• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,794 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Swarm of 456 years. Part 2 [60]

Author's Note:

Okay i'm considering something here. Each line break has a number next to it . If you would not mind let me know which one you like and or didn't make your prefered reading device go nuts. Once chosen i'll use that one.

Also i will be attempting to run another AMA on Discord this weekend. If interested give me a time you might be able to come on. For those of you who do not have Discord it is a free chat service that while it takes a bit to set up does not require a mic to participate with.

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Swarm of 456 years.
Part 2

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“I don't know, Fluttershy only gave me the one and when I went to check on Rarity and Rainbow Dash there were three of them. Luckily both Dash and Rarity thought they were cute and took one.”

Rahs sat back in his chair watching the little bug float around Twilight's head. He and Spike had finished cleaning up the library while Twilight was gone and the little Dragon was already in bed for the night. He could smell magic on the creature and while he wanted to know what the flavor of it was every pony's interest in them, coupled with memories of the foul tasting Vespid moth he once ate stopped him from tracking down and snacking on one of the extras.


“Not sure, I've run a scan on them and aside from the basic ambient energy there's nothing specific about them that I can detect.” Twilight frowned as the small bug landed in her mane and curled up to go to sleep.” Did you find anything about Parasprites in any of the field guides we have?”

Rahs shook his head. “Growf.”

“Yeah this will make four entries in our book then.”Twilight muttered.

Twilight had decided to create a field guide for the Everfree given how close they lived to it now and . Twilight considered it her final project for Celestia's school.

Rahs and Spike both added what they could to it as both of them wanted their name on the guide if it was officially published.

So far they had information about Whinnyshire, Poison Joke, Cockatrices, and soon everything they could find out about parasprites.

The only issue they had with it was picking a name. Twilight wanted Encyclopedia Everfree. Rahs wanted to call it Moon Dog's almanac. Spike was already calling it the Totally Awesome Guide to a Deadly Forest of Death.

Twilight yawned, she could log what she knew later, she was still being restricted by what little magic she was allowed to do, and Rahs was being far more protective than usual in regard to her magic issues.

He was clearly not happy he was indirectly the source of her current burn out and was less abrasive than usual , but far more firm. She was pretty sure he had been following her when she went out to make sure she didn't use any magic despite his dislike of being outside without his coat.

Given all they had tried before, Twilight was quite surprised she could burn out. It offered a new theory for her to test one her magic had returned. Mostly that her well of magic resources was the same as any other untrained pony, but her magic creation was off the scales. It would explain how she had burned out so quickly when such a feat was impossible before. Rahs just took bigger bites out of her magic and drained her short well of power before her body started to restore it fully. If that was the case then she could train to deepen that well to avoid anything like this in the future. She never bothered with trying to strengthen or increase her magic pool as she was always told it was massive. Perhaps she should talk or write to Celestia later. She hadn't seen her teacher again past the day she woke up to discuss anything.

“Right, that's enough of that. I'm going to bed and you should too. Princess Celestia's coming tomorrow and I figure she's going to at least say hello to us so you won't be allowed to sleep through her visit.” Twilight pointed out as Rahs just rolled his eyes.

The order given Twilight left Rahs to cut out the lights and headed up to bed, her new little companion snoring cutely in her mane.


[Next morning]

A soft churring noise stirred Rainbow Dash from her slumber. The groggy pegasus opened one eye to look over at a small blue ball like creature with large green eyes and little wings resting in the pillowy cloud next to her.

“Grmphle?” Rainbow Dash eloquently asked her eye closing again with a smile at her new pet. More churring and buzzing of wings pulled her once more from her dreams of awesomeness.

“Borgla?”Rainbow Dash demanded both her heavily lidded red eyes opening a crack to take in the much larger number of floating balls of fluff and cuteness.

The creatures fluttered down landing on the Pegasus who in annoyance waved them off with a lazy hoof.

“Fooffa” Dash ordered, only for the bugs to land on her again. She sat up whipping them away with her hooves, her brain realizing something was going on as there seemed to a whole mess of bugs that hadn't been there the night before.

The Pegasus mare lurched fully awake as the bugs latched onto her once more. She screamed out zipping off into the air, only for the mass of them to follow her clinging to her hair, mane and chin clearly mocking her as she tried to get rid of them. As the swarm formed a beard she had finally had enough and screamed loudly, zipping off towards the one mare she knew who might know what was going on with these things.


Rarity and Rainbow Dash both arrived at Fluttershy's at the same time. Rarity took one look at Rainbow's bug beard and Dash noticed the bulging saddlebags Rarity wore that chirped as she moved.

“You've got issue with these things too?” Dash grumbled.

“Indeed, Fluttershy knows everything there is to know about animals, perhaps she knows how to stop them from breeding.”Rarity stated opening the door to her friends cottage only for both ponies to get bowled over by a massive swarm of Parasprites rushing out of the cottage.

Inside Fluttershy was a mess as she tried to get the remaining bugs under control. Off to the side Angel bunny was chasing a number of them with a large hammer and Fluttershy spent just as much time trying to scold the irate bunny who had lost his breakfast to the bugs as she did trying to control the swarm.

“I guess she doesn't know.” Rainbow Dash frowned.


Applejack rubbed her temples. They had gotten rid of one swarm, only for Fluttershy to release a second one. Rainbow Dash had helped with that one only for Pinkie Pie to show up with cymbals and nearly decapitated the Pegasus in her tornado.

That soon devolved into a three way argument with the pink mare that only revealed how insistent she was to acquire her scavenger hunt of instruments and how dismissive she was of every one elses efforts.

Dash was mad at Pinkie for nearly cutting her head off with the cymbals, Pinkie was mad at Dash for losing a brand new pair of cymbals.

Rarity was mad that Pinkie wasn't helping to get rid of the bugs , and Pinkie was mad at Rarity for not helping her find a tuba.

Everyone was mad at Fluttershy for the second swarm, but no one was going to yell at her for it.

Applejack was mad too, but something kept her from joining the argument with the pink pony. She had seen Pinkie do a lot of weird things in the past including that Pinkie sense thing. Maybe the mare knew something they didn't. Though why she wasn't sharing was any ones guess. Still it didn't hurt to hedge her bets.

“Hay... HAY!” Applejack shouted over the trio yelling at each other.

“What is it Applejack!?”Rarity scoffed.

Applejack sighed. As now the three ponies were glaring at her.

“First off we ain't got time fer this. Second off while ah don't profess to know what yer on about Pinkie ye ken prolly find what yah need at tha schoolhouse, Thursdays supposed tah be music day and Applebloom's mentioned a tuba before.” Applejack explained.

“Oh, you're right I can probably get half of what I need there. Thanks Applejack!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed zipping off in a puff of dust.

“Why the heck are you encouraging her?” Dash growled. “ We coulda used her help.”

“Do ya'll understand Pinkie Pie at all?” Applejack asked.

“Nope.” Dash snorted.

“I doubt any pony does darling.” Rarity admits.

“Exactly. Whatever she's doing is gonna result in somethin happening and we need tah do something about these bugs, not get involved in her shenanigans.” Applejack stated.

“Okay so what now?” Dash glanced back at Fluttershy making sure she wasn't hiding another one of the bugs.

“Same thing we do every time somethin comes up around here lately. We git Twilight and her brothers involved and see what happens.” Applejack admitted.

“That's the plan?” Rarity grumbled.

“Yah got a better one?” Applejack demanded.

“Right, to Twilight's house then.” Rarity countered.


“This is bad.... like really bad....” Rainbow Dash frowned looking out over the town and the swarm of Parasprites flitting around it. At first the towns ponies thought they were cute, until the voracious little monsters started eating everything in sight. Small gardens were devoured. ponies lunch’s were made no more, delivery carts were demolished.

Mr' And Mrs. Cake were both outside the front of their shop with a large wooden spoon and a baseball bat respectively, smacking the fool out of the little creatures that tried to enter their shop. A few other stores had already closed and barricaded themselves to keep the creatures out. Barnyard Bargains was having issues as it looked like their grocery section was getting cleaned out while employees ran amok inside.

Chaos ran rampant every where as ponies ran from or fought off the mischievous little bugs. The restaurant district was in ruins as was the market district and a few private homes.

Applejack frowned not liking the idea that these creatures would be a threat to her farm if they went that way. The more she thought of it the more nervous and panicked she was getting. In fact it was only once Rarity called something to her attention twice did she take notice.

“Seriously, Applejack are you in there?”Rarity scoffed glancing away as Pinkie Pie pronked past with a flute.

“No, I mean yes, I mean what?” Applejack shook her head wondering if Ponyville insurance covered infestation.

“I said do you see anything wrong with this picture?” Rarity stated again, pointing a hoof at Golden Oaks library.

“What?” Applejack asked before she glanced at the library, then back at Rarity, then back at the tree house.

It took her a moment or two more before she realized there were no parasprites around the library, at all. A few flew near it but as soon as they came within a certain distance they seemed to sniff the air, go into a state of panic and take off as fast as they could away from the tree.

“Well that's odd.” Rainbow Dash commented. “ I thought Twilight was on light magical duty?

“I don't think it's magic. Unicorns each have a different feel to their magic. I don't detect anything she might have cast that would be big enough to ward the tree.”Rarity muttered.” Besides if she had, we would hear Spike and Rahs yelling at her about now.”

“Well we ain't gonna find out how she done it by sitting out here.” Applejack stated as the small group headed towards the library.


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