• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,794 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Sonic Rain Boof Part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Sonic Rain Boof
Part 3

[ Cloudsdale ]

“Well here it is. The greatest city in the sky.” Rainbow Dash proclaims sweeping a hoof out over the cloud bank to the massive city stretched out below them. A huge stadium dominated the middle of the city with the homes and business all stretched out around it covering the entire cloud. Pegasus ponies of every color and size. On the far side of the massive cloud formation was a building with a number of pipes running out of it, the multitude of smoke stacks pumped out clouds which were gathered by worker ponies and prepped for delivery.

“Ooooooooooh.” they all chorused.

“Seriously? Rahs muttered from behind the others with a growl.

“Dash was about to turn on the Moon Dog / pony to find out what his problem with Cloudsdale was, only to find he was being swarmed by Pegasus mares asking a number of questions that Rahs didn't seem to want to answer, he hadn't even seen the vista.

“Are you going to be in the competition” A lime green mare asked.
“Where are you from handsome?” A sultry looking red mare asked.
“Are you some kind of flutterpony?” A blue one with glasses questioned.
“Who does your wings?” A light orange one asked.
“Can I touch them?” a tan mare asked.
“Can I touch something else.” A white and cream mare asked with a purr.

“Okay break it up!” Dash shouted darting over and waving her hooves at the mares trying to get them away from Rahs.” No touchy, shoo shoo.”

There were a number of protests before the mares finally left, leaving a grumbling Rahs still flitting about by his wings.

“Seriously Twi can you just kill these things, this is getting annoying.......” Rahs grumbled.

“No can do. I can't add another cloud walking spell while the wings are active and you'd fall if they went away.” Twilight shrugged.

“I'd just absorb the spell you're using to cloudwalk....”

“Not as a pony you wouldn't.”

“Well there's a fix for that too witch....” Rahs snapped.

“Rainbow Dash I am terribly sorry my brother is being an ass and ruining the mood for the competition.” Twilight stated flatly ignoring Rahs' retort.

“Nah it's no biggy. Actually hearing you guys arguing is kinda helping me keep calm with how normal it is. Bonus points cause I know what he's saying now.” Dash shrugged.

“See there you are. You being a pony helps, now stop griping and lets go take the tour.” Twilight practically shouted at Rahs who had stretched out his hooves before him shaking them as if to strangle the unicorn.

“Wow he really doesn't like being a pony.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Ah think it's more that Twi kinda forced it on him at tha last second.” Applejack muttered.

“She does that.” Spike shrugged.

“Hoof ball.... just think about Hoof ball...” muttered Fluttershy.

“I really wish I had brought a camera.” Rarity sighed.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here.....” A brown stallion in a work uniform called out as he trotted up to the group.

“Why I believe it's our old friend Rainbow Crash.” A taller tan pegasus stallion with his eyes hidden under his hard hat smirked as he strolled up.

“See this I didn't need.” Dash sighed gaining the attention of all three of the Sparkle siblings.

“Get kicked outta any flight schools lately?” The brown one laughed causing the short pudgy gray stallion with him to laugh. “Not enough nappy times for yah?”

“And next on the Cloudsdale tour everyone, authentic trash ponies.” Rahs snapped.

“Huh? How did you know we worked sanitation?” the gray pudgy one asked.

The group stared at them a moment as if waiting for them to realize that their uniforms said 'waste management' and they had garbage cans and a dumpster bin behind them that they had been filling up when the others trotted up.

“Well sure if you want to take my comment like that, whatever helps you sleep at night.” Rahs sighed.

“Rahs leave them be. I know you're eager for a battle of wits, but don't fight the unarmed.” Twilight offered.

A moment or two passed before the brown one caught on.” Hey wait a minute...”

“I feel insulted that they are using the name I came up with for you. Now I need to think of something better because I'm feeling dumber by association.” Spike offered recalling his title for Dash during the poison joke nonsense.

“Don't worry about it Spike. I'm pretty sure you came up with it quicker than they did.” Twilight placated.” They did say 'old ' friend, so they've probably been working on that nickname for a few years to get it right.”

“Whatever flunkie. Not surprised crash here only has the reject, a freak, and a bunch of mud ponies hanging around her.” The tan one scoffed.

Fluttershy winced at the comment and Applejack and Rarity looked ready to throw down with the trio.
Pinkie Pie however popped up between the two groups waving her forelegs wildly.

“Oooo, oooo, hey, guess what I am, guess what I am!” Pinkie Pie sing songed.

“An annoyance” The brown one snapped.
“A mud pony?” the tan one added.
“Pink?” the gray one questioned.

“Close there, but nope. “ Pinkie Pie grinned pointing at the gray one.

“Then what tha heck are you?” the tan one snapped.

“A distraction.” Pinkie smiled.

Before the trio could question that, Twilight slammed a trio of full garbage cans down on top of the three of them. Rahs reared back punting them all into the dumpster before Spike gave it a shove and sent the screaming smelly mess rolling down the cloud bank.

“Oh dear that might have been a little much.” Rarity commented. “ I doubt the local authorities will like that sort of response.”

There was a sudden sounding of applause as a number of Pegasi who had stopped to watch the confrontation started clapping and cheering the siblings.

Twilight, Rahs, and Spike, glanced at each other, then all proceeded to take deep stage bows to their audience.

Rarity rolled her eyes as a number of the mares started screaming and throwing flowers at Rahs as he got a bit too into the bows and likely showed a bit more of his flank than was proper for a proper gentle stallion.

“Well if there was any worry that they weren’t related, this killed it.” Applejack muttered.

“Waaa.....” Rainbow Dash drooled as Rahs took another deep bow with a rose between his teeth.

“Hoofballhoofballhoofball.” Fluttershy mantrad, holding her nose.

Author's Note:

and here we are... slowly getting underway...

Also of course the siblings are all drama hounds, Rahs just a bit more so.

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