• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - The Inquisition (Part 1)

Arc holds Auriel’s claw as they walk down the corridor together slowly. She appears nervous as she looks to Arc.

“Do… do you think Princess Celestia will like me?”

“I’m hoping so. At the very least, you’re not a human.”

Auriel groans. “Half.”

“Let’s not mention that to her just yet.”

“Still a demon too.”

Arc stops as does Auriel. He turns to her and puts a hand on her cheek.

“Listen, Auriel. You are what you are just like I am what I am. Nothing will ever change that.”

Auriel smiles nervously. “I could have Sereb turn me into a human before the meeting.”

“True. But right now we really need to be Honest. And attempt to hide the truth will only serve to prove to Celestia that we can’t be trusted.”

“Then what should I do?”

“Just be yourself.”

Auriel sighs. “I’ll try.”

“And stay close to me. Just in case.”

She nods as they continue walking. Coming to Celestia’s room they spot Twilight waiting outside. She smiles as the pair approaches.

“Auriel! You made it!”

“Somehow, yes.”

Arc motions to her midsection. “She’s still a bit tender though so we need to be careful.”

Twilight nods. “That’s understood. I’ve already mentioned it to the others. Especially Pinkie Pie.”

Arc appears relieved. “Good.”

He looks to the door before returning his gaze to Twilight.

“Um… who all is in there?”

“At the moment just Luna and Cadance.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Twilight nods. “For now, yes. You see…”

A familiar voice rings out down the corridor.

“Hey there!”

They turn to see Pinkie hurrying toward them along with the rest of the Mane Six.

“We’re ready!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That we are!”

Auriel appears confused. “What for?”

Rarity smiles widely. “To help Arc and Twilight tell Princess Celestia everything.”

Applejack nods soberly. “We’re going to back up his story together.”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “She needs to know the truth, after all.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Thanks, everypony. But if this is going to work we’re going to need more help.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “From whom though?”

“Hey! Wait for us!”

They turn to see Ember, Hammer, Sereb, Flash Sentry, Derpy, and Scootaloo running down the corridor toward them. Ember is the first to speak.

“We’re here to do our part too!

Hammer grins hugely. “Darn right!”

Derpy nods soberly. “The princess needs to know what you’ve really accomplished, Arc”.

Scootaloo stomps a small hoof defiantly. “Princess Celestia can’t ignore all of us!”

Sereb growls. “That is correct.”

Twilight looks past them. “Colonel Flash Sentry? What are you doing here?”

“The commander ordered me to come as well.”

Arc nods. “In case we need someone summoned. That and he may give his own testimony as well if need be.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “You can count on me, sir.”

Auriel looks around and smiles. “Thank you everyone. Hopefully this works.”

Arc chuckles. “With any luck we’ll be able to convince Celestia that she’s been lied to about pretty much everything.”

He turns to Twilight before continuing.

“How much longer until they’re ready to see us?”

“Princess Celestia told me to come in when I arrived. I’ll head in there, let her know we’re ready to begin, and then come back for you, Arc.”

Rarity frowns. “Just him?”

Auriel gasps. “Why?!”

Twilight nods soberly. “She’s agreed to hear him out and will call for individuals from out here in the corridor to support his claims.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “By ‘claims’ you mean ‘facts’, right Twilight?”

Applejack grits her teeth. “That kind of talk won’t help things here, Rainbow Dash!”

Fluttershy nods nervously. “Right. It’s going to take a cool, calm demeanor to convince her of anything.”

Rarity bows her head. “If you go in there like that Princess Celestia will just shut out whatever you, and we, say from here on.”

Derpy sighs. “And that will sink our one and only chance.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “But…!”

Applejack interrupts her. “Look, we know you’re upset about all of this, Rainbow Dash. But you have to understand this is our one and only chance to fix everything.”

Hammer puts a hand on Rainbow Dash’s back. “Right, blue. Everything’s led up to this.”

Arc nods. “That is has. So let’s give it our all.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Victory at all costs!”

Sereb puts a paw over his face and sighs. “Not exactly the best strategy right now, Ember.”

Scootaloo groans. “Agreed. Let’s just follow Big Brother’s lead and answer whatever questions are sent our way.”

Derpy nods. “Truthfully though.”

Twilight looks around at those assembled. “So, we’re ready?”

Auriel grimaces. “I get the feeling there isn’t really a ‘ready’ for something like this, Twilight.”

Arc sighs. “Right. So go ahead and tell Princess Celestia that we’re ready to begin.”

Twilight nods and turns to the door. Taking a deep breath she raises a hoof and knocks before entering. The guards on duty outside close the door behind her as Arc turns back to the others.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What the heck is that supposed to mean?”

Sereb groans. “I believe Arc is trying to say that we have to take a risk to get what we want.”

Auriel frowns. “Right. But what if this doesn’t work?”

Rarity gasps. “Princess Celestia wouldn’t try to throw Arc out of the country, would she?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Officially speaking, she can’t.”

Applejack nods with conviction. “Right. He’s a legal citizen of Equestria, after all.”

Fluttershy shrinks back. “But will she recognize that?”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “She HAS to! Right?!”

Pinkie shrugs. “Probably!”

Derpy grimaces. “But he has a Royal Decree stating that!”

Auriel sighs. “If she doesn’t I’m sure Arc has a backup plan.”

Arc turns and leans against a wall. “Yeah. But let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Embracing his friends one by one, they speak a few words of encouragement to him as they each take their turn. Meanwhile, Twilight walks over to the other princesses. They sit on a large couch together talking. Celestia is in the middle with Luna on her right and Cadance on her left.

“We’re ready, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia nods as she motions to the sofa across from them. “Very well. Luna has taken the liberty of ordering a second couch for you and the human.”

Luna frowns. “He has a name, sister.”

“Mayhap. But he is indeed a human.”

Cadance sighs. “That may be, Aunt Celestia. However his station deserves some modicum of respect.”

Twilight looks to Celestia soberly. “Agreed. Now then… before we begin I’d like to say something.”

“You don’t need to ask permission before speaking, Twilight.”

Luna smiles at her. “Indeed. Remember, you’re one of us now.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose not. But I’m still trying to get used to that. In any case, I just wanted to remind Princess Celestia of something.”


“I ask that you give that which is said proper thought, consideration, and contemplation before coming to an opinion.”

“Very well, Twilight.”

“That... and I ask you not to call my friend by his species. He has a name, after all.”

“Very well, Twilight. I shall refer to him by his title then.”

Luna scoffs at this. “Sister! Arc has…!”

Twilight interrupts. “That is acceptable.”

“Very good. Now then, let us begin this inquisition.”

Cadance turns to Celestia, confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

Celestia looks to her student. “Twilight, what is the definition of the word ‘inquisition’?”

“A period of prolonged and intensive questioning or investigation, Princess Celestia.”

“Correct. Is that not what this is?”

Luna frowns. “To put it negatively, yes.”

Twilight turns to Celestia. “Remember your promise though.”

“I will do so to the best of my ability, Twilight.”

“Thank you. Shall I call for Arc now?”

“Perhaps it would be better to hear about the details of...”

Luna nods as she looks to Twilight. “Yes, we shall begin with him.”

Twilight nods and walks over to the door. Opening it, she motions for Arc to enter. Doing so, he walks over to the trio on the couch with Twilight. Celestia eyes him coolly as he and Twilight sit down on the couch across from them. Luna and Cadance greet Arc warmly.

“Good morning, Arc.”

“We hope you’re doing… well.”

“Thank you, I am.”

Luna motions to the door. “Audiences have been cancelled for the day and all other matters put on hold for the same duration.”

Cadance smiles warmly. “We are here to listen to whatever it is you have to tell us, Arc.”

Celestia frowns. “Indeed. Now then, before we begin this inquisition…”

Luna interrupts. “This again?!”

“Aunt Celestia! This is a…!”

Celestia cuts her off mid-sentence. “It’s what Twilight has agreed to.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Arc needs to have the chance to tell his story before all of us.”

Celestia turns back to Arc and speaks coolly. “As I was saying… is there some kind of opening statement you’d like to make… Hero of Light?”


Standing, he reaches for his ring and pulls out the Dagger of Eternal Slumber. Celestia grits her teeth as her horn glows. Luna jumps up to face her.

“Have faith in him, sister!”

“Yes, Aunt Celestia. I’m sure Arc has a good reason for doing that.”

Arc nods. “I do.”

Turning to Twilight, he holds out the dagger before speaking.

“Would you please take care of this for me?”

Twilight nods, surprised. “Certainly.”

Taking the weapon, Twilight turns and places it on the end table next to her. Celestia’s horn stops glowing as Luna sits back down. Arc clears his throat as he turns to the trio before him and speaks.

“As you’ve all just witnessed, I’ve willingly given up the Dagger of Eternal Slumber. That will continue for the duration of this meeting.”

Cadance gasps. “But why, Arc?!”

“As a show of good faith. Princess Celestia and the rest of you were kind enough to grant me this time to speak to you three. As rulers, that isn’t something done lightly. So I wanted to show you all that I too was willing to give something up.”

Luna sighs. “Very brave of you.”

Celestia clears her throat in an attempt to bring the meeting back on track. “In any case, what is it that you’d like to tell us, Hero of Light?”

“A long, long story.”

Cadance nods. “For which we have time.”

Luna leans back and gets comfortable. “Indeed. I’m rather looking forward to you telling it, Arc.”

Celestia turns to her sister, confused. “But don’t you already know what he’s going to say?”

Luna chuckles. “Much of his exploits are known to me from the reports sent in by his base. However, I am sure there is much more that is left unwritten.”

Celestia frowns. “A sobering thought.”

Twilight nods. “Perhaps. But much of what the Hero of Light does is meant to be secret, is it not?”

Cadance smiles. “Yes. And for good reason. But I digress. Arc, the floor is yours.”

Nodding, Arc sits back down and takes a deep breath before starting.

“It all started one summer day back on Earth. I was taking care of my garden when I suddenly found that an invisible force has taken hold of me from beyond a strange looking wormhole.”

Twilight bows her head sadly. “I had opened a portal, in a drunken state I might add, to take plant samples. At the time I had wanted a small tree. What I got though was definitely more than I bargained for.”

Celestia frowns. “Using the Crystal Mirror intoxicated, Twilight?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That was very foolish of you.”

“I know. And at the time I fully intended to take responsibility for my actions.”


“Originally, by planning to care for this new creature. However that plan was skewered when an Ursa Minor attacked Ponyville.”

Arc shudders. “Quite the sight to behold. From Twilight’s window I saw her and the other Element Bearers trying to fight it off.”

Twilight sighs. “We weren’t doing very well though. That is, until Arc here came to help us.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “And are you saying that he was able to defeat the creature?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. In fact I took quite the blow from its claws.”

“I was able to drive the beast away. But Arc was badly injured. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had to carry him to the hospital.”

Cadance gasps. “Good heavens!”

Arc puts a hand on his belly. “I still have the scars to prove it.”

Luna smile warmly. “Fortunately you recovered nicely, Arc.”

“Yes. At the Golden Oaks Library. It took quite some time, but I was able to eventually walk around town with Twilight, Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy.”

Celestia frowns. “And how long did you stay with Twilight at her library?”

“A few months. Applejack hired me to help around Sweet Apple Acres before I started completing writs. It allowed me to save up enough money to rent a room in Ponyville.”

“From whom?”

“A mare whom I later befriended.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “Might we call her in to tell her side of the story?”

“Yes, please.”

Standing, Twilight walks to the door and calls for Derpy. Entering the room, she nervously walks forward to stand before the three princesses. Celestia looks her over for a few moments before speaking.

“Good morning, miss. Thank you for coming.”

“I’m… happy to be here.”

Luna nods. “Please state your name for us.”

“My name is Derpy. Derpy… Hooves.”

Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Hooves?”

Luna turns to her. “Is that important, Cadance?”

“It’s a very old family.”

Celestia eyes Derpy. “Would you be related to the Hooves of Trottingham, miss?”

“Yes, your highness. I’m the daughter of Silver Hooves and Iron Hooves.”

“I see. And how are they getting along?”

Derpy bows her head sadly. “My mother died giving birth to me. And my father… passed away somewhat recently.”

“Forgive me. I was not aware of this sad turn of events.”

Luna nods soberly as she attempts to change the subject. “We’ve asked you here to help tell us of how you met Arc.”

“I advertised a room for rent in my house to make some money. At the time I couldn’t work due to being pregnant.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “You were quite a long ways from home, were you not?”

“I was, yes. My father had just disowned me, so I had nowhere else to go.”

Cadance gasps. “Disowned?!”

“Yes, Princess Cadance. I was an embarrassment to the family, what with being an unwed pregnant mother.”

Celestia nods soberly. “I see. How many others applied for the room?”

“None, your highness. Other than Arc, that is.”

“So you had to take him on as a boarder?”

Derpy puts a hoof on her belly. “I needed to eat for my foal.”

Luna smiles as she looks to Cadance. “Commendable.”


Celestia motions to Arc with a hoof. “How did the... Hero of Light treat you?”

“Very well, your highness. He brought me food when I had none and covered me with a blanket at night when I was cold. And more.”


“Nopony in town knew I was pregnant, as my father insisted that I hide it under a magic cloak he gave me. However when the time to give birth arrived there was a snowstorm outside that prevented me from going to the hospital.”

“Then how was your foal delivered?”

Derpy turns and looks happily at Arc before answering.

“He did it.”

“Oh? How?”

Twilight chimes in. “By learning the process from a book borrowed from my library.”

Arc nods. “I had my suspicions at the time, and wanted to be prepared.”

Cadance sighs. “Admittedly this is where my own understanding of the situation becomes a bit murky.

Luna nods. “Yes, it does.”

“After the delivery Arc put my filly in his room, as it was warmer there. While he was examining a spear hanging over the mantle, however, Twilight and her assistant ran inside.”

Twilight looks away. “There was blood all over the room from the delivery. And when I saw it all over Arc and Derpy, along with the weapon in his hands, I just assumed he had butchered her.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Prior to this meeting I took the liberty of searching for a criminal record. Finding nothing made me suspicious. Might I ask where and whom tried him for this crime?”

Arc shakes his head. “There was no trial.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “No trial?”

Twilight bows her head. “That’s correct, Princess Celestia. You see, since I thought it to be an open and shut case I just… opened a portal to Tartarus and shoved him through.”

Luna turns to Celestia. “I would like to point out that Twilight did come to Canterlot to report the matter to Cadance and I later however.”

Cadance nods. “After she learned that he was innocent of any wrongdoing, yes.”

“I did so to try and get help removing Arc from Tartarus. You see, he didn’t know at the time of banishment about how to leave.”

Celestia appears surprised. “Oh? And why not?”

“It never occurred to me that he could ever be redeemed, so I didn’t tell him.”

Derpy sighs. “I was so weak from foalbirth that I wasn’t able to do or say anything to stop her either.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “The next thing I knew I was waking up in some weird temple in Tartarus.

Celestia puts a hoof to her chin. “The arrival point.”

“You could call it that, yes.”

Luna looks to Arc. “We designed that particular place to be the arrival point of anypony sent there so as to maintain the security of Tartarus.”

Cadance frowns. “It does make sense. But for an innocent to be sent there without the chance to defend themselves is not something I can approve of.”

“I forgave Twilight for her mistake though.”

Luna glances over at Celestia. “Which is why Cadance and I didn’t punish her further.”

Celestia looks to Derpy. “And what did you do after recovering, miss?”

“Returned home and tried to help Princess Twilight, along with her friends, find a way to rescue Arc.”

Celestia motions to the human before her. “It appears that he was able to find his own way out though.”

Luna sighs. “Not without a very foolhardy rescue, sister.”

Cadance frowns. “Yes. One that my troops and I helped with.”

Celestia gasps. “I’m sorry, what?”

Twilight smiles nervously. “My friends and I were able to find a way to… bring down the barrier.”


Luna waves a hoof dismissively. “That is a story for later, sister.”

“Very well. But I do wish to hear it.”

Twilight grins. “The entire town of Ponyville helped hold back the demons of Tartarus as I ran inside, cloaked, to try and find Arc. I was successful and we helped him and those whom he had met there escape.”

“You allowed other prisoners to leave Tartarus, Twilight?!”

Arc clenches a fist as he looks to Celestia, angrily. “They were innocents whom didn’t belong there!”

Luna nods. “Agreed. But we should finish this interview before broaching that subject.”

Celestia turns back to the mare before her. “Miss Derpy, is there anything else you’d like to tell us about that time?”

Derpy nods as she grins widely. “Yes, Princess Celestia. Arc was the first… individual to ever truly care about me. My own father as well as my foal’s biological father never truly did. He showed me what love felt like and even saw fit to sign my filly’s birth certificate. While he doesn’t have much time to devote to either of us due to his position, whenever he’s in town we’re his first priority.”

Celestia frowns. “And your filly. How does she view him?”

“As her real father.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “Dinky always refers to Arc as ‘dad’. That and they’re just so cute together.”

“Arc took me under his wing when nopony else wanted me. Even when I had nothing to offer him. No money, no possessions, and no future. He looked past all that and protected and looked after and… and loved me and my… our daughter. I need him, as does Equestria, Princess Celestia.”

“Thank you for your time, Miss Derpy. Please return to the corridor with the others.”

Nodding, Derpy does as she is told. Twilight looks to her mentor as the door closes behind her.

“I’d like to add that at the time she began renting a room to Arc she was practically a shut-in.”


“While we didn’t know why at the time, it was due to both her pregnancy and her mental scarring from an abusive upbringing.”

Arc gestures to the now closed door. “However as you can see she’s been able to rise above that and live a somewhat normal life with Dinky back in Ponyville.”

Cadance smiles. “As the Princess of Love, I’m still in awe of her ability to recover emotionally from such an ordeal.”

Twilight grins. “My friends and I did our best, but her real focus was always on Arc and the thought that he would return safely.”

Luna looks to Arc. “Perhaps we should move on to the matter of what happened in Tartarus during Arc’s stay there.”

“That’s where I met Ember.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “She was in Tartarus?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

“For what reason?”

Luna frowns. “We should hear that directly from Ember on this though.”

Arc nods. “Right. Twilight?”

Twilight stands. “I’ll call for her.”

Meanwhile, Brightwing flutters over to the potion, which has stopped its glowing. Giving it a sniff she frowns and growls.

“Not right! Brightwing make mistake!”

Looking over her notes nearby, which are actually just strange looking pictures, Brightwing groans.

“Brightwing not sure what went wrong. But needs to find more materials!”

Tapping her chin with a claw, she flutters over to the window and peer out. Blinking through, she looks over the castle gardens for a time.

“There must be something here Brightwing can use to make potion work!”

Spotting something below, she flies down for a closer look. Scratching at a tree Brightwing pulls off some moss and sniffs it for a few moments before clawing more away.

“This might be just the thing! Love the color! And the magic smell too!”

Gathering an armful (which isn’t much considering Brightwing’s diminutive size) she returns to her room in the castle.

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