twilight. “The sound equipment the mayor uses when making her speeches! Where is it kept?!”

“In the Town Hall! Why?!”

“Get it all out here and set it up! Hurry!”

Twilight and her friends along with several of the townsponies help get the sound equipment set up. Finishing their task, Applejack looks over to Arc and shouts to him.

“We're ready on this end, sugarcube! What now?!”

“Put Fluttershy in front of the microphone!”

Fluttershy peeks out from her hiding place. “WHAT?!”

Arc looks to her. “We need you to try and talk some sense into this thing!”

“Um… okay.”

Fluttershy takes to the podium in front of the Town Hall and takes a deep breath before speaking into the microphone.

“Um... excuse me... Miss Ursa Major? Can we... uh... maybe… talk this out...?”

The Ursa Major stops chasing Arc and looks at Fluttershy. The cowardly pegasi promptly tries to run away.


Rainbow Dash flies over to Fluttershy and holds her back up to the microphone. “Keep going! It’s working!”

Fluttershy gulps before continuing. “We're... uh... very sorry about your little one. I'm sure he just wanted to play. But... um... we didn't hurt him, did we?”

Arc pants heavily as he stops running. “Finally! A breather!”

“I'm sure that your little one is lonely without his mama. Maybe we could convince you to... head back to the forest?”

The Ursa Major looks as though it is weighing its options. Applejack whispers to her friend.

“You're doing great, sugarcube! Keep going!”

Fluttershy seems to slightly warm to her task. “Maybe you're just hungry. How about a snack?”

The Ursa Major looks back at Arc, hungrily. His pupils shrink as he instinctively takes a step back.

“Oh… crap.”

The beast resumes chasing after him. Fluttershy quickly shouts into the microphone.

“I meant go back to the forest and have a snack! Oh dear me! What have I done?!”

Ember shouts over to Arc. “Any other ‘genius’ plans?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah! Rarity, get in front of the microphone! I need the rest of you behind the speakers! No matter what, just make sure they always point toward the bear’s head!”

Rarity appears surprised. “Oh! Well, alright then!”

She stands at the podium as the others rush to carry out Arc's instructions. With everyone in place, Rarity calls out to Arc.

“Now what?!”

“I need you to reach down deep inside of yourself and give me the most ear splitting, high pitched scream that you can!”

Rarity gasps, clearly confused. “What?!”

Templar Derpy looks to her. “Please, Rarity! Arc can't run forever!”

“I… I know that! But you have to understand that it’s not like I can do such a thing on command! There has to be some kind of reason for it!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “Seriously, Rarity? A giant monster attacking Ponyville isn't a good enough reason for you to scream?”

Arc groans as he turns to the podium. “Rarity! I'm about to lead this beast toward your favorite SPA! How's that for motivation?!”

Rarity’s pupils shrink and her eye twitches. “You… wouldn’t… DARE!”

Arc starts running toward the Ponyville Day Spa. “Oh yeah?! Wanna bet?!”

Rarity immediately starts screaming incoherently and takes a few haphazard steps to chase after Arc before she is tackled by Twilight and Applejack. Ember grabs the microphone stand from its place on the podium and holds it to the frantic pony's mouth. The Ursa Major collapses to the ground and tries to cover its ears with its paws in an effort to block out the screeching sounds coming forth from the speakers. Arc turns to the beast as he stops running.

“Had enough yet?!”

It growls at him angrily and begins to rise. Arc calls over to Pinkie.

“Turn it up!”

Pinkie turns up the speaker’s volume dial to eleven (even though it really should only go to ‘ten’). “Okie doki loki!”

Hearing the noise intensify, the Ursa Major runs back into the Everfree Forest. Templar Derpy flies over to Arc and gives him a hug along with Ember.

“Arc, you did it!”

Ember grins approvingly. “Great plan, Arc! But how did you know it would work?!”

“I didn’t.”

Ember looks suddenly angry. “You mean…!”

He removes his helmet and smiles at her nervously. “Yup. It was just another one of my half-baked plan.”

Arc shrugs as Ember glares at him. “What’s the problem? My success rate for half-baked plans and total lack of a plan entirely is really high!”

Ember sighs as she facepalms. “At this point all I can say is that one of these days you're going to be wrong. And I just hope I'm there to see it.”

Twilight opens the doors of the Town Hall and calls out. “Everypony can come out now! The danger has passed!”

Everyone makes their way out of the Town Hall together. However, as they do so they are astonished to see the Heroes of Light themselves in attendance. The mayor of Ponyville quickly steps forward to greet them.

“It has been quite a few years since you graced us with a visit, Heroes of Light! To what do we owe this pleasure?!”

“Well... we're actually here to make a big announcement.”

Mayor Mare points a hoof at the podium. “Please feel free to do so. It looks like everything is already set up. Heroes, you have the stage.”

Arc walks past the controls with the microphone, remembering to turn it down to a sensible level first. He puts the microphone back in its place in front of the podium, then walks back to stand with the Mane Six, Derpy, and Ember as the Heroes of Light walk up to the podium together and begin to speak.

“Citizens of Ponyville! Many years ago, we traveled here on a mission to investigate the Everfree Forest and rumors of possible demonic activity! As some of the older citizens of the town may recall, the trouble was not demonic! However, a dark entity was making an effort to bring their forces into the heart of Equestria in an attempt to overthrow Princess Celestia! The two of us took on their entire army, and to the best of our knowledge, not one of them survived! When we returned, it was here that my companion and I were first called the Heroes of Light for our heroic deeds! That mission was to be the first of many more! We spent a great number of years protecting these lands from various threats! And it was always a great honor to serve the princesses along with the rest of the population!”

Pausing to look over the crowd, Silver Hammer continues where her husband left off a few moments ago.

“However, in time... all things must pass! At some point, there must be a changing of the guard! The old must make way for the new! And today is that day! There is among you today a great and noble hero! One whom fights for the good of all! Not just with strength, but also with intelligence!”

Steel Hammer motions for Arc to step forward. Arc does so, his helmet under his arm as the stallion speaks.

“We have already removed our armor's combat modules and have had your town’s blacksmith install them in Arc's armor! And so, without any further ado, may I present to you for the very first time, your new Hero of Light... Arc of Earth!”

All the townsponies cheer as the Heroes of Light turn to him.

“And now... we must ask one final favor of you.”

Arc nods soberly. “Name it.”

Both the former Heroes of Light rip the insignias from their armor and place them in Arc's hand before speaking again.

“Take our insignias to Canterlot Castle and present them to the princesses. And when you do so simple tell them that ‘the torch has been passed’. They will understand.”

“I will. Thank you.”

One of them places a strange sigil on the ground. Together they step onto it and begin to fade away as they speak.

“Goodbye, Arc. The safety of this land is now in your capable hands. We know you won't let Equestria down.”

After they are gone the sigil also vanishes. All the townsponies turn to Arc for an explanation. Taking a deep breath, he calls out loudly.

“Everyone! You have put your faith in me! I will do my very best not to disappoint you! This land is a beautiful one! One where fillies can grow up smiling, laughing and playing! I promise you here and now that I will do my very best to keep it that way!”

He looks down at the insignias in his hand before returning his gaze to the crowd and continuing.

“However, first I have a promise to keep. If you will excuse me, it would appear that I have a train to catch.”

As he steps down from the podium, the crowd of ponies part to allow Arc and his friends to pass by. Meanwhile, back at the blacksmith's shop basement, Platinum Valve stands next to a sigil on the floor as it begins to glow. A few moments later the former Heroes of Light appear on it. She walks over to them and speaks softly.

“Mom… dad… is it done?”

Silver Hammer removes her helmet and smiles at her daughter. “Yes, my dear! It's finally over!”

Steel Helmet removes his armor and turns to Platinum Valve. “Our time has passed. Now we have officially left Equestria's future in Arc's hands.”

The pair remove their armor for the last time and come together for a family hug. As they turn to head upstairs Platinum Valve points a hoof at their broken armor.

“But… what about what’s left of your armor?”

Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer look to each other silently and nod. Silver Hammer walks over to the pile and picks the armor up. Platinum Valve helps her.

“Let’s bring them upstairs to your father’s shop.”

They do so. As the enter the shop, they see Steel Hammer setting a large cauldron in front of the smelter. He points a hoof at it.

“Put them in here.”

With what is left of their armor dumped in the cauldron, Steel Hammer opens the door to the smelter and shoves the cauldron inside. Platinum Valve gasps and runs over to him.

“Father! What are you doing?!”

“Closing this book. This is truly the end of the previous Heroes of Light.”

Steel Hammer steps back to stand with his wife and daughter in front of the smelter. With tears in their eyes, the Hammers all look on silently. As they listen to the sounds of melting metal, both mother and father instinctively salute. Platinum Valve joins them in their gesture a few moments later. Platinum Valve looks at the cauldron in the smelter as she speaks.

“Thank you... for protecting my parents all these years.”

Silver Hammer wipes a tear from her eye with a hoof. “Farewell, old friends.”

Steel Hammer closes the door to the smelter. “You served us well. And now, the time for your own rest has come.”

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