• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Downtime

The next morning Arc wakes early as he normally does. He sits up, stretches, and heads over to the balcony. Opening the ornate door he steps out onto the stone terrace and looks out at the horizon. Sighing, he leans on the cool stone guardrail. A short time later a familiar voice rings out behind him.


Startled, Arc jumps slightly as he turns around.


“Sorry about that. You just seemed to be… how should I put this delicately… rather out of sorts.”

Arc sighs and turns to look out over the city again. “Yeah. I’m just… not really feeling like myself right now.”

Rarity walks over to him and puts a hoof on his side. “Are you ill?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Just a bit… overwhelmed.”

“I thought you were rather quiet last night after we returned to the bedroom. Which was quite surprising considering how upbeat you were after hearing the good news from Kibitz and Raven. Did something happen that I don’t know about?”

“Truth be told, I just kinda lay there thinking.”

“What about?”


Rarity tilts her head to one side, confused. “Can you narrow it down?”

“Lying there, I realized that we very well may have reunited a country last night.”

“But that’s a good thing.”

“I know. However at the same time it’s rather… stressful. Knowing that you’re walking a fine line all the time. That one wrong move could sink your entire plan along with the nation as a whole. It’s something I’ve known for a long time, naturally. But…”

“Sounds like you need to take a break from all this political rigamarole.”

“Admittedly, that does sound nice.”

Rarity smiles at him. “So take some time off. We can handle things while you’re gone.”

Arc groans. “That’s just it. Where would I even go? I mean… it’s not like there’s exactly a lot of options for someone like me.”

“Might I make a suggestion?”


“Head to Abyssinia and see your family.”

“I’d really like to, yes. But… I don’t really want to leave Canterlot right now. Any other ideas?”

“Why don’t we talk to the others? Maybe they can come up with something.”

Arc sighs. “Alright. But I’m not really all that hungry right now.”

“Maybe we should take you to see Doctor Whooves.”

“I feel okay.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her forehead and shakes her head. “It’s just… I’ve never heard you say that before. The not wanting food part, I mean.”

“Sorry. Just feeling a bit… drained.”

Rarity takes Arc’s hand. “Well, I think I know of a way to take care of that. This way.”

The pair head for the Dining Room together. Entering, they find Twilight and her friends sitting around the table talking happily with Hammer, Ember, and Sereb. Rarity looks around happily as she speaks.

“Good morning, everypony. I trust everypony slept well?”

Rainbow Dash yawns. “Could’ve been longer.”

Hammer groans as she nurses a cup of coffee. “I’m with blue on this one.”

Applejack looks Arc up and down. “You don’t look too good, sugarcube. Everything alright?”

Arc sighs as he sits down. “Just a bit depressed I suppose.”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow, confused. “After such an amazing outcome last night?!”

“I guess.”

Twilight turns to him. “Arc? Is there something you want to talk to us about?”

“Not sure why I’m feeling this way. I mean… I do have a lot to be happy about.”

Fluttershy puts a hoof on his hand. “Maybe you just need some time off?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah. You work WAY too hard!”

Rarity sits down next to him. “I suggested heading over to Abyssinia to see his family.”

Sereb nods. “That would be for the best, as we have a lull in activity for a day or so.”

“That may be. But I really don’t want to leave everyone here with a big workload.”

Twilight smiles. “We can handle it, Arc.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Right. It’s been getting easier every day.”

Applejack puts her front hooves on the table. “Practice makes perfect, after all.”

Pinkie bounces into her seat. “Yeah! Eventually we’ll be able to do it in our sleep!”

Ember grins. “I’ll lend a claw too.”

Hammer motions to the door. “Head on over to the sand bowl and see Derpy and Dinky, Arc. I’m sure they miss you too.”

“Believe me, I’d like to do that, but…”

Twilight interrupts him. “We’ve got this, Arc. If it’ll make you feel any better I’ll give Sunburst a call and have him send Spike over to help us too.”

Applejack chuckles.. “That’s a good idea.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “Right. You two haven’t been together much in a while.”

Arc shrugs. “Well… I suppose it would be nice to get out of here and do something I enjoy.”

Sereb stands. “Shall I come with you, Arc?”

“Sure. You’ve got to be going stir crazy in here too.”

Ember looks to the kitchen door. “Eat a nice breakfast and take a sigil over there. After all, there’s no time like the present.”

Sereb grins. “Or we could leave right now, Arc.”

“To tell you the truth, there is something I’d like to do this morning.”

Hammer grins. “Then go do it!”

Ember nods. “Right. We can always call you if something comes up.”

“Well, uh… okay. Let’s go, Sereb.”

Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal. Stepping through he and Sereb find themselves surrounded by sand. Arc looks toward the city.

“Abyssinia’s gates.”


Walking over to Sereb, he jumps into the saddle and grabs the handles.

“Let’s go.”

Sereb looks over his shoulder. “Where to?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Just… go. Anywhere outside the walls.”

“Very well.”

Setting off at a trot, Sereb turns to walk through the sand around the wall. They continue on in silence for a time. Eventually Sereb turns to Arc.

“Are you upset with me?”

“No. I just… I don’t know.”

“Would you… like to talk about it?”

“Heard that one before.”

“As have I. From your lips, I might add.”

Arc sighs. “It’s… the others.”

“Define ‘others’.”

“My… friends.”

“I noticed that you paused there.”

“Well, I was just thinking… what I should be calling them. Now that I’m regularly bathing and sleeping with them, that is.”

“And your feelings?”


“Them personally.”

“I… care for them all deeply.”

“Then what is the problem?”

“Am I right to do this?”

“Do what?”

“To want all of them.”

“You feel as though you should share?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

“With whom?”

Arc shakes his head. “It’s… hard to put into words.”

“You are not making any sense, Arc.”

“I know. But I just feel like they’re giving to me without getting… much of anything in return at the moment.”

“Sexual intercourse?”

“That too. What I meant was that all of them are totally dedicated to me… mind and body. They want me to marry them and form a herd. But the problem right now is… that I’m not able to reciprocate.”

“Your affection?”

“My time.”

Sereb nods. “Ah. You were planning to retire after Celestia was back as I recall.”

Arc groans. “Not only did I break that promise, but I’m more busy now than ever!”

“Such was necessary though.”

“But there’s still no end in sight!”

“You could turn away from your duties at any time, Arc.”

“That would destroy this land though!”

“Then what should you do?”

“See this through to the end!”

“Yes. And your lovers understand that.”

“But they shouldn’t have to wait for me!”

“So what should you do? Let them all go?”

“I do want to get to know them though!”

Sereb sighs. “And now we are talking in circles.”

Arc looks up at the sky and grunts. “Y-yeah. But then again… that’s what I’ve been doing since last night.”

“What started this?”

“Truthfully, I’ve been kinda dealing with it for some time now. What caused the floodgates to burst though is beyond me.”

“I believe I do.”

“Enlighten me.”

“This matter with reuniting the nation was quite the debacle, yes?”

“That it was.”

“Or more accurately, still is.”

“I suppose so. After all, nothing is set in stone until Twilight meets with the leadership of the other tows.”

“And you’re worried about that.”

Arc frowns. “Who wouldn’t be?”

“True. But at the moment there is nothing more you can do.”

“So what do you suggest?”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Nothing?”

“That could have been worded differently. What I meant was that you should take this opportunity to rest.”

“That’s why I came here. But… do I really deserve to?”

“I don’t get your meaning.”

“Why should I rest while everyone else works?”

“Because after this brief respite, things are going to get very… busy.”

“I know that, but…”

Sereb interrupts him. “If you will not do this for yourself, do it for Derpy and Dinky.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. I’ve been really neglecting them recently. Well, everyone from Ponyville actually.”

“You mean New Ponyville, right?”

“Something like that.”

Sereb grins toothily. “In any case, I will ferry you there. That is, unless you would like to take a portal.”

Arc shakes his head. “A ride would do me good.”

“Very well.”

Making their way back the way they came, the pair enter Abyssinia through the city gates. Walking down the main street they head for the palace. Turning to one side they take the road toward the settlement. Arriving they head for the largest building in town. Stopping, Sereb lets Arc off and sits down as the young man looks to him, confused.

“Big guy?”

“I will wait outside.”

“Uh… okay.”

Entering the building, Arc sees numerous foals and younglings playing tag together. Dinky looks up to see her father, grins, and rushes over to him. Jumping into his arms she wraps her hooves around his neck and squeezes.

“Dad! You’re back!”

Arc returns the hug. “I missed you, sweetheart.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle run over along with Babs Seed.

“Hey there, Arc!”

“How’s it going?!”

“Is Applejack with you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not today. Just me and Sereb.”

Apple Bloom groans. “Aw…”

“Is something wrong, dad?”

“No… exactly. I just decided to take some time off to come see you and your mother.”

Sweetie Belle appears suddenly nervous. “But everything’s okay back in Equestria, right?!”

“Better than they have been, yes.”

Apple Blook looks up at Arc. “How’s my sister doing?”

Babs Seed nods. “She’s okay, right?”

“Just fine. She and her friends are helping Princess Twilight run the country at the moment.”

Dinky appears relieved. “That’s good.”

“Say, where’s your mom, Dinky?”

Dinky points a hoof. “Out back with Miss Pommel. Wanna say ‘hi’?”

“Of course. Lead the way.”

Dinky hops down and leads her father out the back door. They see Derpy going over the labels of several crates. She looks over the information on them and call them out before nodding to Coco Pommel.

“That’s the last one.”

Coco Pommel looks over her clipboard. “It appears everything’s here, as usual.”

Dinky runs over to her mother excitedly.

“Mom! Dad’s here!”

“He is?”

Arc walks over and joins them. He kneels down to give both Derpy and Coco Pommel a hug before standing and smiling.

“How’s it going over here?”

Derpy points a hoof at the crates. “Pretty good. We were just going over a delivery.”

Coco Pommel taps a hoof on a nearby box. “Have to make sure everything’s here.”

Dinky giggles. “More food, mom?”

“Yes, dear. We need lots of it to keep everypony fed around here.”

Arc smiles. “Glad that’s being covered. Do you need anything else?”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “Thank you, Arc. But the Abyssinians are providing the bulk of our supplies.”

“Not for free though, right?”

Derpy holds up a clipboard. “No, we send the bills to Canterlot. They’ve been reimbursing us for whatever we send in.”

“That sounds like a long turnaround time.”

Coco Pommel shrugs. “It is around three weeks, yes. Do you remember that donation of bits you made to the orphanage some time ago, Arc?”

“I did?”

Dinky grins. “The bits Miss Cherry paid you for harvesting cherries when we visiting a long time ago.”

Coco Pommel gestures to the crates. “We used that to pay for goods until money started arriving from the capital.”

Arc grins. “Glad it came in handy.”

“Mom, can you, me, and dad go do something together?”

“I’d love to, but…”

Coco Pommel interrupts her. “Take the rest of the day off, Derpy. You deserve it.”


Dinky giggles. “Shouldn’t you run that by the new foreman, Miss Pommel?”

Coco Pommel smiles. “I suppose I should.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Foreman?”

Derpy nods. “They take care of all the warehouse inventory for New Ponyville.”

Dinky turns and points a hoof. “Here she comes now.”

Turning, they see a filly walking toward them with a clipboard. Coco Pommel greets them.

“Hello, Cozy Glow.”

Cozy Glow smiles at the matron. “Good morning, Miss Pommel. I just came by to double check the inventory of your latest delivery.”

Derpy holds up her clipboard. “We just finished checking it ourselves. Everything’s here.”

“Good. I was going over the paperwork on our end and noticed that Stellar Eclipse forget to have you sign one of these documents.”

She holds out a pen and the clipboard. Coco Pommel signs it and returns the forms to the filly. Arc chuckles as he looks down at the filly before him.

“Looks like you’re doing well.”

Cozy Glow nods. “Stellar Eclipse couldn’t work with the other ponies on the Fish Farms. The one in charge over there was worried that he could fall in and drown.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “That and all the catwalks over there just doesn’t make it feasible for his mobility limitations.”

Derpy motions toward a building with a hoof. “So Mayor Mare got him a job running the warehouse.”

Dinky grins. “He’s doing a really good job too!”

Cozy Glow smiles. “And now that school’s out, I’m helping out over there!”

Coco Pommel pats the filly’s head. “That’s why everypony calls her ‘the foreman’.”

“Honorary, but still appreciated!”

Arc nods approvingly. “That’s good. I was wondering what happened to you two.”

“She was with us in the orphanage that night, dad.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Yes. But at the time of the attack she was in the middle of helping Stellar Eclipse take off his wheels so he could shower.”

Derpy sighs. “Sadly there wasn’t time to get it back on him.”

Cozy Glow nods sadly. “Somepony put him on a couple stallion’s backs when everything went crazy.”

Arc groans. “Sorry that ended badly.”

Coco Pommel puts a hoof on Arc’s side and smiles up at him. “You saved everypony that night, Arc.”

Derpy grins. “And we can repair the orphanage when we get back, right?”

Arc nods. “Or rebuild it if need be. Sadly it may not survive the battle.”

Dinky gasps. “Is there going to be a fight there, dad?!”

“Yes, Dinky. Celestia and I.”

Cozy Glow grins as she narrows her eyes. “A worthy opponent, sir.”

Apple Bloom giggles. “Your battle will be… um… what’s the word?”

Sweetie Bell shrugs. “I dunno.”

Babs Seeds puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Legendary?”

Arc clenches a fist and grins. “Yes. Our battle will be legendary!”

Cozy Glow giggles. “We’ll, you be careful, sir. In any case, I need to get back to the warehouse and Stellar Eclipse. It was good to see you again.”

She turns and walks away as Arc turns to Coco Pommel.

“Polite little filly.”

“That she is. Extremely positive considering her past.”

Arc nods soberly. “I heard about that from Platinum Valve.”

Derpy looks around. “Say, where is she?”

“I gave her a portal back to the Crystal Empire after she was cleared by the doctors. The mission I brought her on was over, so she asked to return to her parents.”

Coco Pommel appears hopeful. “And how are they doing?”

Arc frowns. “Not the greatest from what I heard. I need to head over there at some point and see for myself.”

Dinky sighs. “So we’re going to be here a while?”

“Probably, yes. Celestia’s holed up in Light’s Hope with the defenses activated. We just have to wait until our forces are gathered and all the preparation are made. When the time is right we can assault the base and end this madness.”

Derpy grins. “Then we go back and rebuild?”

“Right. But we should probably let Coco Pommel here get back to work. Uh… did you say it was okay for Derpy to take the day off? I can’t remember.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Oh yes. I’ll get Gallus and Natalya to help with this.”

Dinky giggles. “Thanks Miss Pommel!”

Apple Bloom raises a hoof. “We’ll head back to the others then.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “We will?”

Babs Seed nods. “Yeah. Have fun, Dinky.”

Dinky appears conflicted. “Um… thanks.”

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