• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,783 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Beast Night Ever part 6

Twilight Get's a Puppy

Beast Night Ever,
part 6

Prince Blue Blood raised a brow as Princess Cadence approached him. It was less that she was coming to talk with him, and more that she had a rather angry look on her face while on approach.

His sudden stop as he saw his 'cousin' caused Rarity to run into and bounce off of him,knocking her onto her rump. He spared a glance down, ignoring her, and making a show of brushing off his coat where she had hit instead, not even bothering to offer her a hoof up.

Honestly this was likely something Cadence was coming to fuss about. She didn't like how he dealt with the crowd of mares he drew every where he went. Some of them it seemed, were earnest in their potential love. And the Princess of Love was oft annoyed at how he crushed that love. Granted she had yet to suggest a successful alternative to his methods, so Prince took her complaints with a grain of salt.

Judging by the look on her face this would probably escalate into an argument. With how clingy the mare had been and how she had brushed off most of his attempts to snub her, Prince was expecting a lecture on breaking a young mares heart again.


Cadence wasn't glaring at him, she was glaring at the mare?

Oh dear.

“Hello cousin.” Cadence stated with a chill in her voice. “Would you like a drink? I would like a drink.”

The pink alicorn then turned to look at Rarity, something that Prince followed suit on, staring at the white unicorn expectantly. “ Apple cider, neat. “ he added before turning back to Cadence and ignoring the white mare again.

Rarity, though clearly annoyed, and a bit flustered, took the hint and scurried off to get the drinks. Once she was out of ear shot Prince spoke up.

“Is this really the time to be lecturing me on this cousin?”

“No, it is not.” Cadence stated making Prince a bit worried as her frown had yet to lessen as she watched Rarity leave.

“If you are not here to lecture me what's wrong?”Prince Blue Blood questioned. “ Don't tell me Auntie Celestia got into the wine again...”

“ I don't know about that. What I do know is there is a little filly here at the Gala, who is now intent on finding herself another big sister because her actual flesh and blood abandoned her after promising to stay with her.” Cadence stated.

Prince frowned looking towards the refreshment table, noting the wide berth every one was giving a rotund white rabbit that was seemingly passed out on top of one of tables, his little gut seemingly ready to burst, though it was easy to spot the white mare who had been following him nearby.

“I take that the one clinging to me is the big sister then?” Prince asked and Cadence nodded. “So what do you want me to do?”

“You know how I constantly get on you about how you treat mares and those after you to show them that you are not interested?”

“I do.”

“And you know that long list of things I told you never ever to do to drive them off?”

“I recall that as well.”

“Ignore what I said and crank it to eleven.” Cadence ordered.

Prince raised an eyebrow at that.

“If this goes to court I am claiming it was a royal order you realize?” Prince stated.

“Luna and I will have you back.... stop just shy of walling her up in the wine cellar however.”Cadence stated.

“I did that once. And all the mare had to do to get out was walk through the storm drain behind her. Also she was the one who broke into my house to try and seduce me, so I have no regrets about my actions.” Prince scoffed. His magic quickly took a pair of glasses from a nearby servers tray. He offered a nod to the waiter before giving one to Cadence.

Rarity soon trotted back up floating the drinks she was sent for behind her in her magic, with the crowd she was forced to dodge weave and practically dance to protect them from being spilled. Prince waited until she could easily see him, before he drained the glass he had taken from the waiter.

He spared once glance to the mare who had gotten the drinks for them and shook his head slightly. “ And be sure to voice my complaint about the slow service this year cousin.”

Cadence raised an eyebrow before nodding with a small smile and turned to trot off without offering so much as a glance at Rarity.

“LESS COWERING AND MORE HOPPING SHEILA!!” Steven cried out as he bounded through the garden with a panicked Fluttershy flying along beside him.

“My names not Sheila...” Fluttershy panted.

Behind them the sounds of birds, bugs, and numerous animals that inhabited the Garden could be heard screaming out and stampeding through the underbrush.

Clinging to the large roo's back was a large dark purple feline like creature about the size of a pony with six legs and two tendrils sprouting from it's back that were currently whipping above it's head as it hissed and yowled it's complaint.

The coeurl's attention seemed focused on the sky, where the sun and moon flipped around like drunken bumble bees.

The event had panicked every creature in the garden. Given a large number of them were rescue animals taken from Zoos and other places where they were mistreated or improperly raised, it didn't take much to make them freak out.

Granted the sun and moon doing flips and being the wrong colors likely would freak out anyone.

With the main gates of the Garden closed for the night and the walls too high for many to scale, though even the fliers were sticking close to the ground terrified of the sky at the moment.

With everything closed there was only one path available for the panicked animals to run.

Towards the Gala itself.

“ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?” a voice bellowed out in the main hall of the gala startling most of the crowd.

Numerous wall panels and unused dumbwaiters popped open or rose from the ground. Sections of the ceiling slid aside dropping down lights and disco balls. The floor and walls sprouted speakers, and more flashing lights, lava lamps, party games, balloons and several large barrels of cannons that shot confetti and fire works, and in one case cupcakes. Behind it all in one of the open panels one could see a white duck with glasses running on a treadmill chasing a picture of pink cat.

The sudden transformation of a prim and proper gala into a colorful explosion of party effects confused and shocked most of the ponies present. And that was before they were hit with flying cupcakes.

One of the launched pastries soared through the air towards a stallion, only for a white unicorn mare with a purple mane and a fancy looking dress to be lifted in the air by magic and used as a shield for several of the pink cupcakes.

Rarity winced in shock as she was splattered with the pink pastries. She trembled a little as she was set down again, none too gently to the floor. Though a sudden loud ripping sound made her snap her head around as she watched Prince Blue Blood tear a portion of her dress off to use it as a napkin to try and wipe off the bit of cupcake frosting that had landed on his lapel.

At that moment something inside Rarity snapped.

Also at that point in time a horde of animals flooded in through the windows and doors of the gala from the garden.

A large red roo and a panicked yellow pegasus were stampeded in along with the animals having been tossed up into the air and were currently astride a rather large emu, and a pink maned lion that rampaged into the party with all the rest.

Just as the doors broke open and Rarity screamed bloody murder, Pinkie Pie's hastily rewired royal sound system shorted out and set off the fire alarm, more importantly it set off the sprinkler system.
The sudden activation of the newly installed fire suppression system turned the Gala floor into a torrential downpour.

Then the real screaming started.

Luna winced as she and the young ones had barely made it to the main door, mostly because of Applebloom making another trip to the buffet table, before the chaos started. Luckily they were on the balcony overlook and nothing came near them save a shower of water from the sprinklers.

The Crusaders and Luna watched as the formerly stuffy gala quickly turned into a chaotic mess.

“We didn't do it!” The CMC yelled together almost as if on instinct.

Luna blinked, tilted her head a moment, then sighed. She was more than a little perplexed and over whelmed by the sheer level of madness going on.

It was in the moment that she was distracted that the three fillies noticed the ropes that held up the chandeliers, banners, and the heavy curtains around the windows.

It was only a moment that Luna was distracted, yet that was more than enough time for an expensive crystal chandelier to crash into the end of the concessions table, sending all the food on it , along with a bloated white rabbit,sailing through the air to rain on the guests.

Luna looked over quickly as the trio of fillys went swinging across the room clinging to a guide rope.


It was madness.

And yet.

Luna sighed, tilted her head a bit, grinned and grabbed one of the ropes herself, pulling it loose and letting another chandelier drop on another table, sending more food flying as she swung out over the crowd after the fillies.


Granny Smith cackled as she strode up to the gala doors making kissy faces at the two guards outside the door who did their best to ignore her.

Behind her a giggling Celestia was draped over a taller Guard who was doing his best to keep the Princess propped up despite the fact she was swatting at his tail and giggling while he carried her.

“HA. Poor Sunny, never could hold yer drink.” Granny cackled as the doors were pushed open before them. As Granny and Celestia's bearer walked onto the Gala overlook all three stared down at the chaos with a mix of awe and horror.

Multiple fires, water everywhere, animals rampaging and eating the buffet table. A trio of fillies swinging on a rope from the ceiling, along with Princess Luna who was stalled out and was asking a party goer to give her a push. Ponies were running everywhere, a mildly amused looking Prince Blue Blood was running away from an irate Rarity who was trying to smash him with a cake. A rather disturbed looking unicorn server was standing by the ruined tables holding an umbrella over his head. A rotund white rabbit was rolling angrily after a group of screaming nobles. Pinkie Pie was trying to start a karaoke challenge with one of the speakers that wasn't busted and Princess Cadence was standing in the middle of it looking stunned.

Granny Smith frowned as she looked over the chaos.

“Well dang, guess the party did start without me fer once.”

Author's Note:

This is the last main chapter of the story there are two epilogues and at least one chapter before i finish up the first season of Twilight Gets a Puppy.

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