• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Beast Night Ever, Part 2

Twilight Get's a Puppy

Beast Night Ever,
Part 2

[Canterlot, The Grand Galloping Gala]

“ Well now, there's a face I’ve not seen in a long time.” Princess Celestia smiled looking down at the wrinkled green features of the matriarch of the Apple family.

The old green earth pony was dressed rather simply with a black blouse over her upper body that slowly transitioned into a emerald green skirt with a few lighter green petticoats beneath it. Rarity had had a fit with the design, but Granny and Applebloom hadn't wanted anything too fancy. Applebloom wore much the same outfit as Granny Smith only it started in cream and turned into a sea green without any of the layered petticoats. Granny's mane was done up in a old beehive style with a number of decorative pins, mostly featuring apple themes, to hold it in place. Applebloom's mane was smoothed out and drawn back into a braided ponytail and her usual pink bow was replaced by a green one that matched her dress.

Granny Smith smirked as she looked up at the Solar Princess.” You'd be seeing more ah me if you'd stop by fer cards more often like we invited yah.”

The elder Apple's ears perked as she heard a number of those in the massive line behind her gasp at how familiar she was being with the Princess. A few less respectful comments reaching her ears made a choice for her, she was gonna enjoy this.

“Applebloom dear, you go on ahead and help keep yer little friend outta trouble, and keep an eye out fer that fella Matilda's looking fer.” Granny smith offered.

Applebloom blinked, realized she had been staring up at the massive Princess in awe. She quickly bowed and darted off into the gala proper.

“Seriously Celly yah need tah git out more, yer terribly pale,why ah remember when yah was at tha farm all tha time in my grandfather's age, kept making eyes at that old coot yah did. Course yah wouldn't touch him cause he had that turnip on his belt, which was the style fer a single stallion at tha time. Yah could git um fer a bit, but not tha pretty white ones, only them little red ones causea tha war, five turnips fer a bit was tha price, though we didn't call um bits back then, they were flips, five flips for a flop coin we'd say, though that brings us back to tha turnip, only tha fancy types had tha white onions and if a mare wanted tah let a stallion know her interest she had tah take a big ole bit outta that belt onion, which were only a flip fer five and three flop fer a bushel. Now my gran pappy had tah keep paying a flop fer a bushel cause every mare in tha whole area was after his onions, but we didn't call um onions when they were on a belt we called um dates cause if a mare was willing enough tah bite a whole mouthful of raw red onion why she'd be ready fer a date.....”

Granny Smith continued talking much to the annoyance of every pony in line behind her.

Applebloom darted into the gala her eyes wide as she looked over everything from the balcony . There were countless ponies already milling around in super fancy dresses and suits. A roped off VIP section with a meet and greet with the Wonderbolts. Armored Guards everywhere, a buncha musicians playing, and tables and tables of little snack food thingys everywhere.

“Whoa...” Applebloom gasped her gaze darting around the room spotting Matilda talking with a few guests, Rarity chatting it up with a bunch of others, and Pinkie Pie bouncing around doing.... well Pinkie Pie stuff.

There were decorations everywhere and every pony in attendance looked so fancy and pretty. There was some much she could go do and see.

Of course Applebloom being who she was, the first place she decided to head was to the food to see if she could figure out what they had made with the Sweet Apple Acres apples.

“…... now this fish was a big as a tulip, and not them little domesticated tulips that these fops wear in their lapels and hats, no, a classic genuine Everfree forest wild fanged tulip that was as big as yer foreleg. Used send hunting parties out fer those things tah harvest um. Could feed a family of four fer a week, not unlike this fish, course at that time my granny didn't know anything about fishing and had only been trying to take a bite outta grand pappy’s date, you know the red onion, which was the style at the time.....”

About this point in time a number of the nobles had given up being able to talk to the Princess and had gone past with a respectable bow to the princess. Some of them in awe at how Celestia could sit there and listen to the old mare go on and on.

Sweetiebelle was not having a good time.

Here she was, made up in a fancy little frilly lavender dress with her hair done up expertly and properly bedazzled so she could see and do everything at the Grand Galloping Gala with her big sister. She had endured hours and hours of Rarity teaching her how to act and be a proper lady so she could accompany her, and then, the moment they stepped into the gala proper, Rarity had ditched her and started schmoozing with a bunch of other fancy ponies.

Things had almost gotten better when Rarity finished talking with them and made her way back to Sweetiebelle, suggesting they head to the buffet before it was picked clean. Sweetie smiled then, finally going to spend some time with Rarity.

That lasted a whole six minutes until there was a loud fan fare and some pompous looking white stallion showed up. Rarity had immediately run off again, leaving Sweetiebelle alone, again.

The little filly's eye twitched as she glared after her sister who now didn't even seem to recall Sweetiebelle was even there as she joined the throng of other mares fawning over this stallion.

This would not do.

…... well it's easy tah say he was happier than a pig on a poke, which back then meant the pig was in slop, though that means different thing tah tha griffons. Let me tell you be careful if one of them folk invites yah to a cook out, you'll find out what pig on a poke really means then, and it ain’t fun fer tha pig. Can't argue with bacon though, don't have tha teeth fer it anymore though, but it's good eating, specially if it's smoked with apple wood and basted in proper cider, not this watered down stuff they serve now a days....

A number of other ponies had already left, with only the most patient or stubborn remaining. Though even they were tested when Granny Smith finally seemed as if she was going to move on during a pause in her story, and instead sat down on the carpeted step to continue, Princess Celestia simply nodding politely at certain points of the story.

Applebloom looked over the spread with a great deal of awe. There were deserts as far as the eye could see. Barely anything on the tables could be considered real food by any one other than Pinkie Pie. Sure there were a few little biscuits and other things that at best were the size of the free samples Barnyard Bargains had sometimes, countless cheeses too, and fruits she had never even heard of.

“Hello young miss, can I help you with anything?” A well dressed unicorn pony with goldenrod colored fur and a tan mane asked as he looked down at her from the other side of the table with a blank expression.

“What is all this? Do all these fancy ponies just eat dessert first or somethin?”Applebloom asked looking up at the pony speaking, as she called the others fancy ponies he offered a small smile.

“Not at all Miss, this is simple party fare. Most of it is little more than something to graze on and occupy ones hooves or horn while one mingles. It is more flavor than substance I’m afraid, though I suppose if you eat enough of it it could be filling.” The stallion pondered. “I can always send somepony down to the kitchens if you wish something with more weight.”

“Nah, ah'm good, it's a party an all, you alls prolly busy keeping this food out here ah ain't gonna make more work for yah.” Applebloom shook her head.” Just point me in tha direction of anything with apples in it or looks good.”

“Of course Miss.”

“.... So there they were back to back armed only with a date, which was the style at the time and already had three bites taken out of it, and an oversized singing trout that only knew show tunes and was currently trying to hum Bonanza cause ain't nobody know the words anyway..... ” Granny Smith continued taking a glass of water from a castle servant who quickly scurried off.

Applebloom smiled looking over the massive plate that was set before her at the little table the caterer, Silver Platter had shown her too, before he went back to the buffet to help others. She was just about to chow down on something that he had called a chocolate truffle when Sweetiebelle stormed up to the table and sat down with a huff.

“Uh oh.” Applebloom noted, popping the truffle into her mouth. It was a little springier than she expected, and she wasn't fond of the dark chocolate coating, so she opted to give it a miss next trip to the food. “What's wrong Sweetie?”

“What's wrong? What's wrong! I'll tell you what's wrong!” Sweetiebelle squeaked out in anger.

“That's good cause ah asked.” Applebloom snarked taking a bite of a piece of cheese that she had heard being called Gouda, it weren't bad.

“ My sister ditched me!” Sweetiebelle growled.

“Told you that was gonna happen.” Scootaloo replied.

“I know but she promised!” Sweetiebelle whined.

Applebloom took a small bite out of a bamboo skewer that held a number of what was called pesto tortellinis. She glanced to Sweetiebelle then back to the newcomer at the table, then back to Sweetiebelle, wondering how long it would take for the little unicorn to notice.

“Maybe I should just go mess up my dress and mane and then harass her the rest of the night to fix it.” Sweetiebelle bemoaned.

“I thought you liked looking fancy.” Applebloom offered waving a little cracker with some sort of roasted cranberry on top of it.

“I dooooo.” Sweetiebelle flailed. “And she did my makeup too.....”

“ Maybe you should just get another sister.” Scootaloo considered.

“Yeah but who's better than Rarity??”

“At this point ah'd think any pony with as much as yah complain about her.”Applebloom offered as she noshed on a cheddar wrapped sweet potato hay fry, yeah she was gonna load up on these.

“Yeah but how would I even get another sister?” Sweetiebelle asked still not noticing Scootaloo across from her in a blue and yellow dress that looked like it was styled after a Wonderbolt's uniform.

“Maybe ask Twilight.” Applebloom considered taking a bite out of a apple slice covered in fancy gold frosting with little candy bits that looked like gems, this she liked. “Ah mean she kinda poofed Rahs and Spike intah being her kin. Maybe she has some pointers fer making a new sister?”

“Why do your conversations always come around to Spike?” Scootaloo asked her eyes narrowing as she looked at Applebloom.

“Ah dunno why do yours always come around tah Rainbow Dash?” Applebloom fired back.

“Cause she's awesome, duh.” Scootaloo explained.

“Scootaloo?” Sweetiebelle finally seemed to notice her friend.” What are you doing here?”

“Took yah long enough.” Applebloom snorted in amusement.

….with tha fish gone, grand pappy finally noticed tha dragon had been protecting her egg. Granny however only noticed that when tha dragon had snapped at her beau it had eaten all of tha date, which was tha turnip this time cause tha red onion was used fer tha kelpies, and she was plum mad that my grand pappy might be gitting hitched to a dragon of all things cause it ate his date, which was that turnip now not tha onion. Now turnips was much fancier and they cost two flips, which was what we used tah call bits, but yah could still get a bushel for a flop, which was five bits, though the economy of it made little sense cause tha red onions fer a flop were tha same amount of turnips fer a flop....”

“ These spinach stuffed mushrooms ain't half bad.” Applebloom considered as she listened to Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo argue.

“I thought you were away with your parents?” Sweetiebelle asked.

“I am, they just got drug into a last minute thing and they were forced to go to the gala due to the contract.” Scootaloo sighed. “I asked to come along cause I knew you two were here. I didn't expect mom to drag me through every dress shop in Canterlot.”

“Ah notice yer mane ain't been touched.” Applebloom offered unsure about the grapes with goat cheese and pecans.

“Oh she tried, but my manes a lot like hers, it won't stay down.” Scootaloo shrugged.

“Where is your mom any way?” Sweetiebelle asked.

“She's over there in the vip section schmoozing, per her contract, along with dad. “ Scootaloo sighed pointing over to the VIP section where a fancily dressed Soarin and Spitfire of the Wonderbolts were currently standing with strained smiles as they posed for the five billionth picture, half of those from Pinkie Pie.

“Huh don't think I ever seen um out of their suits.” Applebloom considered. Deciding very much that she didn't like the little balls on a cracker called 'caviar' too salty.

“I can't believe Diamond Tiara doesn't believe you, even with all the pictures you and your aunt have of them.” Sweetiebelle shrugged.

“Ehh like I care what she thinks. Did you two wanna come with me after the gala , mom promised we'd go get ice cream as an apology for them getting stuck coming here during my week off.” Scootaloo offered.

“Sounds good, ah need tah ask Granny though.” Applebloom stated, fanning her tongue after trying a jalapeno popper corn cake.

“Sure... but I’ll have to get a new sister to ask first, Rarity would never let me go in this dress.” Sweetiebelle bemoaned.

“So we find you a new sister, how hard could that be?” Scootaloo shrugged.

“Ah ken tell yer an only foal.” Applebloom rolled her eyes.

“What just choose some one and we'll help out, hey maybe we can get our cutie marks in it!?” Scootaloo smiled.

“Okay, maybe that is a good idea.” Applebloom smirked.

“At the very least maybe we can find something to do in this place to get our cutie marks even if it's not finding me another not dumb sister!” Sweetiebelle squeaked.

“Of course.”
“Let's do it!”


[ Ponyville.]

“GAH!!!” Spike yelled out, suddenly falling off his beanbag chair his comic flying through the air.

Twilight and Rahs both look over at their brother curiously.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yeah I’m fine. Just got a super cold chill along my spines. Like there's an impending disaster coming.” Spike shuddered as he righted himself.

“That's new...” Twilight blinked.

“Not really I get them all the time when........ oh no.....”Spike's eyes went wide.

“ What?” Twilight asked.

“I get them every time the Cutie Mark Crusaders are about to crusade.” Spike whimpered.

Rahs and Twilight glanced to each other before both of them bolted to the door flinging it open and looking down the street.

Off in the distance they could see Canterlot perched on it's mountain, neither on fire, nor crashing down the mountain side towards Ponyville. Another glance down the other side of the street showed the Flower Trio's home was not boarded up.

After double checking both locations the pair headed back into the library to resume their positions on the couch and sorting books.

“Flower trios not panicking?” Spike asked.

“Bark.” Rahs shook his head.

“Canterlot's still standing, so nothings happened yet.” Twilight sighed.

“Bork?” Rahs smirked evilly and Twilight considered as Spike chuckled.

“While I agree writing a cryptic story with no real warnings and sending it to the Princess sounds amusing, I’d rather pretend I had no knowledge of anything that might happen.” Twilight smirked. “ She's the princess of the sun, I’m Sure she's enough of a clever pony to deal with the CMC. They're just little fillies after all, what could possibly go wrong?”

Spike and Rahs stared at their sister, who had a dark grin on her face.

“Dang.... you just Murphyed the heck out of the Gala.” Spike shook his head. “ I am sooo glad Pinkie Pie's taking pictures.”

Author's Note:

I had fun with this chapter and the episodes far from over.

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