• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,790 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Ain't nothing but a hound dog.

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Ain't nothing but a hound dog.

Cadence sighed softly as she lifted a hoof to knock on the door. The mare quickly checked her mane and then her bag for the third time since making it to the doorstep. The new foal sitter brought a couple of things with her based on her aunt's suggestions that would hopefully make the night go smoother. Some books for Twilight, a chew toy or three for Rahs, and some shiny things for Spike. She also had some of her own homework to complete, and a new light novel she had picked up to entertain herself once the three of them were asleep.

She had prepared as best as she could for this and, while she wasn't expecting much trouble, she was still ready for something to happen. She had dealt with fillies before and even a few diamond dog pups, so those two were of little worry to her. However, the dragon was new, and it concerned her, but she hopefully had prepared enough for him too. Really, that preparation was mostly fireproofing spells to be honest. She really wished her aunt wasn't so busy though, she could have used more information on the three of them.

As the door opened before her, she nearly had a panic attack, though that was stopped by the shock of one of her classmates being the one who answered the door.

“I GOT IT MA!” Shining Armor hollered back into the house before turning to look, winding up almost nose-to-nose with with the stunned Cadence. Cadence blinked her lavender eyes, Shining's blue ones blinked in return before both of them turned bright red as they quickly stepped back.

Cadence was the first to recover, taking note of the awkward Unicorn colt before her, with his unkempt blue mane, white coat, and a rather large pair of saddlebags nearly spilling over with books of some kind.

“Err... Hello. I'm Cadence, the foalsitter Princess Celestia suggested.” Cadence offered.

“Oh, right, yeah I knew that... I mean, I knew you were Cadence, not the sitter, though I figured that... I mean....” Shining stammered. ”I kinda expected someone like Miss Peace Lily again, but the lack of chain mail should have given that away.... not that you look bad I mean... “

“Shining! Is that the sitter?” a voice hollered from within the house. Shining rolled his eyes before turning back to the room behind him.

“Ya ma!” Shining called back, his voice cracking a little as he does so.

“Tell her to wait in the living room and get going to your little game thing or that one stinky friend of yours is gonna get mad for you being late.” Twilight Velvet called out. ”Also, don't yell in the house!”

“Ma! That was one time when Gaffer forgot to take a shower... Never mind.” Shining sighed turning red as he remembered Cadence is still standing there. ”Ahem... Anyway, like she said, just take a left in the hall here and that's the living room. Twilight's in her room with Rahs and Spike.... errr bit of a warning, Rahs is teething so watch your legs and tail until he gets to know you.”

“I'll keep that in mind.” Cadence nodded.

“Right. I’m off then. Umm have fun... Be careful... And other stuff... Yeah.” Shining muttered, seeming to curse himself as he slumped before dashing off into the street red as a cherry.

Cadence frowned briefly, wondering why her aunt forgot to tell her that Twilight Velvet and Night Light had four children and one of them went to her school. She briefly considered that her aunt was trying to play match-maker again before dismissing it as she likely just forgot since she wouldn't need to sit Shining. He was cute, sure, but still too young for her. Besides she was the one supposed to play match-maker.

Cadence trotted into the hall closing the door behind her, doing her best to put Shining out of her mind as she moved into the living room and took a glance around.

The first thing she noticed were the large number of family pictures scattered everywhere, most of them focused on Twilight with almost as many focused on a large blue-gray furred puppy and a small purple and green Dragon. There were a few of a younger Shining Armor too, though as cute as he was it paled in comparison to the other three.

The second thing she noticed were the amount of bookshelves that filled the living room. She had seen libraries with less stock. The books were in alphabetical order, though there didn't seem to be any sort of specific type. Foals books were mixed in with juvenile novels, higher magic theory books sat next to baby's first readers. Perhaps she should introduce Twilight to the Dewy system.

She glanced back into the hall and noticed a few more book shelves further down under the stairs and saw even more at the top of the stairs. The three books she brought for Twilight seemed woefully inadequate in the face of this library.

Another thing she noticed were claw and teeth marks every where, on the corners of the furniture, the walls, and the book shelves. None of the books seemed damaged however. Looking up at the ceiling she also spotted a number of scorch marks dotting it.

The thud of hooves drew her attention back to the hall as two ponies came down the stairs.

A dark blue unicorn stallion in a formal suit ,with slicked back blue gray hair and a off white unicorn mare with a lavender and white stripped mane in a simple blue evening dress. The stallion moved to the door as the mare trotted over to Cadence, sizing her up before presenting a rather long checklist to the 'younger' mare with her magic.

“Twilight, Spike, and Rahs are in Twilight's room, you can't miss it, it's the door covered in claw marks bearing Twilight's cutie mark at the top of the stairs. I've got dinner set up for them already and it just needs to be heated up on the stove, after wards they will need a bath, especially Rahs. He will fight it though so be careful. He's finally toilet trained so you don't need to worry about that. After Spike eats keep his mouth aimed away from you and the others, usually after one or two burps he's fine, though pat his back a couple of times just to be sure.” Twilight Velvet continued giving Cadence a spray bottle full of water. “If Twilight misbehaves take whatever book she's reading away from her, she can't start another book until she finishes the one she's reading, I don't know why but it's useful. If Rahs misbehaves just squirt him with the water bottle and try to ignore his growling, he hasn't bitten any one too hard in months. Bed time is at eight o clock no matter what she tells you. Shining will be gone all night, but we will be back around nine. There's an emergency scroll to contact us and another one to contact Princess Celestia if things get too bad, on the kitchen counter by the fridge. I suggest sending for the Princess first as she can probably just pop in here and Twilight will listen to her without argument. Rahs has a strange fascination with chewing on her hoof guards so that will usually stop him doing whatever he's doing as well. Make sure that if you use the scroll ONLY if it is necessary. The last sitter called Princess Celestia because Twilight accidentally set her tail on fire. Honestly we have running water for a reason.”

“Wait.. what about Spike?” Cadence questioned.

Twilight Velvet smirked a little at that.” Aside from the fire breath hes a perfect little angel. At least for a few more years. Twilight's at the age where she questions everything and thinks she knows better than any one else. Don't talk to her like she's a foal and she'll listen a bit better. Rahs acts like a badly trained puppy, even though he knows better. Still the faster you get on Twilight's good side the faster you'll be on Rahs' good side.”

The Unicorn mare looked up at the ceiling and shouted. “ Twilight! Your sitter Cadence is here. Don't you want to come say hello?”

After a moment of silence Night Light finally spoke.

“Book fort.” Nightlight stated.

“Book fort.” Twilight Velvet agreed.

“Book fort?” Cadence questioned.

“Nothing bad, but well, when you go up there you'll find out. Any way we need to go or we'll be late. Have fun dear.” The mare waved and trotted out with her husband leaving Cadence standing there holding a spray bottle and a list that had unrolled and trailed across the floor full of house rules and parenting notes.

“Nothing bad...” Cadence muttered looking up the stairs. “Sure, how hard can it be.”

After scaling the stairs Cadence cautiously approached the purple door marked with a reddish six pointed overlapping a white star and five other white six pointed stars floating around it. She exhaled softly and knocked on the door.

“Twilight, it's Cadence, your sitter I'm coming in to meet you....” Cadence called out opening the door and poked her head in.

Inside was a rather sizable bedroom, one that might have once been the houses master bedroom, with numerous book shelves along the walls. A few posters hung on the walls over a desk and the bed, mostly of cute bears and rabbits and one of Princess Celestia raising the sun during one of the sun celebrations. That one was autographed and framed.

An elevated bed was in one corner with a blanket jumbled on top of it with Twilight's cutie mark on it. Under the raised bed she saw a large basket with some pillows and another blanket in it. At the end of the bed there was a corner of the room without any book cases, posters or anything else but a small crib with a few stuffed animals and a blankets in it, all of them easily detected as being heavily enchanted.

What was odd was none of the shelves had any books on them. All of the books were on the floor. Not scattered about mind you, but set in a way to resemble walls and parapets. Towering spires of books reaching taller than Cadence was with little bookmark flags on pencil poles at the top of the spires. There was a blanket underneath it with books positioned in such a way that it looked like the land around a castle, complete with a moat filled with those little building blocks that everyone hated to step on. A particularly large book was being held up against the front like a draw bridge with rubber bands.

Sitting on top of this castle was a chubby little purple and green scaled lizard. His wide green eyes stared at her as he giggled, a tall cone hat with a gauzy bit of cloth dangling from the tip sat on his head. Cadence was quite sure that the frilly pink dress he was wearing was probably Twilight's. Still to see a baby dragon dressed like a storybook Princess was more than enough to make her smile.

Her ears perked as she heard a half bark from inside the book fort. Looking back to it, she saw the draw bridge lower and a dark blue furred puppy tumble out. He looked up at her with amber eyes then back to the open draw bridge with a light growl. Cadence blinked as she noted that the puppy was wearing a cloth knights helm that his head barely fit into and a 'suit of armor' made of tinfoil. The canine didn't seem happy about it or her and he growled at Cadence before a shushing noise from inside the fort silenced him.

Trotting out of the fort next was a purple filly. Well it was supposed to be a purple filly, she was dressed in what Cadence assumed was last years nightmare night costume of a bright blue Dragon. Only the head however as the tail and wings fell off as soon as she made it out through door, though she didn't seem to notice. The little unicorns face was visible in the dragon costumes mouth.

“Grar I am Spike......” the not dragon spoke. “Feed me cookies or I blow fire....rar....”

“Woof.” the knight noted.

“What? What do you mean she's not buying it? I'm totally convincing, I practiced my rars and everything. You are clearly not selling it.” the not dragon stated.

“Ruff?” the knight questioned.

“You're Shiny. Shining Armor .. get it?”

“Woof.” the knight agreed his tail wagging knocking off bits of his armor.

“Then who is this up here?” Cadence asked picking up the giggling baby dragon in her magic.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle!” exclaimed the not dragon.

Spike of course took that moment for his giggles to turn into a hiccup, and then the hiccup became a bright green burst of fire. He then of course went back to giggling until he hiccuped again, with more fire.

Cadence slowly blinked looking down at them as the not dragon and the knight continued the discussion about utilizing proper disguise tactics, while the baby dragon lost himself to hiccups and tiny blasts of fire as he began to spin himself in her magical grip propelled by said blasts.

“I really need to have a word with Auntie Celestia about her suggestions.....” Cadence grumbled.

Author's Note:

Redid this chapter as more my usual style. My attempts at present tense aside there was enough of a change that it was easier to replace the whole chapter.

Editing by Lawlypops

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