• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Pony and Dog Show, epilogue 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Pony and Dog Show,
epilogue 2

The sun shone down from the sky, piercing through clouds of dust that filled the air. A single beam of sunlight shown on a black obelisk that sat in the center of a rocky field, an inscription on one side of it.

Here lies the grave of the unknowns. Everything about their time in this world forgotten, save the warning they leave behind to others who might test Equestria.

The magic pulse sealed the black stone with a layer of protection as it was placed, time and weather would do nothing against the black stone.

Luna regarded the monument coolly. She did not even think these beasts needed a marker for their graves, but something inside of her thought one would.

“First you murder them all then you put a marker on them. You are quite the piece of work mare.”

Luna frowned not even bothering to look at the speaker. The tone of voice told her who it was even though she did not feel his presence.

“Are thou here to cause us more issue Forthe?” Luna sighed. “ It has been a trying day already without another conflict.”

“Please as if I could do anything to you. And you've already practically destroyed me. Finishing me off would be a boon at this point.”

“That was not our intention.” Luna turned her head, her gaze falling on a misty shape that clung to the shadows cast by the sunlight.

The form that vaguely resembled a Diamond Dog, though not one like any had seen in thousands of years. The figure was little more than an outline, a ghost in the fog.

“And yet that was still the end result. There were reasons the gods stopped playing with our followers. Celestia learned this when Velkorn showed up and the Zebra became their own. You've been spared of watching your children no longer need you, but only because you stole mine!” Forthe snarled.

“And yet thou still exists here.”

“In a half mockery of life. You took the Bunyip which were mine and made them your own. You let them breed with my children and with every generation you made them less and less my children.” Forthe growled. “Then you fell and killed the rest. Your beasts bred my children out of existence. Only part of me lives on in them.”

“For as long as thou have been around thou cannot think of another complaint to throw at us.” Luna scoffed. “ Thou act as if everything we did was to spite thine hide. We are however surprised that thou did not show up months ago when we returned to continue to haunt us.”

“i have been busy.” The specter snarled, the mist floating around her, ghostly hands reaching out as if trying to strangle the mare though the mist simply billowed over her neck.

“We moved the Moon Dogs from this world entirely Forthe. If anything thou should be gaining in strength as the Diamond Dogs breed true once again.”Luna sighed.” We expect that would take time, but it is not as if we do not have plenty of that.”

“Oh it has. Bit by bit year by year, but I’m still a ghost. I can only watch. And what I have seen is another one of your mutants appear again.” Forthe growled. “I might not be able to touch the world but I can make myself heard. And Butch was willing to listen.”

The area around Luna darkened to pure blackness as her green eyes locked on the glowing mist a snarl escaping the alicorn of the night.

“THOU lead them to this!?”

“You can stop with the theatrics mare, we both know you can't touch me. I'm as close to dead as a god can get without that final step. You've already killed me once and the only way to get rid of me completely is to kill all the diamond Dogs left on Equss and all the Moon Dogs in the dreams. So long as even one of my corrupted children exist I’m not going any where.” Forthe growled. “ But the one that's here. The one back in this world. That one needs to be destroyed. The mare who pulled him here as well.“

“Thou shalt not touch them.” The chill in Luna's was enough to form ice crystals in the air around her, snow drifting down to the cursed earth.

“Your actions in the past already have made it that I cannot simply tear out their hearts and be done with it. But that doesn't mean I cannot find a way to send them to Tartarus. His existence is going to attract more of my mutated children and if a litter comes of that attention then any progress I have made in returning them to as they should be will be lost for untold amounts of time. And if that mare summons another one the effect will be even worse.” Forthe snarled them smiled, the cloud showing a toothy grin that would have put a Cheshire to shame. “But even if they were not a risk of that, I’d seek their death just because it would hurt you Luna. I long for the day when your mutants find a new god and they leave you as nothing. And if I ever regain my power. I'll destroy your moon and slaughter all your little ponies and watch you fade away to nothing to suffer like I have.”

“Thou have made that same threat for as long as we have known you for the, and yet we are still here.” Luna snapped.

“That's the thing Luna. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time but figure out ways to do so.”

The dark alicorn watched as the mist dissipated taking with it the ghostly presence.

Luna waited for a time before turning back to the monument with a sigh.

Her horn glowed a moment and objects began to randomly pop into the air around her. Countless gems, worn and battered Guard armor, and an apple wood yoke.

These would be returned to where they belonged. The Gems would be given to Rarity and the town itself after the library's repairs were taken care of. A horde like this would attract dragons if they remained in the dirt. And she saw no reason to leave anything of value with the fallen of this place.

“Tia will not like that Forthe is back, or his new threats.” Luna sighed taking to the air with the collection of objects floating along with her in the sky.

Author's Note:

And a new antagonist to the play.

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