• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,783 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Feeling Pinkie Kennel, part 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Feeling Pinkie Kennel,
part 3

“Are you sure you're okay dear?” Mrs. Cake asked the white unicorn with the bag of ice on his head.

“It's fine ma'am. I received worse while training.” Shining Armor smiled. “The toothless alligator was a new one though.”

“Yes, Gummy is a bit of a surprise to every pony at their first meeting.” Mrs. Cake sighed looking up as Pinkie Pie and Twilight come down the stairs.

“.. you do magic, whats the difference?” Pinkie Pie sighed clearly getting tired of Twilight's denial of her abilities.

Rahs seemed tired of the conversation as well given he pushed past the two mares to check up on Shining as they continued to argue.

“HUGE.... Twilight growled.

“Oh crap......”Shining sighed as Rahs slapped his face.

“For one thing, magic is something you study and practice. It only happens when you decide to do it to make something specific, that you choose to happen, happen. It is a studied and carefully thought out and researched skill with known limits and boundaries within which it resides.” Twilight ranted. “With you, it makes no sense at all. It's just something random that happens to you.”

“Where did she get the soap box?” another customer asked.

Mrs Cake shrugged at the question and turned back to the counter tuning out the pairs arguing as she went about her work.

“That's so not true Twilight..... Sometimes it's a BUNCH of random things happening to my body that predict the future.” Pinkie declared.

“Really can you tell me the winning numbers for the Canterlot lotto next week?” Shining Armor asked.

“ 7,14,83,12, 33, and the bonus ball is 2.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Shining Armor quickly jotted it down on a napkin.

“Stop that.” Twilight muttered glaring at her older brother who ignored her. “ I still don't believe this.”

“You don't believe because you don't understand.” Pinkie Pie stated flatly ignoring that both of Twilight's brothers winced.

“Hmmmm “ Twilight considered looking at Pinkie Pie.

“If she breaks out the lab coat, I'm on the next train back to Canterlot.” Shining Armor stated.

“Nope, let me go. I'm headed for the train!” Shining Armor stated trying to pull away from Rahs with little success.

“Bork!” Rahs growled.

“Huh what do you mean you're not leaving me alone with her? You live here! “Twilight stated turning back to look at the pair from behind thick goggles, the purple mare was dressed in a long white lab coat, thick doctors gloves and some how had picked up a Ham-burg accent. Pinkie Pie sat behind her in a chair covered with various wires and sensors and a ridiculously oversized metal colander with wires and diaods all over it. “Oh never mind you two fight elsewhere I’m trying to do science here.”

“You know sometimes you just have to believe in things you can't explain.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“I will not believe in anything I cannot explain!” Twilight snapped.

“You're still bitter over the Tooth Breezie thing aren’t you sis?” Shinning asked.

“ YES... I mean no.......”Twilight growled. “Could you not bring up another lie our parents told us?”

“What about Rahs? You can't explain why he's here.” Pinkie Pie stated.

“That's different...” Twilight stammered, having lost her accent and also having become very conscious of how closely Rahs was now scrutinizing her.

“How?” Pinkie Pie asked in a tone that made it seem she was twisting the proverbial knife slowly.

Twilight winced glancing back at Rahs and then back to Pinkie Pie. One seemed quite impatient for the answer the other was grinning evilly. That was not a comfortable look for Pinkie Pie.

Rahs raised an eyebrow looking at his sister.

“It just........ is.... wild magic only happens in surges and odd places, it's just a bunch of random stuff that happens.......” Twilight began before closing her eyes with a groan.” Shards.....”

“Language.” Shining admonished. ”Just because there are no Griffon's about doesn't mean you can curse like one.”

Twilight growled again tossing her goggles on the table and storming up the stairs. “Fine whatever you win.. I don't care anymore.”

“Oh oh .. ear flop, eye flutter knee twitch.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“What was that one again?” Shining Armor asked.

“Watch out for opening doors.” Pinkie Pie stated.

“Not listening!” Twilight fussed only for the door at the top of the stairs to swing open slamming into the mare as Rainbow Dash burst into the room.

“Is he still here? I gotta see this guy....” Dash stated spotting Shining armor and making a bee line for him flying circles around the confused unicorn.

“Can I help you miss?” Shining blinked as the mare circled him like a hungry shark.

“By Luna's pointy horn he looks just like him, easy 9.“ Dash nearly drooled.” Please tell me Twi's got another brother who's a single Pegasus.”

“Not that I know of .” Shining blinked still confused by who he was being compared to as well as the rating. Rahs just slapped his face with both paws.

“Dashie this is Shining Armor. Shining this is Dashie.” Pinkie Pie explained.

“Dang it! “ Rainbow Dash grumbled. “ What about a close cousin?”

“No, I’m fine really, no one needs to check on me.” Twilight grumbled from behind the door.

“No.” Shining stated flatly.

“But...” Twilight began before Rahs took her binoculars and the pith helmet from her.

“No buts, you've already been hurt twice by trying to follow after Pinkie and study what ever it is she does.” Shining Armor sighed. “I know you've studied enough to know what a Counter & Distract effect is and that's what it looks like to me. So you're gonna quit this while you're still out of the hospital.”

“But, it can't be that, those are only on spell books and certain scrolls to make studying them impossible.” Twilight stammered.” Only high level spell casters can set that sort of trap”

“Woof. Bark Yip.” Rahs counted on a claw touching each with his other hand as he barked.

“But....” Twilight tried to counter.

“What did he say?” Shining blinked.

“He said except for Gilman's frog, the Legendary Blue Crystal Dragonfly, and Toadworth's Tartarus Turtle.“ Twilight sighed.

“Heh, forgot about that turtle, the Drill sergeant brought a couple of those in to screw with us. In any event that's three creatures with wild magic that makes them near impossible to study, scrutinize or even examine too closely because of the C&D effect. One of the other recruits tail caught fire when he looked too hard at that turtle.” Shining offered. ”With how potent Pinkie's version seems to be I expect you'd have a Piano fall on your head or you'd get attacked by bees if you pushed it.”

“But......science....” Twilight whined.

“Is not always the best choice. We live in a world stuffed with magic Twily. Sometimes there isn't a logical reason for something. I mean heck didn't the Shetlands explode because of too much technological advancement?”

“Shining that's from the expanded race guide of O&O, not real life.” Twilight deadpanned.

“Right either way Pinkie's gone and I’m starving. Lunch? Lunch!” Shining offered as Rahs agreed, picking up the protesting Twilight and walking out the door.

In the middle of the library a steamer trunk sat, one that had previously been downstairs. As the door closed it shook a little, the lock rattling.

“Hey guys, you wanna let me out, it's kinda cramped in here? Twilight? Rahs? Any pony? Look I’m sorry I hit on your brother, I didn't know he was taken. Come on let me out.” Rainbow Dash fussed from inside the chest. “Guys? Hello? Crap.....”

Rahs leaned around the massive pile of food from one side while Twilight leaned around the other to look at their brother who was currently wolfing down the massive meal at a breakneck pace.

“ Ummm hasn't Cadence broken you of this habit yet?” Twilight asked.

Shining paused gulping down half a sandwich.” Only when she's around other wise I fall back to my drill eating habits.”

“Trying to set a Equss speed record for eating?” Twilight raised a brow.

“Hey it became ingrained after the ridiculous amount of times the Drill Sergeant made us rush through meals to do something else. With everything I got into the habit of doing in basic this is by far the least worrying habit I could have kept.”


“Right … unless you choke to death, and Rahs eats less than you and he's twice your size.”

“He also eats magic, mine included. Food equals power and all that.” Shining said between bites somehow managing to put a dent in the tray of food he had.” Besides I'm a lightweight compared to some of the other Guards. We burn through a ton of calories with what we do.”

“I thought you were one of Cadence's Guards?” Twilight offered.

“Only when she travels, otherwise I’m usually in charge of a couple of units in the Six Sixty Sixth.” Shining offered. “ We tend to be stuck on a lot of patrols and away missions, in other words no decent food. Cadence isn't too happy with it, but I don't mind that much. It's important work and much less dull than standing in place for hours at a time as a normal Guard. Though I hear the Night Guard gets a lot of odd jobs as of lately.”

“Yeah we can believe that.” Twilight deadpanned.

“Heh, I heard about Rahs' new grandma.” Shining smiled as Rahs growled. “Cadence thinks it's cute.”

“Of course she does and I bet my old foal sitter is dying to help Princess Luna find Rahs a mare friend too.” Twilight smirked. “I do know exactly how many of my dates were set up by her.”

“Probably. Any way speaking of Cadence.... I kinda want your thoughts on something.” Shining Armor stated pointing a hoof at Rahs and Twilight.

“ Oh?” Twilight asked as Rahs' ears perked up.

“Sometime soon I should be getting my final posting as Guard Captain as my tour will be over. I'm going to try for Canterlot or at least nearby it enough that I can live there.” Shining offered.

“So maybe Ponyville even , there's only a few places close enough for Canterlot to be a reasonable commute and we do have a Guard station here.” Twilight considered.

“Fraid it's not as simple as that. Ponyville's still too small to have more than a Squad here. It would either be Canterlot or Everfree Post Three, North of Rambling Rock Ridge.” Shining explained.

“Okay then why around Canterlot then. I figure you could have the pick of your post anywhere in Equss.” Twilight questioned.

“Well... because Cadence lives in Canterlot... and once I’m actually settled I’m going to ask her to marry me......”

“Seriously?” Twilight asked as she and Rahs stared at their older brother.

“Of course.... I wanted to run it by you two because mom would overreact and we've not been on the best terms with dad for a while....”

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEemmmmph!” Twilight Squeed until Rahs clamped a paw over the excited mares mouth as she flailed. A glare from the Moon Dog was enough to make those that took notice decide it was none of their business what was going on at the table, save one skittish looking earth pony with green eyes who didn't seem to be eating anything.

“ Okay Twi, please calm down......” Shining Armor pleaded.” It probably won't be until next year anyway.”

“Sorry, but this is awesome... You couldn't do any better than Cadence as a wife, it's perfect!” Twilight gibbered.

“Seriously though she could do a lot better than you, something has got to be wrong with that mare.”

Shining Armor and Twilight both turned to glare at Rahs who grinned wickedly.

“Dude.....one of the rare times you say anything I can understand and it's to insult me?” Shining accused as Rahs snickered. " Harsh."

Any further conversation was cut off as Pinkie Pie rushed up to the table in a panic her body doing some rather odd movements.

“Twilight Twilight!!! something's gonna happen and it's a doozy!!!!”Pinkie yelped.

Author's Note:

I was expecting this to be done a chapter ago, but it's another Episode that just keeps rolling with it. Sorry to all those who thought Rahs and Shiny were gonna get Piano'd but this made more sense for him to try and reign her in.

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