• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Journey's End

Arc and Scootaloo sleep peacefully through the night. As the ship lurches slightly, Arc opens his eyes and looks around. Hearing little more than the hum of engines, he looks out the porthole.

“The moon looks especially big tonight.”

A flock of birds fly past the window. Arc frowns as he sits up.

“What the…?”

Standing, Arc takes a closer look out the porthole. Gasping, he sees the moonlight reflecting off the waves some distance below them. Scootaloo groggily opens one eye.

“Big Brother? What’s wrong?”

“We’re flying!”

“We are?”


“Oh. That explains why we aren’t rocking.”

“And how we can move so fast. Sorry for waking you up though.”

Scootaloo yawns. “It’s fine. After all, I need to be awake and alert when we get there.”

Arc nods as he puts a hand on his forehead. “I guess.”

“You get another memory?”

“Yeah. That captain from last night.”


“I feel like we’ve met before.”

“How so?”

“There were memories of a ship that looked just like this one. Flames were everywhere, and she was unconscious.”

Scootaloo’s eyes grow wide. “Woah! Really?!”

“Not sure how we got out of it safely.”

“Obviously you two made it through whatever was going on.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “I wonder how. We were in the middle of the ocean at the time if I recall correctly.”

“Maybe she flew you somewhere safe.”

“While I’m sure she’s pretty strong, I’m also not sure if just anyone with wings can fly across an ocean. Much less carrying someone as heavy as I am.”

“A rescue vessel then maybe?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s the most plausible idea. But at this point your guess is as good as mine on that.”

“Well, when we get a Dragon Fruit we’ll have our answer.”


There is a slight knock at the door. Both Arc and Scootaloo grab their respective robes and don then. Scootaloo heads for the door as Arc cloaks. Opening it, she sees what appears to be a cabin boy.

“Um… hi. The captain told me to come down here and tell you that we’re almost to the Dragon Lands.”

“Oh! Um, thanks… mister…?”

“Marco. Is something wrong?”

“Not… really. I was just thinking you’re a bit young for this.”

“I am?”

“Kinda. I mean…”

“Well, what about you? Traveling all over the world and fighting baddies.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I kinda have to though.”

Marco appears confused. “You do? Why?”

“Sorry, but I… I can’t really say.”

“Some kind of secret mission?”


Marco shrugs. “Then I won’t press you on it. Come on. This way to the deck.”

Scootaloo follows the young parrot up the nearby stairs and to the main deck. Celaeno is waiting for them.

“Rise and shine, Scarlet Filly. We’re within sight of the Dragon Land’s shores.”

“That was amazingly fast! How did we cover so much ground so quickly?! I mean, the ship ride from Manehattan to Trottingham took…!”

Marco grins. “It’s easier when you’re not fighting the waves.”

Celaeno nods. “That and there’s the trade winds. We rode them all the way out here.”

Marco looks out over the sky. “Smoothest ride we’ve ever had.”

“Thanks. Get me as close as you can and I’ll swim the rest of the way.”

“We’ll get a bit closer, but…”

Mullet hurries over to her.

“Captain! There’s a problem with the engines!”


Marco listens intently. “They sound fine to me.”

“The internal temperature is slowly rising! Two or more of the coolant pumps must’ve gone awry!”

Celaeno groans. “So we have to land?!”

Mullet nods. “Afraid so. I’ve already told Squabble to bring us down on the beach ahead.”

“We can’t land in the water?”

“Afraid not, ma’am. We’ll need to check out a few things that can only be accessed from outside the ship.”

Celaeno sighs. “It can’t really be helped. Although I do wish Mythic Honor was here right now.”

Marco grins. “He does have a knack for making things work in the strangest ways.”

Mullet shrugs. “We’ll make due.”

Celaeno turns to Scootaloo. “I guess you won’t be going for a swim after all, miss.”

“What about the dragons? Won’t they come after the ship?”

Mullet grimaces. “Probably. But not until later in the day.”

Celaeno chuckles. “They’re primarily late risers.”

“Oh? Then why didn’t you want to land to drop me off?!”

Celaeno frowns. “Because we’re loud.”

Mullet shudders. “Anything that comes between a dragon and their rest gets torn apart.”

Arc calls out to Scootaloo telepathically. “This might work out in our favor.”

“Big Brother?”

“If we can find that Dragon Fruit before they finish repairing the ship we could hitch a ride back to the mainland with them.”

“That’s a lucky break for us.”

Arc grins. “Things are looking up.”

A short time later the Solar Macaw II sets down on the sands of a secluded beach. The crew of the ship jump off and start removing access panels as Mullet calls out from the deck.

“I’ll head to the engine room and take care of repairing the pumps. Make sure the coolant didn’t leak and corrode anything in there.”

Scootaloo looks to the captain. “Do you want me to stay with your ship?”


“In case a dragon shows up. I can help protect everypony while the repairs are being made.”

Celaeno shakes her head. “Thank you, but we’ve made it this far on our own. Go ahead and tend to your business here… whatever it may be.”

“Okay. Um… I’m not sure how long it’ll take. But if I get done before the repairs are complete, do you think I could head back with you? I can pay for the return trip to the mainland if you want.”

Celaeno raises an eyebrow. “Depends on where you want to go.”

“Not really sure yet.”

“Give it some thought. Just remember that we’re not hanging around this place any longer than we have to. I want to be back in the air long before the midday sun.”

“Okay! I’ll try to find the Dragon Fruit quickly then!”

Celaeno gasps. “Dragon Fruit?!”

Scootaloo turns back to her. “Something wrong with that?”

“That can’t leave the island as per the Dragon Lord’s decree! I won’t allow any of it aboard my ship!”

“What if I bring it aboard in my tummy?”

“I… guess that would be fine. Just don’t bring the fruit itself or any seeds back with you that aren’t being digested.”

“Deal. Now all I have to do is find them.”

Lix looks over. “I can help you with that.”

“You can?”

“Sure! They’re short, stubby bushes that grow in groves near beaches. If you follow the waterline it’s likely you’ll find some in no time.”

Scootaloo grins as she runs down the beach. “Thanks!”

Celaeno frowns as the filly disappears into the darkness around a bend.

“I don’t like this.”

Squabble looks over. “Which part, captain?”

“Any of it. A lone filly traveling the world unaccompanied. Wanting to be taken to a place as dangerous as this one. And to top it all off all she wants is a taste of Dragon Fruit?!”

Lix sighs. “It does sound suspicious when you put it like that, captain.”

Marco turns to Celaeno. “But what should we do? Leave her here?”

“Not if she gets back in time, which I hope she does.”

The captain turns and heads toward the flight deck.

“After all, I don’t need a filly’s memory haunting me for the rest of my life.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo hurry down the beach together.

“If we’re lucky we can find a grove, make the potion, have you drink it, and be back aboard the Solar Macaw before they leave!”

“That would certainly be ideal. Not sure how else we’d get off this rock.”

“You’d think of something.”

Arc sighs. “How can you be so sure of that? From what I’ve remembered thus far, I’m pretty good at getting in trouble.”

“But you’re also really good at getting out of it.”

“How can you be so sure of that?”

“You’ve survived everything so far.”

A few minutes later Scootaloo stops. She points a hoof at a dark patch of land just off the beach.


Arc nods. “Let’s take a look.”

Hurrying over to the bushes, Scootaloo grabs a piece of fruit and looks it over.

“This looks just like the picture in Grand Pear’s book back at the shop!”

Arc nods. “It has to be Dragon Fruit!”

“Well, let’s get to it!”

Kneeling down, Arc opens his backpack. Pulling out the crystal vial he uncorks it as Scootaloo holds a Dragon Fruit above the mouth of the vessel. Squeezing, she allows two drops of the juice to fall into the vial. They seamlessly incorporate themselves into the mixture as Arc corks it again. Scootaloo sits down.

“Now all we have to do is wait a few minutes for it to glow!”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

“You’re not having second thoughts again are you, Big Brother?”

“Kinda. Like I said before, I do want to remember my life before this happened. But I’m still kinda worried that I’ll learn just how bad I really am.”

“How about this? No matter what, I’ll stick by you.”

“You aren’t the least bit worried?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No. After all, you stayed with me even after my parents died.”

“I kinda had to. You couldn’t look after yourself.”

“Maybe not. But at the same time you could have just fled into the night and abandoned me to the villagers.”

“I don’t think they would have been too happy. My guess is that they’d have blamed you for the death of the town’s only apothecary.”

“That’s true. But I’m sure somepony could learn from my mother’s old books in the shop. It’s not like they’re completely lost in that regard. In fact, if you had left me there, I’m sure they would have kept me alive to run the shop, as I have years of experience watching my mother mix potions and salves.”

“But that would have made you a slave.”

“Like you.”

Arc sighs. “I guess. You deserve better than that though.”

Scootaloo points a hoof at the vial as its energies gently light the surrounding ground.

“So do you, Big Brother.”

Arc looks at the vial for a few moments before speaking.

“You’re right, Scootaloo. I… I want to… no… I NEED to know the truth. Who I really am. That is, if this thing really works.”

Scootaloo smiles as she puts a hoof on his knee. “If it doesn’t, we’ll keep searching for a way. I won’t leave you no matter what though. That much I owe you.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks. Well… here goes nothing…”

Uncorking the bottle, Arc upends the contents into his mouth and swallows. He makes a face.

“That tastes… AWFUL!”

“Did it work though?!”

“I don’t feel any…”

Suddenly Arc gasps as a torrent of memories break through to the forefront of his mind. He sees vividly every event, deed, and action since his arrival in Equestria. Both good and ill. Holding his head, Arc cries out in physical and mental pain as he falls to his knees. Scootaloo rushes to his side.

“Big Brother! You can do this!”

“I…! I…!”

“Believe in yourself as I do!”

Throwing her hooves around his neck, Scootaloo holds on tight as Arc continues to writhe from the strain. Eventually his breathing normalizes and he is able to sit up, albeit slowly.

“Big Brother? Did… did it work?”

Arc nods as he slowly stands and makes his way over to a tree. Leaning against it heavily, he slides down it and puts a hand against his forehead.

“Yes, Scootaloo. I’m just… having trouble processing everything.”

“What do you…?”

“Have you ever remembered something long forgotten? The memory washes over you as it comes to the front of you mind. Although in my case it was more like a tidal wave. Several actually.”

“So… where do we go from here?”

Arc stands up straight and walks back toward the beach. “First we have to head back to the Solar Macaw.”

“Yeah. We don’t want her leaving us here.”

“True. But we’re not leaving just yet.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “What else could we have to do here?”

“See an old friend.”

“Uh… Big Brother. Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Arc turns around, confused. “What is it?”

“You’re still visible.”

“I don’t really care about that now.”

“But you’re still in Crimson form!”

“Oh… uh… that I do care about. And one last thing…”

Grabbing a Dragon Fruit off a nearby branch he bites into it hungrily. Scootaloo watches in horror.

“Are you sure that’s safe?”

Arc nods. “Completely. I’ve had this before. You want some?”

“I don’t know…”

“It’s really sweet. You’d like it.”

“Well… okay.”

Walking over to a bush, Scootaloo takes a piece of the fruit and eats it.

“That… really IS sweet!”

“It is indeed. But let’s get moving, shall we?”

Pulling his cloak over his face, Arc leads Scootaloo back toward the airship as the sun peeks over the horizon. Celaeno stands on the deck overseeing the repairs as they ascend the gangplank. She gasps as Arc approaches her.

“S-sir! Is that really you?!”

Arc nods. “It’s me, captain. But right now I need your help.”

Mullet frowns. “How do we know it’s really you though?!”

Lix gasps. “The news reports say you died!”

Squabble looks him over cautiously. “Yeah!”

“I suppose you have every reason not to believe me. But remember that I was the one whom brought all of you to Redemption Village to start a new life after releasing you from the Canterlot dungeons. We then met again as you left the village to gather herbs for Mythic Honor.”

He turns to Lix.

“He was swimming in your soup.”

They nod soberly. The captain is the first to speak.

“It really is you, isn’t it?”


Mullet grins. “What happened?!”

Marco pokes his robe. “Yeah! Where’d you go?!”

Lix nods, wide-eyed. “And how’d you get here?!”

“It’s quite the story. But now I need to go inland for a little while.”

Scootaloo grins. “And we’ll need a ride off the island later.”

Celaeno grimaces. “We’d like to help you sir. Really we would. But when the sun comes up, so do the dragons.”

Mullet nods. “They’d tear us to pieces!”

“Understandable. Captain, is the ship ready to take off yet?”

“We should be able to soon.”

“Good. As soon as you can get the ship in the air. Fly out over the ocean as far as you can, but watch the shore here. I’ll be back as soon as I can for pickup.”

“Yes sir. We won’t let you down.”

“I’m sure you won’t. Come along, Scarlet Filly.”

“Right behind you.”

Descending the gangplank, the pair head into the interior of the island. The crew look to one another nervously as Mullet turns to Squabble.

“Did that… really just happen?”

“Either that or he’s a ghost.”

Lix looks to the captain. “Is that… possible?”

“Never mind what happened! Get this ship airworthy! I’ll even help!”

Mullet tosses her a wrench as they return to work. Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo continue their trek on foot.

“Where exactly are we going?”

“A small town called Pyreston.”

Scootaloo gasps. “Is it a…?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, Scootaloo. A dragon town.”

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