• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,782 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Feeling Pinkie Kennel, part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Feeling Pinkie Kennel,
part 2

“Laugh it up jerk. I know where you sleep.” Twilight grumbled, pulling the frog off her face and glaring back at Rahs who was still laughing. Shining Armor was at least trying to hide his laughter and Pinkie Pie.... she still looked like she always did.

“Oh.. I'm so so sorry! “ A soft voice from the sky placated causing the four of them plus the frog to look up.

Fluttershy floated above them with a wagon. The wagon and the mares saddle bags were full of frogs.

“Are you okay Twilight?” Fluttershy questioned.

“ Only thing hurt was my pride.....” Twilight sighed.” What are you doing?”

“Well I couldn't stand to see the pond get so overpopulated, with the frogs hopping into each other and all. With winter coming there wouldn't be enough room in the little fish pond for all of them to hibernate properly. So I was taking them out to Froggy Bottom Bog, there's plenty of room there.”

“Why are there so many frogs in one pond?” Shining asked.

“Well after the duck pond exploded, they were all rather worried about it happening again and fled to the fish pond.” Fluttershy explained.

“Wait the pond exploded?” Shining Armor stammered rather confused.

“Oh yes, at least twice.”Fluttershy nodded.

“Long story.” Twilight sighed as she floated the frog back up to Fluttershy. “Any way introductions. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, this is my older brother Shining Armor, he's going to be hanging around for the weekend.”

Pinkie Pie stared sitting down hard as she tapped her chin with a hoof staring at Shining. Fluttershy meeped and seemed to fold in on herself as she turned red muttering something that sounded like 'he looks like Rahs' before darting off quickly towards the bog.

“Likes?” Pinkie Pie asked Rahs.

“Woof.” Rahs commented.



“Coconut... okay....phobias?”

“Bork.” Rahs grinned before Pinkie Pie poked him with a hoof.

“Hey buster I’m being serious here.” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“So is he, Shining suffers from Caligynephobia. He's getting better with Cadence's help, but still.” Twilight smirked.

“I don't even know what that means.” Shining grumbled as Twilight giggled.

“Don't worry about it, Pinkie anything you do is fine. Though I’d prefer it smaller for my sake.” Twilight offered.

“Okie Doki.” Pinkie Pie chimed hopping off.

“Well that was odd.” Shining Armor stated as the trio continued on.

“You get used to it.” Twilight sighed.

“Woof.” Rahs pointed out rubbing his chin as he looked into the sky.

“No, I don't think she predicted that. It wasn't anything more than a coincidence.” Twilight grumbled.


“What is she on about noAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Twilight yelped, falling into a ditch with a crash as Rahs and Shining Armor looked down at her.

“Woof.” Rahs stated.

“Two coincidences in a row does not make her a prophet!” Twilight yelled from the ground.

“I dunno she said something was gonna fall sis and down you went.” Shining smiled.

“Why is there a ditch in the middle of the road any way!?!” Twilight fussed as she picked herself up.

“Bark.” Rahs sighed rolling his eyes.

“What do you mean Sweetiebelle cast a Dragon Slave? That's the highest black magic attack spell there is!” Twilight growled.

“The girls'n Spike said they was trying fer a speed demon cutie mark, whatever that is, and needed tah make Scootaloo's wagon go faster.... and boy howdy did it ever.” a voice with a southern draw stated. “ If they hadn't all fallen off tha wagon when it flew over tha orchard we'd probably have had tah go pick um up out in Appleoosa. As it stands Braburn's mailing back tha wagon soon as they can get it unstuck from tha Sheriff's office.”

“Sturdy wagon.” Shining Armor whistled looking at Rahs.” Nice to see Spike keeps interesting company now.”

“How am I just hearing about this now?” Twilight grumbled.

“Dunno, whole town heard tha blast. Think all of um cept Scootaloo are too terrified to ever think of trying that again. Sweetiebelle dun know how she did it and Scoots said it was too slow fer her still.” Applejack chuckled helping Twilight up out of the ditch.

“Are we sure she's not related to Rainbow?” Twilight grumbled.

“Nah, met her parents, nice folks, real busy though.” Applejack smiled. “ So who's this un?”

Shining and Rahs trotted across the ditch on a magic shield that formed a bridge.

“Oh, this is Shining Armor my older brother.” Twilight offered. “He's in town for the weekend.”

“Heck then, welcome tah Ponyville. Spect you'll survive over tha weekend, least til Pinkie Pie spots yah. Then yah might wanna have yer blood sugar checked.” Applejack laughed.

“Well, we already met her. “ Shining smiled.” She was going on about her tail twitching.”

Applejack gasped before diving underneath the apple cart behind her.

The group looked at her curiously before Twilight grumbled.

“Woof.” Rahs placated.

“It did not already come true because there was nothing to come true, that was not a prediction!” Twilight snapped at Rahs.

“Well there has to be some correlation. Two twitches and two things falling.” Shining smirked.

“Don't tell me you believe this hooey!”Twilight grumbled.

“It may seem odd , but those of us who've been in Ponyville awhile have learned that If Pinkie's a twitchen, yah better listen.” Applejack nodded sagely.

My ears are flopping my ears are flopping!!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

Applejack dove under the cart again as the other three looked around confused.

“What does that mean?” Shining asked.

“I hope you haven’t already had a bath this morning.” Pinkie Pie winced.

“A bath? This is getting more ridiculous as it goes on.......” Twilight began.


The pony and his cart galloping behind them sent a deluge of mud and muddy water over the trio, drenching Rahs, Twilight, and Shining Armor with muck.

The trio blinked slowly for a moment as the mud dripped down them.

“Why was there a puddle there!?!? It was dry a second ago.” Twilight ranted. “What was his problem there was a ditch right there he could have fallen into and he goes behind us at that speed? Where's a Guard? Some pony ticket him!!”

“I think I am reminded why I don't visit you guys that often.” Shining sighed as Rahs just whined as Twilight continued to rant.

“You sure letting Twilight use Pinkie Pie's bath was a good idea?” Shining Armor asked as the pair of them walked back towards Sugar Cube corner after returning to the tree house for a shower..

“Woof.” Rahs shrugged, his ears flicking, his brother regarding them curiously.

“Yeah I suppose you're right. Maybe Pinkie can explain that twitchie thing in a way she can understand. “Shining sighed.”We are going to be in for a long weekend otherwise.”

“Bork.” Rahs nodded with a smirk, his ears moving in Guard cant.

“She still uses all the hot water huh? Well the more things change....” Shining smirked as well as the pair of them entered Sugar Cube Corner.

“So anything of note I should know about that she's not going to tell me?” Shining asked taking a seat at a table to wait for his sister.

Rahs considered a moment before grinning and moving his ears in a rather complicated pattern.

Shining followed it for a moment before a frown appeared on his face, quickly deepening.

“ Well seems there's at least one pony then I really need to meet.” Shining nearly growled. “ So who is this Big Mac guy?”

The conversation might have continued had a sudden scream not drawn their attention. The Moon Dog and the Guard Captain where off like a shot, rushing up the stairs to the source of the scream. Shining Armor took the lead and burst in to the bathroom where the scream came from. Twilight was perched on the edge of a tub covered in soap suds and a small alligator was viciously biting Pinkie Pie.

Both mares whipped their heads towards the door as it broke open, Twilight’s still soapy hair swinging around and slapping over her face. Twilight screamed out at the intrusion and the soap getting in her eyes, not able to see who broke in and Pinkie screamed along because she could.

Shining blinked in confusion yelping and ducking a few magically flung projectiles only to get caught in the face by a expertly thrown alligator and sent tumbling back out of the room and down the stairs with a crash.

“Woof.” Rahs stated peering around from the corner of the door.

" Spike does have good ideas doesn't he?" Pinkie chimed up answering Rahs.

“Rahs? What?” Twilight demanded wiping the soap from her eyes. “ Was that...... oh no....”

“That was fun. Can we throw more things?” Pinkie smirked.

“Medic.” Shining called from the bottom of the stairs, the unfazed alligator gnawing on his horn..

Author's Note:

For those who want to know and don't want to look it up Caligynephobia is the fear of attractive women.

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