• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Extradition

Arc, Frank, and Ember head to the Infirmary. A short time later the ship approaches Griffonstone. Arc’s earring chirps.

“Sir, we’ve been given permission to land behind The Aviary.”

Arc nods. “And the council?”

“You’ve been granted an immediate audience by Lord Gestal himself.”

“Good. Ember and I will head to the council chambers with the prisoner.”

Wrangler raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“I’m turning him over to them. Arc out.”

Frank turns to him as he severs the connection. “Sounds like you have quite the network here in this land, my friend.”

“Kinda. It was more out of necessity than actual diplomacy though.”

“Oh? You have ulterior motives?”

“Something like that.”

Ember frowns. “Arc, this should probably stay quiet. Keep the circle small.”

“True. But I think Frank will keep this bit to himself.”

Frank chuckles. “Who would I tell?”

“A member of the Griffon Kingdom committed a serious crime in Equestria some time ago. However, due to the delicate nature of diplomatic relations between our two countries, we haven’t been able to touch them.”

Ember nods. “Arc’s hoping to change that.”

“I see. So it’s a matter of justice?”


Frank puts a hand to his chin. “The crime must’ve been tremendous to warrant all this effort on your country’s part.”

Arc nods. “And it’s still ongoing. We haven’t finished yet, nor will we anytime soon, I imagine.”

“Knowing you as I do, you won’t give up until the goal has been achieved, my friend.”

“That I won’t. Not on the task at hand. Not on my mission back on Earth. Not on Raven. And not on the missing Shards.”

Frank sighs. “I do hope they’re alright.”

Ember frowns. “As strange as it feels to say, so am I.”

A short time later the ship lands. Arc and his companions are escorted through the Aviary by two Griffon Royal Guards. Ember walks behind them, her spear at the ready as Arc drags the unconscious griffon, wrapped in a blanket, behind him. The IV still implanted in his talon with the bottle in Arc’s other hand. Frowning, Ember looks at their charge.

“I’ll be glad to get rid of this sack of potatoes. You sure you don’t want me to carry him for a while? He can’t be light. Or safe.”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. And as long as this IV is in him, he’ll stay out cold.”

They reach the Council Chambers. The guards outside part as the one’s in front of Arc move to the side.

“The council will see you at once, sir.”


Arc and Ember step through the double doors which are then closed behind them. They walk down the short corridor to the large, round room. Arc hands off the griffon to Ember.

“Keep an eye on him. I’ll inform the council of our reason for being here and let you know when I’m ready.”

Ember nods and takes the bundle as Arc enters the spacious room alone. The council sits there awaiting him. Lord Gestal is the first to speak.

“Ah, hello again, Lord Arc.”

Weller nods cordially. “We hope all is well in Equestria.”

Adalbert frowns. “Yes. I’m sure you wouldn’t have come all this way to waste our time if it wasn’t important.”

Goldstone folds his talons and sighs. “Is this in regard to our treaty?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not this time, Lord Goldstone. In fact, I’ve brought your land a sort of… gift. But first I should probably report the death of one of your citizens to you.”

He recounts the events from earlier that day regarding the small cargo ship intentionally crashing into The Equinox and Lieutenant Gaston’s arrival. Gestal nods soberly.

“We apologize for this incident, and will repair any damage to your ship, Lord Arc.”

“Thank you, but my Chief Engineer reports there wasn’t any damage to speak of.”

Goldstone raises an eyebrow, surprised. “No damage?! But I thought you said the cargo ship crashed into you!”

“It did. However my ship is more than capable of defending itself against such an attack.”

Adalbert chuckles. “Is it now?”

“Yes, Lord Adalbert. There isn’t so much as a scratch.”

Gestal turns to the others. “If Lord Arc says one of our ships hit his, we should believe him.”

“The wreckage of our assailant is still on my ship’s deck.”

Goldstone frowns. “We’ll send someone over there to examine the wreckage first thing in the morning, and see about salvaging any useful evidence and components.”

Weller turns to Goldstone. “I’m sure Lieutenant Gaston’s report will come in tomorrow as well. We’ll be sure to look it over.”

“Thank you. Now about the original reason for my visit. But first, is Arbiter Ghaleon available?”

A voice rings out nearby.

“I am.”

Goldstone jumps slightly and mutters to himself.

“I do wish he’d stop doing that.”

Arc turns to the larger griffin as he approaches. “Then I believe you’ll appreciate this. Do you recall that evening when the rebels captured the council and other nobles?”

Ghaleon grunts. “How could I forget?”

Gestal chuckles. “Yes, the council owes their lives to your quick thinking that night, Lord Arc.”

Weller nods happily. “Fortunately the rebels lost a high ranking official that night.”

Adalbert cackles. “Two, actually.”

Goldstone nods, looking relieved. “The leader hasn’t been seen since then, and Lord Arc killed their right-talon commander.”

Arc sighs. “Well, truth be told, that commander somehow survived.”

Gestal’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?! Arbiter Ghaleon, we need you to organize a nationwide search for…!”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “That will not be necessary.”

Weller frowns. “It most certainly is! We must bring this criminal to justice for their crimes against the griffon kingdom, Lord Arc!”

Arc nods. “I agree.”

He turns and motions to Ember. She steps into the chamber with the covered griffon. Dropping him unceremoniously on the floor Arc grabs the blanket and pulls it aside.

“There you are. One rebel commander.”

Goldstone recoils in horror. “You fool! Guards, guards!”

Gestal frowns. “Calm yourself, Lord Goldstone. I don’t believe Lord Arc would have brought this criminal before us if he was a threat.”

Weller eyes the griffon on the floor suspiciously. “Is he… dead?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, only sedated.”

Adalbert clenches his talons. “We must question him at once!

Ghaleon nods and looks to Arc. “Agreed. Wake him.”

Kneeling down, Arc removes the IV from the griffon and hands the bottle to Ember.

“It shouldn’t take long for the effects of the drugs to wear off.”

Gestal continues as they wait. “Tell us, how did this criminal find his way into your custody, Lord Arc?”

“He followed me to Equestria in an attempt to assassinate me.”

Goldstone mutters under his breath. “If only he had tried harder.”

Weller gasps. “Were you hurt?!”

Arc shakes his head as he gestures to Ember. “No. My Honor Guard here along with another friend of mine were able to overpower and capture this would-be assassin.”

Adalbert nods approvingly. “You have powerful allies, Lord Arc.”

Goldstone grimaces. “Yes. And are very lucky.”

Arc shrugs. “It certainly wasn’t easy to down him.”

Gestal frowns. “Did he put up that much of a fight?”

Ghaleon chuckles. “Well, he had to know his life would be forfeit if he was caught.”

Arc nods. “There was that, I suppose. However this griffon has regenerative abilities that are most impressive.”

Turning to Ember he points to her spear. She hands it to him as Arc turns to the griffon on the ground. He drags the tip of the spear across the griffon’s forehead making a small but fairly deep cut. Weller gasps.

“Be careful, sir! We need him alive!”

“Not to worry. Watch.”

Before their eyes the wound slowly heals as the blood disappears. The council members gasp. Gestal is the first to speak.

“How is such a thing possible?!”

Adalbert puts a talon to his beak. “Is it perhaps some kind of spell?”

Arc sighs. “I’ve seen this sort of thing before. Several members of an organization known only as The Council of Shadows have this very ability. Inflict any wound upon them and they’ll heal it in no time.”

Weller appears nervous. “Would you happen to know the methods used to achieve such an ability?”

“Making a deal with the leader of the council can earn you some kind of dark endowment. While the methods used to bestow such power are unknown to me, I can assure you that the tradeoff for this isn’t worth it.”

The griffon begins to stir. Goldstone turns to Gestal.

“He’s waking up!”

“That he is.”

The rebel looks around. His eyes unfocused.

“What…? Where am I…?”

Ghaleon clenches a talon. “Before the Council of Lords, peon!”

He shakes his head in an effort to clear it. Looking around, he finds the earlier statement to be true. Stumbling to his feet, he is pushed back by a quick but forceful Telekinesis Spell from Arc.

“I’d stay down if I were you.”

Ember nods. “Right! Or we’ll PUT you down!”

“HA! I don’t know how you took me down last time, but rest assured my comrades will discover a counter for whatever spell was used!”

Arc holds up the IV bottle. “No magic. It was the power of medical science that time.”


Ember grins. “You’ve been out nearly half a day.”

Adalbert looks to the griffon, angrily. “I hope you’re well rested! Because your interrogation will certainly be long, arduous, and painful!”

“I suppose it would be. If you could hold me!”

Jumping up, the griffon takes flight as Ember does the same. As Arc tosses her the spear in his hand, she swings it at the opponent him like a club. He crosses his talons to block the attack but is slammed to the floor by the force of Ember’s blow. The decorative stones crack and buckle as she lands over her target, spear at the ready. Weller nods.


Adalbert grins. “Proving once again that the rebels are nothing but…”

He is cut short as the commander grabs a jagged chunk of the floor tile and charges headfirst at the council. Before anyone else can react Ghaleon throws his spear at the assailant, piercing his chest and effectively pinning him to the wall.

“Regenerate THAT!”

The rebel commander attempts to pull the spear from his chest but finds himself unable to do so with the tip embedded in the stone wall.

“As soon as I get loose, I’ll…!”

Adalbert snarls. “You’ll do NOTHING!”

“My rebel friends WILL come for me!”

Gestal chuckles. “They’re welcome to try.”

Ghaleon nods with a wicked smirk on his face. “Yes. But I do hope they’ll give me more of a workout than you did, youngling.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “That and I doubt they’ll be able to shrug off such an injury.”

The commander glares at them but says nothing more. Gestal turns to Ghaleon.

“Take this vile traitor to our filthiest cell!”

“With pleasure.”

Adalbert rubs his talons together. “We look forward to hearing what useful information can be extracted from this new source.”

Ghaleon nods as he grabs the griffon by the throat with one talon while pulling the spear from his chest with the other.

“Now then… don’t give me any trouble, and I won’t be forced to pin you to the wall again.”

The rebel seethes as he walks out of the council chamber ahead of Ghaleon. Gestal turns to Arc.

“It would appear we are again in your debt, Lord Arc.”

Weller nods, clearly impressed. “Yes. Thank you for bringing the traitor back to Griffonstone.”

“It’s no trouble. Truth be told, we were anxious to get him away from our shores. Hopefully your prisons will be able to hold him.”

Goldstone nods matter-of-factly. “Don’t worry about that. We have the finest security money can buy along with full military personnel. He won’t be leaving us again anytime soon.”

“Good. By the way, Equestria would be very interested in any information you pry from him during questioning.”

Adalbert grins. “We’ll see to it a full transcript is sent to you in Equestria at the earliest convenience.”

“Thank you. But might I impose on you a favor, Lord Gestal?”

Gestal nods. “Ask and I will do my best to accommodate you, Lord Arc.”

“Might I speak to Lady Ashe regarding her time in the rebel’s captivity? I believe she may have overheard something useful. Even if she doesn’t know it.”

Goldstone raises an eyebrow. “You’re suddenly very interested in our rebel problem, Lord Arc. I believe we’ve already informed you that this is a griffon matter.”

“That may be. And I respect your nation’s position on this. However, if the Council of Shadows is involved it is also an Equestrian matter.”

Adalbert frowns. “I don’t really see how…”

Gestal interrupts. “Very well, Lord Arc.”

Weller appears surprised. “Lord Gestal?”

“We will share all pertinent information we gather from the captured rebel as it pertains to this… Council of Shadows. I would also like to invite you to have dinner with me and my daughter at our estate tonight. You may ask her your questions at that time.”

“Thank you, Lord Gestal. I accept.”

“Splendid! I will send an armored coach to ferry you from your ship to my estate.”

“I look forward to it. Now then, I shall let all of you get back to work.”

They nod as Arc bows at the waist before turning and leaving the chambers with Ember. Goldstone frowns as he mutters to himself.

“Arrogant little cuss…”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember walk down a corridor back toward their ship. Ember frowns as she turns to him.

“What could you possibly have to discuss with that spoiled brat?!”

“I’d like to ask her about anything she may have inadvertently… overheard from the rebels.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “You and I both know the truth about that.”

“That we do. However, I do believe she might accidently tell us a few things if I can ask the right questions.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “You going to try sweet talking her?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

“I’m not liking this whole idea of yours.”

Arc sighs. “Truthfully, neither am I.”

Later that evening an armored carriage pulls up to the base of The Equinox’s gangplank. Ember frowns as she steps into it with Arc.

“I didn’t even have time to eat!”

Arc rolls his eyes as they sit down. “You were the one who wanted to stay in bed with me.”

“Of course! We don’t get to do things like that very often!”

Cherry calls out. “But you two sleep together nearly every night.”

Ember grins. “Right. And that’s not often enough.”

Arc sighs. “I’ll see if I can find a way to grab you something during supper.”

“Please do. If Lord Gestal’s as generous with his meals as he is his gifts, it should be quite the spread.”

Arc chuckles. “The last time he had me over for what was described as a ‘snack’, well… let’s just say it was more lavish than anything I ate at Canterlot Castle.”

Ember begins salivating as Arc continues.

“I can’t imagine he eats that well every day though. His waistline isn’t what I would call…”

“Can we talk about something else, please?! This is making me feel RAVENOUS!”

Arc grins. “Sure. How about…?”

Ember frowns. “Wait! When did he have you over for a snack?!”

“That time I returned his daughter. We were waiting for some… papers to be drawn up.”


Arc sighs. “Yeah. To take ownership of Natalya.”

Ember frowns. “Oh… right.”

They are silent for a time as the carriage moves through the streets. Eventually Ember speaks up.

“She’s doing alright in Ponyville from what I can see.”

“Do you suppose she’s happy?”

Ember shrugs. “I guess. Although it certainly must’ve been quite a shift going from an officer one day to a slave the next.”

Arc sighs. “That didn’t end as I’d hoped it would.”

“Well, you saved her from a slow death in their dungeons. That and now she’s with her brother Gallus full time. Why wouldn’t she be happy?”

“In any case, I’ll have to speak with her about it the next time we meet.”

A short ride later the carriage stops in front of the familiar estate. Ember steps out and looks around before motioning for him to come out.

“All clear, Lord Arc.”

Arc emerges from the carriage and heads for the steps with Ember behind him. Two Royal Griffon Guards open the large double doors to allow them entrance. Walking inside the Main Hall they are greeted by what appears to be the commanding officer of the estate. He salutes respectfully before speaking.

“Welcome, sir. Lord Gestal and Lady Ashe are awaiting you in the Library. Shall I show you there?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Lead on.”

The officer motions for them to follow. Ember turns to Arc as they walk down a spacious hallway together

“Is this really where they live?!”

“Yes. Why?”

“The extravagance level is beyond anything I thought possible!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But he and Lady Ashe still don’t really seem happy here.”

“What else could she want?!”

Arc shrugs. “No clue. But I get the feeling they don’t have the best father/daughter relationship.”

“It seems okay to me.”

“The night of the party they were arguing about what to do about the rebels. And it wasn’t a friendly debate.”

Ember frowns. “Maybe Lady Ashe isn’t completely wrong for having her opinions.”

“True. But neither is Lord Gestal.”

They arrive at the Library. Gestal and Ashe are sitting across the room from one another in very posh chairs. He looks up as the griffon officer announces Arc.

“Lord Arc to see you, sir.”

Gestal stands and walk over happily. “Ah, good to see you again, Lord Arc. I hope you came hungry.”

“Very much so, yes.”

“The meal should be ready soon. Why don’t we sit down and chat? My daughter made a point that she wanted to speak to you again.”

Ember mutters under her breath. “I’m sure she did.”

Gestal turns to her.


She says nothing. Gestal sighs.

“Forgive her. My daughter sometimes becomes completely engrossed when reading. Come, let us join her.”

The pair walk over to Ashe’s corner of the room. Gestal sits down next to her as Arc takes a seat on the other side of the oversized couch.


She does not look up. “Hm?”

“Lord Arc is here.”

Ashe closes the book and sets it on the couch next to her before looking up and offering them both a kind smile.

“My apologies, father. I was just reading an interesting passage and must not have been paying attention.”

She looks to Arc.

“It’s good to see you again, sir.”

“And you as well, Lady Ashe. Tell me, have you recovered from the… incident?”

Ashe sighs. “My body has, yes.”

Gestal nods. “Indeed. However her mental state is somewhat off these days.”

Ashe nods sadly. “It’s been hard to forget that horrible event.”

“Unfortunately I don’t believe we’ll ever be able to track down the villains whom did this to my daughter. But I digress.”

Arc looks at the book in her talons. “What were you reading?”

“A book on military tactics. I’m hoping to one day be able to lead as my father does. The information herein may help me to protect this land and its inhabitants.”

Gestal nods. “Yes. However I still hope you know relative peace in your time as I have, my dear.”

Arc sighs. “Agreed. I believe all races enjoy peace along with the safety and prosperity it brings.”

A servant enters the room and walks over to Gestal.

“Dinner is served, sir.”

“We shall be there shortly.”

The servant bows and quickly leaves. Gestal stands and takes his daughter’s talon as he turns to Arc.

“This way, Lord Arc. We can talk more while we eat.”

“Sounds good.”

They make their way to the Dining Room. Gestal leads his daughter over to a chair. As she sits down he takes the chair next to her as a servant leads Arc to a spot across from the pair at the elaborate table. Gestal looks up and nods to a servant whom retreats to the Kitchen.

“The food will be brought out momentarily. I do hope you’re ready for more of our nation’s delicacies.”

Ashe nods. “Yes. Our chef is quite talented.”

A few moments later numerous servants emerge. Each of them carries platters containing various decadent morsels. They set the food on the table between the three and retreat to the edge of the room. Gestal takes his daughter’s plate and begins serving her.

“Now then, let’s get some…”

Arc gasps. “Lord Gestal, wait!”

Gestal looks up, confused. “Lord Arc?”

“Forgive me, sir. I’m sure your waitstaff are loyal. But I’m concerned about the safety of the food.”

Ashe looks at the plate before her. “You believe it may be poisoned?”

Arc nods. “Possibly, yes. After all, it would be unfortunate for both our nations if the three of us were to come to harm.”

Gestal puts a talon to his beak thoughtfully. “I shall have one of my servants taste test it for us.”

He motions to the servants standing around the perimeter of the room. They look at one another nervously as Arc speaks.

“That will not be necessary. I will have my own Honor Guard do that for us.”

He looks at Lady Ashe’s plate.

“It would appear your daughter’s plate has a bit of everything. Shall we begin?”

Gestal nods. “Yes, of course.”

Arc picks up the plate with his magic and levitates it over to himself. Taking it in his hands he turns and gives it to Ember. Accepting it she takes a spoon and begins eating. Arc turns back to his hosts.

“This shouldn’t take long. Even though my Honor Guard is very… thorough.”

Ashe looks to him, wistfully. “While we wait, might I ask you a few questions, Lord Arc?”

“Of course.”

“It’s about the peace summit my father and I attended.”

Gestal turns to her. “I hope you learned a few things, Ashe.”

“That I did. However, my questions were about the battle that erupted.”

Arc appears confused. “Oh?”

“From what I saw, it seemed both you and the opposing armies were constantly vying for the upper talon.”

Gestal nods. “That is how battles are fought, my dear. If one can gain an advantage, and maintain it, the battle will most likely be won.”

“Yes, father. But I saw that every time Lord Arc escalated the battle the enemy was forced to do the same.”

Arc chuckles. “A prudent observation. The commander over the battle, Captain Shining Armor, was made to adapt his tactics several times to compensate for changes to the enemy’s strategy.”

Ashe frowns. “Begging your pardon, Lord Arc, but do you believe that was really necessary?”

“Sadly, yes. It led to more injuries on our side. However, our only other option would have been to retreat.”

Gestal nods soberly. “It is unlikely that any of us inside the base at the time would have survived had he done so, Ashe.”

“True. But I must be completely honest with you, sir. I had an ulterior motive for holding the line.”

Ashe smiles. “Did you now?”

“Yes. You see, a building called the Little Hooves Orphanage was just down the road from Light’s Hope. Had we retreated down the path our assailants would have followed and potentially decided to attack the building.”

Ashe appears suddenly interested. “The Little Hooves Orphanage? Tell me, is that by any chance where our own country’s orphans were sent?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Lady Ashe. They live there with Equestria’s own orphans.”

Gestal raises an eyebrow. “Together?”

“Yes sir.”

Ashe smirks. “Any… incidents?”

“Nothing major, no. The foals there had a bit of trouble adjusting to the newcomers, of course. But after a bit of time they warmed up to the younglings.”

Gestal frowns as he thinks to himself. “Forgive me, Lord Arc, but I’m having trouble imagining that.”

“Which part, father?”

“Different species living together in harmony.”

He turns to Arc.

“No offense intended to you or the equines of you land, of course.”

“None taken, sir.”

Ashe groans. “Is it really so hard to imagine, father? Not all races are so unwilling to adopt new ideas as ours.”

Gestal shakes his head. “Just because something is new doesn’t immediately make it better, Ashe.”

Ashe frowns. “Maybe not. But it’s certainly worth looking into.”

Gestal turns to Arc.

“Tell me, do the different pony races truly live together in harmony?”

“From what I’ve seen, yes. The Equestrians see everyone as one unified pony race, and not Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies.”

Ember clears her throat as she holds up the empty plate. Arc turns to her.

“Did you taste anything out of place.”

“No sir.”

“Thank you.”

He turns to Gestal and Ashe.

“I guess that means it’s safe for us to eat.”

Gestal nods stoically. “Yes.”

He waves a talon. A servant brings Ashe a clean plate as another takes the one from Ember.

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