• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Breaking and Entering

Later that evening, as the sun begins to set, Twilight and her friends meet in the large suite provided to them by Luna. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“This really isn’t a very good idea.”

Rarity sighs. “I agree. But there isn’t really anything else to do.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “Um… is this legal?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Not even close, sugarcube.”

Twilight purses her lips. “Right. But it’s the only way to get what we need.”

Pinkie steps out of the bathroom in a black spandex body suit. “I like the plan!”

Derpy nods soberly. “Well, we have the safe job.”

Applejack shrugs. “More or less, anyways.”

There is a knock at the door. Derpy opens it to find Luna and Sandstorm Mirage standing there. Without a word they enter as she closes the door behind them. Luna looks around solemnly.

“It appears everypony is here.”

Twilight looks to them. “We have an addition.”

Sandstorm Mirage raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

The bathroom door opens and Rose steps out. She is wearing a similar black body suit to Pinkie’s.

“Sorry I took so long. This thing wasn’t exactly easy to put on.”

Luna appears surprised. “Your android creation, Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Her sensors and other abilities should be of great help to us.”

“I’m not really sure if we should be entrusting such a… sensitive matter to a machine.”

Derpy steps forward. “Princess Luna?”

“Yes, miss?”

“I know Rose is a machine, and while I can’t even begin to understand how she works, I do know one thing for certain. Arc entrusted her with many highly sensitive matters back on Earth and here in Equestria.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, he had complete faith in her.”

“Can you give me an example?”

Rose steps forward. “I aided Arc and his squad during their final assault on the human base that housed Princess Celestia. My sensors warned him several times that night of nearby danger. Since my activation I’ve been by his side constantly. However, even after the removal of my directives I still stayed to protect Arc. The only difference was that I did it of my own free will.”

Luna nods thoughtfully. “If Arc put such faith in you, so will I.”

She turns and looks to the others.

“Does everypony understand their part of the plan?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. We’ve been talking about the best ways to efficiently carry them out.”

Applejack turns to look at her group. “I’m with Twilight, Pinkie, and Rose. We’ll head out first followed by Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Derpy exactly ten minutes later.”

She sighs before continuing.

“While I really don’t like my part of the plan, I’ll do my best.”

Rarity smiles. “Trust me when I say you’re eminently qualified.”

Sandstorm Mirage steps forward with a large sack.

“I was able to… acquire everything Princess Luna asked me to. I hope it’ll be enough.”

Twilight levitates it off his back and heads for the bathroom.

“Thank you. I’m sure it will be. Come on, girls. We have work to do.”

Derpy grins. “Right behind you.”

Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Derpy enter the bathroom together. Rainbow Dash snickers as Pinkie turns to her.

“What’s so funny?”


“I don’t get it.”

“You will when she comes out!”

An hour later the bathroom door opens and the mares step out. Rarity and Applejack are both wearing elegant dresses complete with exquisite hoof protectors. Their hair is immaculately done with ribbons in just the right places. Rainbow Dash grins as she looks Applejack up and down.

“Lookin’ good there, AJ!”

Applejack frowns. “Knock it off, Rainbow Dash! I feel silly enough wearing this thing!”

“Sorry. I’m just not used to seeing you like that. But in all seriousness you do look really nice.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

Pinkie looks over. “Where are the others?!”

Rarity giggles. “Twilight and Derpy are just finishing with Fluttershy’s outfit.”

A few moments later Twilight trots out and looks to Luna.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

Derpy and Fluttershy step out of the bathroom. Fluttershy is wearing a castle maid’s uniform.

“How does she look?”

“Um… is this okay?”

Luna nods. “Passable, I suppose. As long as you stay in the shadows behind your ward, nopony would guess you’re not a servant.”

Pinkie grins seductively. “And as pretty as Rarity and Applejack are right now, nopony will even notice!”

Rainbow Dash snickers. “She’s right! But let’s test that theory!”

She turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“What do you think? Do they look good?”

Sandstorm Mirage blushes heavily. “I… um… y-yeah!”

Pinkie giggles. “That settles it! You two are knockouts!”

Rose nods. “From what I have learned regarding stallions, I do not believe they will be able to resist the sight of Rarity and Applejack.”

Luna sighs. “Now that we have that out of the way, it’s time to get underway. Come straight back here when you’re finished.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Right. No extra risks.”

Rarity looks to Derpy, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy as she sighs. “Come on now. Let’s get this over with.”

Fluttershy lowers her head. “Yes, mistress.”

Rainbow Dash giggles as she takes flight. “Nice one, Fluttershy!”

“I’m trying to stay in character.”

Derpy looks to Fluttershy. “That might just help us pull this off.”

Luna shakes her head as they close the door behind them. “If they don’t get caught, I’ll be amazed.”

Sandstorm Mirage turns to Luna. “Should I follow them to act as a contingency plan, your highness?”

“No. We have to trust them with this. If you go and are seen it would only serve to show my involvement.”

Twilight nods. “If Princess Celestia found out about this it would forever tarnish her opinion of her sister, after all.”

Pinkie sighs. “Not the best way to put that, Twilight.”

Applejack groans. “Indeed. That puts a lot of pressure on us too.”

Rose nods. “For Arc’s memory, and to lay his spirit to rest, we must not fail here tonight.”

Ten minutes pass. Rose turns to Twilight.

“It’s time, mother.”

“Alright. Applejack, you go out first. Rose, Pinkie, and I will be a little ways behind you.”

Applejack takes a deep breath. “Alright. Here we go.”

Rose steps forward and opens the door for her. Walking past, Twilight allows Pinkie to bounce through the door before leaving the room herself. Two minutes later Luna turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“You have your orders.”

Sandstorm Mirage sighs. “Yes, your highness.”

Leaving the room, he walks down the corridor and frowns.

“The things I have to do…”

A short time later Rarity and Fluttershy slowly approach a simple wooden door which is flanked on either side by Royal Guards. Rarity giggles as she talks seemingly about nothing.

“So then I told her… if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the greenhouse.”

Fluttershy smiles and nods respectfully. Rarity looks at the two guards.

“My, my. What have we here? Two fine young stallions.”

They nod respectfully but say nothing as she looks to Fluttershy.

“You would do well to find a stallion soon, my dear. After all, you’re not getting any younger.”

Fluttershy nods and speaks softly. “Yes, mistress.”

“Take these two for instance. Strong, intelligent, brave… all qualities you’d want in a husband.”

The guards blush slightly as Rarity continues.

“Maybe they could join us with Lady Ashe this evening. It would certainly make things more… interesting.”

“Lady Ashe has already left her office for the evening, ma’am.”

Rarity pouts. “Oh has she? A pity. My servant and I will have to catch up to her. Do you know where she’s gone?”

“Most likely to her quarters with Admiral Gaston for the evening meal, miss. However she does not like to be disturbed during that time.”

Rarity smiles coyly. “Oh yes, that I do understand. She’s undergoing the ceremony.”


“I’m assuming you’ve never heard of it. Well, that’s to be expected, as they’re rather new to Equestria. In any case, they call this ceremony ‘Indulgence’. It’s part of griffon aristocracy’s traditions. After supper a big, strong griffon like the admiral will take the lady and, shall we say… help her to relieve the stress of the day.”

The guard blushes heavily. “I… didn’t know that. We’ll be sure to pass it along to the other guards so as not to disturb such things in the future. But if I may… if you knew she was undergoing such a ceremonious… uh… act, why were you looking for her?”

Rarity giggles. “We were supposed to walk there together for dinner.”


“Oh yes! As you can see from my appearance, I’m VERY well off here in our land. Lady Ashe and I met a few days ago and spoke at length about our cultures. When I heard about this particular ritual I knew I just HAD to be the first Equestrian to witness such a cultural anomaly. I’d be the talk of the town!”

“How very… good for you.”

“Yes it was. But there was one little catch. You see, this is a rather… private function. Not something one usually has spectators for, much less non-griffon ones. However, Lady Ashe graciously extended an invitation in exchange for what she referred to as ‘an offering’.”

Rarity gestures to Fluttershy.

“I’m bringing one of my many, MANY servants along to serve as my ‘offering’. My maid will be thoroughly used by the admiral as Lady Ashe and I watch while sipping champagne.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “Yes, ma’am. I’m looking forward to it.”

The guards look away from the pair as they continue to blush and attempt to hide their own arousal. Rarity turns away and nods as she and Fluttershy continue on down the corridor together. They walk around twenty feet before Rarity calls out, not looking back.

“It will be absolutely… serendipitous.”

A moment later there are several loud thumps before the sound of armor falling to the marble floor rings out. Rarity and Fluttershy turn and to see Rainbow Dash and Derpy standing between the two unconscious stallions grinning hugely.

“That takes care of them!”

Derpy nods. “They should be out for quite some time.”

Rarity smiles. “Good job. Now search for the keys on these two and get in there.”

Rainbow Dash smiles. “On it!”

After rummaging around for a few moments Rainbow Dash spots the gleam of keys. Stooping forward she grabs them with a hoof and quickly takes a step back, waving her hoof as she chuckles.

“That smell! You sure got these stallions riled up but good, Rarity!”

Derpy turns away, clearly embarrassed. “Y-yes you did.”

Rarity sighs. “Not very ladylike, I suppose. But we all did what we had to.”

Fluttershy nods soberly. “Yes. Should we meet you two back at the room?”

Rainbow Dash nods as she slides the key in the door. “Yeah. We’ll be done here in just a couple minutes.”

Rarity and Fluttershy walk quickly back the way they came. Smiling approvingly at Fluttershy, Rarity speaks.

“You did very well back there. Frankly, I was worried you would freeze up, or something. Especially with what we had to talk about.”

“I did too. So I just thought of something a bit… different.”

“Oh? What was that?”

Fluttershy blushes happily. “It might sound a little strange, but I just imagined we were going to that room. But instead of Lady Ashe and Admiral Gaston, you and the others would be there with Arc.”

“And you imagined him doing… that to you?”

Fluttershy nods. “I did.”

“In front of… us?”

Fluttershy giggles happily. “Yes.”

Rarity smiles at her friend nervously. “Forgive me, Fluttershy. I just never took you for a mare whom was into exhibitionism.”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “I’m not.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow, clearly confused. “Then why…?”

“Because it would have been with our friends and Arc. I trust everypony to do everything they could to make my first time special. To comfort and lead me into the act before, during, and even after.”

“That’s a very… interesting way of looking at it. I had just envisioned us taking turns. But with only a single mare in the room at a time.”

“I’m not sure I could have done that with Arc alone. At least not the first time.”

“Why not? After all, you did agree to the herd idea. Were you just saying that because all of us did?”

“Kinda. I mean, I really did like Arc and thought he’d have taken very good care of me. But until tonight I really hadn’t thought too much about herd sex.”

“You wouldn’t have to, you know.”

“I wouldn’t?”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. Arc certainly wouldn’t take a mare into the bedroom whom didn’t want to be there. He wouldn’t have wanted you to do something that made you feel uncomfortable or dirty, after all.”

“I’m sorry, Rarity. It’s just that I have so many conflicting emotions.”

Rarity sighs. “Yes, well… I felt the same way not so long ago.”

“You did?”

“I did indeed.”

“How did you get past them? I mean… the last time we were in your room, you lifted your tail and told us how you wanted… um… Arc to put his… seed in you, I guess.”

“I suppose when you feel that… in touch with somepony, you naturally just want to do things to please them.”

“So you wanted to make him feel good?”

Rarity giggles. “And myself too.”

Arriving back at the room they find Sandstorm Mirage entering with a small cart containing a single serving teapot, saucer, and teacup. He walks over to Luna and pours a cup. Rarity joins her with Fluttershy.

“Feeling a bit tired, Princess Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “No more than usual, I suppose. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, well… I just assumed that since you had called for a bit of tea…”

Luna chuckles as she accepts the teacup from Sandstorm Mirage. “Not exactly. Truth be told, it’s part of my plan.”

Turning to a potted plant next to her, she dumps the contents of the cup into the dirt and returns it to Sandstorm Mirage as Rainbow Dash quickly flies through the open balcony door with Derpy behind her.

“I’m sorry, your highness. Was it not to your liking?”

“The tea itself is inconsequential.”

Luna turns to Rainbow Dash and Derpy.

“Is it done?”

Rainbow Dash respectfully salutes Luna. “Yup! I messed up the ambassador’s office but GOOD!”

Derpy sighs. “While it didn’t feel right, I know we did it for a reason.”

“And you both exited via the window after leaving the front door ajar?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Right! Nopony saw us!”

“You’re sure?”

Derpy nods. “Completely.”


She turns back to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Take this cart back to the kitchen. The route from here should take you past Ambassador Ashe’s office. If the guards haven’t awakened yet get them back on their feet. After that, berate them for falling asleep on the job and point out that the door is ajar. Make sure they investigate it.”

“Yes, your highness.”

“After the matter is reported, head for the Archives and make sure Twilight and her friends made it inside. The guards should be taken care of by then. I want you to make sure they were able to get inside safely.”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes. “I’ll see to it, your majesty.”

“Good. Dismissed.”

Sandstorm Mirage leaves the room with the cart and sighs.

“Here I go again.”

Coming to the office door, he spots the two guards just coming around. Walking over to them he taps his hoof impatiently.

“If you two are done sleeping, perhaps you can get back to guard duty!”

“Yes sir! We… don’t really know what happened!”

“There was a beautiful mare and her servant looking for the ambassador.”

Sandstorm Mirage rolls his eyes. “Oh?! And you were so overcome with emotion that you just passed out?!”

“Um… maybe, sir.”

Sandstorm Mirage sniffs the air and makes a face. “And what were they planning to say to the ambassador at this time of night?!”

“Um… they were going to… uh…”

“Some kind of sexual tradition, sir.”

Sandstorm Mirage groans. “Judging from the smell coming from your armor, I’m going to guess that you both fell asleep and had quite a dream. How much longer until shift change?”

“About ten minutes, sir.”

“Fine. Wait to be relieved then head back to the barracks and get yourselves cleaned up. Although from the smell I do believe you’ve already been ‘relieved’.”

The guards nod and sigh as Sandstorm Mirage looks at the door.

“And I thought this was supposed to be locked.”

“It… was earlier sir?”

“Really?! Where are your keys?!”

One of the guards searches himself before looking back to Sandstorm Mirage nervously.

“They appear to be gone, sergeant.”

Glaring, Sandstorm Mirage pushes past them and throws open the office door. Stepping inside he finds the cabinets knocked over. Files lay on the floor everywhere and the desk drawers hang open and empty. Even the potted plants are overturned.

“Apparently you two could sleep through anything! You… go report this to your commanding office while your companion stays here! I’ll check in with the rest of the guards on duty to make sure nopony else’s post has been compromised!”

“Yes sir!”

They split up as Sandstorm Mirage hurries down the corridor. He sighs as he makes his way to the Archives.

“Looks like that rainbow-maned pegasus and her friend did a good job. That office really did look like it had been burglarized.”

Arriving at his destination, he immediately notices the absence of the guards.

“Looks like they made it.”

Stepping inside, he see Rose going through the catalogue as she calls out information to Pinkie Pie who appears to be grabbing files. Twilight takes them with her magic as they are located and stacks them neatly.

“Where are the others?”

Twilight points a hoof toward a side room. “They’re busy locking up the guards.”

Sandstorm Mirage gasps. “What?!”

“Well, we don’t want them running out an raising the alarm. When they wake up, that is.”

Pinkie giggles as she calls out. “Which shouldn’t be for quite some time if that spell works, Twilight!”

Sandstorm Mirage raises an eyebrow. “How did you…?”

Rose smiles. “Applejack distracted them by shaking her flank while Pinkie snuck up behind the guards and knocked their heads together. The results were immediate.”

Twilight nods. “Then I cast a Sleep Spell on them to hopefully KEEP them out.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks over his shoulder. “Well, the rest of the guards should be aware of the ambassador’s office shakedown by now.”

Rose frowns. “But that would mean they’ll be out in force soon!”

Pinkie gulps. “Uh oh!”

“Right. But I have an idea to buy you… us some time. Where are those guards?”

Twilight points a hoof at the break room. “In there. What should we do though?”

“Keep working. I’ll be right back.”

Running for the room in question Sandstorm Mirage enters just in time to see Applejack finish tying up their unconscious prisoners. She turns to him as he walks over.

“That oughta do it. Was a bit harder to do in this dress, but…”

“We need somepony out front though!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You mean like a lookout?”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “The guards are going to start looking for an intruder soon! If they don’t see somepony out there in armor they’ll get suspicious!”

“I have an idea! Get the armor off these fellas, quick!”

She quickly unties them. As Sandstorm Mirage removes their armor Applejack carefully steps out of the dress. Tossing it into a corner she hurries over to the pile of armor and begins putting it on.

“Um… what are you doing?”

“Playing the part, sugarcube.”

A few minutes later Applejack, wearing the pilfered armor, stands next to Sandstorm Mirage just outside the Archives. She turns to him.

“Uh… what does a guard do exactly?”

“Just stand there and don’t say anything. Anypony comes around and they’ll address me.”

“What if they ask me something?!”

“They won’t. I’m the superior here, remember?”

“So what am I?”

Sandstorm Mirage turns to her and checks the insignia on her shoulder.

“Looks like you’re a private. Hm… the only problem with that is your coat isn’t white like the other soldiers.”

Applejack sighs. “Kinda late for that now.”

“I have an idea. Hold still.”

Reaching for the insignia, he pulls it off and tosses it into a nearby trashcan.

“There. Now you’re a trainee.”

“Is that… bad?”

“They’ll just assume you haven’t had time to have your coat dyed yet.”

A patrol runs down the corridor toward them. Sandstorm Mirage whispers to Applejack.

“Just let me handle this.”

Approaching them they see Decimus at the head of the pack. Sandstorm Mirage salutes him as he stops.

“Has anypony come by here, sergeant?!”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head. “No sir.”

Decimus points a hoof at Applejack. “There should be two guards stationed here! Where is the other?!”

“Forgive me, sir, but I sent the other one to Princess Luna’s quarters to… ah… warn her of the potential infiltrator.”

“I see. You’re smarter than you look.”

He grins before continuing.

“Princess Luna’s temper, if awoken, is legendary! Good idea sending somepony else. Even better that you didn’t leave their post unattended.”

“Thank you sir.”

Decimus turns to the others behind him. “Let’s go!”

They run off together as Applejack breathes a sigh of relief.

“That was scary!”

“Yes. But you handled it well enough. They didn’t suspect a thing.”

Twilight steps cautiously out and looks to Sandstorm Mirage.

“We’ve found some of what we need.”

Applejack frowns. “Just some?”

Twilight sighs. “A lot is missing. It’s catalogued and should be there. But it’s not.”

“Where could it be?”

Sandstorm Mirage puts a hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “When requesting documents the staff is only supposed to issue copies. I can only assume somepony requested the originals for some reason.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “Like Decimus?”

“Maybe. Only a hooffull of ponies could request and receive the originals though. Captain Decimus, Lead Sage Sunburst, Doctor Whooves, and the princesses themselves, of course.”

Twilight frowns. “But why would anypony need originals?”

“No idea.”

Applejack groans. “Well, Decimus certainly has a good reason to keep some things off the record.”

Twilight nods. “Right. But we should…”

Pinkie and Rose join them quickly.

“Mission accomplished!”

“I’ve scanned every document you discovered, mother. We can download them back at home.”

“Good work. Did you put everything back in its proper place?”

Pinkie nods. “Yup! Nopony will ever know we were here!”

Applejack grins. “Now all that’s left to do is get the hay out of here!”

Pinkie smiles at Applejack. “You’re not leaving dressed like that though, are you Applejack?!”

“Oh! Uh… probably should give that stallion his armor back.”

Rose looks to the sergeant. “That is probably wise. But what is to prevent him from reporting this when he awakens?”

Sandstorm Mirage grins wickedly. “Leave that to me. Just get changed and I’ll handle the rest.”

Applejack returns to the break room and removes the armor. Quickly slipping back into her dress, she turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Now what?”

“Head back to the princess.”

Nodding, Applejack leaves. Sandstorm Mirage tosses the pieces of both armor sets around the room before turning back to the unconscious guards. Turning one over onto his back, he grabs the second guard and lays him on top of the first. Positioning the stallions front hooves around each other affectionately, Sandstorm Mirage heads over to a cupboard and picks up a pitcher. After filling it with water he turns back to the guards and dumps the contents onto them. Slowly coming around they look at one another silently. Eventually the sergeant clears his throat loudly. The pair stumble to their feet groggily and salute.

“What are you two DOING in here?!”

“I… don’t really remember, sir.”

“Last thing I recall is staring at a beautiful flank, and…”

Sandstorm Mirage interrupts. “Stop, stop! I don’t want to hear your excuses! All I know is I didn’t see anypony on guard duty and found you two in here, out of uniform, and sleeping in each other’s hooves!”

He sighs and shakes his head.

“Look, there’s no regulation that two guards can’t be intimately involved with one another. Just… don’t do it while on duty.”

“Y-yes sir!”

“It won’t happen again! We promise!”

Sandstorm Mirage turns to the door. “See that it doesn’t. Now get dressed and return to your posts.”

“Should we… write a report about this, sir?”

Sandstorm Mirage turns his head to look back at them. “Are you kidding?! Captain Decimus would murder us!”

He chuckles and winks at the pair as he walks out the door.

“Besides… us guards have to stick together.”

The guards hurriedly put their armor back on and return to guarding the Archives. Eventually one of them turns to the other.

“So… you wanna grab a cup of coffee after our shift?”

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