• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,627 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 12 - Painful Letters

A month later the snow melts from the land and the rivers again flow freely. Twilight and her friends, with the exception of Rarity, knock on Derpy’s door. A few moments pass before she answers. The young mare is still a bit shy in the presence of so many ponies.

“Um… hello there.”

Twilight looks up, sheepishly. “Hi Derpy. Can we talk to you for a bit?”


Derpy steps aside to allow the Mane 6 to enter her home. Twilight does her best to avoid the subject at hand.

“So Derpy... how have you been?”

“Okay, I guess. Little Dinky keeps me fairly busy. I wish I could have gone to Canterlot to help you all look for some answers again last week. So... what did you find out?”

Rainbow Dash sighs and shakes her head. “Nothing we didn’t already know.”

Applejack nods. “We’ve read every book on Tartarus several times over.

Pinkie’s mane deflates as she speaks. “And spoken to every sage we could find in the city.”

Fluttershy groans. “It just seems like there’s nothing more we can do on that matter.”

There is a knock at the door. Derpy moves to answer it. A moment later she returns with Rarity whom trots over to join her friends.

“I'm sorry I'm late, but I had to stop by my boutique and pick up a present for you, Derpy”

Derpy looks to Rarity, confused. “A present... for me?”

Rarity pulls a wrapped box out of her saddlebags. “Indeed, darling!”

Derpy opens the package slowly and peeks inside. “ What?! How did you…?!”

Inside the box she finds her old cloak.

“I did some research into the matter and was able to acquire the materials and skill to fix it.”

Derpy pulls out the cloak and puts a hoof on the stitching. “Thank you... I don't know what to say!”

“Oh, think nothing of it. It gave me a chance to learn something new. It's not every day I get to work on magically enchanted clothes made out of magical fabric.”

“I hope to never need this again. But thank you just the same.”

“Yes, well…I also have some new clothes made up for Arc, you know, for WHEN we find a way to get him out of there. Do you mind if I put them in his room?”

Derpy nods happily. Rarity enters Arc's room with the new clothes but quickly exits a few moments later levitating an envelope with her magic. She quickly brings it over to Derpy.

“Derpy! I'm sorry for being such a snoop, but this was on Arc's dresser! I think it was meant for you!”

Derpy takes the letter in her hoof and looks at the envelope which reads ‘To The Mysterious Robed Pony’.

“For me...? But... that's impossible! When did he have time to write this?!”

She turns the envelope over in her hooves but finds no other writing on it.

“I... don't understand. This must have been written before he even knew my name! What could he possibly have to say?!”

Rainbow Dash looks over excitedly. “Only one way to find out! Open it!”

Applejack shoots Rainbow Dash an angry look. “Rainbow Dash! Maybe she'd like a little privacy?! It's not addressed to us anyways!”

“No, it's alright. Let's see here...”

Derpy opens the letter and begins to read.

Dear Miss,

I'm sorry I was never able to learn your actual name. That would have made writing this letter a LOT easier. In any case if you are reading this, some terrible fate must have befallen me. I can only hope my death had meaning.

In any case, it is likely that I have left many things unsaid to many ponies. I know you are quite shy, but if you could deliver these messages on my behalf I would be most grateful...

To Rarity... thank you for the clothes you made. As I explained to you earlier, humans cannot be without proper coverings due to temperature... and modesty. Please know your Generosity has not gone unnoticed.

To Rainbow Dash... I just wanted to tell you one last time... you're awesome! I remember the day Ponyville was attacked, you and your friends defended the Town Hall from being overrun with monsters. You could have easily flown far and flown fast... but you didn't. You chose to fight beside your friends to the end, knowing full well what that end would most likely be. Please know that your Loyalty was what inspired me to do my best.

To Fluttershy... You, by far, are the quietest creature I have met (other than my landlady, of course). Your gentle spirit could easily be taken for weakness, but I sense a great strength inside you. Strength to do what is right and good for those whom cannot speak for themselves. Please know that your Kindness inspired me to reach out to the Mysterious Robed Pony I now reside with. Hopefully, with time, she will come out of her shell and be embraced by you.

To Applejack... I don't mind saying you must be the hardest worker in all of Ponyville. Perhaps the strongest too, if the attack on Ponyville was any indication. Thank you for taking the time to help this poor, homeless soul to find his place in Equestria. Take care of Apple Bloom. Your Honesty will be a great inspiration to her in the future. More on that later.

To Pinkie Pie... To outsiders you may appear to be an out of control party animal, but... I saw that when the chips were down during the Battle of Ponyville it was you who inspired your friends to fight on! Even when all seemed lost, your happy spirit shone through. Stay strong, as Ponyville will someday have great need of the Laughter you bring to it. Call it, human intuition.

To Twilight Sparkle... It was you whom, in a drunken state, pulled me into your world. Do not blame yourself for my death. I made my own choices in Equestria, and probably my own mistakes. Please know that I would not trade the time I spent in your world for anything. Nor would I trade the time I spent with you for all the bits in the land. You are probably the best friend I have yet made in all my years... I just want you to know how happy you made me; you made a real difference in my life. Your talent for Magic still astounds me. Keep at it. I know you will change all of Equestria one day.

One more note to Applejack... please give this message to Apple Bloom as I never had the chance to tell her this. That day I carried her home from the Everfree Forest... I can't really put it into words... I know she doesn't have her cutie mark yet, so her destiny is unknown but... as I carried her I felt something inside her... something strong. It wasn't magic (I would have recognized that from my time with Twilight) but some other great power. Make sure she grows up learning from her big sister. As a wise man from my world once said ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’. Apple Bloom... someday when your destiny is revealed, you will do great things. Never forget that.

To The Mysterious Robed Pony... I do not know what to say. Our time together, albeit short, was memorable to me. I had hoped to be there for you when you needed me, but it seems I failed at that task. In any case, I learned one thing about you in our time together. And that is, you are quite... poor. I never told anyone else about what you did that night I first moved in. Please let Twilight and her friends help you, as it appears that I cannot. You can trust them completely, as I did, and still do. On the back of this letter you will find the combination to the chest in my room. Whatever is in it I leave to you, as it doesn't appear I will be needing it anymore. Use it to support yourself... and your unborn foal.

To all my friends, named or not... Thank you all. Thank you for taking this human into your land and giving him a home. I wish I could have done something to repay you all, but sadly, it appears I am not going to be able to. As I end this letter... however I met my end, please know that I did what had to be done, to do the right thing for the right reasons. I'm sure, whatever the outcome, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Derpy looks up from reading the letter. All the ponies, herself included, have begun to quietly cry. She holds the letter to her heart as she sits on her floor on her haunches.

“Arc... he... he knew the whole time! Thank you Arc... I won't let you down!”

She turns the letter over to see the combination. Twilight, still sniffling, looks over at Derpy.

“What does it say on the back?”

Derpy doesn’t look up from the paper in her hooves. “It's... so appropriate. Come everypony! I want you all to be there when I open Arc's chest.”

Derpy and the Mane 6 all trot into Arc's room and huddle around the chest which has a strange lock on it. Twilight looks the chest over.

“This is a voice activated lock. All you have to do is speak the password and it will open.”

Derpy stands in front of the box with her eyes closed for a few moments, then opens them and looks straight ahead at the chest and says…

“The power of one.”

The chest magically opens. Derpy and the Mane 6 can only stand there in disbelief. Derpy is the first to be able to speak.

“Wha... where did he...”

The chest is filled almost to the tope with bits. On top of the pile is a small baby blanket. Pinkie gasps.

“Wowie! That's more bits than Sugar Cube Corner makes in a year!”

Twilight looks over to Rarity. “That blanket has to be some of your best work, Rarity!”

“I didn't make it! The design is also unknown to me.”

Rainbow Dash looks at the intricate design on the blanket. “Where did Arc get it then?”

Applejack rubs her chin, confused. “A better question. How did Arc know you were pregnant, Derpy?”

“I have no idea! At the time this letter was written there's no way he could have known.”

“Oh, oh! Maybe he has Pinkie Sense! Uh... Arc Sense?”

Fluttershy looks on with a small smile on her face. “It seems our lost friend Arc is just full of surprises.”

Twilight puts her hoof on Derpy’s shoulder. “Listen Derpy! I'm not yet sure how but... we ARE going to find Arc, and we WILL bring him back!”

Derpy smiles at them.

“Twilight… thank you. But how…”

The light in the room suddenly begins to darken, almost as if it were receding like the tides.

Fluttershy runs over to Rainbow Dash and wraps her front hooves around her friend. “What… what’s going on?!

Applejack runs to the window. “Uh girls... you might want to take a look at this!”

The Mane 6 and Derpy crowd around the window. Everypony walking by is doing so, but in slow motion. They continue to slow to a crawl before stopping completely. Rainbow Dash’s head snaps over to look at Twilight.

“What kind of magic is this?!”

“I don't know for sure, but I read years ago about something like this! It was known as Chrono Magic! But it was all theory! No pony has ever actually been powerful enough to do it!”

Applejack continues to stare out the window. “What's Chrono Magic, Twilight?”

“Magic that can affect time itself! The real question is, who is powerful enough to do that?!”

Rarity looks around the room. “And why are we not affected?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “I don't know! This scenario defies all reason!”

The light from the sun suddenly begins to dim, as well as the light from the indoor lights and fireplace! Fluttershy hides behind her tail and mane.

“How is this possible?!?!?!”

The light from outside is gone completely, and the fireplace only illuminates a few inches of the hearth. However the ponies can somehow still see each other as clear as day. Derpy looks around the nothingness that surrounds them.

“This... this feeling reminds me of the dream Arc and I shared!”

Twilight looks to her. “But how can that be?! We're all awake!”

A voice which seems to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time speaks.


Derpy looks around. “It… it’s you!

“Who, Derpy?!”

“The one who gave me the Spear of Hope in the Dream World!”

A bright silhouette suddenly appears before them.

“Who I am is not important, Derpy. But know this. I was... impressed... nay... awestruck, by the actions of a single individual recently. An individual whose future is now imperiled.”

“You mean…”

“Yes. Arc. Not just his actions in Equestria, but his much more recent ones in Tartarus. Even now, Arc fights to protect the innocent.”

Derpy looks to the silhouette, her eyes wide. “Fighting? Who is Arc fighting?”

“Monsters... demons... things that you ponies have only seen in your darkest nightmares.”

Twilight cautiously approaches the silhouette. “Please help us! With magic as strong as yours, entering Tartarus should be a cakewalk!”

The being is momentarily taken aback.

“Interesting... Nopony has ever ASKED to go to Tartarus.”

Derpy looks to the being, bravely. “Please! I want to help Arc!”

“Your courage is inspiring, Derpy. Very well.”

A crystal materializes and floats in front of Derpy. The figure looks to Derpy as she takes the crystal in her hooves.

“Whomever uses this magic crystal will be able to temporarily lower the barrier surrounding Tartarus. Be warned though! Once you begin channeling the crystal's magic, the barrier will fall, and will stay down as long as the effect is maintained. When you are finished, simply stop channeling and the crystal will shatter. Until that time the gates of Tartarus will remain open for ANY creature of Tartarus to leave! I cannot stress enough just how dangerous this will be! This is all I can do for you now. Good luck.”

The silhouette vanishes and things are again as they should be. Applejack is the first to speak.

“What… the hay… just happened?!”

Rarity looks to the others. “You girls saw that too? I thought I was just going crazy!”

Derpy looks at the crystal in her hooves. “All I want right now is to use this crystal and save Arc! The other mysteries can wait! Twilight, can you make this thing work?”

Twilight walks over to Derpy and takes the crystal. “Yes, I think so. But we still need a plan. We can enter Tartarus, but what then? Let's put our heads together and think this through.”

The seven ponies talk at great length before coming up with a final plan. Twilight looks around the room.

“Alright! Let's go over this from start to finish. Rainbow Dash, you will fly as fast as you can to Cloudsdale and bring me a flask of Liquid Rainbow.”

“Ohhh yeah! Don’t worry! I got this!”

“Applejack and Pinkie Pie, I need you go to the Ponyville Crystal Mines and find me a Blood Diamond. When you find one, bring it to me. I'll combine it with the Liquid Rainbow to make a Rainbow Diamond. Rarity will attach it to Derpy's Magic Cloak, which will augment its powers.”

“Okie dokie loki!”

“You can count on me, darling! But isn't augmenting a magic cloak illegal?”

“Very! I'm sorry to ask you to do this Rarity, but we really don't have any choice!”

“...I know. You can count on me!”

Twilight holds up the Strange Crystal with her magic. “While you girls are doing that I will take this to Silver Hammer and have her set it into a pendant. Hopefully her husband Steel Hammer has some armor laying around as well. Once all that is accomplished we will be ready to rescue Arc. Fluttershy, when we arrive, you will have to convince Cerberus not to attack us.”


Twilight smiles at the others. “If we can get all this done today, we can head out first thing tomorrow morning.”

Everyone cheers happily as Twilight looks around the room.

“You all have your assignments! Let's go!”

The Mane 6 scatter to carry out their tasks. Twilight walks toward the now open door.

“Don't worry Derpy. Arc will be back before you know it!”

She leaves the house and closes the door behind her.

Derpy paces back and forth a few times before coming to a decision. “I know what I have to do…”

Derpy picks up Dinky from her crib and, after wrapping her up in several blankets, heads out the door towards Sugar Cube Corner. Arriving at the bakery she walks in the front door and is greeted by Mrs. Cake.

“Hello dear. What can I get for you today?”

“Um… I'm a friend of Pinkie Pie and she told me you and Mr. Cake have two foals.”

Mrs. Cake smiles with evident pride. “That we do. Why do you ask?”

“Well... I need a favor...”

Meanwhile, Twilight enters the Blacksmith’s Shop to see Silver Hammer behind the counter. Silver Hammer smiles as Twilight approaches her.

“Hello Twilight. What can I help you with today?”

Twilight holds up the crystal. “Hello ma’am. I need a gem set into a simple pendant please.”

Silver Hammer looks it over in her hooves before setting it down on the counter. “Hmmm... never seen one like this before. What is it...?”

“Well, to tell the truth, I'm not really sure. But supposedly we can use this to enter Tartarus and save Arc.”

Silver Hammer quickly heads to the back room! “Oh my! I'll get to work on it right away!”

“While you're doing that, I need to speak to Steel Hammer about some armor for my friends and I!”

Silver Hammer calls out as she heads to the back. “I’ll send him over in a few minutes.”

In short order Steel Hammer comes into the front of the shop and approaches Twilight. “My wife says you’re looking for some armor. What kind?”

She thinks for a moment. “Do you have any Mithril Chain Mail?”

“I have one suit of Mithril Chain Mail.”

“I really need six suits total. Do you have anything else?”

Steel Hammer thinks for a few moments. “Hmmm... well I do have several suits of Steel Chain Mail Armor. They are a bit old and dusty, but still quite functional.”

Twilight gives Steel Hammer nearly every bit she has. “Sounds good! Can you deliver the Chain Mail armor to the Library today? I'll take the Mithril Armor with me now.”

“Sure! But I admit I am a bit mystified. Why do you need so much armor?”

“Well, you see…”

Silver Hammer returns to the front of the shop with the finished pendant.

“There you are dear! Do be careful in Tartarus, won't you now.”

Twilight makes her way to the door quickly. “Thank you Silver Hammer!”

Steel Hammer turns to get Twilight’s order together but suddenly stops dead in his tracks. “TARTARUS?!”

Silver Hammer nods. “Yes! The crystal in that pendant she left with should allow her to enter and save that nice Arc fellow who found our Platinum Valve. By the way, did she buy some armor as well?”

“One suit of Mithril Chain Mail and five suits of Steel Chain Mail.”

Silver Hammer brings a hoof to her mouth in worry. “Oh dear! They must be expecting heavy resistance!”

Steel Hammer frowns. “You know what we have to do, don't you dear?”

Silver Hammer heads to the back room. “I'll get everything ready while you make your delivery.”

Twilight arrives back at her home about the same time as Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack.

“How did it go?!”

Rainbow Dash holds up her prize. “I got the Liquid Rainbow!”

Pinkie bounces over to Twilight and gives her the gem. “We found a Blood Diamond!”

They both follow Twilight to the basement with the reagents. A few minutes later rainbow-colored light fills every window of the library. Twilight holds up the Rainbow Diamond triumphantly.

“There! Rainbow Dash, get this to Rarity as fast as you can!”

Rainbow Dash flies up the stairs and out the door. “On it!”

Twilight turns to the others. “Augmenting a magic cloak is rather complicated work, but I’m sure Rarity will have it ready by tonight. Everypony get a good night sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.”

Later that night there is a knock at the Carousel Boutique’s door. Rarity trots over to answer it.

“Who could that be at this hour?”

Opening the door, she sees Twilight.

“Dear! What are you doing here at this hour?!”

Twilight walks in the shop. “Sorry! I just came to see if you were able to augment the cloak. It was keeping me awake.”

Rarity appears nervous.

“Well, to tell you truth, I had a bit of trouble with it. The Rainbow Diamond is set perfectly. But I seem to lack the magical ability to bring the enchantment online.”

“Don't worry about it! I’ll take care of that!”

Rarity leads Twilight over to a table where the cloak is lying. Twilight's horn glows softly but grows in intensity over the next few minutes before erupting in a flash of light. Rarity gasps in surprise.

“Good heavens! Are you alright?!”

Twilight looks over to Rarity weakly. “Yes... it just took more out of me than I expected. But now everything is ready for tomorrow!”

“Well then, all that's left to do is get a good night's rest. Can I walk you home, Twilight?”

“Thanks, but I think I will be all right. I'll take the cloak with me and see you at my place in the morning.”

Rarity walks Twilight over to the door as she puts the cloak on. “All right. Good night dear.”

“Good night Rarity. And... thanks... for everything.”

Twilight quickly returns home. The spring air is warm, but she hardly notices. Arriving back at her library Twilight tries to sleep, but fails. Standing up and walking over to her desk, she pulls out an inkwell and a blank scroll.

“I guess I should write a letter to Cadance, just in case I don't make it back...”

Twilight writes a rather lengthy letter detailing the events after she and her friends left Canterlot, informing her former foal sitter about her plans to enter Tartarus and her wishes if she does not return. Rolling up the scroll she walks over to Spike and taps his forehead.

“Spike, I need you to do something for me.”

The small dragon looks up from his basket. “What is it Twilight?”

She levitates the scroll over to him. “Exactly two hours after we leave tomorrow, I want you to send this letter to Princess Cadance. Promise?”

Spike nods. “Sure Twilight, I promise!”

Early the next morning the five little ponies walk toward the Golden Oaks Library with their saddlebags packed. Applejack is in the lead.

“Hope everypony is well rested. This is a pretty long trip on hoof.”

Rainbow Dash flies past her. “I’m ready for anything!”

Pinkie rolls by with her party cannon. “Let’s do this!”

Fluttershy forces a smile. “Yay.”

They knock on Twilight’s door. A few moments later Spike answers. Applejack smiles at him.

“Morning Spike! Where’s Twilight?”

Spike shrugs and gives Applejack a scroll. “I dunno! But she told me to give you this!”

Applejack reads over the scroll and frowns. “Well that's just weird...”

Rainbow Dash flies around impatiently. “What’s it say?!”

Applejack sighs as she holds the scroll in her hoof. “All it says is, ‘stand just outside the library's front door and look toward my mailbox’.”

Rarity looks confused. “Whatever could that mean?”

They all turn and do as the note suggests.

Rainbow Dash squints at the mailbox. “I don’t see anything.”

Fluttershy squints. “Neither do I.”

Pinkie narrows her eyes and frowns. “There nothing there, but my Pinkie Sense says otherwise!”

Suddenly the sound of Twilight’s laughter can be heard coming from the direction of the mailbox. Applejack gasps.

“What the hay?!”

Twilight's hooded form suddenly becomes visible. She continues giggling as she pushes back the hood.

“Sorry girls, but I just had to test this out before we go.”

Rarity gasps. “Good heavens!”

Pinkie grins. “Wowie! We couldn't see you even though we were looking right at you, Twilight!”

“Right! The Mithril Armor I bought yesterday helps to further cloak me from sight! I bought armor for everypony!”

Applejack chuckles. “Well, that was quite generous of you, Twilight!”

Twilight looks down at her hooves sadly. “I just don't want any more of my friends getting hurt... or worse.”

The Mane 6 enters the library together, put on their armor, check their bags, and walk back outside. They are a few paces down the road when a voice calls out to them.

“Wait for me!”

They turn to see Derpy galloping toward them with fully loaded saddlebags.

“I'm coming too!”

Twilight looks at her. “Derpy?! Where’s Dinky?!”

“She's with the Cakes! I'm coming with you, and that's that!”

Derpy turns around and looks behind her.

“Besides… I’m not alone!”

Twilight appears confused. “What are you talking about, Derpy?”

Derpy returns her confused gaze with one of her own.

“You didn’t know?”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Know what, sugarcube?”

Derpy points a hoof down the road. “Ponies have been gathering at the edge of town all morning! When I passed by at least half the town was there! They all want to help you storm the gates of Tartarus!”

The Mane 6 look at her in disbelief.


Derpy motions for them to follow her.

“Come see for yourselves”!

Derpy leads them to the edge of town and points a hoof.


Applejack stares at the group, her eyes wide. “That’s gotta be two thirds of Ponyville!”

Twilight and her friends make their way to the front of the procession. Twilight clears her throat loudly.

“Can I have everypony’s attention please? We're grateful that you all came out here to help us save Arc. But I want everypony to understand that this is going to be very, very dangerous. Please, for your own safety, return home and let us handle this.”

Some of the townspony’s speak up.

“No! Arc is one of us!”

“Yeah! We got your back, Twilight!”

“You can’t do this with just the seven of you!”

Twilight shakes her head. “But… nopony here has any actual combat experience!”

A voice is heard behind Twilight.

“Not entirely true, miss.”

The Mane 6 and Derpy turn around to see two ponies so heavily armored and enchanted they literally hum walking toward them in white full body armor. Twilight looks at them astonished.

“Is that... Adamantium Armor?! But... but even the military special forces don't have anything as strong as that! Who... are you?!”

“Up until a hooffull of years ago we were known as the Heroes of Light. Equestria's most elite military duo.”

Those assembled turn to each other, wide-eyed, and share what they know of the pair.

“I heard they once took on an army of monsters, just the two of them! Not one of the monsters made it out alive!”

“I heard Princess Celestia sent the two of them to a neighboring country when it seemed war was inevitable! Rumor has it before they reached the border that country sent diplomats to negotiate!”

“I heard they can kill an enemy, just by looking at them!”

The pair laugh. “Some of those stories are a bit… exaggerated.”

“We owe your friend Arc a debt! Today that debt will be repaid! Miss…”

“Call me Twilight.”

“Then lead on Twilight! Let's go!”

All the assembled ponies cheer and stomp the ground in agreement. Twilight looks to her little army.

“Thank you... all of you. Now... let's go save a friend! Move out!”

Everypony assembled trot down the road toward Tartarus. A few hours later in the Crystal Empire Princess Cadance gasps as a scroll materializes in front of her.

“A letter from Twilight? Perhaps she has found a way to save her friend!”

Cadance quickly opens the scroll and begins to read.

Dear Cadance,

By the time you receive this letter I will have reached the gates of Tartarus with my friends. We have found a way to lower the barrier surrounding Tartarus via alternative means using a strange crystal given to us by a shadowy, unknown figure. Normally I would hesitate to use unknown magical items from dubious sources. But in this instance, I feel there is no choice. Arc MUST be saved! Please know that if any other way to accomplish this end was available I would gladly take it.

I want to take this moment to say that I don't blame you, or Princess Luna, for not allowing me and my friends to use the Tear of Forgiveness. The safety of Equestria is, of course, of primary concern. I know it is foolhardy to risk so much to save one creature's life, but Arc is a... a very special friend to me and my friends. He has done so much to safeguard Ponyville so far in his time among us, and I feel it in my bones that he will be of pivotal importance to not just Ponyville's future, but all of Equestria! This tragic injustice was, and still is, and will always be completely my fault. Now I have a chance to make things right! Either I will save Arc, or I will perish trying.

There is very little chance I will be successful in this mission. In fact, death is all but assured for me and all my friends, but... this is something we have to do. Please understand.

Before I end this letter, I want to take this chance to say goodbye, as it is unlikely we will ever meet again. Please know that I will always cherish the time we spent together when I was a foal. Playing games, making cookies, playing tricks on my brother Shining Armor. My only request is that you continue to protect Equestria in the future, as you have always done. Well, that and... please tell Princess Celestia that... I'm sorry. Sorry for causing all this trouble. Hopefully, someday, the two of you can find it in your hearts to forgive me...

Your Eternal Friend...

-Twilight Sparkle

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