• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,787 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

  • ...

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Feeling Pinkie Kennel, Epilogue

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Feeling Pinkie Kennel,

[ Canterlot, Sunday ]

The hustle and bustle of the city was little more than a dull thrum of movement and noise as countless ponies went about their business.

The restaurant at the end of the Universe Market was a quite out of the way place situated at the top of an old apartment complex that had been converted to a vertical mall by some mogul years ago. While the food was decent, the view and the relative seclusion of the little diner brought in more than enough business for the eatery to remain in place when many other shops cycled in an out of the market.

At the moment the clientele was rather sparse, a trio of business ponies having a late lunch and a couple of students who had already eaten but were hanging around talking still.

The only other pony present was a pink earth pony mare with long flowing lilac hair. She was sitting by the edge of the roof gazing out at the city.

Her ears perked up at the sound of hooves approaching her, she turned slightly looking up at a white unicorn with blue hair as he came up to the table.

“Hello beautiful. Is this seat taken?” the unicorn smirked.

“Mmm it is....” the mare smiled.

“Oh, any pony important?”

“My colt friend.”

“Ahh well pity that, is he as charming and dashing as me?”

“Oh no he's awful, but I love him anyway.”

“Owch. You do know how to hurt a guy Cady.”Shining armor chuckled.

“One of these days your going to tell me how you always know it's me.” Cadence sighed.

“What and spoil my fun? Never.” Shining Armor smiled taking a seat across from her noting she had already ordered drinks.”Know what you want to eat yet?”

“I've already ordered for us.” Cadence smiled.

“Really and how is it you know what I want to eat?”

“It's not hard. You always order the hay burger with mushrooms and cheddar cheese.” Cadence giggled.

“What can i say it's a great burger.” Shining smiled. “ So how was your yachting thing?”

“My what?” Cadence asked.

“Huh, Twi said it was called yachting, or boating.” Shining pondered. ”Or am I wandering into another code phrase with this shipping thing you mentioned?”

“Oh that. It went fine, I met a rather interesting mare and Luna only traumatized her a little.” Cadence giggled.

“Well, that explains why the Night Guard are still out in the middle of the day. They only tend to move when Princess Luna does.” Shining pondered.

“So how was your trip to Ponyville.” Cadence perked her ears up.” Better still, how are those three doing down there?”

"Not bad, it seems Spike started school at his own suggestion for some reason. Rahs is as annoying as ever, and Twi doesn't seem as on the verge of a meltdown all the time like she was here.” Shining took a sip of his drink. “ You lost the bet as only one of her new friends hit on me and she wound up being locked in a trunk.”

“A trunk?”

“She got on Twi's nerves hitting on me, evidently she did the same thing to Rahs during that whole Poison Joke thing. I think she was till locked in the trunk when I left.”

“Better that than if I got a hold of her.” Cadence harrumphed.

“I don't think Rainbow Dash means anything by it, it's not like you have anything to worry about any way." Shining Smiled." Let's see, Spike spent a few hours showing me what he has set up for his O&O game. I met Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Nice mares, I can see why Twilight likes them, though Spike and Rahs both threatened me with old blackmail material to not tell Rarity anything about Prince Blueblood.”

“Really? That's odd, they must have something planned.”

“Might almost be worth checking out the gala this year just to see. I think Rarity is going to be there.” Shining stated. “ Along with Pinkie Pie and a few others from Ponyville.”

“I probably have to go anyway this year. Luna wants to attend to see what all the fuss is about.” Cadence smiled.

“Okay now I really am curious.”

" I'll be sure to add you as my plus one if you want."

" Let's see if Guard Captain Moskau will let me have a weekend pass again first."

“So how is Pinkie Pie? I've heard stories.”

“Well she threw me a party, drove Twi insane and inadvertently caused me to fight a Hydra and made Rahs explode.” Shining Armor sighed.


“Yeah I’m still working on that. Seems she has this twitching thing....... I don't know, that she can sense danger at times is the most I got out of it. It went off and Rahs, Twi, Pinkie ,and I went to Froggy Bottom bog to check it out as Fluttershy was there turning loose frogs.”


“She's the animal one.”


“Long story short Hydra showed up I drove it off and Twilight got mad at me due to my duty assignment.”

“Just like your mom did.”

“Yep, and of course I put my hoof in my mouth and told her she sounded like mom. She then turned pure white her mane caught fire and then Rahs exploded and had to dive into the bog to put out his new coat.”

“Lovely an emotional surge. She hasn't had one of those in years. Though this one affected Rahs too, hmmm.” Cadence considered. “Still it's kinda sad she still is mad at your mom.”

“Hey I’m not thrilled with my dad.”

“ And it's still sad, your mom only made one mistake with that party....”

“One big one and then seven more years of trying to fix it and making the rift worse.” Shining sighed. “ Still better than my dad who washed his hooves of everything and didn't even try.”


“Please don't bring this up again, you know we both still love them, but neither of us really want to deal with them more than we have to. “

“You know why I’m not comfortable with it.”

“Yeah I know.”

“So then subject change did you meet the Pony Twilight's crushing on?” Cadence grinned.

“Did I what the what now?”

“Spike didn't tell you? Twilight's got a crush on a stallion in Ponyville.”Cadence explained watching her colt friends expression change to wide eyed horror.

“I need to go back, i completely forgot about him....” Shining muttered.

“You have to work in the morning.”

“I'll be quick.....”

“I won't be your alibi...”

“Dang it.”

[Somewhere else]

“And that is everything?”

“Yes, he's very strong, though so are his siblings. There is also a connection between all of them that I have not figured out yet. It goes beyond basic family ties given it seems to cross species.” the shadowy figure spoke into a crystal mirror.

“Hmm. I'm sending Thorax, Bees, and Kevin to you for a debriefing. I've got a team watching over the main target. You stay in Ponyville with the ones i'm sending and watch the others. Perhaps we can make use of this somehow.”

“If you wish mother, I will see if I can get closer to them.”

“You do that Saturnia. Perhaps if all goes as it should I will let you have them to start your own hive.”

The shadowy creature in the darkness smiled at the mirror as it cut off. The conversation was clearly over even without another word. There was still much to do, but there was plenty of time.

“Rahs Sparkle.....what a interesting thing you are......”

Author's Note:

And here we go another one completely finished.

Now I know what i said about the Discord server last chapter but to be honest i'm on there randomly all the time if you want to pop in for a bit of Q&A nonsense.

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