• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Homecoming

Arc reappears on the sigil behind Rarity’s new shop. Looking around he grins as he muses to himself.

“Looks just the way I remember it. Well, other than the fact everything is freshly painted and new, that is.”

Walking around the side of the building to the front he pushes the shop’s door open. A bell overhead rings out as he does so. A few moments later Sassy Saddles trots in from the back room.

“How can I… oh! Hello again!”

Arc chuckles as he walks over. “It’s been a while, Sassy Saddles.”

“That it has.”

“I hope you’ve been well.”

“Oh, yes. But it’s good to be back in Ponyville.”

“Rarity mentioned a while back that you had been visiting family in Canterlot at the time of the attack.”

Sassy Saddles nods. “That I was, yes. In truth I had been in the middle of packing up to come back here when the announcement came over the radio that you had burned the town to the ground.”

“Um… you didn’t believe that though, did you?”

“Not in the least! After all, who in their right mind would torch the homes and businesses of those whom they cared about?”

“It was a plot to make me look like a monster.”

“Which is what I told my relatives when they spoke ill of you.”

Arc smiles. “Thanks for sticking up for me. It couldn’t have been easy.”

“I just told them to give you the benefit of the doubt. Most ponies didn’t back then, you know.”


“But my faith in you was well-placed, as Rarity called long distance a few days later to tell me what had really happened. Well, that and to help make my dream come true.”


“She wrote a letter authorizing the Bank of Canterlot to give me access to her account.”

“But why?”

“Rarity wasn’t sure when she’d be able to come back. So the money wasn’t really doing anything but sitting there. She told me that rather than me being out of work I was to take her savings and open up a shop in Canterlot. Like I told you in the past it’s always been my dream to have my own clothing shop.”

She trots in place happily as she continues.

“But I never imagined it would be in Canterlot of all places!”

“So you found a space?”

Sassy Saddles grins. “Even better! There was an elderly tailor whom was selling his property and all the materials along with the tools of the trade!”

“Lock, stock, and barrel.”

“I made an offer and he accepted! Apparently a lot of other big names had been doing the same, but had offered a lot less than I did!”

“Trying to get things on the cheap, huh?”

“Right. They’d never been particularly successful in such a small shop and location, so I guess the stigma of such a lackluster career was thought to be associated with the building too.”

“So you’re open for business?”

“Have been for a while now. I’ve been working almost non-stop since opening too.”

Arc gasps. “That busy?!”

“Oh yes! You see, I decided to take the business in a different direction. Originally I had wanted to make clothing for the rich and powerful of Canterlot. However when I was there visiting my relatives I saw that the commoners, whom outnumbered the aristocracy ten to one, didn’t have anywhere to purchase their own outfits or have them mended affordably. So I decided to cater to them under the moniker of my new shop which I decided to name... ‘Simplicity’.”

“Nice name.”

“You should have been there when I opened up the first day. The line was literally down the street!”

“Well, it sounds like you’re doing well.”

“That I am. I’ve already made enough money to pay back Rarity’s loan with a bit of interest for her generosity.”

“What brings you here then? I mean, I thought you’d be at your shop.”

“We’re closed for a few days while I’m having some renovations made and the equipment moved. It’ll help streamline the process so I can take materials from one machine to the next one without having to walk clear across the room.”

“The old owner did that, huh?”

Sassy sighs. “It wasn’t efficient, no.

She motions with a hoof to the shop around them.

“As for why I’m here, I just wanted to come tell Rarity the good news face to face as well as help her get this new shop back in order.

She smiles slyly before continuing.

“But I think I know what brings YOU here.”

“Officially I’m on an inspection tour of the town on behalf of Princess Twilight.”

Sassy Saddles giggles. “And…?”

Arc looks away innocently. “And I thought I’d start here.”

“A likely story.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, you got me. It’s been a while since I saw Rarity due to what’s been going on lately.”

“She says things are going well between you two.”

“That they are.”

Sassy Saddles nod approvingly. “Well, I wish you both the very best. She should be back soon. Today was the first day of school after all.”

“I hope they didn’t miss too much, what with the repairs being done to the building.”

“Rarity told me earlier that this was the scheduled first day anyways.”

“That’s good.”

The door opens and Rarity trots in. She squeals happily as she sees Arc and rushes over to him.

“Glad you could make it, dear!”

“It’s good to see you, Rarity.”

“Sorry for not being here when you arrived, but I wanted to make sure Sweetie Belle got to school safely.”

Sassy Saddles joins them. “Not to worry, Rarity. I kept Arc company while he waited.”

Arc nods. “Yes, Sassy Saddles was just bringing me up to speed on what she’s been doing since the town burned down.”

“And I’m glad that my seed money could help you achieve your goals.”

“It did, yes. But I’ll get back to work putting the back room in order.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Oh, no need to do that. I’ll take care of it.”

Sassy Saddles winks at Rarity. Oh really. I thought you’d want to spend some time with your special somepony today.”

“That I would. But there’s just so much to do before I open the shop officially.”

“And I’ll take care of it for you. Come now, it’s the least I can do considering how much you taught me about sewing and efficiency.”

Arc chimes in. “At least take some time off to come with me and see the others.”

“Well… alright then, I will. But not too long.”

Sassy nods approvingly. “Take all the time you need.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thanks. And good luck with your new business, Sassy Saddles.”

The mare waves after them as they turn. “Goodbye!”

The pair leave the shop together. As he closes the door Arc turns to Rarity.

“Now then, where should we…?”

He is cut off as a strong magical aura pulls him behind a bush nearby. Landing on his back, Arc finds Rarity suddenly lying on top of him. She smiles seductively and plants a series of passionate kisses on his lips before pulling back and gasping for breath as she speaks.

“I’ve… been waiting to do that… for a while now.”

Arc grins. “I can tell.”

Rarity giggles. “Sorry for the rough treatment. I guess I got a little carried away.”

Arc chuckles as he sits up. “A little?”

“Okay, maybe a bit more than a little. Still, you can’t blame a mare for having pent up frustrations.”

“Guess not. But we should probably get a move on.”

“Yes, of course.”

Arc stands and helps Rarity up. Leaving the bush they compose themselves and continue down the path. Rarity looks to him.

“So where should we go first?”

“Sugar Cube Corner is closest, I believe. Should we start there?”

“Very well.”

Making the quick walk down the path they enter the newly constructed building. Pinkie sits behind the counter happily.

“Hey there you two!”

Arc throws up a hand in greeting. “Good morning, Pinkie.”

Rarity looks around. “It appears Hard Hat did a wonderful job rebuilding over here.”

“Yup! Everything is brand spanking new!”

Arc nods. “It looks great!”

Rarity gestures with a hoof. “Arc’s here to make sure everything’s up to par for Twilight.”

Pinkie gasps. “Is she going to come?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. However, Princess Luna will be coming for the official dedication this evening to make a speech.”

Rarity grimaces. “Princess… Luna?”

“Yes. Is something wrong?”

Pinkie nods. “Kinda! You see, Rainbow…!”

Rarity uses her magic to stuff a cupcake into Pinkie’s mouth to cut her off as she pushes Arc toward the door.

“Well, I can see everything here is just right. Let’s move on now, Arc.”

Arc raising an eyebrow. “Yeah… okay.”

Leaving the building, Arc turns to Rarity.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

Rarity sighs. “It’s a bit of a... personal matter between Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna. Pay it no mind, my dear.”

“They have a fight, or something?”

“It’s… complicated. Best to leave it alone for now.”

“Very well. As long as it doesn’t cause problems I’ll let it go.”

“Where to next?”

“How about Sweet Apple Acres?”

Rarity shrugs. “We don’t actually have to go up there. Decimus and his forces didn’t touch the house, barn, or the surrounding orchards.”

“Probably didn’t want to make the trip to burn down just one house.”

“Hard Hat did do some maintenance as a bit of goodwill from Canterlot though. While it doesn’t make up for the Apple family having to flee their home with the rest of us…”

Arc interrupts. “Oh, so work WAS done up there?”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Some paint and minor repairs, yes.”

“Well then, I’d best head up there and make sure they did a good job then.”

Rarity giggles. “You want to see Applejack, huh?”

“Yeah. We really bonded during our time in the Celestial Realm.”

“She said as much. Frankly the rest of us were a bit jealous of that.”

“Is that going to be a problem?”

“Oh no, no, no! Think of it more as… as friendly jealously than anything malicious.”

She stops walking as Arc turns around to look at her.


Rarity nods. “Honestly, yes. But… we would all like to experience what she did. Have a longer cohabitation period. More one-on-one time.

“I’d like that too. We can talk about it with the others tonight at the dedication ceremony.”

Rarity nods as they continue on. “That would probably be for the best.”

Leaving town, they come to the orchard. All the buildings appear freshly painting including the house. Applejack spots them and walks over.

“Hey there, you two.”

Arc smiles at her. “Hi, Applejack.”

Rarity looks around at the work done. “Good morning.”

Applejack turns to Arc. “Here to inspect us?”

Arc nods. “Just the work. Looks good.”

Rarity giggles. “Hard Hat and his stallions do good work.”

“Any complaints, Applejack?”

Applejack looks away as she speaks. “Well… there is one little thing.”


“It’s our loft in the barn.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Is something wrong with it?”

“Kinda. Might wanna take a look at it, Arc.”


Rarity steps forward. “We’ll all just pop on over to…”

She stops as she sees Applejack shake her head slightly.

“…on second thought, I think I’ll stay right here. Don’t want to get my hooves all muddy.”

Arc shrugs. “Suit yourself, Rarity.”

Applejack calls out over her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We won’t be long.”

Making the quick walk to the barn, Applejack opens the door for Arc and leads him inside. Arc turns to her and smiles.

“So what seems to be the problem?”

“Like I said, it’s in the loft. Care to give me a boost up there?”


Holding out a hand, Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell. Levitating Applejack up to the loft, he Blinks his way up into the overhead space before turning to his hostess.

“Now then… what was the…?”

Arc is cut off as Applejack tackles him. The pair fall into the straw as she locks lips with him momentarily before looking deeply into his eyes seductively.

“You weren’t in it, sugarcube.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I am now.”

“That you are.”

Wrapping her hooves around his neck, she closes her eyes and inhales deeply before speaking again.

“This barn smell is the best scent in the world to me. It’s always been my favorite place to come and just… be alone.”

“We all just need to be by ourselves sometimes.”

“True. But I think I mentioned my fantasy to you when we were in the Celestial Realm.”

Arc looks away with mock confusion. “Did you now? Which one was that?”

Applejack grins seductively. “The one where I told you I wanted to lose my virginity in the barn.”

“Yes, I do remember you saying that.”

Applejack licks her lips and puts a hoof on her backside. “I meant every word. So whenever you’re ready to do the deed, so is my flank.”

Arc strokes her mane. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Applejack lays her head on Arc’s chest and nods happily.

“I know you will, Arc. And I know that you’ll keep your word to make me yours one day.”

“You, Rarity, and Derpy, yes.”

“Looking forward to it. Even if it means I have to wear a dress.”

“Not much for such things, are you?”

“Never have been.”

“You don’t have to, you know.”

Applejack looks up at him, confused. “But I want to look my best for you.”

“You already do.”

“But I’m all sweaty, my mane’s not done, my hooves are dirty, and my hat…”

Arc interrupts her. “…all look fine to me.”

“How can you say that?”

“Because I’m not marrying you for your looks, Applejack. While you are quite beautiful to me, I’m more interested in your heart than your body.”

“Well, that’s not why I’m interested in you.”


Applejack sits up and looks him in the eye. “I’m interested in your heart, mind, AND body!”

Pressing her frame against Arc’s, Applejack locks lips with him again. They continue kissing for some time before Arc eventually pulls back.

“Sorry to cut this short, but I need to get moving.”

Applejack sighs. “Lots more to see?”

Arc nods as he stands. “Yeah. I’m supposed to inspect every building in town. Or at the very least talk to everyone about their homes.”

“That could take all day.”

“If not longer.”

“Then I won’t keep you any longer, sugarcube.”

She rolls off of him and stands up. Arc does the same and looks to her.

“May I give you a ride down to the floor, miss?”

Applejack grins. “Why, yes. Thank you good sir.”

Kneeling down, Arc picks Applejack up and Blinks them both to the floor below. Setting her down gently he takes her hoof and smiles.

“There you are, miss. Safely on the ground.”

Applejack giggles. “My hero!”

They kiss one last time before Arc stands up and bows respectfully.

“May I request your company at this evening’s festivities?”

Applejack nods. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Arc laughs as he opens the barn door with a wave of his hand. “Good. I’ll see you and the others there.”

They head back toward the path where Rarity is waiting patiently for them. She looks to Applejack before speaking.

“Was Arc able to fix your loft for you, Applejack?”

Applejack nods slyly. “It’s a temporary fix, but yes.”

Rarity smirks. “I can see that.”

Her horn aglow, she levitates a few pieces of hay out of Arc’s hair and from his outfit. Applejack sighs.

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine, Applejack.”

Arc looks to Rarity before continuing.

“After all, you weren’t the first to tackle me today.”

Rarity giggles nervously and turns away. Applejack walks over and puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, Rarity. After all, the heart wants what it wants, right?”

“That is true, yes. Now then, we’ll see you and the rest of the Apple family this evening, right?”

Applejack nods. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Arc smiles. “Good. See you then.”

Arc and Rarity head back the way they came as Applejack waves after them. As she turns to walk back to her chores Applejack groans as she swishes her backside with her tail.

“Sure hope Arc didn’t smell that. Can’t believe I started leaking a bit!”

She grins slyly before continuing.

“On second thought... I kinda hope he did.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rarity head back down the path together. Rarity nods down a nearby path.

“Fluttershy’s cottage is nearby. While there wasn’t any damage or work done on it I imagine you’d still like to pop in and say ‘hello’.”

“That I would, yes.”

Turning, they head down the path. Arriving at the earthen cottage the pair spot Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sitting outside talking. They grin and walk over as Rainbow Dash calls out.

“Hey there, handsome!”

“Hi, Rainbow Dash. Good morning, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Welcome back!”

Rarity turns to Fluttershy. “I was told that your cottage wasn’t harmed in any way. But Arc did want to come by and see you, Fluttershy.”

“See… me?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Hey! What about me?!”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “How do you expect him to visit you? By flying The Equinox into your Living Room?”

Arc shrugs. “I’m guessing that would blow it away. However in all seriousness, I was planning to visit you next, Rainbow Dash.”

“You… you were?”


Fluttershy gasps. “How though?”

“By Blinking up there. After casting that cloud walking spell on myself, that is. It was kinda going to be a surprise.”

“Just drop in sometime. I’ll show you around my place.”

She grins slyly before continuing.

“We’ll start with the bedroom.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “But wouldn’t he see that Main Hall first?”

Rainbow Dash facehoofs. “Yes… yes, he would.”

“That and what would you even show him in your…”

The mare stops talking and blushes heavily. Rainbow Dash groans.

“Get it now, Flutters?”

“Y-yes. But I thought Rarity…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts. “It was a joke! Jeez! Sometimes you are just way too innocent.”

Fluttershy turns to Arc. “If you’d like a tour of my house, you need only ask.”

“Um… thanks.”

“I’d actually like you to see my bathroom.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Your what?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I don’t remember seeing anything special in there though.”

Fluttershy walks over to Arc and puts a hoof on his hand. “We could continue where we left off that night in the hotel room.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “Wha?!”

“You know… where we were lying there cuddling and I offered to go all the way with you. I did want to have some fun in the tub then too, of course. But it was late and we were both tired.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Are you SERIOUS?!”

Fluttershy smiles. “Yes, Rainbow Dash. I would like Arc and I to shower together… and more.”

Arc nods. “I… I’d like that too, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Now wait just a minute here! When do I get MY turn?!”

Rarity ignores Rainbow Dash and looks to Fluttershy. “Might I join you two?”

“Oh, yes. The more the merrier.”

Rainbow Dash rears up on her back hooves. “What about ME?!”

Rarity looks to her. “I don’t think we could all fit, dear.”

Fluttershy shrugs. “You could go another time.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Come ON! Let me in on the action!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “But didn’t Arc spend the better part of a week staying with you in your parent’s house?”

Arc nods. “Yes. What about it.”

Fluttershy pouts. “Rarity and I have each only had one date with him. You had a week.”

“But that was at my PARENT’S HOUSE! I’m not doing anything sexual THERE!!!”

Rarity waves a hoof dismissively.” Well, you had your chance.”

Fluttershy smiles hungrily. “Yes. And now we’re prepared to have ours.”

Rarity licks her lips. “Arc could use a good cleaning after what transpired in front of my shop.”

Rainbow Dash’s pupils shrink. “In front of your… what HAPPENED?!”

Rarity giggles. “About the same thing that Applejack and Arc did a short while ago in the barn most likely.”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she looks to Arc. “What’d you do?!”

Arc shrugs. “We just rolled around in the hay for a few minutes.”

Fluttershy smirks. “Just rolling?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well… we did do a lot of kissing. And I mean A LOT of it!”

Rainbow Dash gasps, her eyes wide. “I never got to do THAT!”

Rarity shakes her head. “It sounds like you have some catching up to do then, Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy swishes her friend’s face with her tail. “Yes. Good luck with that.”

Rainbow Dash just stands there, her mouth agape. For a few moments no one speaks. Finally Fluttershy bursts out laughing. Rarity follows suit a few moments later as Arc too chuckles.

“What the…? What’s so funny?”

Rarity points a hoof. “You are!”


Fluttershy nods heartily. “Yes. You thought I was just so sweet and innocent. So I just wanted to play a little joke on you.”

Rarity walks over and puts a hoof around Fluttershy. “She told me earlier to just kinda go with whatever was said. I never dreamed she’d go this far though.”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “I was kinda surprised Arc went along with it as long as he did.”

“I kinda had the feeling you two were up to something. After all, you wouldn’t normally shut out a friend from something like this.”

Rarity smiles. “True. But thank you for playing along so well, dear.”

Rainbow Dash grins and blushes. “Okay, okay. You two got me. But how much of that was true, Fluttershy?”

“Pretty much all of it actually. Well, other than me wanting to get Arc into my bathroom right now. I know he’s busy.”

“And the whole hotel thing?”

“That did happen, yes.”


Arc chuckles. “Yes, we cuddled and then went right to sleep.”


Rarity rolls her eyes. “Honestly, you can be so… so vindictive, Rainbow Dash!”

“Hey! I just want a piece of what everypony else is getting!”

Arc chuckles. “And you will when we go out, Rainbow Dash.”

“All right! Wait! When though?!”

“Not really sure. I’m really busy with trying to help my friend back on Earth.”

“Oh… okay. Well… let me know when you have some extra time. I’ll be ready.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Rarity turns to Arc. “Well, we should start the inspection of the town now.”

“Yes I suppose so.”

He turns to Rainbow Dash before speaking.

“Think about what you’d like to do on our date.”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “No problem! I’ve got a million ideas!”

Rarity giggles. “Try to narrow them down then.”

Arc turns to leave. “Take care you two.”

Fluttershy waves as they walk away. “See you tonight.”

Rainbow Dash waves until the pair are out of sight. She then turns to Fluttershy.

“You gotta help me, Flutters!”

“With what?”

“Figuring out what to do on that date!”

“You want me to help you narrow down a short list of the best ideas?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head fervently. “No, no, no! I need you to help me THINK of something!”

“But you just told them…”

“I know what I said! It wasn’t until Arc told me that we’d be going out soon that it hit me that I have absolutely NO CLUE what we should do!”

“Well… you could start with dinner.”

“Where though?!”

“Um… how about the local…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts her. “I can’t go to that place on a DATE! It has to be special!”

“We don’t really have anything else in Ponyville though.”

Rainbow Dash trots in place nervously. “What am I going to DO?!”

“How about just letting Arc take the lead then?”

“Take the lead?”

Fluttershy nods. “Let him pick out where you two go. He won’t make you do anything you don’t like. That I’m sure of.”

“But then he’ll know I didn’t really have anything planned!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Be honest with him. You know that’s what he’ll expect.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Honesty, huh?”

“Rainbow Dash?”

“All I have to do is figure out what HE likes and suggest we do THAT!”

“Well, I suppose that would be nice. But what about…?”

“He’ll have such a good time that he’ll forget all about Princess Luna!”

Fluttershy sighs. “Are you still thinking about that?”

“Think about it this way! If I can show him the time of his life it won’t matter that I didn’t have anything planned! All he’ll see is that he’s having the best time EVER!”

Fluttershy shakes her head as Rainbow Dash takes flight. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

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