• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,790 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Dog Eat Dog, Part 1

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Dog Eat Dog
Part 1

[Sparkle residence. 2 years remaining until the thousandth year. ]

“How did this happen? Where did I go wrong?” a fit, white furred, and blue maned unicorn in a Guard Sergeants Armor bemoaned.

“Woof?” A navy blue canine creature with long pointed ears and feline features responded. The creature was sitting on his rump, light brown pants with numerous pockets covered his legs with a slit cut in the back of the waist band for a feline like tail to poke out. A dim orb of light floated at each long ear tip and the end of the creatures tail barely visible in the rooms light. The creature looked much like a Diamond Dog though it's limbs were more evenly matched with the rest of it's body and it didn't seem top heavy like a normal Diamond dog, despite being fairly well muscled. It's finger like paws also displayed no visible claws as it thumbed through a book, barely paying attention to the pacing stallion aside from a glance to two at him with his amber colored eyes.

“What?” The Stallion asked.

“He asked how were you blaming yourself for this, you've been in training for the last couple of years.” Another smaller creature asked from his place leaning against the side of the canine. The pudgy young Dragon was covered in purple scales with bright green rounded spines. One of his claws was plucking a gem from a small bowl of them next to him, while the other held a comic book that he stared at with fascination as some fight or another was breaking out in the pages.

“I could have stopped this. If I never joined the Guard I could have been here to stop this from happening.” Shining snorted.

“Seriously bro you're acting like Twilight died. She's sixteen, ponies do this sort of thing all the time. Heck, mom thinks she's started too late.” Spike explained. “ Celestia was delighted too.”

“Gruff.” Rahs nodded in agreement.

The trio were currently in Shining Armors old room, the place had barely been touched since he left for Guard training. While their brother usually stayed in the Guard house when in Canterlot their parents didn't want to change how the room looked. Luckily the Sparkle homestead already had a few extra rooms unused so when Rahs and Spike got older they moved into their own room and out of Twilight's. Granted the space their things had been in the shared room immediately became more bookshelves, but no one expected anything else.

Shining dragged the pair into his room when he came home for a weekend and found out what was going on.

“ He's my age!” Shining growled.

“He's only two years older than Twilight, You're ten years older than Twilight.” Spike pointed out.

“Wuff” Rahs corrected.

“Okay, you're nine years and six months older than Twilight.” Spike rolled his eyes. "He's not your age."

“That's still too much of an age gap!” Shining protested.

Spike and Rahs lowered their comic and book respectively, looked at each other, then to the pacing stallion, and then over to his dresser where a picture of Princess Cadence sat, then back at Shining who at least had the decency to look a bit ashamed for his hypocrisy.

“Okay bad example....”Shining quickly corrected.

“You ever find out how much older she is than you?” Spike taunted going back to his comic.

“Growf” Rahs smirked.

“He says his bits are on five to six hundred years.” Spike smirked. “ I'd bet closer to two to three myself.”

“I said bad example.” Shining grumbled. ”But still It's Blueblood who asked her! Blueblood, the guys first name is Prince for crying out loud, how pompous is that?”


“We've met him. He's not bad. And it's not like he chose his name himself.” Spike rolled his eyes. He and Rahs were used to Twilight having melt downs about being tardy, tests, or anything else that came up that wasn't on one of her lists, to see Shining do it made them both wonder if it was genetic. The pair were actually glad for once that they were adopted so they wouldn't ever have to find out for sure.

“He's up to something I know it. Why did he even come after Twilight, what's the edge he's after?” Shining growled. “ He must be trying to get close to Princess Celestia through her student.”


“Rahs says he's Celestia's nephew, he doesn't need to use Twilight to get close to the Princess.” Spike pointed out.

“It must be the families money then!”


“Yeah seriously. Dude's family has bought an entire town before, just to move the entire thing thirty miles to the west because the road to it ran across the view from their third summer home. “ Spike snarked.” Bit's ain't it. Particularly when mom counts our allowance out in quarter bits sometimes.”

“ Well what other reason could it be?!” Shining snapped.

“I dunno, maybe he thought she's cute?” Spike asked as Rahs shrugged.

“What?!” Shining shouted.

“Yeah when he asked her on a date Prince was super nervous, not as bad as Twilight got, I mean I doubt he checked out the entire section on dating at the library like Twilight did.” Spike considered.” Because she checked out the ENTIRE section on dating to study up for it.”

“Woof!” Rahs pointed out.

“Oh yeah, he did mention that he had help mustering up the courage to ask, so he's probably as clueless as Twilight is.” Spike agreed with Rahs. “ Well maybe not now after she's read all those books.”

“What help? Who helped him set this up with Twiliy?!” Shining demanded.

Spike and Rahs lowered their comic and book respectively, looked at each other, then to the pacing stallion, and then over to his dresser where a picture of Princess Cadence sat, then back at Shining who had buried his face into both hooves.

“Buck my life......” Shining groaned.

“Ehh what can you do. Your mare friend set up the date with your little sister, Twilight won't answer the door as she's too panicked about studying for the date, and Mom's all for it to the point she's keeping Dad occupied so he can't intervene.”


“Yeah, he won't let me play with that Griffonese crossbow he got either.” Spike pouted.

“Alright.” Shining said suddenly. “ I have a plan.”

“The scariest four words in the Equss language right there.” Spike stated as Rahs shuddered.

“No it's brilliant.” Shining stated, a manic grin crossing his features. His brothers glanced to each other, then to the door pondering if they could make it in time. “ We'll follow them tonight and make sure he doesn't try anything. It'll be perfect.”

“Unless... yah know, she sees us. A Moon Dog, a Royal Guard, and a little Dragon are not exactly stealthy.” Spike complained.


“You're about as stealthy as a herd of Buffalo, I thought you were supposed to be part cat?” Spike snapped.


“You did no such thing, that was your Oubliettes and ogres character, and he was more of a shaman any way, you just lucked out with a Nat 20.” Spike pointed out.

“Woof!” Rahs counted.

“Gah alright you got me there. Twilight's in test mode, she wouldn't notice a herd of Buffalo. But Prince might.” Spike grumbled.


“Lost in her eyes?” Spike blinked before narrowing his eyes at the canine. “Have you been reading Mom's books again?”

Rahs didn't say anything but he didn't meet Spike's glare either.

Shining on the other hoof was still rambling, ignoring the conversation.

“........I bet he's even got photographers around ready to snap a shot of blackmail to force her to marry him......”

Rahs's ears perked up at that, though Spike was less than amused.

“Blackmail? It's a date, ponies have them all the time!” the little drake groaned.


“You're in? What do you mean you're in? This is crazy!” Spike growled.” I'm the youngest one here and I’ve got the most sense!”

“Bark, Bark, BARK.” Rahs countered closing his book fully as Spike calmed down and pondered looking at the frazzled Shining.

“Yeah he'd go any way. Alright, alright, I'm in. Now let's get him calmed down. Prince is supposed to be here in two hours and we need at least one of those hours to calm Twilight down too.” Spike sighed steeling himself for what he was sure was going to be a long night.

Author's Note:

I know i said i was going on a bit of a break , but 10 minutes after i posted that blog entry this idea hit me and i was giggling too hard to let it go.

Also it still adds to the month of the puppy so......

Title isDog Eat Dog

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