• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Untrustworthy

Early the next morning Minerva slowly opens her eyes and looks out the window. The sun has long since risen and a cold rain pecks at the glass. She sits up slowly and puts a hand to her forehead.

“What… happened?”

Frowning, she tugs at the night shirt.

“These aren’t my clothes.”

Minerva looks around the empty room for a few moments.

“I’m home?”

She sniffs the air.

“Breakfast? Is it perhaps the neighbors? No, they’re never up this early.”

A chill runs down Minerva’s spine.

“Did… did I go home with someone last night?!”

She thinks for a moment.

“Well, they can’t be that bad a bedmate. After all they gave me something to wear and drove me home.”

Minerva puts a hand to her forehead.

“My head! I must’ve had WAY too much to drink last night. But… wait! I… I didn’t have anything last night! Cherry?!”

The sound of footsteps approaching can be heard echoing down the hall. Minerva gulps nervously as she calls out.

“Who… who’s there?!”

The bedroom door opens and Eidolon’s Ward enters the room. Minerva screams and falls backwards off the bed to peer over the bedspread.

“H-Hero?! How… how did you find me?!”

“Minerva! It’s me, Cherry!”

“Ch-Cherry? Is that really you?”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Yes!”


“The Hero let me borrow his armor so I could take care of you last night.”

“Take care of me?”

“Yes. You were in pretty rough shape. Are you okay down there?”

Minerva nods as she slowly stands up, albeit shakily. “I… um… think so.”

Eidolon’s Ward steps forward. “Please! You shouldn’t be moving around too much after last night.”

“What happened?”

“You don’t remember?”

Minerva shakes her head. “N-no! But my body aches all over. Was there some kind of accident?!”

She blushes as she looks down at her night clothes.

“Or… did something worse happen to me?!”


Minerva looks away. “Yeah.”

“No. But you collapsed when we reached the Hero’s house.”

“As out of it as I was, I don’t even remember getting out of the car.”

“We can talk about it over breakfast. Are you hungry?”

Minerva nods. “I am actually.”

Eidolon’s Ward walks over to the young woman and extends a gauntlet. “Breakfast should be almost ready by now.”

Minerva reaches over and accepts the help. “Um… thanks, Cherry.”

The pair walk slowly out the Bedroom door and down the hall. Minerva sniffs the air.

“That does smell good! I didn’t know you could cook, Cherry.”

“Well, I most certainly can. But I didn’t do it alone.”

“You didn’t? Then who…?”

They enter the kitchen. Arc is standing at the stove wearing the navy blue cloak they took from Stingray and his Abyssinian Silk mask. Minerva’s eyes grow wide.

“It… it’s YOU!”

Arc turns around as he removes a pan from the heat and frowns. “Are you feeling better, Miss Moore?”

“I… um... suppose so.”

He puts the contents of the pan on a plate. “That’s… good to hear, I suppose. Now why don’t we sit down and eat before it gets cold?”


Eidolon’s Ward leads Minerva to a chair before heading to the sink. Arc sits down across from her and picks up his silverware.

“Cherry, why don’t you join us?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet as she fills the sink with warm water. “I should probably get these dishes done.”

Minerva turns to Cherry, nervously. “Please join us! I… um… have some questions.”


Pulling out a chair she sits down with them at the table. Arc lifts his mask to expose his mouth and continues the conversation coolly as he begins to eat.

“I’m sure you have quite a few things to say, Miss Moore.”

“Yes. For starters, how did I get here?!”

Arc does not look up. “I drove you home in your car. You’re welcome by the way.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Minerva and speaks in an apologetic tone. “We all took you home.”


Arc nods a he pours syrup on his pancakes. “Yes. I don’t work alone, you know.”

“How did you know where I lived?!”

Eidolon’s Ward points to the purse on the counter nearby. “The Hero checked your bag for something called a ‘driver’s license’.”

“Yes. Not everything I do is all magical and sparkly.”

Minerva looks down at herself. “And the clothes? You didn’t… you know… do anything with…?”

Arc stops chewing as he looks over to Minerva, angrily. “Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not my type.”

Eidolon’s Ward gasps. “Hero, please! What’s gotten into you?!”

Minerva looks surprised. “Yes, I thought you were supposed to be a…!”

Arc stands up quickly and slams both hands down on the table, clearly furious. “A what?!”

“A hero!”

“I am! But I’m also MAD!”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds worried. “What has she done to make you feel that way?”

“Kidnapping you for starters, Cherry!”

“I… I didn’t know your helmet was alive when I picked it up!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Right! I stayed quiet!”

Arc points a finger at the woman across the table. “I do believe you, Minerva. However, then you LIED to me about her fate!”

Minerva looks down, ashamed. “That I did.”

“Yes, but I’ve forgiven her for what she did to me! Even when she put me in that drawer!”

Minerva nods sadly. “Twice.”

She suddenly feels an invisible force tighten around her neck. Minerva looks up to see Arc with his hand outstretched toward her. He sounds furious as he continues.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t do this, Minerva!”

Eidolon’s Ward calls out nervously. “Hero? What are you…?”

Arc does not take his eyes off Minerva. “I close my hand and that’s the end of you! So what’s your answer?!”

Minerva puts a hand to her throat. “I… I can’t!”

“Oh?! And why not?!”

“Because I deserve it!”


“Finding your helmet was the best thing to ever happen to me! So much so that I… I thought I needed to keep her for myself!”

“She already confessed her misdeeds to me in this regard! Please release her!”

Arc slowly lowers his hand and sits back down. Minerva is able to breathe normally again. She does her best to catch her breath.

“Hero, I… I um…”

Arc looks away as he mutters. “Just… stop.”

“What Minerva did to me… to us, was most certainly wrong beyond words. But I’m willing to forgive her.”

“How can you be so casual about this, Cherry?!”

“Because she’s my friend.”

Arc sighs. “You said that back at the house. But I’m still not sure I understand how THAT happened.”

Minerva looks to the armor. “She just kinda grew on me.”

“Cherry has that effect on those around her.”

“I do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. You’re probably the sweetest individual I’ve ever met.”

Minerva smiles at the armor. “That and I never thought I’d meet such a kind and understanding pony.”

Arc looks over quickly. “Pony?!”

“I showed her how you and I met.”

“You did? How?”

“By inviting her to our Sanctuary. I hope that was okay!”

Arc sighs. “If you trusted Minerva enough to tell her the truth, yes. I just want to know one thing, Cherry.”

“What is it?”

“How can you be so friendly with the woman who separated you and I?!”

“I suppose because Minerva is really just desperate and lonely. She doesn’t have anyone to share her life with.”

Minerva nods sadly. “It’s true. For all my journalistic success, I still consider myself somewhat of a failure in that regard.”

Arc shakes his head. “Tell me this. If you cared so much for Cherry, why did you put her in a drawer?! And why did you lie to me the other day?!”

“I’m really sorry about that. The truth is, Cherry is my first real friend. I guess I just wanted to keep her safe and hidden from those who would take her from me. Including you, Hero.”

“I see.”

“Before I met Cherry all I thought about was my career. How I was going to make it big one day and have everything I ever wanted. Money, fame, and the recognition of the entire country.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you’re different now?”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “She is. Her demeanor and candor are so much different now than they were when we first spoke.”

Minerva smiles at her friend. “I suppose I have, Cherry. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

“How did this happen?”

“It’s a very long story, Hero.”

Arc sits back in his chair and folds his hands. “I have all day.”

Minerva and Cherry bring Arc up to speed on their adventures together.

“That’s quite the full schedule. I went to see the rubble of the hospital after the explosion. But I never dreamed you had been there, Cherry!”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “We almost became a part of that rubble!”


“I see. And Cherry convinced you not to give up hope, huh?”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “I guess I kinda did, yes. Your bravery and selflessness seem to have rubbed off on me.”

“I disagree, Cherry.”

“You do?”

Minerva appears surprised. “How?!”

“I… learned from your funeral that you’ve always been a kind-hearted mare. Looking out for others and helping as best you can. The courage to do the right thing has always resided in you.”

Eidolon’s Ward puts a gauntlet on his hand. “That may be. But you showed me there’s always more that I can do to make things easier for others. To help make both our worlds better places.”

Minerva smiles. “Cherry, I’d very much like to see your homeland one day.”

“What about your place here?”

“I’ve learned that all the success in the world is worthless without a good friend to share the good times with. Truthfully I’d like to learn more about Cherry and her kind, Hero.”

Minerva suddenly looks nervous.

“Not to say you aren’t interesting, Hero.”

“I think I understand what you mean.”

“You do?”

Arc nods. “Yes. When you care about someone you want to learn more about them. To become closer friends.”

“Cherry said you go between our worlds somehow. Would it be possible for me to tag along sometime?”

Arc shakes his head. “I… I don’t think so.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds surprised. “Why not?!”

“You may trust her, Cherry. But even her knowing this much endangers our objective. Remember, this is bigger than you, me, or Minerva’s feelings.”

Minerva looks down at her hands. “I know I haven’t been the best person in the past. But I could help you!”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to Arc. “She is pretty good at her job. Maybe she could be of use in… you know.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m sorry, but we can’t talk about our mission to anyone.”

Minerva nods sadly. “I… understand.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as Eidolon’s Ward sighs.

“It’s okay, Minerva. Thanks for being willing to help us.”

“Yes. But what about all that talk in your office about furthering your career?”

“Our brush with death at the hospital and Cherry’s heroics showed me just how utterly worthless such a pursuit really is without others to share in your success.”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet. “But what about your dream?! What about Walter Cronkite?!”

“I’d rather help you out, Cherry. Make a difference for your homeland. After all, I’m assuming you wouldn’t be here if the need wasn’t great.”

Arc nods. “Yes. This is of greatest importance for… the other world. Things can’t go on as they have in the past.”

“Well, if you ever need something looked into I’d be willing to lend a hand.”


Minerva nods. “Yes. All you have to do is ask and I’ll do my absolute best for you.”

“Thank you. But I want you to know I still don’t trust you, Minerva.”

Minerva sighs. “Yes, well… I guess I deserve that.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods as she puts a gauntlet on Arc’s shoulder. “Maybe one day she’ll be able to earn that.”

Arc stands up. “Perhaps. But that day is not today. In any case, I need to be going. You want to stay with Minerva, Cherry?”

“For the day, yes.”


Arc heads for the door.


He stops and turns around.


“I’ve learned something you might find interesting.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “About The Riders, or the Shards?”

“The Shards. They’ve been delivering truckloads of goods lately.”

“Where to?”

“The middle of nowhere ironically. They load up a truck, drive away, park on some dusty old road in the middle of nowhere, and then head back to their base.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds confused. “I don’t understand how that’s…”

“The trucks always return empty though!”

“What?! How?!”

Minerva shrugs. “I have no idea.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully. “In that case, how did you know the trucks were full when they left the Shard base?”

“By infiltrating them.”

“You mean…?”

Minerva nods. “Yes. I dressed up as one of them and walked around a bit. Gotta say, they’re pretty organized. You should take a peek at all the weird stuff they have over there, Hero.”

“I’ve been there several times.”

Minerva looks surprised. “You have?”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Yes. It certainly wasn’t the most fun we’ve ever had, mind you. But we were able to get in and out without anypony getting hurt. Even though they discovered us both times.”

Arc sighs. “Yes. Not sure how we managed that.”

Minerva looks him up and down. “You kinda stand out, Hero.”

“We were invisible.”

Minerva appears confused. “Then how did they see you?!”

“Their lieutenants certainly aren’t what I would call normal.”

Eidolon’s Ward shudders. “Agreed.”

“You mean Stingray, Hammer and Mio?”

Arc looks to Minerva, surprised. “Yes. What about them?”

“You’re right to be wary of them. Unlike the other members, and Frank Fontaine himself, I could never find anything on them.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds confused. “Find anything?”

“Like where they came from. Not their real names or their birthplaces. Those three women and Frank are certainly shrouded in mystery. So which one found you?”

“All of them at one time or another.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “Not an experience either of us relish, mind you.”

“Right. We got out of there somehow though.”

Minerva raises an eyebrow. “I don’t understand. Hero, you certainly have the power to take them on. Why don’t you?”

“At the time I didn’t have any reason to do so.”

He looks down at his hands.

“You don’t understand what it’s like to be me. Having to always be mindful of my opponent’s safety.”

“THEIR safety?!”

Arc nods. “I could very easily turn someone into a pile of goo if I wasn’t careful. And what kind of hero would I be then?”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “Not a very good one.”

“Right. But we’re getting off topic here. Minerva, if you’re serious about helping, tell me when the next truck is going out.”

“Somehow I think that ship has sailed.”


“You saw what happened in that mine, Hero. Diva betrayed her followers and left them to die down there. Do you really think they’ll be interested in helping her again?”

Arc sighs. “I suppose not.”


Eidolon’s Ward looks to her friend. “It’s not your fault, Minerva.”

Arc nods. “Agreed. But do you have ANY idea what cargo the trucks were carrying?”

Minerva shakes her head. “No. They were pretty heavily guarded during the loading process. Crates of some kind.”

Arc sighs. “Those could have contained anything.”

“Yes, well… maybe someone at the Shard base would know more. Perhaps you could convince them to tell you.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “I don’t really think they’ll be too receptive of us after all that’s happened.”

“Maybe. Then again, maybe not.”


“Their leaders abandoned them while Dragon and I rescued everyone. They owe me a bit of a favor after all that. If even just to get back at Diva and the other lieutenants.”

Minerva nods. “Sadly I can’t tell you anything about that Diva witch. She never showed her face around the Shard base, nor did I overhear any conversation about her from anyone.”

Eidolon’s Ward sounds surprised. “Not even the lieutenants?”

“I stayed away from them. Too risky to get close.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Mio and Diva. Those two really are quite the mystery.”

Eidolon’s Ward looks to him. “What about Stingray and Hammer?”

“They’re tough, but not the same kind of tough.”

Minerva shudders. “Yes. Those powers they have make them fearsome opponents. Any idea where they got them, Hero?”

“None whatsoever. That’s what has me most worried. The enemy I can’t see is more of a danger than the one right in front of me.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to him. “Maybe Diva was able to transfer some of her power to Mio.”

“That’s an even more frightening thought. Cherry, do you know if anyone… back home was ever able to do that?”

Eidolon’s Ward thinks for a moment. “To the best of my knowledge, no. But I’m not really the best mare to ask such things.”

“You had magic, Cherry?!”

“No, I was an Earth Pony. Magic is beyond us.”

“I’ll have to call home and ask about this then.”

Minerva looks down the hall. “You can use my telephone if you’d like.”

Arc chuckles. “Sadly, I don’t think Long Distance is going to cover that call.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “The Hero means call our homeworld.”

“Yes. But I’ll do it from my place.”

Minerva sighs. “I understand. But before you go I just wanted to say thank you for saving me.”

“You’re welcome. Truth be told, it really was a last minute expedition down there.”

Minerva looks confused. “Down where?”

“To that old mine.”

Minerva looks confused. “The mine? No, I’m talking about how you saved me from those ruffians last night.”

“Um… what?”

“The ones who dragged me into that alley.”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t remember much from after the mine explosion. Dragon helped me onto my mount and we left. Shortly after that, I passed out.”

Eidolon’s Ward gasps. “Are you alright?!”

“Yes. I just used a little too much of my power. We can talk about that later.”

Arc turns to Minerva.

“Can you describe the person who saved you last night?”

Minerva thinks for a moment before responding. “He was wearing a blue robe exactly like yours. That’s why I thought you had saved me.”

“Any other distinguishing characteristics?”

“Just one. He was wearing a white mask just like Diva’s. When I saw them in that alley I originally thought it was her coming to finish me off, or something.”

Arc frowns. “Diva and the mask. Are you sure it wasn’t her?”

“Positive. They spoke with a man’s voice and referred to themselves as Wiseman.”

Eidolon’s Ward gasps. “Him again?!”

Minerva turns to the armor. “You know him?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. He and I have spoken before.”


“Wiseman was the one who told us about the Shards in the mine. He also said he had sent you there as well.”

Minerva’s eyes grow wide. “My tipster! But… but why?!”

Arc shrugs. “Who knows what goes through that guy’s heard?”

Eidolon’s Ward looks over. “I think I may know why.”


“It’s kinda a long shot, but it seems as if he only tells us certain things in order to get us to act as he wants.”

Minerva frowns. “Are you saying he’s manipulating us?”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “Only partially. Perhaps he only wanted to get you and the Hero together.”

Arc looks out the window. “To what end though?”

“Maybe so Minerva could tell you where to find me.”

Minerva nods. “When I didn’t, he followed me to the alley.”

“What did he say?”

“That I needed to give Cherry back to you, Hero… amongst other things.”

Arc sighs. “He’s always so cryptic.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “I worry that his unwillingness to simply come out and say something will one day cause us trouble.”

“It already has.”

Arc turns to Minerva.

“But there is something I want to tell you before I go.”

“There is?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I just wanted to say… thank you for returning the love of my life.”

“It’s the least I could do after what I did to her and you.”

“That and sorry for blowing up earlier.”

He turns the Eidolon’s Ward.

“I’ll come get you later, Cherry.”

“Yes. Thank you for understanding.”

“Well, I should be getting home.”

Minerva turns to him. “Wait! Cherry never told me who you are.”

Arc sighs as he takes his sigil gauntlet from Eidolon’s Ward and opens a portal.

“It’s best if you don’t know.”

“I won’t tell anyone!”

Arc shakes his head but does not turn around. “No. If someone like the Shards, or worse, knew you were in contact with me you would become a target.”

“Sorry, but it’s my journalistic tendencies. I don’t like the unknown. Someday I’ll figure it out, and that’s a promise.”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “But why?!”

“Because it’s who I am and what I do, Hero. But I’ll keep my promise to not tell anyone, mind you.”

“Um… thanks, I think. I’ll see you two later.”

Arc steps through the portal and is gone. Eidolon’s Ward turns to Minerva.

“Why is this so important to you?”

“To know the unknowable is what every reporter lives for.”

“Even if it brings his world crashing down?!”

Minerva shakes her head. “That’s why I won’t tell anyone. Because we need the Hero to continue fighting for us.”

“For the town?”

“No. For the world. Yours and mine, Cherry.”

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