• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 30 - Odd Sergeant Out

Coming to a door, the general opens it and turns on the lights. Allowing Arc to enter he sees a small conference room before him. Mustang motions to a chair.

“Have a seat.”

Arc does so as the general sits down at the head of the table. Pressing a button on a console he speaks.

“Send her in.”

A few minutes later a woman enters and walks over to the general. Saluting, she addresses him respectfully.

“Sergeant Stingray reporting as ordered.”

“Please sit, sergeant.”

Gesturing to the chair across from Arc, Stingray does so. She looks at him, clearly confused, as the general speaks again.

“Stingray, this is Arc. But I’m sure you already knew that.”

Stingray nods curtly. “I’m aware of his minuscule existence, yes.”

Mustang continues. “He’s our newest member.”


Arc frowns. “I never agreed to join you!”

Mustang shrugs. “You’re here and with a badge, are you not?”

“Only because I have to be!”

Stingray points a finger at Arc. “Sir, this man is a massive liability!”

Arc shrugs. “Can’t really deny that.”

“Don’t you know whom he is?!”

Mustang smiles. “I’m fully aware of whom he is, Stingray. The real questions is... do you?”


“He’s also the ‘Hero’ we’ve had so much trouble with.”

Standing, Stingray quickly draws her whip. As it flies toward Arc the general reaches out a hand and grabs the tip.

“Calm yourself, Stingray. After all, he’s here of his own free will.”

Arc mutters under his breath. “That’s debatable.”

“In any case, sit back down.”

Stingray grits her teeth and does so. “Yes sir.”

Standing, the general looks to Arc.

“Tell me, what do you think of Stingray here?”

“Regarding what?”

Mustang shrugs. “Whatever comes to mind.”

“That she’s very strong, dedicated to her cause, as well as her sisters.”

Stingray lowers her voice and grits her teeth. “I swear that if you’ve harmed even a single hair on their heads, I’ll...!”

Mustang interrupts her. “They are fine, Stingray. In fact, Arc here even brought Hammer with him as a guard for our guest.”

Stingray seethes. “You made my sister a GUARD?!”

“She wanted to do it!”

“I find that VERY have to...!”

Mustang clears his throat loudly. “In any case, let us continue with the matter at hand.”

He rises and walks over to stand behind Stingray’s chair before continuing.

“Arc has told you how he sees you, Stingray. Might you do the same?”


“How do you feel about him?”

“He’s a lying, cheating, kidnapping, CROOK!”

Mustang smirks. “Is he now?”

Stingray nods with conviction. “Yes sir!”

“Tell me. Can you back those claims up?”

“He manipulated both Hammer AND Mio into joining him, sir!”

Mustang looks to Arc. “Is that true?”

“Well... it’s not completely false, no.”

“See?! He admits!”

“I did lie to Hammer in an effort to take her out on dates to learn about The Organization, yes.”

Mustang nods. “Continue.”

“And I was leading her on at the time, yes.”

“Anything else?”

“But I did come clean at the end and told her whom I really was via a letter I left at her apartment. That was right before we attacked the base.”

Stingray scoffs. “So why are you here then?!”

Mustang turns to her. “At my invitation, Stingray. But maybe we should have your sister’s testimony on this matter?”

Arc frowns. “She’s not leaving Doctor Knowles’ side.”

“Very well. We’ll use the teleintercom.

He reaches over and presses a button next to his seat. A few moments later a screen comes to life and voice rings out.

“This is Rieper. Go ahead, sir.”

“How are things going over there, doctor?”

“Just fine, sir. Thank you for bringing the cow... I mean, for finding Doctor Knowles. She’s been... of moderate help thus far.”

“Good. Now then, I’d like to talk to Sergeant Hammer. Would you please call her to the intercom?”

“Yes sir.”

A few moments pass before Hammer’s face comes into view and her tell-tale voice booms though the speakers. She glares at Mustang as she speaks.


The general turns a dial to lower the volume as he replies.

“Hello again, Sergeant Hammer. Stingray, Arc, and I were just having a bit of a conversation about your treatment since joining Arc. Can you tell your sister about your experiences?”

“Sure! I’ve been graciously cared for since leaving The Organization.”

Stingray grunts. “Details, Hammer!”

Hammer frowns. “Nice to see you too.”

The pair look daggers at each other before Hammer scoffs and begins to speak.

“After I left the roadside park that night Arc took me into his home. I was fed, clothed, and sheltered by him with no sense of indebtedness.”

“Then he took you to the other world to labor for him, correct?!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “If by ‘labor’ you mean that he offered me a government security job, then yes.”

“But you’re just a slave over there!”

“No way! I love my job and am very fairly compensated!”

“Everyone over there must look down at you though!”

“Are you nuts?! I’m a lieutenant over there! Everyone under me does what I say!”

Mustang cuts in. “Tell us of Sergeant Mio.”

Stingray nods. “Yes. Is she alright?”

“Mio’s fine. She had a bout of pneumonia from camping out in the woods, but received proper medical care over here.”

“As a prisoner!”

“I was the one whom wanted to lock her up! But Arc talked me out of that!”

Arc chimes in. “She hadn’t actually committed any crimes there. No reason to lock her up. Especially as sick as she was.”

Mustang nods. “And her current position?”

“Arc talked the powers that be over here to let Mio act as my personal aide.”

Stingray gasps. “She’s your secretary?!”

“More like an assistant, but yeah.”

Stingray looks to Arc angrily. “So your lover Hammer gets a cushy government job along with a big salary while Mio is forced to do menial tasks for her?!”

Hammer waves a hand dismissively. “She loves her job too! We’re together most of the day and can support each other emotionally!”

“But she must live in a shack on such little pay!”

“She stays with me in my personal quarters rent-free! And before you ask, yes they’re private, spacious, and accommodating! Her food, clothing, medicine, and anything else she needs is covered! Anything above that she has the money to buy for herself! Any other baseless claims you wanna make, Stingray?!”

“I... I don’t...”

Hammer interrupts her. “Get your head out of your butt, Stingray! If you had even an OUNCE of sense you’d see what I’ve told you is true!”

Mustang looks to Stingray. “Anything else you’d like to ask your sister?”

Stingray shakes her head. “N-no, sir.”

“Very good.”

He turns to the screen and smiles before continuing.

“Thank you for your testimony, Sergeant Hammer.”

Hammer flips him the bird. “Go to hell!”

Pressing a button Hammer cuts the feed. Mustang puts a hand on Stingray’s shoulder.

“There, now you see that your sisters are just fine.”

“But... why was I called for then?”

“I wanted you to hear the record set straight.”

He turns to Arc before continuing.

“And to offer you to Arc as an... well... whatever he needs.”

Stingray gasps. “What?!”

Arc frowns. “I don’t need someone around that might stab me in the back, you know!”

Stingray points a finger at him. “And I’d do it too!”

Mustang shrugs. “Very well. Please return to your duties, sergeant.”

Nodding, she moves to stand. However as she prepares to walk away Mustang grabs her chin and turns her head to look Stingray in the eye.

“One last question. If I were to order you to follow Arc, what would you say?”

Stingray blushes slightly. “I would... do as you commanded, sir.”

She turns and gives Arc a withering look before continuing.

“But don’t think I’d fall for you like Hammer did. ”

Arc groans. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Mustang smiles. “Thank you, Stingray.”


“For staying loyal to The Organization... and to me.”

Smiling strangely, Stingray nods happily as the general looks at her affectionately. Stepping back he allows her to leave the room. Arc frowns.

“What’s your angle?”

Mustang chuckles as he sits back down. “Angle?”

“You were practically giving her to me back there.”

“As I said before, they’re part of a set. And I’d be willing to part with Stingray to keep that set together.”

“Uh... you do realize that I’m not exactly on your side here, right?”

“Then tell me this. Who’s side are you on?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Side?”

“Everyone has allegiances. Fights under a banner of sorts.”

“I... never really thought about it before. But if it’s a question of Earth versus Equestria... that’s not a choice I can readily make.”

Mustang smirks. “So you fight for yourself?”

“If you need an answer, then yes.”

“And what is it that you want?”


“What are your efforts striving toward? Your end goal, as it were?”

“Peace. People and... all creatures being able to live their lives in harmony without the threat of war or other conflict stifling that.”

“Same as The Organization.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yes, of course. And I suppose that you getting obscenely rich is just a side effect of that.”

“Actually, it’s just the start.”

“How do you figure THAT?!”

“He whom has the money has the power, Arc. And he whom has the power makes the rules.”

“Strongarm tactics?”

Mustang waves a hand dismissively. “Nothing quite so barbaric, no.”

“Then how do you figure you’ll be able to meet your goals?”

“It’s rather simple really. I’ll start with basic needs. Food and clean drinking water for the entire world. Next we’ll look at housing. There are many people the world over whom aren’t able to have a home due to war or economic issues. Then magically enhanced healthcare and long term treatment options.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I think I see what you’re getting at here. You set all that up the world over. Food, water, housing, and medicine. Make people one-hundred percent dependent on The Organization for their most basic needs. A couple countries get out of hand, start pawing at their borders, and you threaten to pull back on those things.”

Mustang grins. “Next thing you know their oh so very interested in coming to the negotiating table.”

“With you as mediator.”

“They’ll beg for me to do so. After all, I’ll seem like a deity to much of the world. Especially the underdeveloped parts.”

“World peace, huh?”

Mustang nods. “I believe it IS attainable, yes. So you see, Arc... you and I really are on the same side.”

“That’s debatable.”

“It’s strange to me how you can continue to question that fact even after everything we’ve been able to accomplish.”

“From my point of view, it’s not WHAT you’ve accomplished that worries me. But HOW you accomplished it.”

“However you cannot argue with results.”

“Results that haven’t been realized yet I might add.”

“It’s coming.”

Arc puts his hands on the table, palm down, and looks the general in the eye. “Using people, secret programs, experimentation, clandestine operations... THAT’s how you’re planning to bring peace.”


“I don’t get it. If you’ve got it all figured out, why are you telling me all of this? You HAVE to know I’m one of the few people whom could theoretically stop you.”

“Oh, I don’t think you could. You would certainly try, of course. However, The Organization as a whole is not something you could hope to stand against once fully mobilized.”

Arc smirks. “Don’t push me, general. Remember, this... you may have this nation’s military at your back. But at the same time I have fighting forces of my own that could be called into service.”

“Then I suppose I should be careful of what I do. After all, it wouldn’t do to have you send stallions to their deaths.”

“The same goes for you as well. I’m sure you don’t want to waste forces fighting against me either.”

“It would be a waste of resources. Which is why I’m trying very hard to get you to see my point of view on this.”

Arc stands. “Try all you like. But I’m not helping you.”

Mustang sighs as he gets up. “Very well. However please understand that this invitation is an open one.”

“Fine. Just as long as YOU remember that what happens on Earth will be monitored by Equestria... closely.”

“Anything else you’d like to tell me?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at this time, no.”

Mustang motions to the door. “Then we should probably rejoin the others at Doctor Rieper’s lab.”


They head for the door together and walk down the corridor.

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