• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,716 Views, 5,212 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Boast Barkers, part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Boast Barkers
part 4

[Outside town hall]

“Trixie Trixie!!” Snips and Snails screamed banging on the door.

Rahs flung open the door stepping out and sending the pair of them tumbled away from the carriage. Rahs glanced over at them as Trixie trotted out after him rolling her eyes.

“What's going on? I told you not to disturb me.” Trixie snapped.

“Yeah we have a little problem.” Snips chuckled sheepishly.

“More like a MAJOR problem.” Snails corrected.

“Ursa major to be exact.” Snips frowned.

Rahs slapped his face with his paw as another roar filled the air. Looking down the main street the group of them could see the massive dark bear like form crashing through the trees. It's semi transparent form dotted with stars and constellations. The beast towered above the buildings in town and it looked right at them before pushing forward down the main street of town towards them crushing trees and carts under foot.

Trixie and the foals screamed out as Rahs's ears drooped, he quickly scooped up the mare and the idiots and ran. The bear rushed after them, trampling Trixie's wagon, the sudden implosion of her spell breaking scattered her belongings every where and struck the bear along the paw and the belly with magically assisted force making the beast even angrier, but also making it pause to look down and see what hit it.

The explosion gave them a chance to get to cover and Rahs quickly ducked into an ally to hide before setting Trixie and the foals down. The Moon Dog moved to the end of the ally keeping low to watch down the street to see what the bear was doing. Currently it was batting around the remains of Trixie's cart.

“Great and Powerful Trixie, you've got to vanquish the Ursa.” Snips cried out getting a 'shhh' from Rahs.

“Yeah, vanquish so we can watch.” Snails chimed in, getting another 'shhh' from the Moon Dog

“It took a lot of trouble to get that thing here.” Snips complained. He didn't get a shhh from Rahs he got a dumbfounded look.

“What? You brought it here? Are you out of your pony minds?!”Trixie hissed at them.

“But you're the Great and Powerful Trixie.”Snails stated.

“Yeah you already defeated an Ursa, how hard could another one be?” Snips questioned.

Trixie ran a hoof through her hair walking around in circles as the group of them winced at the Ursa smashing a building some where.

“Okay full disclosure on that, it was a large grizzly bear that the locals named Ursa Major because of it's gray blue fur. I also had two days or prep time to set up firework traps and come up with a plan to run it off and stop it from eating the locals chickens. And that involved a great deal of Tabasco.” Trixie growled. “I had to look up in a book what a real one looked like to even make a stage show of it!”

“What!” Snails gasped.

“But why would you say that then?”Snips demanded.

“Because I'm a performer and that's what we do........” Trixie winced as another roar filled the air along with some screaming and another crash of a building collapsing.

“Damn it......” Trixie muttered moving down to the end of the ally where Rahs was peering out to look out herself.

Rahs glanced back at her before looking out at the Ursa as it dug through a building seemingly searching for something or some one.

“ It's probably looking for the ones who brought it here. Can we just give it the foals so it goes away?” Trixie asked and got a glare from Rahs. “Fine, I figured we could at least have all the options on the table.”

“Rahs!” Twilight shouted galloping down the street with Spike on her back and Pinkie Pie pronking along behind her.

“That is a biiiiiiiiig teddy bear.”Pinkie whistles as the Ursa takes a bite out of the roof of a building.

“What's going on?” Spike demanded hopping off Twilight's back looking at Trixie with a sneer.

“She's a fake.” Snails complained.

“She didn't vanquish a Ursa Major” Snips added.

“I'm a performer!” Trixie snapped.” Playing yourself up is part of it, and it's not like it was even an outright lie either!”

“Told you.” Spike retorted getting a hoof to the back of the head from Twilight.

“Rahs what's going on?”Twilight demanded.

“BORK!” Rahs growled pointing a claw at the two foals.

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike all looked at Snips and Snails.

Twilight glared.

Pinkie Pie frowned.

Spike slapped both claws to his face.

“Of course Fluttershy goes home before the giant bear attack. You idiots.” Spike grumbled.” You brought a Ursa Major into town.”

“Yeah, so Trixie could vanquish it and show you how wrong you were.” Snips added.

“Yeah , you were right, so why are you mad?” Snails questioned.

“Because there's a Ursa Major eating the town!!”Spike threw his claws in the air.” There's not gonna be anyone left to remember I was right!”

“Actually that's not a Ursa Major.” Twilight stated flatly.

“Really?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah. That's a Ursa Minor. A baby. I read up on them after Trixie's story made me curious.” Twilight glanced out of the ally as if to confirm her hypothesis.

“Reading?” Snips stuck his tongue out.”Eeew.”

“I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that as you two are in enough trouble without me deciding to add every little thing I can to your crime.” Twilight snapped.

“Seriously?” Trixie demanded. “ Who are you even?”

“I'm Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight stated not really paying attention to Trixie as she set out a plan of action in her mind.

“Fuzzy's sister?” Trixie frowned as Rahs rolled his eyes.” Celestia's prize student?”

“Former.” Twilight responded.” Rahs keep everyone here I have a plan.”


“No, I should be good.” Twilight paused.”But if I screw it up feel free to get my flank out of there.”

Rahs nodded.

Twilight's horn glowed as she moved away from the ally the others were hiding in. A strong wind started to blow around her, quieting the area. A few wind chimes and what sounded like reeds from the nearby river started softly sounding, the notes and the chiming making a soft melody that seemed to float along with the wind. The raging bear noticed the Unicorn and was making it's way towards her when the first notes of the music caught it's attention and it went silent ears perked as the tone seemed to calm it.

“Nice use of number sixteen.” Spike smiled.

“Sixteen?” Trixie asked.

“I forgot the name of the spell itself, but it's a blanket sound altering spell, using the wind as a catalyst to deaden everything and then let who ever's caught in it hear only what the caster wants them to hear of the background noise.“ Spike bragged.”In this case she's letting the wind chimes and reed sounds through at certain intervals to make it sound like a lullaby.”

Twilight's horn started to glow even brighter as she ripped a water tower from it's moorings with her magic, pulling off the top of it and dumping the water free. She floated it over the dairy farm at the edge of town and into the barn there where there was a great deal of gasps, cries, moo's, and one female voice screaming out about 'cold hands', whatever that meant.

“That's new.” Spike considered.

The Ursa wavered and shifted at the sound of the music seeming ready to nod off where it stood. Twilight dug her hooves into the dirt starting to strain heavily as her magic wrapped around the drowsy Ursa as well lifting the creature into the air. Sparks of magic shot from her horn as she turned the Ursa over in the air screwing the top back on the water tower and popping the tip of the pointed roof off to act like a nipple. With the Ursa held in the air like an infant Twilight placed the makeshift bottle close to the beast and the scent of warm milk had the Ursa grabbing it and hugging it close to half drink as it dozed.

Another flash of her horn and the Ursa started to float away as Twilight's knees start to buckle though she held herself up. The Ursa drifted out of town and back into the forest.

“Woof.” Rahs muttered.

“Right number twenty three. Pigeon's Homing.” Spike nods sagely. “ The caster can send any one or anything back to it's point of origin, it's home, even if the caster doesn't know where that is.”

“Niiiiice.” Pinkie Pie smirked.” I should ask her to send me home for Hearths Warming, it'll save on train tickets.”

“Right you do that. Trixie for one, is getting out of here.” Trixie snorted.” So long Fuzzy.”

“Good ridence.” Spike snorted only to get cuffed in the back of the head by Rahs.

“Woof?” Rahs asked.

“Yeah I wanna know why too?” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“Please . Trixie been to enough podunk towns in Trixie's life to know the moment something goes wrong they first one they blame is the outsider. “ Trixie grumbled. “She is having nothing to do with that.”

“Bark?” Rahs looked at Pinkie Pie, who was really the only local.

“Hmm actually if you run off, that probably will happen cause it will make you look guilty. But I Pinkie Promise it won't if you stay. Besides I haven't even thrown you a welcome to Ponyville party. You can't leave until I do that!” Pinkie Pie smiled. Her tone suddenly changed to one of menace as she glared over at Snips and Snails, fire seeming to dance in her eyes.” Besides. We know who really caused this.”

Snips and Snails cried out, backing away from the pink mare though their butts were already against the wall. Spike, Rahs and Trixie also wisely stepped back.

“Noo you can't ...”Snips gasped.

“We didn't mean it!” Snails wailed.

“Too bad.” Pinkie Pie frowned.” Black list one year.”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhh!!!!” the pair wailed, screaming and running off into the night.

“You better hope no pony got hurt or it's gonna be much worse than that.” Pinkie Pie frowned yelling after them.

“Ummm what's the black list?” Spike tentatively asked.

“Oh, that's right you wouldn't know.” Pinkie Pie perked up cheerfully again.

“See before I came to Ponyville there was a supposedly a problem with a group of foals that lived here. I don't know the details of the delinquents, but I get that it was pretty bad. So the shops where the foals liked to go decided to step in and do something since the parents couldn't or wouldn't. And those shops came up with the Black list. If your name is put on it, no shop in town will sell you anything that's not a necessity.” Pinkie Pie explained. “Nothing from Sugar Cube Corner, or Bon Bon's Candy, nothing from Kind of a-lot-O Comics, and the arcade won't let you in. The Black List can have an adult name on it too and if that happens the list of places not serving them gets bigger and includes a number of other places like the Bowling ally and Berry's bar and grill.”

“So how many shops will follow the letter of that list?” Trixie questioned out of morbid curiosity.

“All of them silly, including the farmers markets, and Filthy Rich's mega store.” Pinkie Pie smirked.” There's only three names on it right now. And Applejack's time for poisoning every pony is almost over. She only got a month because of all she did trying to apologize for what happened. Also the bunny stampede was funny.”

“And every pony just agrees to this?” Twilight panted as she walked up during the explanation.

“Yeppers. So don't worry Tee Gee and Pee Tee......” Pinkie Pie grinned hugging the blue unicorn mare. “ It's gonna be alright!”

“Please don't say it that way.” Spike groaned.

Author's Note:

Well that's the last part of the core story. Pinkie Pie explains it all without getting too wild.

Now here's where there is an issue. There will be 3 epilogues here.

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