• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,782 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Pony and Dog Show, epilogue 1 [90]

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Pony and Dog Show,
epilogue 1

A bright flash and a loud pop sent a number of armored guards scurrying around to confront the newcomer and her entourage, though a hand lifted from the one seated on a oak throne at the head of the room sent them all back to their positions. The guards obeyed though they warily and curiously looked over the ones who had appeared.

The cavern was well lit and rather large with a number of stone pillars holding up the high ceiling. The walls were covered with various tapestries devoid of heraldry but featuring a few natural scenes and most of them hid doorways that guards and servants could move freely though

The figure in the throne rose taking a few steps towards the newcomers, her ice blue eyes regarding them curiously.

“Well well, Princess Celestia and Miss Rarity. To what does my warren owe the pleasure of your presence today?”

The speaking figure stood as tall as princess Celestia. The Diamond Dog was well muscled, though she was more wiry than bulky. A white mane of hair was pulled back over her shoulders in three braids that fell to her mid back, a striking contrast to the midnight black of her fur.

A gold and red dress covered her form though it was easy to see she had much the same build as Rarity had when she was a Diamond Dog, though the odd mounds on her chest were larger matching her larger build. Her face was more wolf like than the others in the room though the ice blue of her eyes spoke of a sharp intelligence as well as her looks. The only blemish on the female was her tail ended not in a club, but in a scar where she had lost the end in a fight.

“Ahh Lady Jynx we are sorry about the sudden arrival but there have been … issues we needed to attend to. Ow... stop that......” Celestia stated, wincing and glaring down at one of the others she had teleported.” I do hope we have not come at a bad time.”

“That remains to be seen Princess.” Jynx stated tilting her head. “ Particularly since Miss Rarity looks absolutely terrified, and you have a cluster of pups trying to eat your legs.”

The collection was of about eight Diamond Dog pups, and two slightly larger ones who all sat under the tall form of Princess Celestia, though two of the smaller ones had evidently decided that the Princesses long thin legs were chew toys and had acted accordingly.

Jynx looked between the two ponies curiously her ears perking as the young alpha considered.

“Princess Celestia why have you brought a litter of pups here? Bone Hound pups by the scent of them.” Jynx asked moving back to her seat and gesturing to an older female with a silvery gray coat and no mane who nodded and slipped back towards a hidden tunnel. “ Would you like some tea?”

“No thank you we shall not be staying. “ Princess Celestia winced, pulling her leg away from the pup who tumbled back over his tail.”You are mistaken however. These are not Bone Hound pups. After all there are no Bone Hounds.”

Jynx froze, her ears flattening to her head as she turned back to look at the pair of ponies with her full attention and with more than a bit of worry. Her aide glanced between the ponies and her Alpha, picking up on the worry but not catching the reason.

“I see. Miss Rarity when you are able if you would come visit to discuss the situation. I would like to know exactly what sort of reception my pack shall be getting this season.” Jynx frowned.

“You needn't worry about the reception. This was a singular situation that needed to be addressed because of some overstepping of bounds that had been agreed to. There is nothing that should cause you any undue worry.”Celestia offered. “In regards to the pups I can find other homes for them if your pack is unwilling. Canterlot does have some orphanages that would be willing to take them.”

“No, the pups were not part of the situation that i was referring. The Wolf Fang will accept them, they will be cared for here..... but was this all?” Jynx asked looking at the small amount of pups, the eldest among them seeming to be five at best.

“I suppose we are lucky that everyone has been too busy readying for winter to make any attempts at any more litters this late in the season.” Celestia commented dancing around the subject. “ I doubt my sister would have allowed more than this to come here. And the ones beyond this were too ingrained in the packs... distasteful practice to come.”

Jynx paled while her Guards looked confused.

“I take this has to do with the Witch Wolf then?” Jynx asked with a bit of hesitation.

“It does. Though I would suggest you do not call him by that name. Moon Dog, or Rahs Sparkle would be more appropriate.” Celestia pondered. “I would also recommend avoiding the north side of Ponyville. Despite it's gem horde I believe that place shall be off limits to everyone for a while. It may also be proper form to conduct all business with the town through Miss Rarity for some time. At least until cooler heads can return.”

Rarity blinked as if finally catching on to what was going on.” Wait what?”

“That can be done. Was there anything else Princess?”

“No I believe that shall be it for now Lady Jynx. We shall be taking our leave. Feel free to send a message through Miss Rarity if you have any other questions.” Celestia stated as her horn flashed and she and Rarity were gone, leaving behind ten pups. Two of whom started whining their their chew toy was gone.

Jynx sighed walking over to the pups picking one calico patterned one up by the scruff of his neck, sniffing him a bit with a frown as the small male Diamond Dog pup stared back at her it's stub of a tail wagging.

“That was rather rude Lady Jynx.” Her aide offered, looking at the pups as well. The older Diamond Dog female frowned as the pups stared around curiously.

“It is a slight that I will easily forgive given the situation she has been placed in. “ Jynx tilted her head watching as the pup she held did the same.

“Her situation?”

“Her sister reacted poorly to the Wi..... Moon Dogs capture.” Jynx sighed.” Very poorly.”

“But to drop a mixed litter of Bone Hounds on us will surely bring more conflict....”

“Didn't you hear Terri. There are no more Bone Hounds. Likely she obliterated the entire pack if the tales of the Nightmare are even remotely true. Now this is simply a litter of lost pups that the Princess of Ponies has graced us with.“ Jynx sighed. “The only things bad to come out of this event for us is our needing to keep to ourselves for a while, and my own plans have been stalled and need to be rethought. I honestly thought the bugs would do something before Butch would.”

“I suppose you will need to find some other dog then?” Terri questioned. “ My sisters son is quite strong.....”

“No... also Red Fang is an idiot and you know my feelings on the stupid ones. All this it just means I am going to have to do things as the ponys do in order to stand any chance. Miss Rarity will be invaluable to that. She seems the type who would be more than willing to help if she sees my intentions as harmless.“ Jynx smiled. “Have the miners look for more of those diamonds she favors. I am not above bribery.”

“I see. And what shall we do with the pups then?” Terri asked.

“Find homes for them, I know there are several without litters who would wish to care for them. The conflict is finally over but the scars remain.” Jynx asked. Noting how her aide looked at the pups. “ In fact wasn't your mate one of those killed when my father made his foolish attack?”

“Indeed he was.” Terri frowned her ears drooping.

“Well then.” Jynx smirked, pushing the calico pup into the smaller dogs arms. “ Happy Mothers Day to you.”

Author's Note:

i have at least 2 more epilogues planned maybe more.

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