• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Books!

A month passes and the days grow cooler and shorter. Arc and his little family sit on the couch one evening watching the news together. Derpy and Scootaloo sit on either side of Arc as Dinky sits in his lap. She looks up at her father.

“There’s a lot of bad things going on in this world, dad.”

“Agreed. With so many people though that’s bound to happen.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “It is?”

“Sure. After all, everyone has their own opinions on how things should be run.”

Derpy turns to him. “And not everyone’s ideas work with the other’s. Right?”


Sereb frowns. “You accomplished much in the past by simply talking though. Is that not the case here?”

“There is a lot of talk, yes. But too often the negotiators come to the table with a long list of immovable issues. So in the end not much gets done.”

Scootaloo grins. “Do you think the Scarlet Filly could do something here, Big Brother?”

Arc shakes his head. “I doubt it. After all, they won’t listed to each other. What chance would an outsider have of convincing them?”

Sereb shrugs. “Sometimes such an individual is best used as an intermediary.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “A what?”

Dinky turns to her mother. “Someone who goes between two or more sides to try and act as a bridge between them.”

Arc grins as he tousles Dinky’s hair. “Sounds like someone has been paying attention in school.”

“Yup. Miss Cheerilee taught us that during a lesson on the Hero of Light.”

Scootaloo looks to the little girl. “Can you tell us about it?”

“Well… she referenced some of what you did as the Lord Regent, dad. How you met with the leaders of the other countries.”

Derpy appears genuinely interested. “What did he do?”

“Acted as an intermediary between the ponies of Equestria and the yaks of Yakyakistan.”

Arc nods. “And Abyssinia too a couple times.”

Sereb chuckles. “And the griffon nation.”

Scootaloo nods, clearly impressed. “Sounds like a lot of responsibility.”

“It was. One wrong word could have set off a political powder keg.”

“Did it ever not go well, Big Brother?”

“Just one time. When I was in the Griffon Kingdom for the signing of the peace treaty. An assassin was trying to poison Princess Luna, but go me instead. I was delirious and ended up killing a number of rebels in my madness.”

Sereb smiles wickedly. “I fail to see how that was a bad thing.”

“Well, the Council of Lords could have interpreted my actions as me slaughtering their citizens and retaliated against Equestria.”

Derpy gasps. “Oh my!”

“Fortunately they saw it as me doing what needed to be done in an effort to save them from their kidnappers.”

Scootaloo appears relieved. “Very lucky.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

“Well… that’s behind us. We should probably focus on where to go from here.”

Dinky grins. “Um… you mean dessert?”

Derpy giggles. “I don’t think so, dear.”

“Right. I meant regarding our future here on Earth.”

Cherry calls out to them. “We could be here for a while.”

Derpy looks to the girls. “Should we start with Dinky and Scootaloo’s education?”

Arc nods. “I was thinking the same thing.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Huh?”

“You two need schooling.”

“Aw… do we have to, dad?”

“Yes. The only problem is you can’t attend a normal human school.”

Sereb frowns. “They can’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We’d need birth certificates and other various identifying paperwork.”

Cherry sighs. “I guess you and Derpy will have to teach them.”

Derpy bows her head. “Sadly, I don’t think I know enough about anything to be able to teach it.”

“What are you going to teach us then, dad?”

“Math and reading mostly.”

“But I already know how to read!”

Scootaloo nods. “Me too!”

“Well, you should probably be reading more age appropriate books.”

Sereb tilts his head to one side. “Such as…?”

“Chapter books. They’re a lot longer and use more advanced vocabulary. Think of it like exercising your brains.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “Do we have anything here they could read?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. But there is a library nearby that would have something.”

He looks up at the clock before continuing.

“And they’re open for another two hours. Want to check it out?”

Dinky grins. “Sure!”

Scootaloo appears nervous. “Okay.”

Derpy smiles. “Can I come too?”

“If you want to.”

“I’ll remain here if that’s alright, Arc.”

“Fine. The library doesn’t allow dogs anyways.”

Grabbing his keys and wallet, Arc heads for the door with the others behind him. Putting on their coats they head for the Jeep. A short drive later they find themselves pulling into the parking lot of a large building. Dinky frowns.

“This doesn’t look anything like Miss Twilight’s library.”

Arc chuckles as he shuts off the engine. “We don’t make buildings out of hollowed out trees here on Earth, sweetheart.”

Entering, they look around. Dinky and Scootaloo marvel at the rows and rows of books before them. Derpy turns to Dinky.

“This is MUCH larger than the Golden Oaks Library!”

“It is!”

“How many books are IN here Big Brother?!”

“Quite a few, I’m sure. But let’s head for the children’s section. Follow me.”

Leading the way Arc brings the group to the proper section. Rounding a corner he points to a shelf.

“Looks like they’re still here.”

Derpy gasps. “They’re so many!”

Dinky hurries over to the shelves with Scootaloo. “What should we get, dad?”

“I always liked this series, sweetheart.”

Pulling a book off the shelf, he holds it up. Derpy reads the title aloud.

“The Boxcar Children?”

Arc nods. “Yup. This is the first in a series about four children, two boys and two girls, whom leave their home when their parents die.”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Who takes care of them?”

“The older brother goes out and earns money by doing odd jobs for a man named Doctor Moore. While he’s gone the older sister takes care of the younger two.”

Derpy smiles. “Kinda like a mom and dad?”


Scootaloo looks to Arc. “Where do they live?”

Arc points to the cover. “In an old abandoned boxcar that they find in the middle of the woods during a storm.”

Dinky giggles. “Is that why they’re called the ‘Boxcar Children’?”

“Right. It becomes their new home.”

Derpy appears confused. “But don’t they have an orphanage to go to?”

“Probably. But they do have a living relative whom they’re hiding from.”

Scootaloo gasps. “Who?”

“Their grandfather. You see, they’re afraid to be sent to live with him because he didn’t approve of his son marrying their mother.”

Dinky grimaces. “So he wouldn’t like them?”

“Something like that.”

Derpy looks at the book. “That sounds really interesting.”

“Why don’t we check this book out then? I can read a chapter to everyone before bedtime.”

“That sounds great, dad!”

Scootaloo nods. “I’ve never been read to before.”

Derpy sighs. “Me either. “

Arc grins as he hands the book to Derpy. “I think you’ll enjoy it. But in any case, you two should take a look at other chapter books. Get a few you think you’d like and I’ll check them out for you.”

“What about me, Arc?”

“How good are you at reading?”

Derpy sighs. “About the same as Daisy here, I’m afraid.”

“Then you should probably get some books from this section too, mom.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Dinky takes her mother’s hand. “We’ll look together!”

Scootaloo smiles. “Me too!”

“Sounds like a plan. And while you three are doing that, I’m going to check out the young adult section.”

“You looking for books too, dad?”

“Yes. There’s a series I always liked over there.”

Scootaloo waves. “See you in a few!”

Arc walks to the other side of the library. Turning to look at the familiar shelf, he grins and picks up a book.

“Here we are. ‘Tom Swift and his Flying Lab’. Always like this one. Well, it’s been a while since I read these so I might as well start with the first one.”

Looking over the shelf again, Arc peruses the rest of the series before grabbing a few more volumes. He is about to leave when Scootaloo’s voice reverberates in his head.

“Big Brother!”

“What is it, Scootaloo?”

“There’s several strange powers coming toward the building!”

“Is there?”

“Can’t you feel it?!”

“Actually, no. Are you sure about this?”


Arc frowns. “Let me try using that Detect Magic spell I saw in Frank’s book.”

Looking around to see if anyone is watching, Arc casts the spell. His eyes grow wide as he does so. Scootaloo calls out again.

“Any luck?!”

“Now yes!”

“What should we do?!”

“You stay with Derpy and Dinky. I’ll check this out.”

“They’re coming in now!”

Arc peeks through a bookshelf toward the main entrance. His eyes grow wide as three people walk in together.

“Oh, crap…”

“Who is it?”

“Stingray, Hammer, and Mio!”

“…um… who?”

“Three women who will be very unhappy if they spot me! Tell Derpy and Dinky to stay put until I come for them!”

“I will! But you need to get out of there!”

Arc grimaces as the women stop to chat with each other. “I can’t! They’ll see me for sure!”

“Just Blink over here!”

“Mio could probably detect that.”

As he says that, Mio stops and looks around. Arc gasps.

“I think she just felt me!”

Reaching for his ring, Arc pulls out the magic nullifying ring and quickly puts it on. Mio continues to look around for a few more moments as the other two look to her. Hammer is the first to speak.

“Something wrong?”

Mio frowns. I thought I felt… something.

Stingray raises an eyebrow. “Felt?”

“I suppose ’detected’ would be a better word.”


Mio sighs. “It’s gone now.”

Hammer frowns. “Probably nothing.”

Stingray nods. “Agreed. You’ve been working too hard lately. Let me pick up that book I put on hold from the main desk and we’ll be on our way.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Not so fast! I want to see if they have the latest ‘Popular Mechanics’ here!”

Mio smiles. “And I would like to see if they have ‘Relativity – The Special and the General Theory’ by Albert Einstein.”

Stingray appears confused. “What’s it about?”


Hammer rolls her eyes. “Yeah, that’d be REALLY helpful in your spellcasting studies.”

“I think it might be.”

“How?! Magic isn’t science!”

Stingray chuckles. “Oh, but it is, Hammer. Just a new branch of it that has yet to be fully researched and cataloged.”

Hammer scoffs. “You’re sounding more like Mio now.”

Mio frowns. “Well, we all have our own interests.”

Hammer throws her hands up in despair as she head for the periodicals. “Fine! Do whatever you want!”

Mio turns to Stingray and lowers her voice.

“She’s still not the same.”

“Yeah. Normally that would have taken a lot longer.”

Mio shakes her head. “No, no. I mean…”

“I know what you meant, brain-trust. But what can we do about it?”

“No clue. She won’t tell us what’s on her mind.”

Stingray sighs. “But we both know what’s bothering her.”

Mio sighs. “Indeed.”

“Who would have thought that a man could have gotten to Hammer?”

Mio puts a finger to her cheek and smiles. “Well, he was pretty cute.”

“I suppose so. But I’m more interested in how he survived their second date.”

“Second? I thought that was their third.”

Stingray shrugs. “Either way, I can’t remember.”

“Arc must’ve been much more than meets the eye to continue dating Hammer after what was left of The Riders went after them at that pizza place.”

Stingray grins wickedly. “Agreed. If he ever comes back, we’ll have to ask him.”

“Would that be before or after we tell Hammer?”

Stingray looks over at Hammer standing beside the magazine racks. “Before. Definitely before. We don’t need our sister to be hurt any more than she already has been.”

“Really? I would have thought you’d want to get them back together. After all, he made Hammer very happy.”

“And we will. After he’s tested further.”

“For Ascension?”

Stingray nods. “Someone like him would be a valuable addition to the Organization’s forces, after all.”

“If he survives Colonel Diva, you mean?”

“As capable a man, I’m sure he would find a way to do so. Perhaps even surpass her one day.”

Mio giggles. “Such a vivid imagination, Stingray.”

Stingray turns toward the main desk. “In any case, I’ll see about my book while you do your own thing.”

“Very well.”

Arc watches as the pair go their separate ways. He breathes a sigh of relief as he looks at the anti-magic ring.

“Sure glad I kept this.”

“Should we make a break for it, Big Brother?”

“No. We need to wait for them to leave. Hammer’s at the magazines while Stingray’s talking to someone the front desk.”

Scootaloo gasps. “That just leaves the third one.”

“I overheard her say she wanted to check out a book by Einstein.”

“Is that good?”

“Kinda. After all, that’s in the non-fiction section.”

Scootaloo sounds confused. “Um…”

“It’s on the other side of the library. I’ll keep watch here for them to leave. Then we can…”

A voice rings out behind him quietly as an arm reaches past him for a book.

“Excuse me, but I just need to…”

Arc turns to come face to face with Mio. Her eyes grow wide as she focuses on him. Before he can say a word she grabs him and Blinks away. Reappearing in the middle of a cool wind, Arc looks around.


Mio frowns. “Just outside the library. See?”

She points a finger. Arc turns and looks through the foliage to see the library before looking back to Mio.

“How did you…?!”

Mio glares at him. “Don’t worry about it!”

“Big Brother?!”

“I’m fine, Scootaloo. Stay where you are.”

Mio folds her arms over her chest. “You and I need to have a talk!”

“Um… what about?”


“Is she still mad?”

Mio grits her teeth. “Not really. But I am!”

Charging up, she casts a Telekinesis Spell and slams Arc into a tree some distance away.


Mio glares at him as she Blinks in front of him. “You get one chance to change my mood! Make it good!”


“I want you to tell me why Hammer should even CARE about what I’m going to do to you!”

“She… she shouldn’t.”


“I left her to chase after my work. That’s no life for her, or any woman for that matter.”

Mio appears surprised. “What… what are you saying?”

“That Hammer’s right to be mad, sad, or whatever at what I did.”

“Darn right! You DUMPED her!”

“I just didn’t want her waiting around for me!”


“In case I didn’t come back!”

Mio slowly lowers her hand. The pressure against Arc’s chest lessens and he is again able to move normally.

“Keep talking.”

“My most recent job was the most dangerous of all. Locate and extract a kidnapped woman. Failure was almost guaranteed considering the people whom had her.”

“Why didn’t you ask Hammer for help then? Or were you too proud to have her come along?!”

“You don’t understand. She did ask to come with me.”

“No way!”

“It’s true.”

“Then why didn’t she?!”

“Because I convinced her to stay with you and Stingray.”

“To be rid of her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. To keep the three of you together.”

Mio releases Arc completely. She looks at him coolly for a long moment before speaking.

“She’s head over heels in love with you, idiot.”

“I… I know.”

“Hammer hasn’t been the same since you left. What did you do to her?”

Arc sighs. “Just… cared too much, I guess.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll tell you. But only if you promise not to say anything to Hammer about this conversation.”

Mio narrows her eyes. “And why would I do something like that?!”

“Because I know your secret.”

“Wha-which one?”

“What you’re keeping in your locker at the bus station, for starters.”

Mio gasps and takes a step back.

“I… don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Oh really? Then why are you sweating?”

“It’s hot out here!”

“It’s fall!”

The pair are silent for a time. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“You’re a terrible liar.”


Arc slowly walks toward her. “You have several duffel bags of clothes in a bus station locker.”

“That’s not…!”

“You really should do laundry more often though. I could smell the sweat through the vents.”

“There’s no way you could…!”

“Tell me, how long have you had a membership down at the Angel Grove Youth Center?”

Mio frowns. “I don’t have one!”

“Yeah, I know. That’s why you were breaking into the place at night.”


Arc stops a few feet from her and looks Mio in the eye. “Lies, huh? So you weren’t lifting weights, running on treadmills, AND trying to do chin ups?”

Mio is silent as Arc closes the distance between them.

“You weren’t very good at anything there though. Especially the chin ups.”

“All you have are your words. Nothing more.”

“Really? How about these then?”

Reaching into his coat, Arc carefully removes a few pictures from his ring. Pulling them out, he holds them up to Mio.

“You’re saying this isn’t you?”

Mio gasps as she steps back. “H-how did you…?!”

“I’m a professional, Mio. Investigating is what I do.”

Mio seethes. “You don’t know me! You don’t know me AT ALL!”

“Oh? Tell me, did you find that book you were looking for? The one by Einstein?”

“Not before I found you!”

“And I doubt you would have.”

“What do you mean?!”

Arc chuckles. “Looking for a physics book in the science fiction section?”

“I was just a bit… lost, that’s all!”

“Then why were you reaching for a Tom Swift book when you saw me?”

“You see… I just… well…”

Mio continues backing up as Arc steps forward. Eventually she finds herself up against a large tree trunk. She sighs and bows her head.

“My sisters can’t find out about this.”

“Why not?”

Mio looks to him angrily. “They just CAN’T, okay?!”

“Depends. What’s it worth to you?”

Mio lunges forward and makes a grab for the photos. Arc steps back and holds them just out of reach with one hand as the other he places on Mio’s forehead to hold her back. Eventually she gives up and falls to her knees, defeated.

“What… what do you want?”

Arc kneels down in front of her. “All I want is some information.”

“On what?!”

“Your sisters, among other things.”


“Don’t worry about that. I’m not going to hurt anyone. You included.”

Mio glares at him as he continues.

“Tell you what. If you’ll agree to talk to me later, I’ll give you those pictures right now.”

Mio nods fervently. “I have to have them!”

“Fine. Take them.”

Arc holds the photos out to her. Mio slowly moves her hand toward them inch by inch. As she nears, she snatches them out of Arc’s hand. Casting a quick Fire Spell they go up in a puff of smoke. She grins and looks Arc in the eye.

“Guess there isn’t any reason for me to worry now!”

“No, I guess not. Now then, about our future meeting.”

Mio smiles wickedly. “What meeting?”

“The one you agreed to a few moments ago.”

Mio rolls her eyes as she turns to walk back to the building. “You have nothing left to bargain with. Consider our business here finished.”

“Oh, I have more up my sleeve.”

Mio stops walking, but does not turn around.


“You burned the pictures, yes. But I have more of them and the negatives stored safely away.”

Sighing, Mio turns around, her head bowed.

“You win. What do you want from me?”

“A meeting. I want you to meet me on the street in front of your apartment at midnight tomorrow night. Come alone.”

Mio sighs. “Fine. I’ll be there. Can I go now?”


She turns to leave.



“Don’t say a word to either of your sister that you saw me, would you kindly?”

Nodding, Mio continues walking. Entering the warm library again she spots Stingray and Hammer at the checkout desk. Hammer frowns.

“Where the heck have you been?!”

Stingray rolls her eyes. “Forget your library card again?”

“N-no. I just… stepped outside for a bit of air.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”

“I just had to, okay?!”

Stingray shakes her head. “Fine. Let’s check out and get going.”

Hammer turns to her sister. “Did you find your book, Mio?”

Mio turns away nervously. “No, they… didn’t have it.”

Stingray looks to her, concerned. “You okay?”

“Fine. Why?”

Hammer frowns. “You’re acting really weird all of a sudden.”

“Oh? Like you did a couple weeks ago when…!”

Stingray snaps at her. “Mio!”


“I told you to let that go!”

Mio grunts. “Fine.”

She seethes inwardly as Hammer and Stingray have their library cards scanned.

“My pride is worth a lot to me. Hopefully the price of that fool’s silence isn’t too high.”

Arc waits in the woods for a time. Eventually Stingray, Hammer, and Mio leave the building. As they get into a Jeep, Mio looks in his direction. He nods soberly at her as she grits her teeth. Watching the vehicle drive down the road for a time, Arc heads back inside the library and makes a beeline for the children’s section. As he approaches his family they look up to him eagerly.


Derpy appears frightened. “Is everything okay?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. Everything’s fine. Well, now at least.”

“Who the heck was that, Big Brother?!”

“Mio. She’s Hammer’s sister.”

Dinky gasps. “Miss Hammer was here!?”

“She was, yes.”

Derpy grimaces. “Was she upset?”

“I didn’t talk to her.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But you did talk to her sister.”

“I did. Now then, let’s get these books checked out and head for home. The library will be closing soon.”

Walking up to the front desk Arc presents his library card. The clerk takes it and scans the books one at a time. Heading back to the Jeep, Dinky looks up at her father.

“Dad, is everything really alright?”

“Yes, sweetheart. I can’t sense Mio, so her and her sisters didn’t double back.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Why would they?”

“I’ll tell you later.”

Piling into the Jeep they head for home. Walking in the back door Sereb greets them.

“Did you have a nice time?”

Derpy sighs. “Mostly.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Dinky sighs. “Miss Hammer and her sisters were there.”

Scootaloo turns to Arc. “Still not sure how that woman had magic. Uh… that WAS a human woman, right?”

“I think so.”

Sereb growls. “Next time I will come with you, Arc!”

Arc shrugs. “Things worked out alright.”

“Tell us all about it, dad!”

“Okay. But we have to sit down on the couch first.”

They do so. Arc tells the tale of Mio Blinking him outside to talk about Hammer. Informing his family of how he was able to counter Mio’s arguments in addition to turning the talks to his favor, they gasp.

“You really showed her, Big Brother!”

Dinky frowns. “I don’t know. Miss Hammer’s sister doesn’t sound like a bad person to me.”

“She isn’t. Well, not really.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Then why are you making her meet you tomorrow, Arc?”

“She and I need to talk privately.”

Sereb growls. “What about?”

“Hammer, mostly.”

Cherry calls out to them. “That isn’t all though, is it?”

“No. I also want to know what their so-called Organization has been up to in the meantime if I can.”

“Why, dad?”

Derpy gasps. “Yes. You got Princess Celestia out of there. It’s over.”

Arc sighs. “I wanted to believe that. But that whole operation stunk to me.”

Sereb sighs. “Things may not have gone completely according to plan, of course. However we were able to adapt to the changing situation thanks to your backup plans, Arc.”

“No, Sereb. We got out of there because General Mustang let us.”

Scootaloo frowns. “You did?”

Sereb shakes his head. “You give him too much credit, Arc!”

“Do I? Couldn’t you feel his magical power?”

“I could, yes. However if he was so powerful, why not take us out then and there?”

“I’ve been wondering that myself ever since then. Well, since I got my memories back, that is.”

“What did you come up with, dad?”

“That he wanted us to leave with the princess.”

Cherry sounds skeptical. “After taking such steps to keep her?!”

“It’s the only thing that makes sense, yes.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I don’t get it. If this human is so powerful, why is he not in charge of this world?”

Arc shrugs. “His power is great, yes. But it felt very… different from anything I’ve encountered to date.”

Derpy appears confused. “Felt?”

“Until recently I could only sense immense magical power levels. Mostly just the princesses themselves.”

“What changed, dad?”

Scootaloo grins. “Was it that spell from the book, Big Brother?”

“Yes. After using it I was able to sense Mio and her sisters approaching. But how could you feel it, Scootaloo?”

“No idea. It’s just something I can do. Probably just another Crimson ability. Frankly I was surprised you didn’t have it.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Mio must be able to sense us when we’re cloaked with that ability.”

Sereb growls. “All the time?”

Arc shrugs. “She must recast it regularly.”

Dinky frowns. “Or she’s good enough at the spell that she can cast it once a day. Like when she first wakes up.”

Derpy giggles. “Well, now that goes both ways.”

Cherry calls out. “Derpy?”

“Mio and her sisters won’t be able to sneak up on Arc now.”

Arc sighs. “That’s a nice way of looking at it. But it also means I can’t use that power without Mio sensing me too.”

He holds up his hand to the others.

“I was able to get this ring on in time earlier. Without it, Mio would have surely sensed me fully and alerted her sisters that the Hero of Light was near.”

Dinky shudders. “That’s a frightening thought. But how didn’t she sense you at the mall, dad?”

Sereb frowns. “Right. You said she was in the dressing room in front of you and Hammer.”

“I have a theory on that. When she approached with her sisters, they were arguing.”

Cherry sounds confused. “How would that have prevented her from sensing you?”

“This is just a guess, mind you, but I’m thinking that she was so busy arguing that her focus was purely on that.”

Dinky nods. “A caster requires concentration for a spell to work, yes.”

Sereb sighs. “It is possible. Novice casters can be easily overcome if distracted.”

“Lucky break for me.”

Derpy looks at his hand. “So you’re going to keep that ring on, Arc?”

“Probably should for the time being. But I have a plan for that too.”

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