• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,783 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Howl of the Cutie, Part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Howl of the Cutie, Part 2

[ A week prior]

“YOU WANT TO WHAT!?” Twilight practically shrieked.

Spike rolled his eyes as Rahs looked between his siblings with a bit of worry.

“I want to start attending school here in Ponyville. The two hour commute to Canterlot isn't doing my current tutor, nor me, any favors.” Spike stated again. “School's only just started and Miss Cheerilee says she can take me in if I want.”

“The crown pays for passage for students to Canterlot.......” Twilight protested.

“Two HOURS on a train Twilight. Both ways, that's four hours of wasted time. Hardly efficient.” Spike stated.

Twilight sputtered as he brought up efficiency and Rahs had to smirk. Spike had clearly prepared for this argument more than Twilight judging by the flashcards he had made. Not to mention he had sprung this out of nowhere knowing Twilight had a hard time handling surprises. Still he knew why Twilight had issues with school and Rahs didn't like the idea of his brother having to deal with the same nonsense he and Twilight had.

“I could tutor you.......”Twilight protested not liking that Spike already had her on the defensive.

“When? Between asking me to do stuff for you or your own studies?” Spike countered. “Last time I had issues with homework from my tutor I couldn't even get you to pay attention to my questions over what you were reading.”

“...well Rahs could....” Twilight started again.

“ Yeah that's great if he didn't have his own jobs with the local Guard with that hunting contract, or the doctor to deal with magical ailments.” Spike checked another cue card.” Plus he'd only be good if I want to know who Sophocies or Henrik Ibsen are, not much else. Drama dog here doesn't care about higher education.”

Twilight looked at Rahs with a horrified expression. Rahs simply shrugged, he might know a lot but if it wasn't practical or of interest to him he didn't care. Spike hit the nail head on with that card.

“But bullies and idiot teachers and....” Twilight muttered.

“One I'm a Dragon, do you really think any one would be dumb enough to bully me? Two the teacher is Miss Cheerilee, the mare who regularly beats you in scrabble.” Spike countered. “ Hardly an idiot...”

“I still can't believe Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliphobia is a real word.” Twilight growled. “ Much less it means the fear of big words......”

“As for your third point you did make friends with your school mates. And I’m already friends with Applebloom and she's gonna be there.” Spike responded.

“Bork.” Rahs added as Spike rolled his eyes.

“Snips and Snails are a year behind and in another class. I probably won't even see them except at lunch and recess.”Spike countered.”And the whole town still has them grounded.”

“Right, but... you know what.. just no..” Twilight stated flatly. “We'll figure out something else in regards to the tutor, but I don't want you going through the same thing I had to with a public school.....”

“..but!” Spike fumbled through the cards looking for something else to say.

“No buts. As your legal guardian here, I have final say on this. I'm sure there will be a compromise we can come to but....” Twilight began whirling up for a long winded rant.

“Woof.” Rahs cut his sister off.

“What? What do you mean I'm not his legal guardian?” Twilight blinked.

Rahs smiled reaching into one of his pants pockets and pulling out a badly folded bit of paper.

Twilight snatched it away with her magic reading it over her eyes narrowing.” My parents made you OUR legal guardian!?! How?! Why!?!” Twilight stammered. “ You're the same age as me!”

“You don't respond to their letters.” Spike offered as Twilight scoffed.

Rahs held up a paw with all four claws extended. “ Woof.” one finger went down.” Woof.” two down, “,bark” another finger dropped,”yip!”

“He's got a job, income, has graduated school fully, and doesn't have a documented issue with panic attacks.” Spike pondered.” Really if that's all it takes I have three of the four.”

“Those reasons are all bias against me. Besides I have a job....” Twilight huffed.

“ That I do most of the time, when was the last time you let some pony check out a book?” Spike chimed

“....Still you know what public school is like Rahs, you've got to agree with me.” Twilight protested.

“Woof.” Rahs countered with a shrug.

“WOOT!” Spike shouted throwing his cue cards in the air. “Thanks Rahs I need to tell Applebloom....”

The pair watched their younger brother run off as quickly as he could waddle though Twilight waited until the door closed before she sat down and let out a long sigh picking up one of the cards.

“This is going to end badly you know.”Twilight offered reading the card.” Good points or not.”

“Grrrr.” Rahs countered.

“I know I’m probably projecting my experiences, but he's a Dragon in a school of foals. They're going to treat him like they did you or like they did me once they find out how smart he is.” Twilight grumbled.


“I know he's older.... but not by much......”Twilight sighed. “ I'm over thinking this aren’t I?”

Rahs nodded.

“I still don't like it, i just hope he can keep this level of optimism.” Twilight muttered.

“One of us has to be normal.”

[ Current Day]

“Well that was interesting.” Cheerilee stated with a small smirk as Spike sat in the pile of books grumbling, a large school bag covering his head, pencils and parchment now scattered over the floor around him as well.

“Your sister seems a bit enthusiastic this morning.” Cheerilee chuckled. “ Though her aim is spot on.”

“A bit... “ Spike said from inside the book bag.

“Do let her know that we won't need anything on the third age of Grifinstien.....” Cheerilee commented looking down at the books stacking a few of them neatly and looking at the titles. “ Or the production of flan or...... you know what I’ll just make a book list for her. So next time she doesn't have to send the entire textbook section from the library....”

“Thank you.” Spike offered trying to pull the bag off his head.

“Alright let's see.” Cheerilee considered. “ Stardust would you move a seat closer to the window, I’ll put Spike in your old spot as Applebloom seems to know him and can help him catch up.”

“Alright.” The filly called gathering up her stuff to move. The rest of the class slowly returned to their seats eying the Dragon more with curiosity now than fear, though they all seemed to be worried something else was going to appear.

A knock on the door drew everyponys attention to it, save Spike who was still trying to clean everything up.

Cheerilee sighed quite glad she had scheduled free time before her lessons started. Pushing open the door she was greeted to the sight of a navy furred chest, lifting her eyes upward a pair of amber eyes stared down at her. Another filly screamed behind her and there was another general stampede of panic again save for one filly, and a Dragon this time.

“Hi Rahs.” Applebloom called.

“I would think every pony would be used to you by now.” Cheerilee sighed. “ So what brings you here?

“Woof.” Rahs stated holding up a Power Pony lunch box.

“Oh great my lunch.”Spike chimed.” I was afraid Twilight would try to teleport that too.”

“Well that's good. I don't suppose you're here to take some of these books back too?” Cheerilee asked.

Rahs simply rolled his eyes and nodded.

Author's Note:

It's a little shorter than it was going to be but I wanted to roll a chapter out on the 16th for personal reasons... and so i have.

Woot level up for me.

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