• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 18 - Business Dealings

Arc heads to his quarters and grabs his satchel. Going out his back door, Arc heads for Ponyville's Blacksmith shop. Entering the shop, he finds it empty.

“Hello? Anyone here?”

A few moments later Platinum Valve comes scurrying out of the back room.

“Hi Mr. Arc! How are things?!”

Arc laughs! “Oh, you know me... busy averting catastrophes, fighting demons, and saving orphans.”

“Wow! That sounds like fun!”

Steel Hammer emerges from the back room looking rather sleep deprived. “Trust me, sweetheart. It is not.”

He turns to Arc.

“Arc, what can I do for you today?”

“I left that Magic Tome here when Platinum Valve enchanted my armor. Something like that really shouldn't be left unguarded. So I've decided to put it in my vault at Light's Hope. That and I found something I wanted you and your wife to look at.”

He nods. “Platinum Valve, go get your mother.”

“Okay dad!”

She scurries away as Steel Hammer opens a lockbox behind the counter and pulls out the tome. He gives it to Arc who places it in his satchel. Steel Hammer looks at the open door to the shop.

“They grow up so fast... but I'm sure you understand that all too well.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. One minute Dinky was a baby, the next she was Platinum Valve's age. You heard about that, huh?”

“Just because we're no longer the Heroes of Light doesn't mean we don't keep our ears to the ground.”

Platinum Valve re-emerges from the shop with her mother. She appears as haggard as her husband.

“Arc! Well this is a pleasant surprise! What can we do for you today?”

“I have something here I wanted an expert opinion on.”

He removes the damaged Hoof Cannons along with the scraps of Tempest's armor. Steel Hammer picks up a piece of the armor and studies it.

“This appears to be Adamantium, but it's been... modified somehow.

Silver Hammer looks over the Hoof Cannons. “These look very similar to our old Hoof Cannons, but are MUCH more advanced! Firepower, battery capacity, adaptability, energy modulation is all through the roof! From what I can see here, if you knew what you were doing you could make these cannons do much more than just shoot energy blasts!”

“The wielder of these used them to create some kind of energy blades!”

Steel Hammer looks over at them, astonished! “Incredible! Did they work?”

“Yes, she was able to block my attacks with them.”

Silver Hammer looks up at Arc. “Where did you get these from?”

“I took them, along with the metal scraps, from Special Agent Tempest.”

Both of the Hammers drop what is in their hooves as their heads snap over to Arc!


Arc nods. “I witnessed her committing numerous and heinous crimes! It had to end!”

“So Tempest is... gone?”

“I get the feeling she survived. How I don’t know.”

Steel Hammer nods, soberly. “If it were anypony else telling us these things I would call them a liar!”

Silver Hammer sighs. “We had heard rumors about Tempest's activities at New Beginning's Orphanage for years, but never really believed any of them... until now.”

Arc brings the Hammers up to date on what Tempest was up to. They shake their heads.

“How could we have let this happen?!”

“Those poor foals! Arc, I'm sure glad you were on the case to take care of this!”

“As am I. But please, don't beat yourselves up over the past! If you would like, feel free to pop over to Light's Hope and see how well the orphans are adjusting to their new life!”

Platinum Valve examines the broken Hoof Cannons. “Mr. Arc, I think I can fix these up for you! With my parent's help, we could even install these on Eidolon's Ward! Can we dad?!”

Steel Hammer looks over to Arc who nods approvingly.

“All right sweetheart. You be careful though!”

The little filly’s eyes light up! “Wow! Thanks Mr. Arc! I won't let you down!”

She runs back to the shop with the Hoof Cannons in tow! Arc turns to the Hammers.

“Do you think she can really get those things working again?”

Silver Hammer nods. “Undoubtedly! She’s actually better than we are with circuitry and magic. Give her a day or two and she'll have them working as good as new!”

Arc reaches into his satchel and pulls out a large bag of bits. He sets it on the counter.

“Good! Here’s the payment in advance!”

Steel Hammer looks to Arc, a pained expression on his face. “Arc, you don’t have to pay us for…”

“Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer... can I talk to you about a... personal problem?”

Silver Hammer looks confused. “Oh course! What seems to be the problem?”

Arc leans in close and lowers his voice. “You two are having money problems, aren’t you?”

Steel Hammer walks quickly over to the workshop door and closes it. “I don't want Platinum Valve overhearing this, but... yes.”

“How did you know?”

Arc sighs. “The looks on your faces told me. I've... seen it before. The face of one who lies awake at night trying to figure a way to pinch pennies to make it through the month.”

Steel Hammer nods sadly. “It's true. Business has never been plentiful here in Ponyville. But lately it's been especially bad!”

“We had exhausted all of our saving! There was absolutely nothing left!”

“I went to see Filthy Rich down at Barnyard Bargains to inquire if he would be interested in purchasing some of our weapons and armor to sell elsewhere in Equestria via his trade routes. At the time, he said he hadn't really put much thought into getting into that particular market.”

Silver Hammer clenches her teeth angrily. “Instead he offered my husband a loan.”

Arc looks to them, wide-eyed! “Wait! Filthy Rich owns the BANK too?!”

Silver Hammer sadly nods. “That he does. The loan amount was substantial, and the interest rate was fair, but part of the deal was that we would supply him with weapons and armor as needed, but at only slightly above cost!”

“What?! But... that's slavery! How long do you have to do this?!”

Steel Hammer hangs his head. “Until the loan is repaid in full. At the rate we're going, by that time we'll be grandparents!”

“Please don't worry yourself about our problems Arc! You've got enough to worry about without having to think about our mistakes!”

Arc clenches a fist angrily! “Not interesting in getting into that market indeed! Damn that Filthy Rich!”

“I take it you've had your own dealings with Mr. Rich?”

Arc nods. “I have indeed.”

He tells them about how Filthy Rich insisted on being paid 10,000 bits before he would send his train to Dodge Junction to transport a critically ill Cherry Jubilee to Ponyville. Steel Hammer furls his brow!

“The nerve of that stallion!”

“Doesn’t he have any idea who you two are?!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “No, he doesn't. And frankly, even if he did know I don't think it would change anything.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I going to need some blacksmith help in the near future, but you two are far too busy working for next to nothing to take the job!”

Steel Hammer sighs. “Believe me, if we could we would definitely prefer working for you than Mr. Rich any day!”

Arc paces the floor, trying to think of a solution. After a few minutes he turns to Steel Hammer.

“Would it be okay if I looked at the terms of your loan?”

“I’m not sure what good it would do, but sure!”

Opening another lockbox behind the counter he removes the scroll and gives it to Arc. He opens the scroll and reads its contents.

“When is your next shipment of goods to Filthy Rich due?”

Silver Hammer sighs as she answers. “He has a buyer arriving here in one week to pick up the order.”

“Perfect! I think I just figured a way for you to get out of this mess.”

Steel Hammer doesn’t seem to understand. “How?”

“Well, you said it yourself earlier that you would rather work for me than Filthy Rich, right?”

Silver Hammer nods happily! “In a heartbeat! But how does that help us?”

Arc lays the scroll on the counter. “I'll be back in a little while with the answer! Don't go anywhere!”

He heads out the shop door leaving the Hammers looking after him, quite confused! Arc heads through town toward Light's Hope. Suddenly he hears a familiar voice behind him!

“Well, well, well…”

Arc mutters under his breath. “Aw hell...”

He turns around to see Filthy Rich walking toward him with his scripted business smile.

“’This really isn't a good time Filthy Rich, as I’m quite busy at the moment.”

Filthy Rich chuckles. “If the rumors I have been hearing about you are true, I don't doubt that! You’re making quite a name for yourself in Equestria! So brave, so intelligent, so powerful...”

Arc sighs and interrupts. “Is this going somewhere? I really don't have time to...”

“I understand. You and I are the same! We both have more to do than we have time! If I may but have a moment of yours, all will become clear!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Fine! But make it quick!”

“If I may direct your attention to the Writ Board over yonder. I've placed several very... lucrative, but very dangerous jobs on it. You may be the only individual in town with the strength and intelligence to handle such tasks! What do you say? We can both become very wealthy together!”

Arc turns around and walks away. “Not interested.”

Filthy Rich follows him.

“Come now, be reasonable! I can make you a very rich human! You could have anything you want!”

Arc doesn’t slow down or look at Filthy Rich. “I already have everything I want.”

“You could have a bigger house!”

“I have a military base at my command.”

“Well, you could hire others to be at your beck and call!”

“I have Royal Guards and my own personal squad of Lunar Protectors.”

“Remember, he who has the money has the power.”

Arc stops and turns to Filthy Rich. “The Hero of Light's words carry the same weight as a princess' would. You see, there isn't really anything you can offer me that I don't already have!”

“But, with all that money you could retire! Give up your dangerous job and live a safe and peaceful life!”

“Who would protect Equestria then?”

“I'm sure the princesses can find somepony else who could...”

Arc interrupts! “Right there! That's your problem Filthy Rich! You think you can just PAY others to take all the risks, while you reap all the rewards! Well I got news for you! Sometimes you have to take care of things yourself! Maybe someday you'll learn that, but I doubt it.”

“Well, if I can't convince you to see reason, would you at least send you dragon servant to handle some of my writs? I'm sure she can handle it!”

Arc turns and walks away. “Ember is my friend! If she wants to complete writs for you that's her call, not mine!”

Filthy Rich calls out after him! “I already asked her! She turned me down!”

“Then there's your answer! Farewell, Mr. Rich.”

He watches Arc walk away as he mutters under his breath. “Arrogant young fool... I could have made all his dreams come true.”

Arc returns to Light's Hope and heads for the Vault. He opens it and places the Magic Tome on a shelf before casting his Matter Compacting spell on several bags before placing them in his satchel.

“That should do it.”

He quickly returns to the Hammer’s shop. Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer appear to be right where Arc left them.

“Sorry that took so long. I got held up in town by Filthy Rich. He wanted me to do some jobs for him.”

Silver Hammer looks at Arc nervously! “I hope you didn't take him up on it Arc! He's not to be trusted!”

“I know. He wanted to pay me to get him dangerous and hard to acquire items. As if I wasn't busy enough as it is! In any case, can I talk to Platinum Valve please?”

Steel Hammer nods. “Sure. I’ll go fetch her.”

A few moments later Steel Hammer and Platinum Valve come into the shop together.

“My dad said you wanted to talk to me Mr. Arc! What is it?!”

“Well, I just realized I never really thanked you for enchanting my armor for me.”

Platinum Valve smiles and bows. “That's okay Mr. Arc! It was an honor to be of service to the Hero of Light!”

“Well, there is one other matter you and I need to discuss concerning the job you did for me back then.”

She looks up at him, confused. “I'm sorry, but I don't understand.”

“You see Platinum Valve, in the adult world when you complete a job of some kind, you’re traditionally compensated in one way or another for your work. I'm here now to repay that debt!”

Arc reaches into his satchel and pulls out a small sack of bits. He sets it on the table and casts the Matter Compacting counter-spell. It returns to its normal size of a rather large sack of bits! The filly’s eyes grow wide!

“WOAH! How many bits is that?!”

“If I counted them correctly there should be 5,000 bits in there.”

Platinum Valve looks at the bag them back at Arc. “Mr. Arc? I'm sorry, but I can't take this! It's far too much!”

“Ah! There you are wrong. I did some checking and it looks like enchanting is quite a rare skill these days. An experienced enchanter would have charged me the same for the job you did!”

“But... it still feels wrong! Are you sure, Mr. Arc?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I'm sure! Tell me though... what are you going to do with all that money?”

She looks over to her parents. “Mom... dad... I want you to have it.”

Silver Hammer looks to her daughter confused. “But dear? Why?”

“I... I know you've been having trouble paying the bills lately. That's why I've been studying so hard! I wanted to help support our family! You were there for Equestria when it was in danger. Now I want to be there for you!”

Arc smiles at her. “That's very sweet of you Platinum Valve. I already gave your parents 1,000 bits to fix those Hoof Cannons. Do you think that will be enough to buy replacement parts?”

Platinum Valve nods. “Yes, it looks like most of the internal workings were spared. Most of the damage is external and cosmetic. It's actually going to be pretty easy to fix with a couple parts!”

“Glad to hear it!”

Arc turns to Steel Hammer.

“I'm looking for a blacksmith to do maintenance on the weapons in Light's Hope Armory. Sharpening, polishing, repairs, inspections. You know... make sure they are battle ready! I can offer 4,000 bits, all up front for your services. What do you say? Want to work for me?”

He looks to his wife and daughter. They nod their heads happily!

“Yes! It would be an honor to serve you, Hero of Light.”

“Please... we're all heroes here... call me Arc!”

Arc and Steel Hammer shake hands/hooves on the deal as Arc pulls another bag out of his satchel. He sets it on the counter and brings it back to normal size.

Silver Hammer looks suddenly downcast. “But what about our deal with Filthy Rich?”

Arc picks up the scroll from the counter and reads it aloud. "It says here, ‘All weapons and armor purchased during the time this contract is in force must be offered to the lien holder for only 10% above cost’. Take those bits to the bank and pay off your loan. Come on Steel Hammer, I'll help you carry them!”

The pair carry the bits to the bank and use them to pay off the Hammer’s loan. The loan officer counts them quickly and looks up.

“Everything seems to be in order here, Mr. Hammer. If you could please sign here, we will take possession of your payment and I will sign off on your loan.”

Steel Hammer does so and the Loan Officer finishes filling out the paperwork and issues a receipt. Arc turns to the loan officer.

“So this debt is completely and utterly paid in full?”

The officer nods. “Yes sir, and the Certificate of Payment there is legal proof of that. Be sure to keep it for your records!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Thank you! I shall!”

The pair leave the bank and walk down the street together toward the shop.

“Thank you very much Arc! This means a great deal to me and my family!”

Arc turns to Steel Hammer and smiles. “It is I who should be thanking you! The upgrades to my armor along with the enchantments from Platinum Valve have saved my life several times now. Say... about that shipment Filthy Rich is counting on. Have you made the weapons for it?”

Steel Hammer nods. “Yes. They are already packed up and ready for shipment. Why?”

“How would you like to make some more money AND get revenge on Filthy Rich?”

He grins at Arc, happily! “If anypony other than you had suggested it, I wouldn't have any part of this. Let's do it!”

The pair return to the shop. Steel Hammer points a hoof at a large crate.

“There's the crate with Filthy Rich's order in it.”

Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell on the crate and puts it in his satchel. “Okay, follow me!”

The pair walk back towards town. “I still don't see how that is going to help us, Arc.”

“Worst case scenario, we bring this crate back here. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.”

Steel Hammer nods! “Okay. You've done this much for us. I'll trust you to go the distance! Just one question... where are we going exactly?”

“To Barnyard Bargains to see Filthy Rich.”

Steel Hammer frown. “You actually WANT to see that cretin?!”

Arc smiles a wicked smile. “For once… yes!”

They enter Barnyard Bargains. Arc spots Ocean Breeze at the front desk and walks over to her.

“Well, well, long time no see! You've certainly come a long way since that day you made a delivery with Applejack!”

Arc smiles at her. “Nice to see you again, Ocean Breeze. How's the boss treating you?”

She sighs. “About the same as usual. Which is to say, not too well.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Let me ask you this... if you could wish for one thing right now, what would it be?”

Without missing a beat, Ocean Breeze responds. “A chair.”

Arc looks at her, confused. “What?”

“A chair silly! I stand here all day long without so much as a break! It's hard on my body, you know. It may not sound like much to you, but being able to sit down would be a dream come true! But I’m sure you didn’t come in here to hear about my problems. So, what brings you in here today?”

“I was wondering if Filthy Rich had time to talk to me about some... business.”

Ocean Breeze picks up the phone. “Hold on a second! I'll let him know you're here.”

A few moments later…

“Mr. Rich? The Hero of Light is here to see you about some sort of business dealings... Yes sir. Right away!”

She hangs up the phone and looks back at Arc.

“Follow me! He’s quite anxious to see you!”

Arc chuckles. “I’ll bet he is.”

Steel Hammer and Arc follow Ocean Breeze to Filthy Rich's office. It appears to be the nicest room in the entire facility! Ocean Breeze holds the door open for them before closing it and returning to her desk. Filthy Rich walks toward them as then enter, smugly.

“Well... well... well... can I assume you have reconsidered my earlier offer, Hero of Light?”

“Quite the opposite actually. Although I did come to discuss your business dealings with my friend Steel Hammer here.”

Filthy Rich smiles and shakes his head, happily. “I assure you, sir, that all my dealings are completely within the law! It's not personal mind you... it's just good business.”

Arc nods. “I've had a chance to look over the loan agreement and while I disagree with the way you do business, you are correct in saying what you are doing is indeed legal.”

Filthy Rich looks at Arc, confused. “Well then, why did you come here?”

“I thought you might like to see the fine armaments that Steel Hammer here is producing on your behalf.”

Arc pulls the crate out of his satchel and sets it down on the ground. He then casts the Matter Compacting counter-spell on it. Steel Hammer opens the crate.

“As you can see Mr. Rich, everything is here for your current order.”

Filthy Rich nods. “Very praiseworthy! However, I believe the agreement was that you would be paid by my courier next week when he picks up the order. If you don't like the terms of the agreement, well that sounds more like a personal problem to me.”

Arc nods at Filthy Rich as he closes the lid of the crate. “Steel Hammer has already informed me of that. However, I am here to inform YOU that there will be no sale!”

Filthy Rich chuckles. “I don't believe I follow your logic. Have you not read the terms of the loan?”

“Yes indeed, but I have found what we call in my world, a loop-hole.”

“That seems rather... unlikely. I wrote the terms of that contract personally. In fact, I have a copy of it right here in my desk if you would like to see it.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. I would.”

Filthy Rich produces an identical scroll and hands it to Arc. “Now what ‘loop-hole’ could you have possibly found in that agreement?”

“Right here. ‘All weapons and armor purchased during the time this contract is in force must be offered to the lien holder for only 10% above cost’. This agreement is only valid while the contract remains in force, correct?”

“And so it is! Steel Hammer has yet to pay back what he owes me. Therefore, this agreement still stands!”

Arc turns to Steel Hammer. “Would you be so kind as to show Mr. Rich that other paper please?”

Steel Hammer pulls out the Certificate of Payment and gives it to Filthy Rich. As he looks over the document, his eyes grow wide!

“WHAT?! How did he come up with 10,000 bits?!”

Arc takes the paper back from Filthy Rich and holds it a moment before turning back to Steel Hammer. “Remind me to have this framed later. It would look great on your shop wall!”

Steel Hammer agrees. “Indeed it would!”

Filthy Rich’s face turns crimson as he looks at Arc, angrily! “IT'S YOU! YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!”

Arc bows at the waist and smiles. “Guilty, as charged.”


Arc looks bored. “Oh, I doubt that.”

Filthy Rich regains his composure before continuing. “Oh really? Misdirecting public funds is most certainly a crime, even for the Hero of Light!”

“Yes, I suppose it would be… if it were true!”

The businesspony scoffs! “Oh?! And how do you figure that?!”

“To tell you the truth, I didn't even know about the debt when I went to his shop today. The purpose of my visit was to hire him to fix some very special armaments. You know, it's quite costly for replacement parts to fix military grade weapons. Especially ones that don't officially exist yet.”

Filthy Rich smiles, smugly. “Very true. But it most certainly doesn't cost 10,000 bits!”

Arc nods. “Very true. However enchanting services do.”


Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward and the Spear of Righteousness from his magic ring. He looks at Filthy Rich who takes a step back at the sudden appearance of an armed and armored Hero of Light.

“Does this look CHEAP to you?!”

Steel Hammer nods approvingly. “You wear it well, Arc!”

Arc returns his armor and spear to the ring. “Thank you. It was worth every bit!”

He turns to Filthy Rich. “Do you have ANY idea how expensive it is to enchant a Magic Ring with an enchantment that doesn't exist any longer as far as most know?!”

Filthy Rich looks over with a mixture of anger and understanding. “I suppose you do have a point!”

“I've also hired Steel Hammer to do maintenance on all the weapons and armor in my base's Armory! To get the rest of the money, I simply gave him an advance.”

He scowls. “That’s a bit… underhooved.”

“Everything I have done here is completely legal though, isn't it?”

Filthy Rich thinks for a moment. “As far as I can tell yes, but…”

Arc interrupts him. “No buts! It’s legal! End of story!”

“That may be, but I still made this order before the contract was fulfilled. That much of the deal still stands!”

Arc sits down on the crate. “Really? Didn't you say payment would be remitted next week by your courier?”

“Yes. But what does that have to do with it?”

Arc rubs his chin, thoughtfully. “So basically what you're telling me is that you didn't actually buy anything yet!”

Filthy Rich chuckles. “A legal technicality! Believe me, I will most certainly win this argument... in court!”

“I see. You may be right about that. Tell me again... when is the courier coming to collect these items?”

He appears impatient. “As I said a moment ago, next week!”

Arc nods. “And how long before the judge would hear the case?”

“Probably a month or so.”

Arc stands and walks over to the phone on the desk. “I guess you better call and inform them their shipment will be delayed by a month... or so!”

The blood drains from Filthy Rich’s face. “But I can't do that! He and I made a deal! I'd have to pay a penalty on top of losing a very wealthy client!”

He walks back over to the crate and sits down. “That sounds like a personal problem to me.”

Tense moments tick by as Arc looks back at a seething Filthy Rich, then back down at the crate as he pats it.

“You want this, don’t you?”

Yes, I want that crate!”

Arc nods. “I'm sure my friend Steel Hammer would be willing to part with it for, say... 2,000 bits?”

“What?! But, that's full-blown retail cost! It's extortion!”, Filthy Rich explodes!

Arc looks bored. “Hurts, doesn't it? It's not personal mind you... it's just good business. Oh, I have an idea! How about 2,000 bits, and you give Ocean Breeze downstairs a nice chair to sit on during her shifts?”

“What?! Why do you care about Ocean Breeze?!”

“I like her. And besides, she's keeping this place running, is she not? You know, the mundane day to day crap that you don't think about? Well, it may be crap work, but it still needs to be done! Now Mr. Rich... do we have a deal?”

Filthy Rich thinks for a moment. “I'll give you 1,000 bits for the crate.”

Arc shrinks the crate down and picks it up. He and Steel Hammer walk toward the door.

“Good day, Mr. Rich.”

“1,500 bits!”

Arc doesn’t slow down or say a word. As he puts a hand on the doorknob…

“Fine! 2,000 bits it is!”

Arc stops, sets the crate down next to the door and returns it to its normal size. “I'm glad we could come to an agreement, Mr. Rich. Now... about that chair...”

A few minutes later Arc and Steel Hammer leave the office. They are both carrying something and snickering!

Steel Hammer looks at the bags of bits in his hoof. “That was priceless!”

Arc chuckles. “I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed that!”

“The look on his face will be forever burned into my memory, Arc”, Steel Hammer exclaims!

They return to the front counter as Arc rolls something over to Ocean Breeze.

“Here you go Ocean Breeze. One chair!”

She looks at it, wide-eyed! “What?! But… this is Mr. Rich’s chair!”

“It WAS Mr. Rich's chair. Now it's yours. Enjoy!”

Ocean Breeze sits down happily! “You must be quite the negotiator!”

Steel Hammer nods in agreement. “Oh, he is! He is…”

“Oh... now I know my Mr. Rich doesn't leave his office much... this is NICE! Thank you ever so much, Arc!”

“You’re welcome! Well, we must be on our way!”

The pair leave Barnyard Bargains. Steel Hammer turns to Arc.

“I'll be at Light's Hope first thing in the morning to get to work!”

Arc nods. “I probably won't see you as I have a mission to run tonight. But I'll let my office know you’re coming. Your wife and daughter are also welcome at Light's Hope anytime. And feel free to have a good breakfast before you start work. My chef is the best!”

“Thank you Arc. I think I’ll take you up on that! Good luck with your task! Whatever it is!”

The two part ways. Meanwhile, in Filthy Rich’s office, the businesspony sits behind his desk using the crate as a temporary chair, furious!

“Damn you Arc! Damn you to everlasting HELL!!! Ouch! A splinter!”

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