• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Pony and Dog Show, epilogue 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Pony and Dog Show,
epilogue 4


“I told you not to come.”

“And I told you, that if you thought I wouldn't be here when my brother was in danger, you're not the mare I thought I knew.”

Cadence frowned looking at Shining Armor, the white unicorn stared back at the pink Princess impassively.

“Don't mind me … I’ll just lay down over here and die because of flying captain lard ass over there the six leagues across a dangerous forest because he had to be here and he wouldn't even take his armor off.” Comet Trail called, laying on the ground in a heap not far from the pair, panting hard his bat wings twitching.

“It was an order....” Shining Armor rolled his eyes as Cadence smirked a little.

“I'm not part of your unit.” the Thestral called back. “It was a favor and now you owe me one, so right now shut up and let me die in peace. Go see your brother or something.”

“Right, thanks. Any way Princess... I may have told my Guards return to Canterlot, but I am still here now. And unless you want to order me away so I can ignore that too....” Shining began.


“By the stars more yelling.” Comet Trail whimpered as a purple blur slammed into Shining Armor, bouncing off the armored white unicorn with a crash.

“Ow.” Twilight muttered from the ground.

“Are you alright Twilight?” Cadence and Shining armor asked at the same time looking down at her before before looking back at each other with small smirks.

At the crash, Spike, the Crusaders,Fireball, and the rest of the mane six, minus Rarity, all came out of the Town Hall where Cadence had been coordinating the 42nd Guard around Ponyville.

“I'm fine... I think...... but Cadence here is keeping me from going after Rahs......” Twilight pointed at the pink mare accusingly as she got up. “ And Rarity is down there too!”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow looking at Cadence who simply sighed.

“Spike please inform your brother what I told everyone, and that your sister is ignoring.” Cadence grumbled.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are dealing with it.” Spike shrugged. “ Honestly I’m a bit worried myself. It's been an hour since every one came back with Cadence.”

“Except my sister!” Sweetiebelle shouted flailing at Cadence with her fore hooves as Applebloom and Scootaloo held her back. “ Where is she you …. you.... smarmy toad!?”

“Smarmy toad?” Shining Armor questioned looking at Cadence.

“Rarity taught her it's uncouth to swear. “ Applebloom explained.

“So she mixes up words she's read and tries to make them insults.” Scootaloo offered. “It's pretty fun most times.”

“'Ignorant Kumquat' is still my favorite this week.” Spike chimed in.

“I liked 'Chronic Drumstick' myself.” Pinkie Pie added.

“'Parasitic oak plank', was a humdinger.” Applejack added.

“Oh so it was an insult when she called Angel Bunny a 'Cumbersome gumdrop'?” Fluttershy considered.

“'Cantankerous nimbus' was a good one.” Fireball added.

“Ooh I like that one better than 'Snowflake Harlot'.” Dash smirked.

“She didn't listen either...” Cadence grumbled tuning out the others. ”Much like you and Twilight. It seems no one in your family listens to what other ponies say.”

“Oh I listened, I just came here any way.” Shining rebuked.” Now before Twily decides it would be more efficient to try and teleport to every hospital within range of Canterlot, where are Princess Celestia or Princess Luna?”

“Oh right I can do that!” Twilight beamed.

“NO!” everyone shouted, with the exception of Comet Trail who just weakly muttered it between gasps for air.

“Oh my, what is every one shouting about?”

“Rarity!” Sweetiebelle shouted shrugging off Scootaloo and Applebloom and bouncing over to grapple her sister's neck in a death hug.

“Rarity where's Rahs and Princess Celestia?” Twilight demanded getting in the other mares blue face.

“AKK!” Rarity responded.

Celestia frowned as the doctor gave the report to her. If Luna had not been livid before she would be now.

Rahs however sat on the bed calmly listening his frown deepening as everything was explained. He wanted something to eat, a bath and a nap, in that order.

Celestia turned from the Doctor to look over the Moon Dog. At first glance he seemed fine. As the doctor continued however she saw some of the issues he was speaking of.

Rahs' amber eyes were a bit dull and the small bits of skin that weren't covered by fur, his nose, lips and around his ears, were all very pale. The doctor listed that as a result of the blood he lost. The magic she had been giving him had helped, but his body was worn out from his hours of being drained and the forced regeneration he had been subjected to.

Celestia hadn't even been aware that he could recover as fast as he had. As a pup his few injuries had healed quickly, but this was something that probably should have killed him.

He was also rail thin, his body having converted what fat he had on him it energy to heal. So far he had eaten everything put in front of him and likely would have kept going until he overstuffed himself and become sick. He was known to do that and the doctors were aware of that.

It was his right arm that had Celestia more worried than anything else. Right now it was heavily bandaged , but she and Rarity had seen it when they first dropped him off at the hospital before popping over to Jynx and her pack.

To say it was mangled was an understatement. There was very little fur from his wrist to his bicep and it was covered in bite marks and places where strips of flesh had been torn off. Thankfully Butch had enough control over his pack to keep them from getting more than samples and nearly draining him dry. The current worm food had wanted him to last as long as possible to continually supplement their food supply until Butch could eat his heart before it gave out.

Rahs was anemic, on the verge of collapsing, and had an arm to regrow, but according to the doctor he was to make a full recovery.

While hearing that was a relief, Celestia was still concerned.

Rahs had yet to say a word, nor try and Cant anything with his ears to any pony.

Thus Celestia was quite worried about what his mental state was like after his ordeal. What he had been through was torture pure and simple. It was that thought that eased her mind in letting Luna do as she wished to the Bone Hounds. Still she wanted to know how he was coping, he had only been imprisoned for perhaps two or three hours at best depending on how long it took them to drag him through the tunnels.

Her questions would need to wait however as a trio of figures suddenly appeared in the room with a flash of light.

Spike yelped as he fell off Twilight's back. Shining Armor crashed into the doctor and they fell down in a heap trying to untangle from each other.

Twilight managed a glare at Celestia before she was nearly on top of Rahs looking him over with an appraising eye.

Rahs raised an eyebrow at his sister's inspection before sighing and rolling his eyes as she checked him out.

“What happened?” Twilight demanded though if it was from Celestia, the doctor, or Rahs no one was sure.

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged.

“What do you mean they played dirty?” Twilight demanded. “That doesn't explain anything?!”

Rahs shrugged again.

Twilight turned on Celestia as if to demand an answer to what had happened. Celestia was about to explain, only to take note of the faded amber glare that met her gaze over the top of Twilight's head.


Celestia frowned glancing at Shining who was to busy trying to get up to have heard him, Twilight was too busy glaring at her to hear evidently. She sighed as she lightly nodded.

“I only pulled him out of there Twilight. I don't know what happened after he was captured.” Celestia lied.”I was a little concerned with the pups chewing on my legs.”

Celestia lifted a leg showing the teeth marks in her gold hoof covers.

“Pups? What?” Spike asked.

“There were … some hostile negotiation that Luna took part in. Negotiations that required the safe relocation of the Diamond Dog pups in the warren.” Celestia continued picking her words carefully.

Celestia took note that Spike seemed to be trying to translate that. She also took note that Twilight and Shining Armor flinched, understanding the double talk. Rahs just sat there which was even more worrying.

“Sooo she beat them up... good. Maybe they'll think twice next time.” Spike huffed.

Shining and Twilight glanced at each other , but Celestia was certain she saw Rahs crack a smile at Spikes innocence in the situation.

“So what's wrong with him?” Shining asked the doctor looking at how thin and pale his brother was.

“Well as I was explaining to the Princess....” the doctor started to say before there was a massive flash of light and the whole room was suddenly filled with ponies.

“ See this is what happens when you rush me!” Cadence shouted from some where near the bottom of the pile.

“That was a teleport? That was COOL!” Scootaloo shouted.

“DO it again!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Git yer hoof out of my face.” Applejack fussed at Rarity.

“Darling that is not my hoof. Sweetiebelle is currently clinging to my hoof.” Rarity snapped back.

“I can't see anything.” Sweetiebelle fussed from under Rarity.

“Well who evers hoof that is is gonna get a slap if they don't move it.” Fireball grumbled.

“Umm I think it's my hoof sorry.” Fluttershy muttered.

“Are we there yet?” Applebloom asked.

“For the love of everything all of you get off of me! Why was I even brought along!?!” Comet Trail whined.

Somewhere in that massive pile of ponies Princess Celestia , the doctor, Twilight, Shining Armor and Spike lay buried. Only Rahs sitting on the bed had missed out and he was clearly amused by that.

Author's Note:

I've got one or two more before we return to mostly normal.

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