• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Slobbered for Success

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Slobbered for Success

Rarity sighed trotting away from her work over to the window where her sister, Granny Smith, and Applebloom were standing, staring out at something going on outside.

Rarity considered it was probably either AJ or Rainbow Dash grandstanding after winning that silly little leaf race thing they had done. But in the end curiosity had won out.

“Honestly what is so interesting out here that......” Rarity paused, her eyes widening as she looked out the window herself.

A small force of Royal Guard dressed in both the regal gold and white of Celestia's Guard and the newly remade purple, silver, and black of Luna's Guard marched down the street flanking on either side of the two Princesses. Floating behind them gripped in Princess Luna's magic was a navy blue Moon Dog in little more than a pair of cargo pants flailing wildly as if trying to get away.

His fur was in a strange pattern, looking like someone's grandmother had decided to give him a page colt mane style. The Princesses were chatting about something as they headed for the library, and the Guards kept looking at the floating canine with a great deal of pity.

Rarity blinked once more before turning away from the window and yanking the curtain closed.

“Well now that that is out of the way how about we get you three measured and fitted for your Gala dresses?” Rarity chimed.

“Don't cha wanna know what's going on?” Applebloom asked.

Rarity considered a moment before shaking her head.” You know, for once Applebloom, I most certainly do not.”

Spike stared up at the two Princesses and the floating form of his brother being carried along behind them.

“Okay what did he do this time?” Spike groaned.

“BARK!” Rahs protested.

“Yeah, yeah, Khajiit did nothing and is innocent of his crimes, whatever, I wasn't asking you.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“Really he hasn't done anything Spike my sister is just being rather exuberant and loud with her information on him. Information she has thus far refused to share more than teasingly small amounts of.” Celestia frowned glaring at her sister who whistled innocently. “May we come in and speak with you and your siblings all at once?”

“Sure come on in, though I’m not sure if Twi is gonna be that talkative. She's holed up in her room trying to find out if it's feasible to go back in time and stop herself from doing something stupid.” Spike sighed.

“That does not sound safe.” Luna frowned.

“It's fine, she'll lose herself in some old Inspector Spacetime books and forget why she consider going back in time to start with.”Spike shrugged stepping aside to let the Princesses and his brother in.

“It worries me that she does this often enough that you're used to it Spike.” Celestia sighed giving her sister a sidelong glance.”Still would you try to get her to come down, this is fairly important provided my sister is not going for a long prank again.

Spike shrugged waddling up stairs.

Rahs had managed to grab a hold of a bookcase and was doing his best to try and claw free of Princess Luna's magic with no luck so far.

The Guards, many of whom knew Twilight and her brothers from their time as Celestia's student, and others who had been part of the Decaff task force, decided remaining outside would be for the best for every pony involved.

This nonsense was above their pay grade.

“Okay that really didn't explain much so I’m gonna have to ask a few questions cause I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.” Twilight sighed as she shifted at the table under the gaze of the two Princesses.

Spike was staring on with some awe, while Rahs was still annoyed and pouting from where he had been placed next to Luna. Though how much of that was bluster and how much was stubbornness was hard to tell.

Celestia was looking at Luna with a small bit of concern as well, though she had been largely silent having heard everything her sister had just said earlier.

“Alright.”Twilight stated, a flurry of quills and parchment zipping in around her as she started to write.“Rahs' species is officially, called a Moon Dog.”

“Indeed.” Luna commented with a smirk.

“Yet there are no Moon Dogs on Equss?”

“Also correct.”

“Because they are all in the dream realm?”

“Oneiroi, but yes.” Luna agreed.” That is the natural home of Moon Dogs.”

“How many of them are there?” Spike chimed in.

“ We have not done a proper census, but with the way of things there and the orders they were given a long time ago, there should be approximately as many Moon Dogs as there are members of the other races of Equss. Give or take.”Luna shrugged.

“Why?” Celestia asked at this point.

“As we have said before sister we cannot steward the Oneiroi alone. The greater threats that reside there we are called to address, but the minor ones and the excess created by nightmares are dealt with by the Moon Dogs. That is their task”

“Not sure I follow.” Twilight frowned.

“Equss is a magical place Twilight Sparkle. The magic generated from all living things far exceeds the magic that is used or lost. This excess magic has formed another realm where it can run wild, a plaything to the unconscious desires and whims of those who visit in their slumber. When we first found we were the steward of the Oneiroi the place was relatively peaceful as most races on Equss were small of number and short of life.“ Luna explained. “The sleeping desires of the world amounted to little more than survival, fear, and occasionally more lewd things. Simpler times and quite easy to manage. The Oneiroi is where the worlds excess magic goes so it does not cause issues here.”

“Nemo's theory of Slumberland. “ Twilight sighed. “It sounds far fetched but you're saying that it's true?”

“Partially, his theory is off about the purpose of the Oneiroi and the only species that reside there are the Moon Dogs. While they have their own society it is closer to Diamond Dog warrens that the fantastical cities that Nemo dreamed up. Not to say that the influence of the waking world cannot be found there. Many new technologies and events have their Oneiroi counter parts. The Moon Dogs have adopted what they could use or they find interesting from others dreams and devoured the rest.”

“Wait. They eat dreams?” Spike gasped looking at Rahs who was trying to pout still but his ears remained perked as he listened.

“Dreams are little more than excess magic given form young Spike. The Oneiroi is just the place that magic goes and dreams are the connection to that realm. Dreamers shape the realm as they sleep reliving the days events things their minds need to break down that they might not even recall seeing. Often they put it together in fantastical visages, or horrific nightmares.”

“You said the Moon Dogs are the only species that mainly reside there. What else is there?”Celestia asked.

“The Life Dreamers and the Slumbering Dead.” Luna stated flatly.

“Okay that sounds ominous.” Spike muttered.

“Tis not. Tis more sad than anything else.” Luna sighed. “ The Slumbering Dead are those who died while dreaming, their souls remain, not unlike ghosts manipulating the world around them as they see fit. Often this results in entire real world cities being recreated in the Oneiroi, Likely one such place is what Nemo found. In time their remaining energy is spent and the soul moves on, but that can be anywhere from minutes to decades before it does. It is a reason why many dream of their fallen after they have passed as their souls still reside in the dream.”

Spike blinked.

“The Life Dreamers are far more tragic. They are those who are still alive, but cannot wake. They often become Slumbering Dead as they know little else but the Oneiroi.” Luna sighed.

“Coma victims. Magical sleeping sicknesses, brain damage.” Celestia frowned. “ We have spoke of this before.”

“Indeed and while some can be helped to wake from the Oneiroi, many cannot.”Luna sighed.

“So what exactly is the purpose of a Moon Dog?”

Luna smirked at the question.

“We shall steal a page from my sisters long winded tales for this explanation.” Luna chuckled.” Though we shall try not to make it boring, like she does.”

“Hey!” Celestia protested.

“Long ago a creature of unparalleled power and absolutely no control dominated a large portion of Equss. Naturally my sister dated the foul beast, but that's another story....” Luna grinned.

“He seemed nice at the time.” Celestia protested again.

“Due to his actions and excessive use of magic the Oneiroi was put into chaos, far more happened there than I was able to deal with on my own and no one else but the creature who caused the mess could access the realm. Even after his defeat things were too chaotic to control. We needed assistance. Our sister had been dabbling with selective and magical breeding among those who considered us gods to create hardier and healthier creatures. We decided to do the same to make those that could aid us.”

“I am not comfortable with the idea that we've been genetically modified for a purpose.” Twilight huffed glaring at Celestia. “I am also trying not to giggle evilly at the fact that we are genetically modified and that the GMO idiots have even less of a hoof to stand on.”

“It's still not something I want to get out.” Celestia grumbled. “At the time everyone was doing it.”

“ If everyone was jumping off a bridge would you do that too?” Spike mocked, channeling Twilight Velvet.

“She did. Several times if we recall.” chuckled Luna.

“That was cliff diving Luna, it was a sport at the time.” grumbled Celestia.

“Verily, but usually the divers dove into water, not the ground.” Luna snorted in amusement at the memory.

“There was water, but Aqua pulled it all away at the last second as a joke.” Celestia huffed.” Took me an hour to dig my way out of the mud at the bottom.”

“I have sooooooo many questions right now, and so few that I really want the answer to.” Twilight grumbled.

“Woof.” Rahs urged.

“Yes. Moving on. “Luna smirked at Celestia's fidgeting. “The problem were none that had the capacity to alter the Oneiroi in the way that was needed in the land to be known as Equestria, so we were forced to seek aid elsewhere.”

“That hundred years or so you went wandering.” Celestia muttered.

“The place we wound up called it a walkabout. A strange and deadly continent that is still largely ignored by the the rest of Equss. Twas far from empty, mind you and we may have spent a few decades in the company of a Rokea reef god there.” Luna turned a bit red, her ears flicking but she continued.” What we found there however was a race not unlike the Diamond Dogs here called the Bunyip.”

Luna paused to take a sip of the tea that Spike had prepared and allowed Twilight to catch up with her notes.

“ The Bunyip had an host of interesting abilities. Nearly every member of their race was a lucid dreamer to start with they were surprisingly hardy, existing on little to no food and water, though given their arid location that was not surprising. The most interesting ability of all that they possessed was however was their ability to traverse the Oneiroi in short jumps, much like a unicorn's teleportation.” Luna sighed.” Unfortunately they were also stubborn, territorial, extremely hostile to outsiders. They were also slowly dying out. It took us years to convince the younger generations that their elders were wrong, and by that point their numbers were less than a hundred.”

“Dying out?” Twilight asked.

“That continent is not a stable place Twilight Sparkle. Only the strongest life finds it's place there and some have become so niche that they would not be able to live anywhere else.” Luna pointed out. “ Also it's just plain weird. The dominant species there are upright hopping deer, and we swear we saw a furry beaver duck thing.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that, though didn't say anything.

“Suffice to say it took us a number of generations and cross breeding with other species before we considered their number stable enough to use. ” Luna explained. “With that we guided them in one last dream walk into the Oneiroi. At the time we had not considered that their race would be considered extinct from Equss, but there were so few there was little to no environmental impact.”

“I cannot imagine the new environment did well for them.”Celestia frowned.

“Of course not.” Luna flattened her ears.”That would have been far too easy. We were forced to ferry supplies back and forth to the Oneiroi for a long while, the chaos of the realm was made worse by the nightmares and horrors the slumbering ones came up with and created in their nights. Ponies and other races began to fear the night because of this and it is a stigma that has not fully been shaken. It was not long after the crystal empire was founded that things finally began to go correctly. We found that we needed to bring less and less supplies each trip. New generations had started supplementing their diets with chaotic dream stuff. “

“They were adapting.” Twilight commented.

“Indeed. Within three generations we no longer needed to bring in supplies. Within four the chaos was being brought under control. At five an entirely new species came about in their litters. The last of the true Bunyip gave birth to the first Moon Dog. A pup fully capable of thriving in the Oneiroi with no outside assistance. “Luna smiled. “He bore marks of our interference in his line and the reverence they gave to us. The glowing points of Lunar light all Moon Dogs possess first showed up on him. The first pup was named Mánagarmr, son of Fenrir. All Moon Dogs are descended from him.”

There was a moment of hushed awe at the mention of the name from all present... save one who quickly ruined it.

“Wouldn't that cause an issue with genetic diversity?” Twilight questioned not even looking up as she continued to write.

“You are what you eat.” Luna smirked

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Tell me Twilight. Is all magic the same?” Luna asked.

“In theory and practice the effects are, but the underlying source or supply of magic tends to differ by race.”

“And by individual, it is why any magical trace left by a Unicorn to commit a crime can easily be followed back to it's caster.” Celestia pointed out.

“Forensics was never my calling. Though I should probably study up on that.”Twilight pondered.

“Basically what you're saying is because they eat magic that changes what they are enough that they're not really related?”Spike sounded out .

“Something like that. It is more like breeding two prize winning Great Danes and getting a Rottweiler. Tis still a Moon Dog likely with traits of its parents, but able to mate with it's sister with no stagnation of genes. There are no true twins in Moon Dogs.”

“Not sure I’m comfortable with the idea Rahs might be his own grandpa.” Twilight muttered.

“Tis a stigma that has merit in Equestria, but not so in the Oneiroi. An unexpected boon in truth as it means we have no need to see out others that can traverse there, let alone survive.”

“And what do they currently do?” Celestia asked. “And how does Rahs fit into this?”

“Each Moon Dog born in this age follows a certain pony or family. Tending their dreams and protecting them from nightmares. When they mated, Cosma paired with Nightlight and Blink with Twilight Velvet. Their eldest child was bonded with another family as when she was born Shining Armor had not yet been conceived. Then Twilight was born and then Rahs. His task was to watch over Twilight and Shining, then before his sixth birthday, he vanished.” Luna narrowed her eyes looking at Twilight who suddenly felt ashamed. “The family had not yet had a litter of pups and the loss of one of their two children caused more than a little chaos. At the time we were sealed in the moon, not exactly in a place we could help despite being in a dreamlike state where we could still speak with the Oneiroi, we could not interact with it as we once did. We existed there as a Life Dreamer does.”

Luna spared a menacing glare at Celestia who returned it impassively. The two kept up the stare down for a few moments before Rahs spoke up breaking them out of it.


“Yes. Twilight's surge pulled you out of the Oneiroi. You were still bonded with her and through her Shining Armor as you hunted in both their dreams as a pup. Spike was hatched and you were joined with him much as Twilight was. Which brings us to today.”Luna offered. “ We have no idea how a surge could have done such a thing, but wild magic sometimes has a mind of it's own and magic does reach across the boundary.”

“Dang.” Celestia grumbled.

“Hmm? What is it sister?”

“We owe Nightlight ten bits.”


“I was certain Rahs came from the past.” Celestia sighed. “Twilight Velvet was sure he came from space and Nightlight said from his daughters imagination.”

Rahs and Twilight face clawed and face hooved respectively, Spike just chuckled.

“Right onto the basics.” Twilight stated rather loudly.”How long do Moon Dogs live?”

“ Morbid” Spike frowned.

“Not at all, normal dogs and cats have a much shorter lifespan than Ponies. I don't like the idea that Rahs is approaching old age already.” Twilight grumbled ignoring Rahs sticking his tongue out at her.

“Usually as long as the one they pair with. There are some who have paired with Dragons and are still alive today. “ Luna explained. “ You needn't worry about him being older than you are.”

“Hmm makes sense. If the Bunyip were an offshoot of Diamond Dogs they live about as long as Ponies do.” Twilight tapped her quill to her lips.”Is there a connection to Witch Wolves?”

Twilight didn't even need to look up to feel the air suddenly turn icy in the span of a heartbeat. Twilight's gaze slowly rose from her notes, first noticing that Rahs and Spike's breath was visible as if it was a chill morning. Lifting her gaze further she noticed her teacher backing away from the table staring at her sister.

Looking to Luna, Twilight immediately wished that Nightmare Moon would come back, because despite how terrifying she was, Nightmare at her worse was a ray of flipping sunshine compared to the look that Luna had right now.

“Umm.” Twilight muttered.

“There is 'NO' connection and we would ask you do not mention that name ever again Twilight Sparkle. Witch Wolves DID and DO not exist.” Luna stated with a tone that rattled the windows of the Library, save the newly broken one, without seeming to be very loud at all.

“Right okay... sorry I asked moving on.” Twilight stammered.

”How are you his grandma?” Spike spit out as Luna's expression returned to normal.

“She's not....” Celestia started.....

“We were asked by his parents to watch out for him. As we are the matriarch of the Moon Dog. We have decided that Rahs shall be our grand pup, though we apologize that we have not made any cookies for the occasion as our oven self immolated along with our attempt last night.”

“So is he a prince?” Spike asked interrupting Twilight again.

“No he's n...” Celestia started before getting cut off.

“That is the title a descendant of royalty gains is it not? So yes.” Luna smirked.

“That's not official!” Celestia protested.

“What exactly would that title mean?” Twilight asked.

“Not you too.” Celestia let out an exasperated sigh.

“Absolutely nothing.” Luna grinned. “ Tis but a title. Something to look interesting on thine business cards and applications, and screw with the upper crust, little more. Moon Dogs have no royalty only Alpha's as leaders, often chosen for the role due to what they have done or skill. Given he is the only Moon Dog in Equestria he is obviously an Alpha here.”

“What does that mean?” Spike asked.

“Also absolutely nothing,”Luna cheered. “He hast no pack and therefor nothing to lead. His siblings seem more than capable of governing themselves so he needn't lead them. Perhaps were he to find a mate and they have a litter it may have more merit ….”

“Bork!!” Rahs snapped burying his head in his paws.

“Surely there is some female thou have met who holds thine interest?” Luna commented.

“Bork!” Rahs growled.

“Pity, but we didn't call thou Shirley.” Luna deadpand confused.

“Lulu we need to be getting back soon.” Celestia commented. “ We only scheduled a few hours.”

“Feh.” Luna grumbled.

“So you are supposed to watch over him for his parents what does that mean?” Twilight asked trying to get a few more questions answered.

“Nothing more than what my sister does for thou. We are simply keeping an eye on him and thou and Spike as well.” Luna offered.

“Us too?” Spike asked.

“Indeed, thou are the lost trio. Neither you nor your elder brother have any connection to the Oneiroi at all. When thou pulled Rahs here that connection was severed. “

“Huh?” Spike questioned.

“Tell us. Do any of you dream?” Luna asked.

“Not that I can recall.” Twilight offered as Spike shrugged.

“As expected. There are others cut off like yourself. Ones whos magic does not drain into the realm. Most do not notice, but many of the strongest mages to exist have had that same issue. It is not something that will cause any harm to you, but it would explain the volume of magic you have access too. “ Luna pondered. “Still given Rahs and Spike being here thou would have been a strong Unicorn even without being cut off from the Oneiroi.”

“What about me or Shining?” Spike asked.

“We do not know what happens with a Dragon cut off from the Oneiroi. Tis not something we have seen before.” Luna admitted. “We would have a closer look at thine older brother, but last we tried his current suitor threw us out a window.”

“Translation. She hit on your brother and Cadence bucked her upside the head.” Celestia stage whispered to Twilight, who snorted in amusement holding back a laugh.

“Verily, a warrior born that one.”Luna admitted.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Why are we announcing ourselves as thine grandmother if it matters not in the long run?”Luna repeated a smile crossing her face. “ Because it amuses us to dote on and spoil one of our own. That is why. We can't hope to be the 'cool aunt' to Tia's foals when she cannot even find a colt friend who isn't an evil jerk. So grandmother will have to do.”

Spike, Rahs, and Twilight all look to Celestia who's ears remained flat against her head as she glared at her sister.

“Time to go.” Luna grinned hopping up and patting Rahs on the head with a wing before gripping him in a bone crushing hug. “ Well look forward to meeting our great grand pups, immortal or not we are not patient.”

Rahs flailed again trying to get away.

“Thank you for the tea Spike, Twilight. But duty calls.” Celestia sighed.

“Quite alright Princess. Stop by again when you want.... I expect your sister will be.” Twilight looked to Luna pensively.

“Indeed!”Luna stated turning to trot to the door after letting Rahs go, the overly hugged Moon Dog whimpering a bit.

Twilight and Spike watched as the Princesses left before both looked at Rahs who had fallen over and was twitching on the floor.

“Wow... I thought mom was bad.” Twilight sighed.

Author's Note:

Here it is another long chapter. The Suited for Success chapter was never going to go very well simply due to the fact only 2 of the Mane six were going to the gala so Rarity wouldn't be driven mad.

This chapter was a little more exposition heavy than i liked, but sooner or later i needed to get this out of the way and i figured now while i had a throw away episode was for the best. Besides it's not like i answered EVERYTHING.

Still This one was way bigger than i wanted .

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