• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Traditions

Arc, Twilight, and Hammer walk down the corridor toward the cafeteria. Entering, they find Natalya, Celestia, and Ashe sitting together at a table going over some paperwork. Approaching, Celestia calls out.

“Hello again.”

Natalya gestures to the table. “The ambassador and I were just going over the legality of our plans, sir.”

Arc nods as he and the others sit down. “So you’ve come to a decision then?”

Ashe picks up a stack of papers. “She tentatively has, yes. “

Natalya appears suddenly apprehensive. “But that’s kinda dependent on how your own meeting went, sir.”

Hammer gives her a thumbs up. “All good on our end!”

Twilight smiles at Natalya. “We all unanimously voted to allow you to join the herd, Natalya.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “That’s rather surprising.”

Natalya sighs. “I suppose it’s... good that they all agree.”

Arc looks to her. “You don’t appear too thrilled about it.”

“It’s my siblings, sir. They don’t like the idea of someone taking my inheritance in addition to ‘forcing’ me to marry them.”

Hammer scoffs. “Ain’t nobody here forcing anyone to do anything though!”

Twilight nods. “Yes, at least on our end, that is.”

Celestia bows her head. “While I too am against allowing such an action, there is admittedly little I can do to stop it.”

Ashe groans. “Young Gallus was the most vocal about it. However, I believe it’s more about protecting his sister than regarding the actually inheritance, Lord Arc.”

Natalya looks to Arc sheepishly. “I understand that everything required of me now is due to griffon law. And while I am thankful that you are willing to... help me in this matter, I am still rather torn on the process, sir.”

Arc appears confused. “Process?

Ashe gestures to the paperwork on the table before them. “A lot of forms need to be filled out, filed with the proper entities, and traditions followed.”

Twilight frowns. “Traditions?”

Celestia nods. “The Griffon Kingdom does require a number of proverbial legal hoops in all things, after all.”

Hammer smirks. “Like ‘something borrowed, something new’?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not exactly. As I’m sure you’ve already noticed, sir, everything here in the Griffon Kingdom has a proper procedure that need to be followed. Matrimony is no exception to this either.”

Arc sighs. “Kinda figured there would be more to it. How do we get started?”

“First, you must publicly ask me to marry you in the presence of my parents.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “Since that stipulation is not an option right now, the law dictates that the closest living relatives can be substituted to fill this role.”

Twilight grimaces. “Gallus and Gabby?”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “I don’t see them going along with something they don’t agree with though.”

Arc looks to the ambassador. “Can they stop it?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not really, no. “

Celestia shrugs. “You must understand that this part is merely a tradition and not actually a substitute for a legally binding marriage.”

Hammer groans. “Then why the heck are we doing it?!”

Natalya looks to the others. “Because this is going to be the first legally recognized marriage of a griffon to a non-griffon in the nation’s history. And as such, it will set the precedent for generations to come. So we have to make sure to follow the customs of the Griffon Kingdom to the letter.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “It will also help prevent legal challenges in the future. Any deviation from what has always been done could open Natalya, and by proxy you, up to legal troubles.”

“I’ll do whatever is asked of me to prevent that though.”

Natalya sighs. “Thank you, sir.”

Twilight nods as she turns to Celestia. “When will the official declaration take place?”

“Today at dinner.”

Hammer gasps. “Right here in the cafeteria?!”

Natalya shrugs. “The language of the ‘public declaration’ is rather vague. It’s generally done in the middle of the town square as the pair’s immediate families look on. One of us needs to declare to the other their feelings.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “In Equestria we just call that ‘proposing’.”

Arc nods. “Same on Earth too.”

Ashe turns to Arc. “As the higher ranked half of this... relationship, you will be required to declare you intentions while Natalya accepts.”

Hammer frowns. “So what exactly does he have to say?”

Natalya blushes slightly. “Whatever he wants to mostly. It just has to end with something along the lines of ‘will you marry me’.”

Ashe picks up where Natalya left off. “Most griffons like to take that opportunity to talk about their early relationship at that point. Tell those assembled how they met and any major events leading up to that moment. However, as Natalya stated, the only real requirement is that you ask for her talon in marriage at the end.”

Natalya nods. “After the initial declaration the mother and father, or in this case Gallus and Gabby, have to give their permission to Lord Arc in order for us to be officially engaged.”

Celestia grimaces. “Will they though?”

Natalya groans. “They kinda have to at this point, as the official won’t certify the engagement without their consent.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Official?”

Ashe nods. “They bear witness to the event in its entirety. After which, they sign the document making the engagement legally binding.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘legally binding’, Ashe?”

“After that point, in the eyes of the law that is, you are required to marry one another within a reasonable amount of time. Generally no longer than six months for commoners, and up to two years for nobles.”

Twilight frowns. “So what would happen if they decided to call it off after that, Ashe?”

“She could take Lord Arc to court under a ‘breach of promise’ torte. The court would either order the marriage to take place on schedule or force him to pay a very large fine and be publicly humiliated.”

Natalya quickly chimes in. “I’d be willing to peacefully call off the matter if you changed your mind, Lord Arc. There’s no need for theatrics or shaming.”

Celestia bows her head. “It would still harm our two nation’s relationship though, so please think about this matter thoroughly before going through with it.”

Arc nods soberly. “I understand. Hopefully something else comes up, of course. But if not, I’m fully willing to do this with you, Natalya.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Hammer looks around. “So who’s going to be our official for this thing?”

Ashe raises a talon. “I am. It’s one of the duties of an ambassador. Assuming one of those getting married is a citizen of the country I’m representing.”

Twilight nods. “Which Natalya still is.”

Natalya looks toward the doorway. “We’ve planned to take care of that first step before supper today. So Gallus and Gabby should be here any time now.”

A few minutes later Gallus and Gabby enter the Cafeteria together. They appear angry as they approach the others. Natalya walks over to them.

“Thank you for coming you two.”

Gallus groans. “It’s not like we have a choice here.”

Gabby frowns. “Yeah. You told us that we had to, remember?”

Ashe clears her throat loudly. “It’s actually the law that says you have to be here though. Not your sister.”

Hammer shrugs. “Kinda comes to the same thing.”

Celestia nods. “Indeed.”

Twilight looks to Ashe. “Maybe we should get started. “

Arc looks toward the kitchen. “Yes, it smells like dinner is almost done. Don’t want to keep Saffron waiting.”

Ashe hops up on top of a table and looks to Arc and Natalya. “If you two are ready, you may begin at any time.”

They walk up to Ashe together. Arc turns to Natalya and speaks.

“I, uh... I met Natalya not that long ago when she was assigned to be my escort during a diplomatic visit to the Griffon Kingdom. We didn’t exactly start off on the right foot, but I soon learned to respect and trust her. Later, when she was... forced to come to Equestria, I saw to it she was given a job at the Little Hooves Orphanage along with her older brother, Gallus. It was to keep them together as a family as well as allow her to be able to earn a living in her new home.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc continues.

“And now we come before our family and friends so I may ask... will you marry me, Natalya?”

Natalya bows her head and nods sadly. Ashe looks to her after a few moments.

“Forgive me. I’m very sorry to cut in like this, but the law clearly states that you must speak the words audibly unless mute.”

Natalya whispers. “I... I will.”

Ashe leans forward. “Again my apologies, but the law also dictates that you must answer loud enough for everyone whom is part of the ceremony to hear you.”

Taking a deep breath, she looks to her siblings and speaks.

“I... yes. Yes, I will consent to marry you, Lord Arc.”

Gallus looks away angrily as Gabby frowns at her sister. Ashe nods and clears her throat.

“Then as ambassador, I hereby formally announce the engagement of Natalya Goldstone of the Griffon Kingdom to Lord Arc of Equestria.”

She looks to Twilight, Celestia, and Hammer while making a clapping motion with her talons. They begin applauding and approach the couple together. Twilight is the first to speak.

“I... guess congratulations are in order.”

Celestia nods. “That they are.”

Hammer shrugs. “I’m bipartisan on that.”

Gallus scoffs. “I still think you’re making a big mistake here, Natalya!”

Gabby grunts. “Me too! He’s going to take you away from us!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I’m not. Your sister will still work at the orphanage in Ponyville when we’re done here.”

Natalya nods. “Right. Lord Arc has promised that nothing needs to change in either of our lives.”

Gallus frowns. “While I do understand that this is supposed to be just a marriage of convenience, I still feel that the Griffon Kingdom is in the wrong here yet again! I mean... Natalya just keeps getting the short end of the stick!”

Gabby stomps her feet angrily. “Right! Gallus should be marrying Lord Arc! Not you, Natalya!”

Gallus turns to his little sister aghast. “Wha-what?!”

Ashe looks to him. “That could potentially be allowed under and exemption. I could tell the powers that be here in the Griffon Kingdom that as a citizen of Equestria, Lord Arc is free to marry whomever he chooses. And I haven’t yet signed the papers making it official. We could start over with you.”

Gallus shakes his head nervously. “No way! I’m not into that sort of thing or him for that matter!”

Gabby frowns. “But it is just a marriage of... what was that word again?!”

Celestia steps forward to answer her. “Convenience, my dear.”

“Right! So if that’s all it is, then you could take her place, Gallus!”

Gallus turns away angrily. “Not happening!”

“Come on! He seems like a really nice... uh... thingy!”

Natalya gasps. “Human, Gabby!”

Gallus frowns. “If you like him so much, then you marry him!”


Turning to Arc, Gabby runs over to him.

“Marry me, Lord Arc!”

Arc gasps. “What?!”

Ashe facepalms. “Sadly, that actually is an option at this point, as the Griffon Kingdom has no laws stating a youngling can’t be wed.”

Twilight frowns. “But it is illegal back in Equestria.”

Celestia puts a hoof on her former student’s shoulder. “As you’ve reminded me in the past though, Twilight, the Hero of Light is above the law. So legally he could take a youngling bride.”

Hammer makes a face. “That’s just gross though!”

Gabby glares at her. “I’m perfectly clean! Gallus and I bathed just this morning!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think that’s what she meant.”

Gabby looks to Arc pleadingly. “Come on! It’s just a marriage of continent lance!”

Twilight sighs. “Convenience, miss.”

“Yeah, that! I’ll be the bestest wife ever too! So, what do you say?!”

Arc shakes his head. “While I do appreciate your, uh… eagerness, I think you’re a bit too young for me, miss.”

Gabby groans. “Aw... I’m never going to get that money.”

Natalya shakes her head. “I know you want to be able to buy whatever it is that you want again, Gabby. But marriage isn’t the way to do that.”

“But you’re marrying him out of... whatever that word was!”

“One of us has to do it though.”

“I still think Gallus would make a much better wife to Lord Arc than you would, Natalya!”

Gallus shakes his head as he blushes. “No, I wouldn’t! And I’d be his husband, not his wife!”

Gabby shrugs. “Sounds about the same to me!”

Gallus groans. “Fine.”

He turns to Arc and walks over to him.

“If... if you’d like, I’d be willing to... take my sister’s place.”

Arc shakes his head. “Thanks, but I’m not really... um... into that sort of thing.”

“But Gabby is right though. I mean, it doesn’t really matter whom does this deed here.”

Natalya sighs. “I already filled out the paperwork to accept the inheritance though.”

Ashe quickly chimes in. “You could file an amended form three-thirty part G designating you desire to revoke your original claim though. However, I must warn you that such a form is well over a hundred pages in length and must be filled out in triplicate. And that’s not including the forms to seek an exemption from the law to allow for a same sex marriage.”

Hammer groans. “Heck, just getting married has GOT to be easier than all that!”

Natalya nods. “Agreed. My original claim stands. Both for the inheritance as well as my acceptance of Lord Arc’s... proposal.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “Now that we have that out of the way, what’s next on the list of things that we need to do?”

Ashe taps a stack of papers on the table next to them. “I need to sign and file these documents stating that I witnessed the official proposal between yourself and Natalya. Normally that would take several hours to complete. However, I’ve already taken the liberty of filling out almost everything ahead of time.”

Celestia smiles approvingly. “A good idea there, ambassador.”

Twilight looks to the papers. “So they just have to sign it?”

Ashe picks up a pen. “Close, Princess Twilight. It will require about two dozen signatures.”

Hammer facepalms. “Should’ve seen that coming.”


Arc mutters under his breath as he and Natalya step toward the stack of papers. “I hate bureaucracy.”

As they finish signing the last documents, Celestia walks over to the kitchen door. Opening it, she motions for Saffron to approach as she calls out to the mare.

“I’m sorry for the delay, but we’re ready for dinner now.”

Saffron nods. “Yes, Princess Celestia. I’ll move everything from the warmers to the carts.”

Smiling in affirmation, Celestia returns to the others as Ashe gathers up all the paperwork and stuffs it into a satchel.

“I’ll run this over to the Aviary right away.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Can’t it wait until after supper though?”

Hammer nods as she sniffs the air. “Yeah. Judging by the smell, I don’t think you want to miss this.”

Ashe pats her satchel. “Tempting, but I want to get this filing started with the after-hours clerical staff.”

Gabby appears confused. “After-hours?”

Natalya sighs. “There’s so much paperwork that needs to be filed that the clerical staff runs three shifts to keep up with it.”

Gallus scoffs. “Sounds like more of a pain than it’s worth to me.”

Ashe puts a talon to her chin as she speaks. “Well, my father has ordered that this be given priority treatment. So it should sail through the process with ease.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Great! Uh... how much longer do you think it will take to finish this matter?”

“I would imagine around a week.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s ‘sailing’?”

Gallus rolls his eyes. “Sounds like it to me.”

Natalya nods. “That’s why most couples have such a long engagement, Lord Arc. A lot of it is waiting for the proper paperwork to go through.”

Gabby gasps. “So a week long engagement really is lightning then?!”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose it is.”

Ashe picks up her satchel and hefts the strap over her shoulder. “Well, I’m off.”

Celestia calls out. “We shall save some supper for you, ambassador.”

Ashe looks over her shoulder. “Thank you, Princess Celestia. I’ll try to get back quickly.”

Heading for the door, she makes her way to the main hatch and out onto the deck. Spreading her wings, Ashe takes flight. Soaring over the city, she looks down at the collection of slums that make up the outer crust of Griffonstone. As she flies toward the Aviary at the center of the city, the houses slowly become nicer and better kept until they turn into mansions and large estates. Sighing, she shakes her head.

“I never really noticed how quickly things go from tar paper shanties to mansions in some places. While I know that the servants certainly can’t afford nicer accommodations than they have, even the lowest of them should at least be able to live in better homes than that.”

Continuing on, she looks at the Aviary before her.

“My commander is right though. We can’t just give up the fight without enacting meaningful change. The rank and file of the nation are counting on us to help them, after all.”

Tapping her beak, she frowns.

“But at the same time, we can’t just do whatever it takes to get results. Blowing up a carriage in the middle of the street isn’t the work of freedom fighters. Just mindless terrorists.”

Arriving at the Aviary, Ashe makes her way inside and down the familiar corridors. The sun has reached its lowest point causing the hallways to be very dimly lit by this point. Rounding a corner, she hears a small whistle. Looking around a few moments to make sure that she is alone, Ashe spies a nearby door slightly ajar. Quickly entering it, she quietly closes the door behind her and waits. A few moments later the sound of footfalls approaching ring out. A small light on a nearby table turns on and a rebel cloak wearing griffon looks to her with a smirk.

“Here we are again.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Yes, indeed… commander.”

“You don’t sound very happy to see me.”

“I’m still a bit upset with you at the moment.”

“Is this about the carriage incident?”

“It is, yes.”

“You know what happened wasn’t our intention.”

Ashe frowns. “Intended or not, a lot of innocent griffons were harmed that day. Some gravely.”

“We’ve gone over this, Ashe. War is pain and loss. That and we can’t wage it without losing some griffons here and there.”

“That isn’t what we set out to do though! Freeing the nation from the current ruling party is!”

“A few will die to see to it that the rest of the nation has a happier tomorrow, Ashe. The sacrifices are well within tolerance given what is at stake here.”

“I won’t be a part of such a thing! I can’t!”

The commander sighs. “Equestrian life has made you soft, Ashe. You’ve forgotten what it means to be down in the dirt with the rest us.”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, I haven’t. My methods and mindset have just changed. Not the end goal.”

The rebel commander leans against a wall as he speaks. “Fine then, Ashe. What is it that you think we should do to free the nation?”

“Enact change from the bottom up.”


“By showing the working class that there are other options available to them besides poverty. The factories that were opened here by the Equestrians are making a nice profit for their owners.”

“So you’re now helping the pony fat-cats?”

“Not exactly. The steps I’ve taken are actually more for the benefit of our citizens.”


“I’ve already sent in the proper paperwork requesting permission from the king and Council of Lords to be allowed to open more of them.”

“But how would that help?”

“According to the treaty, their factories here in the Griffon Kingdom must follow Equestrian labor laws. Fair pay, safer working conditions, and reasonable working hours.”

“I must admit, that is a step in the right direction. But such things will take quite some time to go through the bureaucratic hoops. Then they must obtain building permits, gather supplies, actually build the facilities, and then look at staffing them. Our citizens are suffering NOW, Ashe!”

“Yes, they are. But even you can’t say that this whole treaty business with Equestria hasn’t benefitted the lower class at all.”

“A drop in the bucket though. They need more and they need it now.”

Ashe sighs. “I don’t disagree with you. But this is the best way to change things for everyone.”

“A country of factory workers, Ashe?”

“Not exactly. As the lower class citizens take home more money they will also spend more. That will help those whom provide goods and services to afford to expand their own businesses.”

“And taxed at a higher rate, no less.”

Ashe nods soberly. “No system is perfect, I admit. Princess Celestia spoke to me about this very matter some time ago. She referred to it as ‘trickle up economics’.”

“Heavy on the ‘trickle’ I might add.”

“It will be slow going, yes. But as it stands, our nation is well on course to entering into a new age of peace and prosperity within a few decades.”

“Which brings us right back to my original point of the commoners of TODAY needing help NOW!”

Ashe frowns. “I’ll have to leave the future of our movement to you then.”


“My old rebel uniform is hanging up behind a secret false back in my closet within my father’s estate.”

“I... I don’t understand. What are you saying, Ashe?”

Ashe sighs. “That I can’t be a part of this movement anymore.”

“So you’re just going to walk away?!”

Ashe shakes her head. “No, I’m not. I’ll continue trying to bring about change via my position within the Equestrian government.”

“Such will take far too long though!”

“True. Which is where you come in.”


Ashe nods. “Take up my uniform and assume command of the rebels as their new leader.”

The commander frowns. “Like I’ve been doing since you left?”

“I suppose so. But now officially.”

“What do I tell then though? They’ll want to know what happened to you. Should I say that you were killed? Or captured?”

“Simply say... that I’ve taken a more talon’s-on approach and don’t want to bring the authorities down on the rest of them.”

“They won’t accept that though!”

Ashe smiles sadly. “Yes, they will. Because it is the truth and it comes from you. The one whom held the group together after I left for Equestria.”

“I will do my very best, Ashe. But... do you have any suggestions as to where we should go from here?”

“Just keep fighting the good fight. And don’t forget what it is that you’re fighting for. The leadership of the Griffon Kingdom needs to be changed, of course. But without needless bloodshed.”

The commander frowns. “You do know that isn’t possible though, right?”

“Maybe not. But do your very best. You have your mission and I have mine. Just do me one favor.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me that the rebels will do their best to leave any and all Equestrian’s that come to the Griffon Kingdom alone. That kind of thing will only hurt those whom we’re trying to help.”

“Very well, Ashe. You have my word that any and all Equestrians will be safe from us when they come here. To the best of our abilities, that is.”

“Especially the princesses.”

“Why them?”

“Because the public loves seeing Princess Twilight riding around the city on her chariot. And she can’t do that if there’s the threat of rebel assassins looming over her. And if not for them, for me as a personal favor.”

“Understood. I will tell the others to give any Equestrian diplomats an extra wide berth in the future.”

“Thank you. This will go a long way in giving our citizens hope.”

“It’s the least I could do after all we’ve been through together.”

He motions to Ashe’s satchel before continuing.

“What are you here for at such an hour anyways, Ashe?”

“Paperwork that may help bring the Griffon Kingdom on step closer to freedom.”


“Lord Arc is going to be marrying a... um... a certain very high profile griffon.”

“How does that help us?”

“It will give him a foothold in this nation, as the griffon in question is very wealthy.”

“Is that so.”

Ashe nods. “Yes.”

“I still fail to see how allowing a noble of another species to sink their meat hooks into our land’s wealth will help advance our goals.”

“The current business moguls take as much as they can get and still desire more. He wishes only to help others become all that they can be. Imagine such an individual with large amounts of wealth opening businesses or investing in other industries.”

“He is planning to do such things?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. But even if he were to leave his money in the bank, Lord Arc would still be able to force the institution to cave to his will regarding their business practices.”

“They would never go for it.”

“Believe me, with as much money is at stake, he would simply let the banks know that he is willing to deposit everything into the one whom agrees to his terms.”

The commander gasps. “The wealth of this griffon is THAT much?!”

Ashe nods. “That it is. And its control being transferred to him will most likely bring about some of the changes we’re looking for. It will still be slow, of course. But much faster than what we were anticipating prior to this.”

“Are you certain of this, Ashe? Perhaps he and this griffon will change their minds.”

Ashe pats the satchel at her side. “That is unlikely, as I have the engagement papers right here.”

“So it is... official?”

“Yes. Signed, sealed, and soon to be delivered. So when this matter is finalized, I will be quite busy.”

“I’m sure you will be.”

Ashe turns to the door. “Well... I should probably be off.”



“Will I... will we ever see you again?”

Ashe sighs as she puts a talon on the knob. “I... don’t really know. Perhaps one day when the land is truly free I will no longer be needed. Then I may be able to return and enjoy the freedom along with everyone else. But for now... farewell.”

Opening the door, Ashe slips out into the corridor. The commander frowns as he heads for a secret passage on the other side of the room. Making his way outside the Aviary, he heads for Lord Gestal’s estate under the cover of darkness. Arriving at the secret passageway, he enters Ashe’s room and heads for the closet. Pulling aside the false back, he spies Ashe’s rebel leader’s cloak. Removing it from its place on a hook, he quickly retreats through the passage. As he moves down it silently he mutters to himself.

“Ashe seeks to marry Lord Arc and use her father’s wealth to help the nation’s commoners. A potentially long waiting game, as her father is healthy and strong.”

Smirking, he continues.

“Unless... her plan is to wed Lord Arc and then arrange for her father to meet an untimely end. Or... perhaps Lord Arc truly is the one pulling the strings. A sobering thought.”

Reaching the street again, he looks at the cloak and mask in his talon and sighs.

“Ashe is either a total victim in this matter or a bona-fide criminal mastermind. And at this point I can’t really say which she is. All I can do is follow her suggestion and try to come up with a way to bring about a change in leadership to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Tapping his talon against his beak for a few moments, he continues as a smile crosses his face.

“And I think I know just the one to help me.”

Sometime later Arc and company finish their supper together. Twilight turns to Celestia and smiles.

“That place Arc and I went for our date was just amazing!”

Celestia giggles regally. “I’m very happy that you had so much fun, Twilight. And that you were able to pay for it from your gambling winnings. However, I must caution you not to fall down the rabbit hole of relying on betting to earn your money.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. Extravagant places like that aren’t built on winners, after all, but losers.”

Gallus stands and looks to Twilight. “Thank you for the meal, your highness.”

Gabby rubs her belly. “Yeah! That was yummy!”

Natalya turns to her sister. “You should probably get to bed soon though, Gabby. It’s getting late, after all.”

“But I’m not even...!”

Gabby interrupts her own sentence with a long, drawn out yawn. Gallus raises an eyebrow and shakes his head.

“You were saying?”

Gabby sighs. “Guess I should get back to our room.”

Hammer chuckles as she steps toward Gabby. “Come on. I’ll help you.”

Picking the young griffon up, Hammer heads for the door with Gallus following closely behind. He turns to Natalya at the door.

“You coming, sis?”

Natalya shakes her head. “Not just yet. I’ll be along later. Don’t wait up for me though.”

Nodding, Gallus leaves the cafeteria. Natalya looks to Twilight and Celestia as she bows her head respectfully.

“I wanted to thank you two for coming along on this trip.”

Twilight smiles at her. “It’s no trouble, Natalya. After all, you’re very important to us.”

Natalya appears confused. “I am?”

Celestia nods. “Yes. Those whom help raise the next generation are to be treasured for their service to Equestria.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “You and Gallus are probably a welcome sight to the incoming orphans from the Griffon Kingdom. A bit of familiarity can go a long way in helping sooth their worries, after all.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “I do want to especially thank you as well, sir. It’s not just anyone whom would go so far to help someone.”

“It’s my pleasure, Natalya.”

Twilight giggles. “You’ll be a member of our growing family too.”

Celestia looks to Twilight soberly. “Yes, I suppose she will be. But only on paper.”

Natalya nods. “Indeed. After all, I don’t want to do anything to hurt the relationship you and Lord Arc share, Princess Twilight.”

“And we do appreciate that. However, I would like to say that we do envy you for being the first of us to be able to wed Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s just something to keep the Griffon Kingdom happy though.”

Natalya smiles at Twilight. “Yes, your highness. But I assume you’ll be walking down the aisle with him yourself soon enough.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Is that so, Twilight?”

Twilight’s ears droop. “Not exactly. We’ve both been quite busy with... everything lately.”

Arc sighs. “I... haven’t really had the time to talk to any of my future wives about our own wedding yet either.”

Celestia appears relieved. “There’s plenty of time for such things. After all, you’re so young still, Twilight. One mustn’t rush these things, after all.”

Natalya nods. “Agreed. Making the right choice along with the proper timing is very important in any situation. Moreso for matrimony.”

Twilight grins. “But hopefully soon we can at least start.”

Celestia stands and turns to Twilight. “And on that note, you and I should retire for the evening as well.”

“I’m not really tired yet though, Princess Celestia.”

“Then might I suggest that we do a bit of reading together?”

Twilight gasps happily. “We haven’t done that for so long!”

Celestia smiles at her former student. “Then let us set about rectifying that oversight at once.”

They head for the door together as Natalya turns to Arc.

“Sir, I... um...”

“Something wrong, Natalya?”

“Not... exactly. I just... don’t really know what to do right now.”

“Regarding your future?”

Natalya sighs. “That, my siblings, and what I should do with the money when this matter is settled.”

“The deposits will be a slow drip from the principal amount, of course. But I’m sure they’ll still be nothing to sneeze at.”

“I’d give it all up just to have peace with Gallus and Gabby.”

“That’s not something you should feel too concerned about. Gabby is far too attached to physical desires. And Gallus is merely worried about his older sister.”

“All I want is for things to go back to the way they were before all this started. Get up, eat breakfast, tutor the younglings, assist with lunch preparations, help with Miss Cheerilee and Miss Peachbottom with their classes, aid Miss Derpy in the kitchen for supper, eat together, and go to bed.”

Arc chuckles. “The simple life.”

“Is it really asking too much for us to be allowed to be happy though, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. In fact, that’s something that pretty much everyone is striving for. Regardless of income and social status. The wealthy are able to spoil themselves and their families with large houses and expensive goods. While those on the bottom rung of society must settle for much more... simple pleasures I would assume.”

Natalya nods. “A slightly thicker blanket, food that is a bit less rotten, and a roof that doesn’t leak as badly are the most sought after luxuries for the extremely poor in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc gestures toward a window as he speaks. “Just like the rich, the poor still want to attain some degree of comfort and happiness for themselves and their families. Just like you want for Gallus and Gabby. The methods by which they try to find joy are certainly very different though. So my advice to you is to try and figure out how to rekindle the a fore mentioned happiness together with your siblings after this is all over.”

“How do I start though, sir?”

“Try just talking with them. Ask what they want to do and see if it’s a reasonable request.”

Natalya puts a talon to her chin thoughtfully. “Gallus would probably want to take the orphans into town and buy them some sweets from Sugarcube Corner.”

“And Gabby?”

Natalya sighs. “Probably a big house and plenty of expensive things to fill it.”

Arc groans. “That would be much more difficult to obtain.”

“If the amount of bits we’ll most likely be getting is anywhere near what I think it will be, I could probably afford to build her a castle.”

“But would that actually make her happy?”

Natalya shakes her head sadly. “No, sir. But she believes it would, I’m sure.”

“Being raised in the lap of luxury would make anything less than what one was accustomed to pale in comparison.”

“A big house, nice furnishings, maids, butlers, gardeners, guards, and unlimited entertainment. All things she grew up with at the tips of her talons.”

“And you don’t think that’s healthy for her, do you?”

“Not really, sir. I mean... it’s not a bad thing to have such niceties. However, I do think that the a fore mention things in her life have helped make Gabby into the spoiled little youngling that she is today.”

Arc nods. “You’ve identified the problem. Now what should be the remedy?”

“I’d like to get Gabby used to living like an average Equestrian citizen. A modest house, a healthy amount of normal food, no servants, and an average possessions.”

“Might I make a suggestion there?”

“Of course, sir.”

“How about giving her an allowance?”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “An allowance?”

Arc nods. “A set number of bits given to her at the beginning of each week that she can spend on whatever she wants. Sweets, toys, or whatever else she likes.”

Natalya sighs. “Knowing Gabby, she’ll come crying to me in about twenty minutes when it’s all gone.”

“That’s the point. Show her that money isn’t an unlimited commodity so she’ll learn to treat it wisely.”

“I suppose it’s something she should have learned long ago. Gallus and I will have a talk later about how much she should get.”

Arc smiles. “Good. He should be part of that conversation too, after all. You two... you’re more or less her parent’s now.”

Natalya nods sadly. “Yes, I... Miss Pommel gave me the papers to sign already. Someone has to be responsible for her, after all.”

“It was either you, Gallus, or she would have become a ward of the state.”

“That’s what she told me. Miss Pommel, I mean. But that also means that I have to raise her with Gallus now that our father is gone.”

Arc puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You’ll do okay. Just start with trying to get her used to having less than literally everything she wants and go from there.”

“I shall, sir.”

Ashe walks into the cafeteria and heads over to them with her satchel. Arc turns to her as she approaches.

“Welcome back, ambassador. I trust you were successful?”

Ashe nods and pats her satchel. “I was indeed.”

Pulling out a stack of papers, she hands them to Arc before continuing.

“The appropriate paperwork has been submitted and is being processed even as we speak. However, since this is a priority job for them, I’ve brought back the documents stating that they have accepted your papers and recognize their legal status.”

Natalya appears confused. “What exactly does that mean though?”

“That you two are now legally engaged in the eyes of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc sighs. So what happens now?”

“At the moment we need to wait for the documentation from the Aviary stating all is in order with your paperwork before applying for the marriage license.”

Natalya looks out the window. “And that should take a few days?”

Ashe nods. “Right. I’ll be notified the moment it is finished. Then I’ll put through the request.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “The waiting game now, eh Ashe?”

“Yes, Lord Arc. However, there are a few, ah... additional laws you’ll need to follow in the meantime.


“I was briefed by the official whom accepted the paperwork. My apologies, but I was not aware of these particular... ordinances.”

“It’s fine, Ashe.”

Natalya nods. “Yes, we’ll both do our best to follow whatever laws apply to us.”

Ashe smiles nervously. “That is most certainly... appreciated. Now then, according to the law as it is currently written, upon officially declaring themselves engaged a couple is required to begin... ah...”

Arc moves his hand in a circular motion in hopes of advancing the conversation. “Begin... what exactly?”

Ashe takes a deep breath. “Cohabitating.”

Natalya appears confused. “Um... what?”

“It’s when two individuals...”

Natalya interrupts her. “I know what the word means! What I meant was why is this a law?!”

Arc frowns. “And why didn’t you tell us about it before!”

Ashe bows her head. “Believe me, this revelation was as much a surprise to me at the time as it is to you now. Well, the fact that it’s actually a law, I mean.

Natalya turns to Arc. “It’s true that griffons whom fall in love start living together, yes. However, I always just assumed it was because they wanted to. Not because the law said they had to.”

Ashe sighs. “Same here. No one ever mentioned it to me either.”

Arc groans. “So anyone whom turns in paperwork stating their engagement is just told on the spot ‘now you have to shack up together’?!”

Ashe nods. “For some reason, yes. Now, I don’t know if Natalya and I just were never told in school how this works, or if there’s some other reason for this, but it is what it is.”

Natalya turns to Arc nervously. “What are we going to do, sir?”

Arc looks to Ashe. “Then again, who’s to say that we actually have to? I mean... we’re aboard a foreign diplomatic vessel. So it’s not like they’re going to be sending officials to check in on us, right?

Ashe smiles nervously. “Actually, yes.”

Natalya narrows her eyes. You can’t be serious, ambassador.”

“There is apparently a small branch of the law enforcement agency called the ‘customs division’ that periodically checks in on those whom are engaged. Covertly, of course so as not to let them know they are being watched.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That may very well be. However, they would do well to remember that as it stands this ship is an extension of Equestria, and as such I will not allow such agents to board.”

“The official I spoke to said as much, Lord Arc. They agreed that in this particular case they could not legally inspect your vessel, but did inform me that without the proper attachments to their reports it would hinder your ability to get a marriage license.”

Natalya groans. “So what did they come up with?”

Ashe sighs. “That I would personally write up the report and submit it along with a sworn affidavit stating that I had personally verified and was certain that you two had been cohabitating during your engagement..”

Arc frowns. “But aren’t we kinda already doing that?”

Natalya looks to Ashe. “Yes. Cohabitating simply means living together under the same roof. We’re already doing that technically.”

“I did point that out to the official, yes. However, they showed me in the law where it stated that an engaged couple must sleep together in the same room.”

Natalya grimaces as she blushes. “S-sleep together?!”

Ashe nods. “That’s literally what it said, yes. But I would like to point out that such was the exact wording.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How does that help us?”

“It only says ‘sleeping together’. There’s no law stating that you have to do any more than that.”

Natalya gasps. “That’s a relief!”

She quickly turns to Arc apologetically.

“Forgive me for saying such a thing, sir! I only wished to express my...!”

Arc interrupts her. “It’s fine, Natalya. I know what you meant.”

Ashe smiles nervously. “If it makes you two feel better, at the rate things are moving along at, your engagement should only be a few more days. A week at most.”

Natalya leans back heavily in her chair and groans. “This whole thing is getting more and more complicated all the time!”

Ashe looks to her soberly. “I can’t really argue with that fact. If it’s too much for you, there is still the option of rescinding the engagement.

Natalya sighs and shakes her head. “We can’t do that. The consequences would be dire for both our nations.”

Arc nods soberly. “Agreed.”

Ashe looks to the pair. “So you’re both still willing to continue?”


“Me too.”

“Very well. But might I make a bit of a suggestion?”

Natalya frowns. “What is it?”

Ashe gestures to the corridor. “That the two of you retire to Lord Arc’s quarters for the evening and have a good long talk about this matter. After all, communication is key to any good relationship.”

Arc stands. “I suppose you’re right.”

He looks to Natalya before extending a hand to her and continuing.

“Shall we?”

Natalya nods as she blushes and takes his hand. “Y-yes sir.”

Standing, the trio makes their way to the Upper Deck and Arc’s quarters. Stopping in front of them, Ashe turns to Arc.

“Now then, every evening I shall do my best to walk you two to your room and witness you entering together.”

Natalya groans. “Um... is that really necessary?”

Ashe nods. “Believe me when I say that I’m no happier about this than you are. But if I’m going to be signing a sworn affidavit stating that you two are sleeping together, than I need to make sure that you two really are.”

Natalya sighs. “I suppose so.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Griffons take sworn statements very seriously, after all. Making a false one is something punishable by death here.”

Ashe shudders. “And not a quick one, I might add.”

Arc grunts. “Please tell me you’re not going to be camped out here to make sure we do, Ashe.”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. That is, as long as both of you give me your word that you will not try to leave in an effort to circumvent this requirement afterwards.”

Natalya nods. “Very well. I promise.”

“As do I.”

Ashe gestures to the door. “Then I shall wish you both a good night and will see you at breakfast.”

She turns and walks away as Arc looks to Natalya.

“I, uh... hope you’ll excuse a bit of a mess.”

Natalya appears confused. “Mess, sir?”

Arc motions to his door. “In truth, I didn’t have time to do any kind of straightening up beforehand.”

“Oh, that’s just fine. I’m... sure it’s okay.”

“Well, why don’t we take Ashe’s advice and have a bit of a talk then?”

“Um... if I may, sir.”

“Something else you want to do?”

“Forgive me, but... I am rather tired after the events of the day.”

Arc nods as he puts a hand on the door. “Alright. We can talk tomorrow then.”

Pushing it open, the pair enter the darkened room together. As the door clicks shut however, the bedside light suddenly turns on. Looking toward the bed, Arc and Natalya see a naked Hammer lying seductively on the bed covered only by a thin sheet. Her pupils shrink as she lays eyes on Natalya.

“Arc! I... I, uh...!”

Arc facepalms. “Hammer, of all the times to...!”

Sighing loudly, he pauses to compose himself before continuing.

“Just... please put your clothes back on.”

Hammer nods fervently. “Right away!”

Rolling toward the edge of the bed, Hammer miscalculates in her extreme haste and accidently falls off the edge. Crashing to the floor, she pulls the sheet off the bed and holds it to her chest as she grabs her uniform off the floor with her free hand. Running toward the bathroom, the sheet becomes tangled in her legs which causes her to again fall to the floor. Crawling on her hands and knees the rest of the way, Hammer grabs the doorknob, slamming the door unceremoniously behind her. Arc turns to Natalya with a pained expression on his face.

“S-sorry about this.”

Natalya blushes heavily as she looks away. “It... it’s okay, Lord Arc. I’m sure you have certain, uh... needs, after all.”

A short time later the bathroom door opens and a visibly humiliated, but fully dressed, Hammer slowly steps out. She shuffles over to Arc with her head down.

“I, uh... I’m really sorry for what I did just now.”

Arc groans. “It’s, ah... okay, Hammer. After all, you didn’t actually know we were coming.”

Natalya nods as she looks away. “Yes, I’m sure you simply thought Lord Arc was coming to bed alone.”

“Right. You see...”

Hammer stops talking and looks to Natalya for a few moments before continuing.

“Um... maybe it’s none of my business, but why exactly did you come back to Arc’s quarters with him, Natalya?”

“I... kinda had to.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Had to?”

Arc nods sadly. “It’s part of some crazy Griffon Kingdom law we have to abide by. Supposedly now that Natalya and I are officially engaged we have to start, um... sleeping together.”

“Say what now?!”

Natalya sighs as she looks to the bed. “It’s true. That’s why Lord Arc brought me here. So that we could get some rest.”

Arc sighs. “Right.”

Hammer looks to Arc as she folds her arms over her chest. “And when were you planning on telling Twilight and I?!”

“Honestly, in the morning. After all, it’s kind of a bit late to be shuffling around and knocking on doors.”

Natalya nods. “He’s right. Please don’t be mad at Lord Arc on my account. He’s doing his very best to help me.”

Hammer groans. “I ain’t exactly mad. After all, we’ve already talked about Arc sleeping with other females. But I still think that you should have told us right away.”

Arc bows his head. “Sorry. You’re right, Hammer.”

“Darn right, I am! I mean, if you have to do this, we all have a right to know! After all, what would Rarity say?!”

Arc appears suddenly confused. “Wait, Rarity?”

Hammer nods matter of factly. “Yes, Rarity! You told her she could go first, you big dummy!”

Arc groans. “Go first as in whom I would have sex with, Hammer! I’m not planning on doing that with Natalya!”

“You’re not?”

Arc shakes his head vehemently. “No! The law, as Ashe stated it, just says that we have to start cohabitating!”

“Um... what’s that mean exactly?”

Natalya quickly chimes in. “That Lord Arc and I have to live together from now on.”

Hammer gasps. “From now on?!”

Arc nods. “Just until we get back to Equestria. Then everything can go back to the way it was before all of this happened. I’ll go back to my place at Derpy’s house and Natalya can return to her room at the orphanage.”

Natalya looks to him nervously. “To be honest with you, Lord Arc, I was actually in the middle of trying to close on a house when this whole thing came up.”

Arc gestures to Natalya. “See, Hammer? This is just temporary.”

Hammer sighs. “Well... if you say so, Arc.”

“I do, yes. Now then, why don’t we all...?”

He stops talking and looks Hammer up and down for a few moments before turning to Natalya and continuing.

“Actually... would you mind if Hammer stayed?”

Natalya blushes heavily and backs away nervously. I... I don’t know if I could handle such a thing!”

Hammer grimaces. “Not sure if that’s really such a good idea, Arc. I mean... that would be a bit weird for her.”

“I meant that you should stay for Natalya’s sake.”

Natalya appears confused. “Sir?”

“You’re probably feeling a bit nervous right now, what with having everything happen to you all at once. I just thought that having someone else here, especially another female, might help put your mind at ease.”

Hammer snaps a finger. “I get it now.”

She turns to Natalya before continuing.

“If you’d like, I’d be willing to stay here and sorta keep you company.”

Natalya smiles nervously. “I... suppose that would be okay. That is, if Lord Arc approves.”

Arc nods. “Yes, of course.”

“Then yes, I accept. Thank you, Lieutenant Hammer.”

Hammer shrugs. “It’s just ‘Hammer’. Don’t need to be using that fancy military title when it’s just us, after all.”

“I shall try to remember that.”

Arc gestures to the bed. “Now that we have everything settled, why don’t we all get some sleep now?”

Natalya nods nervously. “Yes, sir. Um... which part of the bed would you like me to sleep on?”

Arc shrugs. “I’ll let you and Hammer figure that out.”

Natalya’s eyes grow wide as she gasps. “But Ambassador Ashe told us that the law says...!”

Arc interrupts her. “According to what Ashe said you and I just have to cohabitate and, as she put it, ‘sleep together in the same room’. From the way I took that, it says nothing about us actually having to be in the same bed, after all.”

Hammer chuckles. “And if I were you right now, I’d feel a lot better sleeping next to another gal.”

She turns to Arc and smiles sheepishly.

“No offense to you though, Arc.”

Arc shrugs. “None taken.”

Natalya appears confused. “But where will you sleep, sir?!”

Arc points a finger. “On the couch here.”

Hammer chuckles as she leers at him. “Think there’s room for two over there?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Uh, what part about trying to help Natalya feel more comfortable in my quarters did you not understand, Hammer?”

“Oh... right. Guess that would be a bit awkward for her.”

Natalya looks to the sofa. “If it would make things simpler, I could just sleep on the couch though, sir. After all, this is your room and Hammer here is your, uh... special friend.”

Hammer frowns. “Girlfriend!”

She looks to Arc quickly.

“I am your girlfriend, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Hammer. Yes, you are.”

Natalya gestures to the bed. “Then it would make more sense for you two to, um... spend time together in bed though.”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s another reason I want you over there with Hammer. To keep her emotions in check.”

Hammer glares at him. “Hey! That’s...!”

She puts a hand to her chin before continuing.

“Okay, it kinda makes sense now that I think about it.

Arc chuckles. “Good. Then why don’t we all lie down and get some rest?”

Natalya smiles nervously. “Yes sir. As long as both you and lieu… and Hammer are sure that you’re both okay with this sleeping arrangement.”

Hammer shrugs. “Fine with me.”

Arc calls out as he heads for the couch. “Me too.”

Hammer looks to Natalya and gestures to the bed as she speaks.

“Go ahead and pick whichever side you’d like. I need to get ready for bed first.”

“Oh! Um... okay.”

Hammer turns and heads for the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, Natalya turns to Arc.

“Um... Hammer isn’t going to come out here… bare again, is she?”

Arc shakes his head as he pull a t-shirt and sweat pants from his ring. “Nah. I’m guessing she just wanted to change into some night clothes.”

Natalya appears confused. “Night... clothes?”

Arc nods as he heads toward the bathroom himself. “Right. It’s just something simple and more comfortable to sleep in. And that goes for me too. Be right back.”

Stepping into the bathroom with Hammer, Arc closes the door behind him as the young woman pulls off her shirt. Grinning at him, Hammer strikes up a sexy pose.

“You come to see the show, handsome?”

Arc rolls his eyes as he holds up his night clothes. “Just wanted to change before lying down.”

Hammer shrugs. “Yeah, I figured. After all, it wouldn’t do to get those fancy duds all wrinkled up.”

Arc nods as he begins unbuttoning his tunic. “Right you are.”

Hammer lowers her voice as she continues. “Um... you really okay with all of this, Arc?”

“The whole engagement thing?”

“Yeah. It’s all really out there in terms of normalcy.”

Arc chuckles as he finishes undressing. “We’re in a land of mythical creatures riding in a ship made by magical ponies. And you want to talk about normalcy?”

Hammer shrugs. “It sounds bad when you put it like that.”

“But in all seriousness, I’m totally okay with Natalya and I getting married on paper.”

“If you’re okay with it then so am I. Just wanted to make sure.”

“And I appreciate that vote of confidence. Now then, why don’t you finish getting ready for bed so we can get some sleep now, Hammer?”

Hammer groans. “Fine. I’m just a bit conflicted.”

Arc turns to look over his shoulder at her as he steps into a pair of shorts. “How so?”

“It feels weird to be getting ready for bed in here while knowing I won’t be sleeping next to you, Arc.”

“They’ll be plenty of time for things like that when this is all over.”

“I know. It’s just new to me.”

A short time later the pair step out of the bathroom together. Natalya is standing on the far side of the bed. Hammer looks to her as she speaks.

“You didn’t have to wait up for us, you know.”

Natalya puts her talons on the bedspread as she pulls back the covers. “I just thought it would be respectful to do so.”

Arc nods. “Well, now that we’re all out here, let’s get some sleep.”

Hammer gets into her side of the bed as Natalya does the same. She turns to Hammer as they pull the covers over themselves.

“I hope it’s alright for me to be over here.”

Hammer shrugs. “Both sides are about the same in terms of comfort, as far as I can tell.”

“Well, I didn’t want to block your view of Lord Arc.”

“Oh! Um... thanks for that.”

Arc chuckles as he pulls a blanket and pillow from a nearby cabinet. “Yes, I’m sure Hammer will fall asleep looking my way.”

Hammer grins. “You know it!”

Getting himself situated on the couch, Arc lies down and covers himself with the a fore mentioned blanket. Hammer looks over to him as he finishes.

“You look comfy over there.”

Arc pats the throw pillow. “Luckily for me it’s a very comfortable couch. Now then, would you please turn off the lamp, Hammer?”

“Sure thing.”

Reaching over, Hammer turns the small knob to plunge the room into darkness. Lying down, she looks over to Arc and grins.

“Good night, handsome.”

Arc sighs contentedly. “Good night, Hammer. And pleasant dreams to both of you.”

Closing his eyes, Arc quickly falls asleep. However, Natalya stares up at the ceiling for quite some time. Eventually, Hammer turns to her and whispers.


Natalya looks over to her. “Yes?”

“You okay?”

“Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“For starters, you’re still awake.”

“Just having some trouble falling asleep, that’s all.”

“And you keep sighing as if something’s on your mind.”

Natalya sighs. “I am?”

Hammer nods soberly. “You just did it again.”

“Can I ask you something, Hammer?”

“What is it?”

“How do you... feel about Lord Arc?”

Hammer gins. “I’m in love with him. Can’t you tell?”

Natalya bows her head. “Truthfully, I don’t really know what that means.”

“Which part?”


“Oh! Um... it’s kind of a feeling you get when someone you care about is near.”

“I do understand that much. After all, I feel very nice when Gallus and Gabby are with me. But I’m assuming it’s different than that.”

“Kinda is. But at the same time, it kinda isn’t.”

Natalya appears confused. “Sorry, but I don’t get your reasoning.”

“I have two sisters whom I really care about. The feelings I have for Arc are similar to how I feel about them. Just... different. Can’t really think of any other way to describe it other than that.”

“Then can you explain to me what you like about him?”

Hammer puts a hand to her chin. “Well... he’s Kind, gentle, brave, Honest, strong, smart, Loyal, and really good looking.”

“There has to be more to it than that though.”

“Well, I suppose there’s also the fact that Arc’s rescued me a time or two in the past. Took me in when I had nowhere else to go. Provided food and shelter even though he and I had a kinda messed up past. Something I’m told you understand quite well.

Natalya nods. “Yes, he took me back to Equestria in order to save my life when I was wrongfully accused of being the rebel leader.”

“I was set up and kidnapped by some really bad folks I used to work for back on Earth. Arc broke in there and got me out before they could hurt me too bad. He brought me to Equestria and saw to it amnesty was extended.”

Hammer smiles and closes her eyes as she continues.

“Back then, I was already head over heels in love with him. But him sticking his neck out for me... that’s what really showed me what was in his heart.”

“His heart?”

“I had literally fought against him in the past. Unbeknownst to me at the time, that is. But he knew what I had done and was able to look past that fact. All the while still wanting to care for and try to help me. That’s a true man right there if ever there was one.”

“I think I have a lot to learn about love.”

Hammer grins. “You really wanna learn about love? Then Arc’s your guy.”

“Should I talk to him about it in the morning?”

“Nah. Just watch and learn.”

“And that will work?”

Hammer chuckles. “Believe me, you can learn a lot just by watching someone.”

“Very well. What is it I should be looking for?”

“How about you start with how he treats others?”

“You mean yourself and Princess Twilight?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. Well, yes. But I meant everyone.”


Hammer counts on her fingers. “The crew, Ambassador Ashe, and any other officials he deals with.”

“And what will that show me?”

“That he treats everyone with basic respect and dignity. From the princesses back in Equestria to the lowest, poorest griffon you can imagine.”

Natalya puts a talon to her beak thoughtfully. “I have seen that, yes. After all, he treated me well in the past. Even after I was demoted from my position as lieutenant to a footpad, he still spoke to and treated me the same way. That and he helped train me to get my position back too.”

“Guessing that’s not the norm around here.”

Natalya shakes her head. “Anyone else would have looked down their beak at me as I deserved at the time.”

“So watch, learn, and feel free to ask him or me about anything you don’t understand.”

“I don’t think I could do that. Well, ask Lord Arc such things, I mean.”

“Then just me. I’ll explain what I can as best I can.”

“Thank you.”

Natalya yawns widely before continuing.

“But I do think that I’m ready to sleep now.”

“We both are at this point.”

“Good night, Hammer. And thank you for the talk.”

“Night. And no problem.”

Natalya rolls over and closes her eyes. A few minutes later her breathing slows and she falls asleep. Hearing this, Hammer looks over to Arc and grins as she muses to herself.

“All it took was a bit of talking it out and Natalya was able to work through her immediate problems. Hopefully the rest will fall into place just as nicely.”

Watching Arc lying on the couch for a few more moments, Hammer continues.

“I doubt it will though. But with Arc helping her, she at least stands a really good chance of coming out ahead.”

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