• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,782 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Friendship is Puppies, part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Friendship is Puppies,
part 5

“ Woof “ finished Rahs tapping his chin as he walked through town, Fluttershy trotting along behind him her ears perked up excitedly.

“Oh, yes I'd love to hear about today too....” Fluttershy agreed hopping into the air a little with a slight flap of her wings.

Rahs smiled, the soft spoken mare had been pretty much been listening to his life story since they met. She had offered a few theories about his parentage as well based on her experience with animals including a number of rare breeds. While she wasn't thrilled he was primarily a carnivore, she had cared for a number of meat eating animals before and wasn't squeamish about it in the slightest, though she did ask to be informed before he hunted for anything so she could tell her pets to avoid the area he was in. She also had easy access to fish if he was willing to stick to a diet like that. Really he rather enjoyed her company there was just one issue with the mare that worried him. A issue that came into play the moment they came within sight of the Golden Oaks library.

“THERE YOU ARE!” Twilight shouted.

YEEEP!!” Fluttershy cried and immediately vanished.

Rahs sighed as he was now partially hunched over with a lump under the back of his coat composed of a shivering, easily terrified Pegasus mare. This was the fourth time since they started walking she had taken cover under his coat. Once simply due to a loud noise down the street that he barely even noticed.

Twilight trotted up with Spike on her back looking at Rahs curiously as he fished under his coat and pulled the yellow mare out from under yet again, before setting her down.

“That's seven out of eight!” Spike laughed, still keeping a tally of how many ponies had fled from Twilight.

“I'm pretty sure those three flower ponies were screaming 'dragon' as they barricaded themselves in their shop, Spike.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “ So who's this?”

“Bark.” Rahs proclaimed.

“Fluttershy? Oh good we couldn't find her any where, I take the music is ready then?” Twilight glanced to Rahs then down to the mumbling mare who was trying to hide in her own wings then back up to Rahs.” Uhhhhh.”

Rahs shrugged.” Woof.”

“Huh social anxiety huh … I can understand that.”Twilight nodded. “ Still she seemed alright talking with you.”

“Bark.” Rahs pointed out.

“Really?” Twilight grinned.” I would really like to talk with you and discuss how you can speak with him, or animals at all......”

“WOOF.” Rahs interrupted.

“Oh right.. umm, I mean when ever you feel up for it Miss Fluttershy.”Twilight corrected.

“Wow Rahs. I always thought the goal was to try and get into a mares pants, not have a mare get into your shirt.” Spike chuckled.

“Grrr.” Rahs growled as he swatted the chuckling Dragon in the back of the head.

“Spike do you even know what that means?” Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Not really. It doesn't make sense either given that of all the mares I know that wear clothing very few of them wear pants..... except for that one guy on the street corner yelling about the end of the world. But he wears them on his head.” Spike pondered.

Spike trailed off as he was about to say something noticing the yellow mare had suddenly taken a very close interest in him and it was just a hair unnerving to be on the receiving end of her staring eyes.

“Ummm can I help you” Spike questioned as the mare smiled.

“Oh you are so cute....” Fluttershy squeed. “Rahs has been telling me all about his baby dragon brother.”

“Oh, well now.” Spike grinned striking what he thought was a dead sexy pose, but really just made his pudge push out a little more on his belly. That pose lasted all of three seconds before he looked up and noticed the evil grin on his brothers face. “Wait a second, Rahs has been telling you things about me?..... DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES!”

Fluttershy for the most part seemed completely oblivious to the outburst and started asking Spike a number of questions about dragons.

Twilight moved over to Rahs, her eyes narrowed. “You didn't tell her anything incriminating about him did you?” Twilight questioned in a low mutter.

Rahs shook his head but his grin didn't fade.

“Figured as much, well given the little brats been teasing me all day I'll let him stew wondering what you told her.”Twilight sighed. “ You doing alright now?”

“Woof.” Rahs nodded still not thrilled at Rarity, but he was calmer about it now. It wasn't like it hadn't happened before.

“Good .. this is the library we are staying at.”Twilight stated.” Shall we go have a look while these two are talking, I think Fluttershy forgot about us?”

“Woof.” Rahs agreed.

“Spike should be okay right?” Twilight asked as they entered the library.

“Woof.” Rahs smirked sniffing the air. The library must see a lot of use with all the Pony scents he could smell lingering in the air. Rahs blinked, his ears perking up in the pitch black of the library. There was something here with them......

“Well it's a good thing he doesn't have any ears to talk off then. Still as late as it's gotten I'm way behind on trying to study all I can on Nightmare Moon. There's no telling what will happen and I don't need a bunch of crazy ponies constantly trying to distract me with friendship or whatever. Now where's the light?”

“SURPRISE!!!” shouted a large group of ponies as the lights suddenly came back on.

Now it should be known, that Twilight was not a fan of surprises. She never had been, Rahs and Spike were indifferent to them as it was really hard to surprise Rahs and Spike was the most well adjusted of the three so it didn't bother him.

That said, while the usual reaction to being surprised was a shriek from Twilight and perhaps a bit of blugoning of the Pony or what ever got a jump on her or at least a lot of yelling at them, that was usually all that came from it. At least on a normal day.

Twilight was not having a normal day.

She was not at home, or near anything resembling familiar surroundings. She was upset that her teacher didn't believe her, she was angry that she had been sent to this town to do something she considered a waste of her time. There was the very real possibility that an ancient evil would be loosened on the world in little more than twelve hours. Her stomach still felt sick from all the food she ate, she was still annoyed at Rarity and a little bit at Dash too. Her hooves hurt from all the walking she was doing and she was going to be staying in a place that she was in no way used to.

That was all before some pony, who shall remain nameless, but whose name Rhymes with Stinky Fly, though she was by no means related to said pony, Stinky was the trash pony in Canterlot.

After all of that it her reaction would have been quite expected to the surprise party, at least to those who knew Twilight.

And as her eyes widened and she screamed out , her horn glowing a bright ,bright, crimson, it was quite a good thing for those at the party that Rahs knew his sister.

The Moon Dog quickly grabbed his sister and lifted her straight up into the air to the point her horn nearly touched the ceiling. Less than a heartbeat later there was no ceiling as the spell Twilight had created in her wild panic was discharged.

One moment there was light and the next moment there was a hole. There were also enough toothpicks falling from the sky and sticking into the ground that ponies around town needed to watch where they stepped for a few days afterward.

Once the worst of it seemed to be over, Rahs put Twilight down, the mare shaking and twitching as her eyes darted around the party. The gathered ponies remained silent for a bit staring at the panting Twilight before the perpetrator of this little event made their appearance and everyone else relaxed.

Not mind you because they felt safe after that particular display, but because if any one was going to get blasted with an arcane beam of death now, it would likely be the host of the party, and honestly, no one in town thought that would slow her down much.

Rahs flattened his ears to his head, amber eyes glaring over the gathered ponies wondering who set this up.

“I guess that was a bit too much surprise then huh?” the very pink pony that had run away from them earlier stated, pronking up to the pair.

“I. What. You.” Twilight stammered.

Rahs stepped over to a table picking up a treat bag from it and dumped the candy on the table before offering Twilight the bag to breath into.

“ Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. “ the pink mare grinned before she glanced around .” Wait weren't there three of you?”

The door was flung open at that point and a frantic purple Dragon rushed in. He paused a few paces in his green eyes taking in the scene, a nervous Fluttershy peered around the door frame behind him.

“Seriously!?!” Spike demanded as Rahs nodded.

“There he is. Like I said hi I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you, were you surprised huh huh huh were you huh?i suppose you were, though maybe you really just wanted a skylight. Gee if you really wanted a sky light in here there were plenty of better ways to go about it. Though that's cool we can see the moon now.” Pinkie Pie stated oblivious to Twilight's panic attack.

“Woof.” Rahs sighed.

“What, be quiet? In a library? But that would make a boring party. Any way I saw you all when you got here, and you were like 'hello', and I was like 'AHHHH' and running off remember? Yah, see I never saw you before, and if I never saw you before that means you're new. Cause I know every pony in Ponyville, though since I met you two I now know every Moon dog and Dragon in Ponyville too. And if you're new that means you haven't met any pony yet, and if you haven't met any pony yet you must not have any friends and if you don't have any friends you must be lonely. And that's soo sad and that's when I had an idea, which was when I gasped like I did and ran off. I thought I'd throw you a super duper welcome to Ponyville party and invite everyone in town, and see everypony is here and now you'll have lots and lots of friends.”

Rahs and Spike stared at the pink pony, certain she had not even taken a breath during her verbal rampage. The pair could see all of the ponies they had met that day, minus the three flower ponies and Fluttershy, who was still outside the door and was clearly trying to decide whether or not it was safe inside after seeing the hole blown in the roof.

Applejack and Big Mac were near the food table. Rainbow Dash was bragging to some little orange filly and Rarity was over in the corner looking pensive. There were a few others that they had seen but not been introduced to as well. The library was packed.

Twilight at that point, had had enough.

“Nope. Done. Finish. End. Me. Out.” Twilight stated tossing the bag aside and marching through the crowd toward a door at the back that was likely the Library's living quarters. At the moment Twilight didn't care if it was the broom closet.

Pinkie bounded after her. “Wait where are you going, this party is for you and it's just getting started. Don't you like it?” Pinkie Pie asked blinking as Twilight stepped through the door to the next room and then whirled while son the other side of the doorway.

“I. Do. Not. Like. Party.” Twilight snarled.” Rahs. Spike. Do...... Thing.”

Twilight practically shouted before she slammed the door in Pinkie Pie's face.

“But.. but, but, but, but, but...” Pinkie Pie pouted.”How does anypony not like parties and friends?”

“Woof.” Rahs sighed.

“ Oh yeah bro.....Dang.. That was easily a level four melt down. She was only able to manage mono syllabic responses.” Spike pointed out.

Rahs walked over and patted the poofy haired pony on the head. Her mane was oddly starting to deflate as she stared at the slammed door, and that was freaking Rahs out more than Twilight's melt down.

“I guess between the letter from Celestia and everything else she's been holding together pretty good though.” Spike shrugged.

“Bark?” Rahs questioned pointing at the hole in the roof.

“Yeah, still minor, don't you remember.... oh yeah you were at work when that happened. She had a full blown melt down one day when she thought Celestia was mad at her. Then there was the book burning thing. Then there was the vase test.” Spike shuddered.

Rahs whistled lightly recalling being told about them , though thankfully he missed most of those events either because he was at a show or working in the theater.

“What did I do wrong!?” Pinkie bemoaned.

“Woof “ Rahs suggested waiting for Spike to translate.

“What do you mean she doesn't like parties? How does a pony not like parties?” Pinkie grumbled.

Spike and Rahs stared at her then looked to each other.

“Bark.” Rahs continued.

“Trauma? What kind of trauma could make her hate parties they are the best thing ever!?” “ Pinkie Pie was freaking out a little.

“ Woof?” Rahs questioned.

“Of course I can understand you, I wouldn't be the premier party planner if I didn't understand what everyone wanted, I mean of course I'm a little rusty on Moon Dog, given it's a sorta dead language and all or not, just to make it a confusing plot point, of course I would have been able to understand you anyway just like those guys in the comments of the fic said, though I don't get what they meant by my pinkiness, is that a new color, I read the earlier chapters and I know why she might feel like that, but I don't see how she dislikes all parties, I mean I went out of the way to make this was a welcome party, nothing like a birthday party at all, so she wouldn't get upset, but it seems that happened anyway and I need to make friends with her before black snooty shows up or the whole plot is gonna go right into the toilet which no one wants cause for some reason this stories doing better than the little rabbits main story and he's more than happy to keep going with it as long as people enjoy it and continued to like it and leave comments which is kinda the only thing that drives a lot of writers on the site, at least the ones not asking for money any way, but did she have to storm off like that, now I feel bad that I upset her, I didn't mean too I mean parties are kinda my thing, I mean I have balloons on my ass for crying out loud, it's either parties or being a clown and I really don't like clowns all that much after reading that one book with the red balloons, though the new theater production of it with the dancing clown was more funny than scary, though the book was better than that anyway, but I'm never gonna give you up never gonna let you down , never gonna run around and desert you, but seriously did I goof up here or is she gonna be okay in a chapter or two, or better yet by the end of this one because I know she feels bad and I don't want anyone to feel bad just because of one of my parties.”

Rahs and Spike stared blankly at the pink mare as once again they were certain she didn't pause for air in that rant at all, they also were having a hard time wrapping their heads around anything that was said.

“Maybe... um maybe you could introduce us to everyone and we'll just pass it along to her when she feels better?” Spike suggested.

“Great!” Pinkie Pie chimed hopping up, her hair restored to it's former poofiness.

Spike and Rahs looked at each other with worried expressions as the pink party planning pony, pronked as she practically pushed the pair to the parties populace.

Author's Note:

I was initially going to finish up the first episode here, but i got an idea on what to do with this party , despite the fact Twilight isn't involved in it. Though she wasn't involved in canon party either , though Spike was.

Still I've realized i'm making Twilight a bit more neurotic than she is in canon. i'm going to have fun with this.

That said the Apples, and Fluttershy are about the only two that Twilight isn't annoyed with. Let's see how this plays out.

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