• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,794 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Winter Woof Up, Part 5 [100]

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Winter Woof Up,
Part 5

A pile of snow suddenly burst apart as an orange hoof dug it's way out of the, now, several foot deep snow.

Applejack swore, mostly in fancy, as she climbed out of the hole she had dug, shaking loose the built up snow from her mane and back before reaching back into the hole to pull out her hat. She slapped the stetson on her head, cursed again. She then took off the stetson, shook the snow out of it, brushed the new pile off her head, before looking out over the damage.

Surprisingly there wasn't much.

The avalanche had buried the hill she was on, which still needed to be cleared any way, and a little bit of the field the others were working on, but nothing a pass or two wouldn't fix. Really it wasn't as bad as she thought.

At least until she looked at the south field, which now appeared to covered in a fresh white layer of blizzard so deep she couldn't even see the top of Twilight's plow.

“Uh oh.” Applejack muttered rushing off towards the south field. There were a couple of other ponies she didn't see either, though some of the other workers were already digging them out.

Darting across the snow Applejack saw a glow from under it and rushed over to that spot, brushing off the white powder and spotted the top of Twilight's plow.

“Twilight, you alright in there?!” Applejack shouted.

“What!? Oh right, yeah I'm fine Applejack, I got a shield up in time to avoid getting buried, but I’m a little miffed all my works ruined.” Twilight called back up. “ What happened?”

“I'll give yah two guesses and tha first one starts with yer brother and tha second with a little white demon.” Applejack snorted.

“Ahh, figures this was going too well. “ Twilight sighed from under the dome of snow.

“You need any help down there?” Applejack asked.

“No, I’m good. I'll take a minute or two to catch my breath and I’ll pull myself and the plow out of here.” Twilight offered. “ How bad's the damage?”

“Not as bad as it could be, but might ah have yer permission tah go have a word with yer brother using my snow shovel?”

“Have fun, tell him I said hi.” Twilight snarked.

Applejack nodded as she stomped off following the trail of fighting the bunny and Moon Dog had left, not noticing one of the ponies that had gotten buried was her own brother.

“Soo....” Twilight whistled from under the snow. “Come here often?”

“Eeenope. Can't say ah do.” stated Big Mac, also from under Twilight's shield.


Cadence's ears shot upright as she looked up from her book. Her eyes scanned the room not seeing anything but a pair of her Guard standing by the door.

“Shipping sense tingling....” Cadence muttered mostly to herself , though one of the Guard mares at the door evidently heard.

“Should we prepare the chariot then Princess?”the Unicorn mare asked.

Cadence's personal Guard, known as the Heart Breakers, was composed primarily of mares. Not through any sort of planning on her or Shining Armor's part , but more that most of the stallions who were selected did not like the uniform coloration.

Princess Celestia's Royal Guard, Cake Hunters, wore golds and blue as their colors.

Princess Luna's Guard, Decaff Brigade, wore purples and silver, though she was trying very hard to get Celestia's Guard to give up their blue so she could use it.

Cadence's Guard however used coral and copper as their colors making her Guard look very pink.
Many stallions that were assigned transferred out leaving only the mares, stallions who didn't care, and stallions who knew enough history to realize that pink was once seen as a more stallion-centric color than blue.

Princess Luna knew this as well which was why she was so amused with what happened to Shining Armor under the effects of the poison joke given his mane color.

“No, not right now sergeant.... Luna and I will be heading to Ponyville before long any way. No sense in going down there and interrupting their winter wrap up because a Princess arrived.” Cadence smiled, there were only three individuals who would trigger her senses that hard.


“I got ten bits on the rabbit!” Sky Chaser shouted.

“Twenty on Rahs.” added Comet Trail. “He's putting my training to use.”

Rainbow Dash smirked as Firefly took the bets. The weather team had all stopped to watch as the conflict between Rahs and Angel Bunny rolled into town. The two were exchanging blows that looked epic. Rahs was knocking the little jerk around like a ball, but he couldn't get his claws in him. Angel Bunny was all over the place and landed twenty hits for every one Rahs managed, but they didn't seem to do any damage. Neither of them seemed tired, or even that injured, the only damage so far seemed to be Rahs' coat.

“Fifteen on Rarity interrupting the fight because of his coat.”Sugar Glider bid.

“Ten on Fluttershy shaming them into stopping.” Bulk screamed.

Rainbow Dash was the only one who was watching the fight still and she took note of an angry looking orange Earth pony in a stetson walking into town with a large snow shovel.

“Thirty on Applejack beating the fool out of both of them.” Rainbow Dash called.

“Applejack's after them too?” Firefly gasped jotting it down in her note book.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CONFLICT MEDIATORS YAY!!!!” a shout bellowed up from below the cloud the pegasi had gathered on.

“What would that cutie mark even look like?” Spike asked.

Dash and the others peered down under the cloud to see the CMC and Spike running off after the fighting pair as well.

“Ten bits on the CMC stopping them!” Thunderlane claimed.

“Sucker bet. No deal. “ Firefly sighed. Besides if the CMC stops them all bet money goes to the repair bill, you know the rules.”

“Hey is Spike part of the CMC rule?” Fruit Fly asked.

“Not at the moment, but we're working on that.” Firefly stated.

“Ten on Spike calming them down with logic.” Fruit Fly offered.

“Done, safe bet though, easily a sixty to seventy chance of that happening.”Firefly pointed out.

“Ten on Princess Luna getting involved.” Thunderlane corrected after a moment of thought..

“Ooh that's a fairly safe bet too, but it's still allowed.” Firefly jotted it down.

“Twenty on Princess Celestia getting involved.” Raindrops added.

“Can't take that one Raindrops, Princess Celestia's already been involved today. “ Firefly stated.

Pinkie Pie watched as Rahs and Angel Bunny skidded across the ice in front of her. Chunks of the unscored ice was flung up into the air, or used as a weapon as the pair fought. The more they fought the less ice there was in the lake. Eventually the pair was left on a small block of ice that they continued to fight on until it drifted to the shore, then they both hopped off it to continue fighting on land.

Pinkie Pie blinked watching as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, plus Spike, thundered past soon after.

After a moment or two a grumbling Applejack stomped past brandishing a snow shovel.

Not long after that a worried looking Fluttershy drifted past with a small wave to her.

A moment later the area was cast in shadow as a large cloud covered with the entire weather team drifted past following the action.

Pinkie Pie calmly watched it float past then looked down at the cleared lake before shrugging and pronking after the others humming a jaunty tune, her last lake was done early today.

Rarity had finally gotten back to work after the shock of hearing Rahs speak for the first time when he was not a pony.

She had been rather surprised that his normal speaking voice was not unlike how it had been as a pony, though a little deeper and more melodic. He also seemed to have an accent she couldn't place which seemed odd as neither Spike nor Twilight had it.

The sound of fighting stopped her work as she looked up to see Angel Bunny and Rahs dukeing it out in the middle of the street, progressing at a steady pace towards the center of town.

Rahs' coat was destroyed again, which angered Rarity considerably to see her work so thoroughly ruined. At least this one wasn't blood soaked or burnt to a cinder like the last ones. It might even be salvageable.

For some reason however all of the fur on top of Rahs and Angel Bunny's heads was sticking straight up like some sort of massive spiky crown. With all the snow that was stuck in the spikes their mane-do's almost looked blond.

A moment later her sister and her little friends thundered past yelling at each other.

“I said make a magic net to catch them Sweetie, not Aqua Net!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Oops.” Sweetiebelle stated as they ran on.

Soon Applejack stomped past with a large shovel followed closely by Fluttershy.

Bringing up the rear was Pinkie Pie, who was wearing a orange jumpsuit, and a bald cap of all things , with six dots on the forehead.

Soon after the sky darkened and the weather patrol floated by on a cloud, she could hear the lot of them taking bets and at least one Pegasus yelling at her to get up and get angry about the fashion disaster that went past.

Rarity considered for a moment, before returning to her work on the nests.


“OH COME ON!!” Sugar Glider pleaded.

Sugar Cube Corner was a bastion of calm silence. Everyone was still working the fields and the like though the Cakes had elected to remain open and cater the Winter Wrap up. A number of small snacks sat outside under portable heat lamps and a series of large airpots filled with coffee and hot cocoa sat on the table in the street with the Cakes fussing over and tending everything.

Currently there were only two others there aside from the Cakes, both seated at a table at the end of the snack bar.

There had been a great deal of commotion as they came up. That had subsided as the pair gathered a few pastries and some cocoa and coffee before taking a seat at one of the tables to eat. As soon as the pair were done however the noise and fighting started all over again as Rahs and Angel Bunny continued to brawl down the main street.

A few moments later most of Ponyville seemed to be following after them, with the CMC and Spike pausing long enough to gather up some coco and pastries before running after the fighters again.

Mr. Cake walked over to his wife as she watched the chaos before looking at her. “What do you suppose that was all about ?”

“I don't know, but I expect Winter Wrap Up will be late again this year.” Mrs Cake sighed.

Author's Note:

This ENTIRE sequence was just for the Aqua net joke.

I regret nothing.

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