• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,790 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Fall Weather Floofs

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Fall Weather Floofs

“Sooo you two are doing what now?” Twilight asked glancing over to Rainbow Dash as she stretched.

“Iron pon...” Applejack began.

“Iron pony competition.” Rainbow Dash shouted over Applejack.

“We set up a series of events to determin...” Applejack started.

“Who's the most athletic pony in Equestria!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Oh like the Equestria games? So Usain Colt is going to be here?” Twilight asked.

“What ?” Applejack asked.

“What about Rodro Rousey, Tiger Forest? The Stone? Simount Biles?” Twilight continued curiously.” Wladimir Klopschko?Spitfire, or heck, any of the Wonderbolts? ”

“What are you talking about?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You said this was a competition to determine who the most athletic pony in Equestria was, shouldn't all the top athletes be here for the competition? “ Twilight stated. “ I mean okay Usain Colt and Klopschko aren’t from Equestria but still.”

“No, it's just me versus Rainbow Dash.” Applejack offered.

“OK, fine... So most athletic in Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash snorted.

“Well what about Bulk Biceps and Big Mac? Lyra ran track in school, she might want in.....” Twilight commented.

“GAAAH, fine most athletic between me and Applejack.” Rainbow Dash growled.

“You sure?” Twilight pouted. “Just you two?”

Applejack narrowed her eyes at Twilight.

“Why do ah have the feeling you just wanna see my brother running around?” Applejack accused.

Twilight opened her mouth to respond before closing it and offering a shrug instead.”Yeah I’m not even gonna try to deny it this time. A worked up and sweaty Big Mac is just too good of a mental image to try and forget.”

“Ugh.” Applejack grumbled slapping her hoof to her face.

“Anyway so why am I here?” Twilight asked.

“To be our judge. We need some pony fair and impartial. We considered Rahs, but no pony can understand him and Spike keeps getting distracted.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Chickenchickenchickenchicken..” Spike waddled by at full speed chasing after a couple of squawking hens.

“What......” Twilight blinked.

“Applebloom roped him intah helping round up tha chickens that got out this morning from an earlier contest.” Applejack sighed.” It ain't been going well.”

“We got all of um but three!” Applebloom shouted running after another bird that was tearing across the yard.

“So I was the third choice?” Twilight huffed.

“Well given we expected you was busy and the other two ain't usually doing anything...well......honestly ah got no idea what Rahs is doing.” Applejack muttered looking over at a figure sitting by the fence wrapped in voluminous curtain so only his nose was poking out of it.

Twilight glanced over at her brother and shrugged.” The cold snap last week made his winter coat start to come in early and he thinks he looks ridiculous. It'll even out in a few days, don't worry he does this every year.”

“So does he?” Dash asked.

“Does he what??” Twilight asked.

“Look ridiculous?” Dash smirked.

“Oh. Yeah pretty much. His fur comes in odd patches and it's three times poofier than usual at first.” Twilight shrugged.” Best to leave him be til it evens out, he gets really surly. I'm surprised he even left the house in truth.”

“Oh, I gotta see this.” Dash grinned as she zipped off.

“No. Stop. Don't....” Twilight deadpanned quietly.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at Twilight before looking at Rainbow Dash as the mare zoomed up and grabbed the edge of Rahs' covering before taking off again trying to yank the curtain off of the Moon Dog.

What Dash seemed to forget was Rahs was much bigger and heavier than she was, and when he felt the curtain pulling taut he showed he was stronger too. His arm snapped out not even leaving the covering to grab at the curtain as it was pulled away, once caught he yanked it back to him, hard.

Dash unfortunately still had the material gripped in her teeth. When Rahs pulled suddenly she was jerked back wards so fast her tail cracked the air like a whip. By the time her jaw caught up with her brain to let go of the curtain she was already sailing back towards Twilight and Applejack. The two mares stepped out of the way watching as Dash crashed into the ground digging a furrow in the dirt.

“Ugh...” Dash muttered. “What happened?”

“Yah poked a bear it seems like.” Applejack stated with a whistle

“I did warn her.”

“BORK!” Rahs cursed.

“Language!” Twilight shouted back.

“Eighteen seconds.” Twilight whistled. ”Rainbow gets the point.”

“Woot, I won.” Dash said without much enthusiasm.

“Yeah, well keep in mind Spike an that there chicken beat yer time by two seconds in tha barrel run.” Applejack muttered.

“Yeah..... well Spike and the chicken aren’t in this competition … agreed?” Dash responded.

“Agreed. Only cause that makes my time worse.” Applejack nodded.

“Chickenchickenchickenchickenchicken.” Spike called running by after the hen.

Dash stared upward in awe as the bell and weight continued to soar out of sight.

“Wow. Point for Applejack.” Twilight stated. “Does any pony know where that's headed?”

“Looks like the library.” Lily stated from the bleachers.

“It's Tuesday isn't it?” Twilight muttered at the distant sound of breaking glass.

“How did I get roped into this?”Spike asked from where he sat atop of Rainbow Dash.

“Didn't you already ask Applejack that?” Dash asked.

“I did? When did I ask Applejack?” Spike questioned.

“During the first round before she bucked you into the tree.” Dash stated.

“I think I would have remembered that.” Spike said in a bit of a daze.

“Yeah well just try and hold on okay?” Dash sighed.

“GO!” shouted Twilight.

What?” Spike questioned as Rainbow Dash started moving. A moment later the purple Dragon went flying through the air over the bleachers where a crowd of ponies were settling down to watch.

There was a loud squawk and a crash as something collapsed behind the bleachers.

“Hey, Spike got the Chicken!” Applebloom called.

“Umm, point for Rainbow.” Twilight winced.

“MEDIC!” Applejack called as Fluttershy ran around behind the bleachers with a first aid kit.

“Who's idea was this again?” Rainbow Dash asked from where she was halfway through a hay bale.

“Yours.” Applejack grumbled from her position upside down in one of the orchards trees.

“I warned you!” Twilight called as Rahs stomped out of the yard tossing aside the horned helmet that had been put on his head for the rodeo.

[Much later ]

“Hmmmmmm” Twilight pondered looking over the score.” So far, you're both tied.”

“What?” But I won way more of these than she did!” Rainbow Dash protested.

“I'm not counting the long jump because at the last moment you used your wings to go a bit further, the mud walk also didn't count at all as none of the chicks fell off they just left on their own, which canceled that event. And don't get me started on the tug o war, you were pulled over the edge, but you decided to fly into the air rather than fall in.” Twilight listed. “You lost that one, you just didn't get muddy.”

“No one said my wings couldn't be used.” Dash protested.

“No one said you could use them either. It was less cheating and more just bad sports pony ship. It would be like asking Applejack to beat you in a flying competition.” Twilight corrected.” And before you go on about 'Earth Pony strength' keep in mind you beat her in hoof wrestling.”


“I've been keeping tabs on everything, you wanted a fair and impartial judge, so I’ve been a fair and impartial judge. “ Twilight stated. “ I expect the hoof wrestling, and the barrel roll were won because your fore body is more developed due to your landings and wing use, while due to her farm work Applejack's hind body is more developed. Adding your wings into the equation screws up the results and so I’ve removed any points accrued from their use.”

“So we need a tie breaker.” Applejack stated looking a little too pleased with herself as Dash fumed.

“Pretty much.” Twilight shrugged.

“Fine, how bout the annual Running of the Leaves tomorrow?” Applejack stated.

“Pfft easy win.” Dash scoffed.

“Yeah with the one condition of No wings!” Applejack snapped.

“I don't think I can judge that though.” Twilight considered.” I actually planed to participate.”

“Really?” Dash laughed.

“What?” Twilight questioned.

“Sorry, but you're not an athlete you're …. well an egghead.” Dash laughed.

“I am not an egghead... I am well read.” Twilight protested.

“Yeah that's what I said... egg head.” Dash cackled.

“Have you ever run in a race?” Applejack questioned with a smirk.

“No, this will be my first race.” Twilight considered. “But I've read a lot of books about running.”

Dash fell over laughing. “What did you read eggheads guide to running? Did you stretch out your eye muscles? You know cause reading?”

Twilight narrowed her eyes, before grinning evilly.


“Oh crap!” Dash yelped, shooting straight up into the air as a massive curtain clad form slammed into the ground where she had been standing a moment before.

“BORK!” Rahs growled up after Dash from under his curtain. The mare had played it smart and was hightailing it out of there.

“Language!” Twilight scolded.

“That was mean Twi... funny, but mean.” Applejack stated.

Author's Note:

Floofs what the internet sometimes calls dogs....

I was actually going to skip this episode maybe dumping a short throwaway part into it. But i decided to roll with it . Shouldn't be more than two parts.

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