• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Indigestion

<Meanwhile, Arc and Rarity uncover their dishes. Arc inhales deeply and smiles.

“That really does smell good!”

Rarity smiles and nods. “I agree.”

Picking up his bowl of sauce, Arc carefully pours it on the pile of pasta before him. Mixing it in, he swirls the noodles around his fork and takes a bite. Rarity watches him carefully.

“How is it?”

“Amazing! You should try it!””

Nodding, Rarity picks up a fork and knife with her magic. Arc watches as she begins manipulating her utensils.

“Rarity, what are you doing?”

“Cutting it.”

“Why not just eat it like this?”

He demonstrates again with his fork. Rarity shakes her head.

“Oh, I could never do that. It’s unbecoming a lady.”

“But we’re alone.”

Rarity sighs. “I just couldn’t bring myself to do that.”

“At least try it with some of the sauce. It’s amazing!”

Rarity shakes her head, vehemently. “Not a chance! Such a garnishment could potentially stain this wonderful dress Princess Cadance ordered made just for tonight!”

“Good point. But I think I may have an idea.”


“Why don’t you just take that dress off?”

Rarity gasps. “We’re on our date though, Arc! I have to look my best!”

“I won’t force you to, of course. But I would really like it if you could try this food.”

Rarity sighs. “If that’s what you want, then I shall do so.”

Standing up, she walks nervously over to the bed. Carefully unzipping the dress, Rarity uses her magic to pull it off over her head. Hanging it up neatly in a nearby wardrobe, she returns to the table. Looking away cautiously, she speaks in almost a whisper.

“Is this… okay?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Rarity. You still look amazing.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Th-thank you.”

“Now please, try the noodles before they get cold.”

Casting a Telekinesis Spell, Rarity pours the sauce over her spaghetti and picks up her fork again. Bringing it to her mouth, she chews it gingerly as Arc nods approvingly.

“How did you like it?”

“Heavenly! I’ve never tasted tomato sauce quite like it!”

“Me either.”

“I wonder how the girls did this?!”

Arc appears confused. “Huh?”

Rarity giggles. “My friends are the ones whom cooked this meal.”

“All of them?”

“Yes. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Auriel, and Hammer were waiting in the kitchen for our order.”

“And the menu?”

“Just a list of things at least one of them has experience with.”

She spears a baby tomato with her fork and smiles.

“This salad has Fluttershy written all over it.”

“How about the spaghetti?”

“I’m not sure. We’ll have to ask them that.”

Arc grins. “Oh, I will. This recipe is one that I want for my own collection.”

They go back to eating. Eventually Arc looks up to his date as he refills her glass.

“Rarity, I was just wondering something.”

“Yes, dear?”

“How’s Sweetie Belle doing?”

“Truthfully, she was a bit under the weather up until recently. I think she really missed you, Arc.”

“How is she now though?”

“All right I suppose.”

“Do you think it was because I separated her and Dinky during Christmas?”

Rarity sighs. “That may have been it, yes. I’m told she was much improved when school started again yesterday.”

“I see.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it. Sweetie Belle’s a tough cookie, after all.”

“Yes, well…. I’ll try not to split them apart again.”

“Split them?”

Arc nods. “Yes, she, Apple Bloom, and Dinky have a very special bond together.”

“That’s what worries me.”

“Me too.”

“Even you?”

“Even me.”

“Then why did you send Dinky back?”

Arc sighs. “Because I can’t keep them apart. That trio really needs one another. Kinda like a matched set.”

“And you think it’s for the best that they continue to see one another?”

“I do, yes.”

Rarity breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! For a moment there I thought you might suggest they should be kept apart.”

“Truthfully, I did briefly consider it.”

“What made you change your mind?”

“Dinky told me about how they went on an adventure together when I was gone.”

“We tried to find them for the longest time, Arc! Really, we did!”

“I’m told that too. But they were always one step ahead of you and the others.”

“Sweetie Belle said they were able to teleport with their powers like they’ve done in the past as well as use your sigil gauntlet.”

Arc chuckles. “They certainly stayed busy.”

“And Sereb was with them as well.”

“That I’m grateful for.”

“So please don’t be too upset with them.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Upset?”

“They were only trying to find you, after all.”

“Yes, I know. And it’s in the past.”

“But it still bothers you, doesn’t it?”

Arc nods as he toys with his food. “I know Dinky and her friends are powerful, and all. However, to me at least, she’s just my little girl.”

Rarity smiles and puts a hoof across the table. Patting Arc’s hand she smiles up at him.

“We both want what’s best for our fillies. The day will come when they have to spread their wings and leave the nest though.”

“I know. But I’d like to stay with her as long as possible.”

“Me too.”

They continue eating for some time. Eventually there is a small knock at the door. Trixie quietly enters with another bottle of iced juice on her dinner cart. Wheeling it over to the pair she swaps out the new bottle for the old and turns to them.

“Trixie hopes everything was to your…”

She stops talking as her gaze falls on Rarity. Staring back, Rarity appears confused.

“Is something wrong?”

“I, um…”

Rarity points a hoof toward the wardrobe. “If it’s about the dress I carefully took it off so as not to get tomato sauce on it.”

Trixie shakes her head. “N-no, I… uh…”

Arc frowns. “What is it Trixie?”

Trixie points at Rarity with a hoof. “Her… face.”

Rarity gasps. “WHAT?!”

“Forgive Trixie! She didn’t mean it in that way! There’s just something on it.”

Arc squints. “I don’t see anything.”

“May I escort you to the restroom, miss?”

Rarity nods. “Yes, please.”

Rising, she turns to Arc.

“I’m sorry. It’s probably just a bit of running mascara or whatnot. Be back in a few minutes.”

Trixie leads Rarity to the adjoining bathroom. Arc takes the fresh bottle of juice and begins pouring. As he does so a blood curdling scream rings out. Dropping the bottle he runs to the bathroom. Entering, he sees Rarity desperately rubbing her face with both of her hooves as Trixie stands to one side nervously holding a towel.

“What’s going on?!”

“Trixie, um… can’t really say.”

Rarity grabs the towel and rubs her face vehemently. “Arc, please!”


“Wait for me in the other room! I need to fix this before you see me again!”

Looking to Trixie, Arc sees her grimacing. Nodding, he does as Rarity asks. Hearing the door click shut she pulls the towel down and looks in the mirror, her eyes shut.

“Is it still there!”

Trixie nods sadly. “Yes.”

Rarity groans as she falls backwards onto the floor.

“Of all the worst possible things that could happen, this is the WORST… POSSIBLE… THING!!!”

Trixie nervously approaches as Rarity sobs. “Is there… um… anything Trixie can do for you?”

“No! I want to be alone! I want to wallow in… whatever it is that ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity?! Oh, listen to me! I don't even know what I'm supposed to wallow in!”

She wails loudly and rolls as Trixie looks around for inspiration. Spotting a bathrobe hanging on the back of the door she grabs it and hurries back to the wailing mare.


Looking up at the unicorn before her, she spots the robe and groans.

“That won’t fix my problem!”

“No, it won’t. But hear Trixie out.”

“I don’t…”

“What can you tell Trixie about this?”

Rarity looks at it for a few moments, sniffling. “It’s a garment from the Polomare line that was endorsed last year by fashion critic Hoity Toity.”

“Does that mean it’s quality?”

Rarity turns away to look at the wall. “Yes, very much so.”

“Then I suggest you look at it a bit closer.”

Rarity rolls over and looks at the robe again.

“It looks fine. What is the problem?”

“Shining Armor taught Trixie to identify holes in security and flaws in designs. Look here… the stitching is out of alignment here, here, and here.”

Rarity sits up and grabs the robe. Looking it over she gasps.

“Yes… yes it is! How in Celestia’s name did I not notice that?!”

“Because you were only looking at the name on the outside. Not what really mattered on the inside.”

“What are you saying?”

Trixie sighs as she hangs up the robe. “Trixie means that you should think more on what you can’t see on the inside than what’s on the outside. Arc certainly does.”

“How… do you know that?”

“When Trixie was caught by him, she was arrested and thrown into the dungeon. Beaten and forced to sign a document that stated Trixie had done innumerable terrible things that she had not, Arc came and took her out of there. When Trixie told him what she had been forced to do he broke into Captain Decimus’ quarters and stole the confession. Without that piece of evidence, Trixie was spared a life in prison.”

“Arc… did that for you?”


“Why? I mean… you were a criminal back then.”

“Trixie can only assume he did it for the same reason she was recommended for promotion to lieutenant. Because he and others saw something inside Trixie that even she herself could not. The ability to become something more.”

She kneels down and pats Rarity’s shoulder.

“If you go out there right now and carry on as though nothing has happened I’m sure Arc will overlook it.”

“Are you sure?”

“If Arc can look past Trixie’s crimes from back then he should have no trouble overlooking… that.”

Rarity nods and stands up. Turning, she looks in the mirror and forces a small smile as she speaks.

“Would you please go out there and get my dress? I want to look my best for my dinner date, after all.”

Trixie smiles and nods. “Yes, miss.”

Leaving the bathroom, Trixie hurries over to the dress. Picking it up with her magic, she looks to a very concerned Arc. Smiling and nodding she rushes back to the bathroom. A short time later both mares exit together. Rarity returns to her seat in front of Arc as Trixie quickly clears the table before pulling out her notepad again and clears her throat.

“Can Trixie interest you two in some dessert?”

“That sounds nice. Um… how about you, Rarity?”

Rarity nods. “Yes, please. But please tell the chefs not to go to any trouble.”

“How about some Chocolate Covered Strawberries?”

“That sounds lovely, yes!”

Trixie looks to Arc. “And you, sir?”

“I could go for a bowl of ice cream.”

“Very good. Trixie will bring that right out.”

She hurries to the door and quickly exits. Meanwhile Arc turns to Rarity.

“You okay?”

“I am now, yes.”


“Trixie and I just had a little talk.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? What about?”

“A bathrobe.”

“A… what?”

Rarity giggles. “Nothing, my dear. Um… I would like to ask you one thing though.”

“What is it?”

“How do you feel about me?”

“I love you very much.”

Rarity shakes her head as she motions to her face. “No, no. I mean… how do you feel about… me.”

Arc smiles warmly. “That I’m with the most beautiful mare imaginable.”

A tear escapes Rarity’s eye and runs down her face as she smiles uncontrollably. Hopping off of her chair she runs to Arc and lunges into his arms. Catching her, she presses her face against his chest as she wraps her hooves around him. They sit there embracing for a long moment before Rarity looks up into Arc’s eyes.

“And you’re the most handsome stallion I’ve ever seen.”

Arc looks away. “Less so now.”

Rarity sits back, confused. “What do you mean?”

Arc puts a hand to his belly. “I’ve developed quite a few more scars since you first saw my body in your shower before the peace summit. Under these clothes… isn’t a pretty sight anymore.”

Rarity smiles and puts her front hooves on his chest.

“I don’t mind, Arc. After all, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, right?”

Arc nods. “Yeah.”

She looks into his eyes as Arc does the same. He moves toward her lips as she does too. Moments before they kiss though, Rarity draws back. Arc appears confused.


“I… just wanted to be sure. My face… it doesn’t bother you that I…”

Putting a hand on the back of her head, Arc pulls her into a kiss. Her eyes soften and tears flow from them as she leans into his embrace. They continue for some time before Arc pulls back and smiles.

“No, Rarity. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

A short time later Trixie returns with her dinner cart. She knocks and enters softly. Looking over she spots Rarity sitting on Arc’s lap as he gently strokes her mane. Trixie wordlessly walks over and sets the desserts before them before stepping back and speaking softly.

“Will there be anything else, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you. You are dismissed.”

“Yes sir.”

As she turns to leave, Rarity stretches out one of her back hooves and taps Trixie. As she turns back Rarity mouths the words ‘thank you’ and smiles. Understanding, the mare returns the smile and pushes her cart to the door wordlessly. Giggling as she walks back toward the kitchen, Trixie grins.

“Trixie thinks Rarity worries too much. A blind pony could see that Arc is smitten with her.”

Arriving back at the kitchen, Trixie finds everyone just finishing the dishes. Rainbow Dash groans as the mare enters.

“Please tell me they’ve had enough!”

Trixie nods. “Yes. Arc dismissed Trixie for the evening.”

Pinkie giggles. “Aw… I had hoped he’d want some cupcakes!”

Fluttershy sighs. “It’s not good manners to overeat while out on a date.”

Applejack shrugs. “I guess that’s true.”

Auriel turns to the mare. “Yes, well… did everything go as planned, Trixie?”

“For the most part, yes.”

Hammer grimaces. “Uh oh. What happened?”

Trixie sighs. “Apparently the same thing that happened to everypony here.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her mouth. “Oh… that.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “Was Arc upset?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head vehemently. “No way! He doesn’t care about stuff like that!”

Pinkie bounces in place. “Right! I’m sure he thought Rarity was still beautiful! Even with the fur around her mouth stained red!”

Hammer chuckles sheepishly. “I hope you apologized to her for that. Honestly, I didn’t even consider how the tomato sauce would stain fur when I made it.”

Applejack sighs. “Nopony did.”

Fluttershy giggles nervously. “A mistake on our part.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she looks at her reflection in the pan. “Well, I think it looks kinda cool!”

Trixie clears her throat loudly. “Yes, well… now I know why Princess Cadance requires the help of her Hoof Maidens after a meal of spaghetti. She needs their assistance to remove the stains from her muzzle.”

Auriel looks them over. “Do you think they could lend their aid tomorrow?”

“Trixie will be sure to pass that on to them in the morning. Not sure how they do it, but Trixie has also never seen Princess Cadance look anything but radiant.”

Applejack shrugs. “Whatever they do must work then.”

Hammer tosses a dishcloth in the nearby hamper. “Well, we’ve got the kitchen back in order, clean, and the dishes put away. I say we’ve done our good deed for the day.”

Pinkie grins. “Not quite!”

Fluttershy tilts her head to one side. “Oh?”

Applejack frowns. “What else is there to do?”

Auriel giggles. “I get it now!”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Someone want to let me in on what the heck’s going on?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Who’s going out with Arc next is what they mean!”

Auriel raises a claw. “I wouldn’t mind a turn.”

Hammer laughs. “Me either.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “You’ve already been on several, cupcake!”

“Yeah, but that was when Arc was just trying to get information out of me!”

Fluttershy sighs. “That sounds bad when you say it out loud.”

Applejack groans. “Yes, it does.”

Hammer shrugs. “Don’t worry. I already forgave him.”

Pinkie’s eyes light up happily. “I think I have an idea that could solve this?!”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What? Draw straws?”

Pinkie shakes her head. “No, silly! Have Hammer and Auriel go with Arc together!”

Applejack rolls her eyes. “That’s kinda… impersonal.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Yeah! That and I don’t think they’d be willing to…”

Auriel interrupts her. “I’d be okay with it. Orgies among demons are quite commonplace, after all.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “And I wouldn’t mind sharing Arc with someone as good looking as you, Auriel. Might be kinda kinky.”

Auriel giggles happily. “Honestly, I was thinking the same thing about you, Hammer. You can help make my first time special.”

“I can?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. Be sure and tell me if I’m doing something wrong.”

“Oh! Uh… that might be kinda hard.”

Rainbow Dash elbows Hammer with a sly smile on her face. “What’s wrong, cupcake? Got cold hooves all of a sudden?”

Hammer hangs her head. “Nah. It’ll be my first time too.”

Auriel appears surprised. “Really?!”

“Yeah. I never did too well with my love life. Guess my sisters were right about me being too forward.”

Rainbow Dash puffs out her chest. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to show you girls the ropes!”

Fluttershy turns to her friends. “Oh? And how many ponies have you been with, Rainbow Dash?”

“A lot! Wait! I mean…!”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “Name one.”

“Well… I’ve never been… with somepony before. But I fantasize about it a lot!”

Fluttershy blushes. “Oh… my…”

Auriel turns to the others. “Has anyone here ever had sex before?”

They look around and shake their heads. Trixie decides to speak up.

“Well, that should be okay. After all, Arc’s more interested in what’s on the inside than anything else.”

Pinkie grins slyly. “Right! But just like Hammer and Auriel, we ALL want some cream filling too! Who’s with me!”

The other mares cheer happily as Hammer and Auriel facepalm.

“And now I’m worried.”

“Me too.”

“Trixie thinks this will not end well.”

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