• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,782 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Swarm of 456 years.

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Swarm of 456 years.

“AHHHH no that goes over there!” Twilight fretted as she floated several dusters around her whipping them over spots that clearly had already been cleaned.

Rahs frowned picking up the potted plant and taking the two steps to the left to set it down where Twilight said.

“Not there, there!” Twilight shouted again gesturing with a duster.

Rahs flattened his ears picking up the plant again and putting it over further.

“NO, the other way!”

The Moon Dog rolled his eyes and put it back where he had placed it to start with.

“Yes, perfect now don't touch it . Princess Celestia will be here tomorrow, everything has to be perfect, and this place is a mess!” Twilight ranted.

“Lets see, twelve coffee mugs , dozens of books out of place. I wonder who made this mess.” Spike snarked from his spot on a ladder as he put several books away.” Why are you even freaking out any way. Princess Celestia knows you live like a slob.”

“Woof.” Rahs grumbled.

“Yeah I know right. She acts like its mom going to do a white hoof inspection or something.” Spike rolled his eyes.” It's just Princess Celestia.”

“Just princess Celestia? JUST PRINCESS CELESTIA?!!” Twilight screamed.

“Umm yeah, you know the mare who was your teacher, whose sister you saved, who manipulated you into doing stuff and who you told off at least once.” Spike explained. “ The Princess who we have literally watched shove her whole head into a cake in order to eat it from the inside out. That Princess Celestia?”

“Bark.” Rahs added.

“Yes I know she ordered us to treat her like everypony else, but that was in the palace not out here in the real world, in real life.......” Twilight ranted.

“Twilight this is Ponyville.” Spike deadpanned as he climbed back down the ladder. ”Is this the real life?”

“Or is this just fantasy?”

“Seriously?” Twilight growled though she at least lowered a few of the dusters seeming to calm down some.”You're right. She won't really care, but the rest of the town is rather eager for her arrival, given what happened last time she was here I’d like to make this event as unstressed as possible for everyone.”

“By stressing out over it?” Spike crossed his arms looking up at her as he reached the bottom of the ladder.

“I'm not.....” Twilight began getting a stare from both of her brothers. “ Okay maybe I am a little stressed.”

“You need to relax. I keep this place pretty clean as it is and the rest of the town is already working on the rest of the celebration. They did just fine for the Summer celebration they'll do fine now.” Spike gestured, looking over the stacks of books before picking a few out of various stacks and scaling the ladder again.

“ARF.” Rahs pointed out crossing his arms and glaring down at Twilight. While the Moon Dog was wearing pants, his coat was little more than burnt scrap at this point and none of his old shirts fit him any more So his navy furred arms and torso were bare, something he seemed annoyed with when he went out , but it was his usual manner of dress at home any way. Rarity was busy with rush orders for those who wanted to look their best when the Princess arrived, so she couldn't deal with his coat right now.

“Right, right .” Twilight sighed at Rahs' order, lowering all but one of the dusters reminded again she was still under doctors orders to take it easy with her magic.

The front door was flung open suddenly and everyone looked at the door in time for a pink form to tumble in rolling like a wheel across the floor until it collided with the stacks of books Spike was sorting, which were oddly positioned in a triangle formation. The rolling mass of pink slammed into them with a sound of crashing pins, flinging books every where. The flung projectiles smacked into the shelves dislodging hordes of other books and one knocked Spike from his perch a top the ladder.

Rahs darted forward only for Twilight's magic to catch Spike first setting him on the ground.

A familiar pink pony popped out of the fallen books looking around as she tried to stop her own dizziness.

“Oof, remind me never to do that again.” Pinkie Pie muttered as Twilight started to hyperventilate at the new mess.

“Pinkie? What are you doing here?” Twilight demanded.

“Recovering from a epic strike.” Pinkie explained.

Three different appendages met three different faces at the answer.

“WOOF?” Rahs asked.

“Oh, why did I come here? Because Mr. and Mrs. Cake kicked me out of Sugar cube corner for testing all the snacks they were making to make sure the Princess would like them.” Pinkie Pie stated innocently. “I'm not sure she'll like the banana pudding with moon pies, but the rest are grade A. Though who's Princess Celest? I thought it was Princess Celestia was coming?”

“What?” Twilight blinked as Pinkie Pie pointed at the door.

“Oh boy.” Spike stated looking out the still open door. “They got the banner wrong.”

“What!?” Twilight asked ,a hair springing out of place on her mane as she rushed the door.” WHAT?!”

Spike frowned as Twilight rushed off to have a word with Carrot Top and Berry Punch.

“This is gonna be a long day.” Spike sighed as Rahs nodded.

“Oh did I come at a bad time?” Fluttershy asked as she poked her head in the door, practically dancing in place with excitement.

“Nope, Twilight stepped out before she went full on crazy so your timing's pretty good.” Pinkie Pie chimed up.

“Woof.” Rahs smirked with a small wag of his tail.

“Oh Hello to you too Rahs.” Fluttershy smiled though she didn't make eye contact with the Moon Dog, her face turning a bit red.

Silence filled the room a moment as most of them waited for the shy pegasus to speak, and Fluttershy set in to wait until Rahs left so she could talk. The stalemate was broken by Twilight's return.

“We ran outta room....” Twilight mocked in a squeaky voice.” At least they didn't misspell it completely... oh hello Fluttershy, what are you doing here?”

“Oh Twilight” Fluttershy startled. “Yes well, I was out at the edge of the forest picking flowers and... well... come on out little guy...” Fluttershy muttered looking back at her wing.

“If it's a snake I apologize in advance for blasting it … and probably you...” Twilight muttered backing away from Fluttershy.

The little blue ball with wings that fluttered out of the Pegasus' mane was not really what anyone expected. The creatures fluttered around a bit it's large green eyes taking in everything as it hovered cutely around Fluttershy purring. Suddenly a yellow one and a brown one also emerged from her mane.

“Wha.. three?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Well those are cute..” Twilight calmed down looking up at them as they flitted around. “ What are they?”

“I'm not sure. I'm also not sure where these other two came from.” Fluttershy admitted.

“Well I'll take one off your hooves. It's something new to study and I’ve never seen anything so adorable.” Twilight smiled as the blue one floated over to her.

“BORK!” Rahs frowned.

“Yeah maybe once, when you were a puppy.” Spike laughed. “But that was a long long long time ago.”

Rahs frowned turning and whipping his tail to knock Spike into the pile of books with it as he snorted in annoyance.

“Okay... Pinkie do you want the other one?” Fluttershy asked.

The pink mare had been strangely silent as she watched the pair though when she was addressed the pink pony only sighed and rolled her eyes.

“Yuck... a parasprite? Are you kidding? “ Pinkie Pie grumbled heading out the door.” Now I’ve got to go find a trombone.”

“A what?” Twilight asked looking at the small ball of flying fluff.

“A trombone, you know....” Pinkie pie made a gesture like she was playing and made noises like a trombone. “ A trombone.”

The pink mare turned back and headed out the door.

“What?” Twilight demanded again.

“A trombone.” Spike repeated.” You know...”

The purple Dragon started to make the noise only for Rahs' tail to knock him back into the books once again.

“Why is everyone in my family a sarcastic ass?” Twilight grumbled.

“Bark.” Rahs offered.

“Oh no, with you two like you are, I know it's not hereditary.” Twilight responded.

Author's Note:

For those curious as to what the 456 years means. It's a century in dog years according to a Pureina chart i found.

Also while not a rousing success the Discord AMA i ran did have people show.. at odd times but still. I'm gonna try it again in two weeks. Let me know the prefered time for every one on a SAT. Please include your time zone.

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