• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,792 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Dog eat Dog, Part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Dog eat Dog
Part 5

[Outside the Sparkle residence. 2 years remaining until the thousandth year.]

“Good evening boys. Where are you headed off to this late?” a wispy voice asked.

Rahs and Spike paused looking over to the grayish blue furred elderly mare leaning out of her window tending a small flower garden in the planter hooked to the sil. Her ruby colored mane had faded a good bit , though only a few strands of it were visible tucked into the yellow bonnet she wore.

“Ruff!”Rahs waved.

“Hi Mrs. Coltson. Twilight's going on a date, Shining's having a break down and we're gonna make sure it goes well despite what is sure to be a night full of sitcom like situations.” Spike chimed up getting a curious glance from Rahs, though the canine let the young Dragons genre savvy statement go unquestioned.

“Well isn't that nice. You two have fun. And watch out, I swear I saw a bush run past here a little bit ago.” the older mare warned.

“Oh that was probably Shining. Guard training never stops after all.” Spike chimed.

“Oh dear, I suppose not. The poor colt needs a bit of rest I think. Oh well have a nice night.” The earth pony mare chuckled.

“Thank you Mrs Coltson, we will.” Spike waved from his perch on Rahs' shoulder.

“Woof.” Rahs waved before chasing after their brother, who was still dressed as a bush.

[Celestial theater, side ally]

In the alley running next to the Celestial theater two ponies sat discussing the last arrival and his date.

A gray Pegasus stallion with a lighter gray mane and tail named Shutterbug kept glancing around the corner of the ally to the other reporters milling around, seeing if any one else showed up. He fidgeted with his camera and kept glancing about as if looking for something to snap a shot of.

A light green Unicorn stallion with a black and gray striped mane and tail sat across from him on a crate just inside a slowly lengthening shadow cast by the setting sun. Freelancer was checking over his camera staying in the shadows enough that he could look over his film without ruining it. It was a old practice, one made unnecessary by modern crystal imprinted film, but some camera operators still sought out the dark when dealing with the rolls.

“So you get any good shots?” Freelancer asked the Pegasus.

“A c-c-c-couple of B-B-B-Blueblood. Nothing really g-g-g-g-good though.” Shutterbug stuttered. “Took a f-f-f-few more of his date though. P-P-P-P-Pretty mare that one.”

“Pretty nervous you mean. You recognize her?” Freelancer asked.

“Twilight S-S-S-S-Sparkle, Princess Celestia's s-s-s-s-s-student.” Shutterbug explained after a moment in thought.

“No shit? Well today's my lucky day then. Ahhh here it is and it's perfect too.” Freelance grinned as he looked at a couple of cells in the film he had.

“What's t-t-t-t-that?” the Pegasus asked.

“While you lot were busy snapping pictures of the mare's face, I went for the money shot.”Freelance lecherously grinned.” A perfect photo of a pink panty protecting a pert purple pony plot.”

“Pervert.” Shutterbug shook his head with a smirk.

“Hey pervert or not this sort of thing sells. She shouldn't have worn a dress that short around here. This here's a months vacation for me.”

“She's o-o-o-o-o-only sixteen.” Shutterbug stated.

“So what, you think any of the magazines willing to buy this will care? If her parents sue for that, they'll keep it in ligation until she's old enough to be eighteen and it'll be moot. Plus I'll have my bits and who cares at that point.”

“She will care.”

“Whatever, what she wants doesn't mean jack to me........ hey you didn't stutter......... what?” Freelance blinked as he watched the already monochromatic pegasus sitting across from him go even paler as his eyes were locked on something behind Freelancer.

Turning the Unicorn noted that there was a wall much closer behind him than he first thought. The dark coloration of it almost blended it into the shadow. Hearing a rather unnerving growl he trailed his gaze upward. He was greeted by the shadowy features of some monster that appeared to have two heads, both filled with very, very, sharp teeth, one of them with two points of pale light floating above it like unforgiving eyes and the other crackling with a green flame that danced around the pearly white chompers.

The Unicorn's eyes widened as a a large clawed hand closed around his throat and the other around the film he had, yanking it from his grip and tossing it in the air for the second head to destroy in a glut of flame.

Freelance was a little too focused however on the massive set of jaws right before his eyes to notice the destroyed film.

Shutterbug screamed flying out of the ally only for a clawed limb covered in Navy blue fur to lash out of the alleys shadows and grab the pegasus by the camera strap yanking him back into the ally where the sounds of violence were heard.

The gather reporters stopped their conversations and turned to look at the ally at Shutterbug’s exit and then rapid return to the ally there was a scream and a few more sounds of something being bludgeoned.

The Pegasus was then flung back out of the ally still screaming and without his camera as he took to the air ripping through the sky faster than a Wonderbolt.

The other reporters froze, all eyes on the ally as in their minds they ran over their options. Be brave and get shots of whatever this was or head for the hills. It was in that moment of indecisiveness that a shadowy form moved to the end of the ally still in the shadows cast by the setting sun. It wasn't very big, but it seemed to have two heads

There was a magenta glow that lit up the ally behind the creature that seemed to be coming from a random bush behind the monster. The glow showed the beasts outline much clearer, though only for a moment before the cameras of every reporter were caught up in the glow from the bush and yanked from around their necks and hooves and into the darkness of the ally with the growling beast.

There was the sound of frenzied and violent crunching as thousands of bits worth of camera equipment and film were turned to scrap in moments, though the reporters were still too frozen in shock and fear to move. At least until high pitched voice that sounded like a foal growled and uttered a single word. One that started a stampede of reporters fleeing the area like the gates of Tartarus had opened and their own personal hells were hot on their hooves.

“Run.” the voice had growled through a crackle of fire.

“So how do we get in?” Shining questioned, ignoring the crunching coming from Spike as he ate another claw full of flashbulb crystals while perched on Rahs' shoulder.

“Arf.” Rahs smirked digging into one of his pants pockets and pulling out three season tickets to the theater.

“What?” Shining questioned. “ Where did you get those?”

“Princess Celestia gave us season passes for Heath's Warming last year.” Spike commented through a mouthful of gems. A few of them popped off their last flash while inside the young Dragon's mouth causing his cheeks to light up.

“Well … that was easier than I thought it would be.” Shining shrugged, the stallion having gotten rid of his ghillie suit into one of his saddlebags.

The mare at the ticket booth perked up at the sight of them waving to the Moon Dog and the Dragon.

“ Rahs, Spike hey! I haven’t seen you guys in months. How've you been?” the chartreuse furred mare chimed fluffing up a few locks of her curly orange hair. She was fairly well muscled though she had a deep husky tone that rolled almost musically from her lips. “ And better still who's your handsome friend?”

“Woof.” Rahs smirked as Spike chuckled.

“Handsome friend? Is someone riding on Rahs' other shoulder?” Spike grinned. As Shining rolled his eyes. “ Oh you mean him? That's Shining, our older brother. He's taken though. Sorry Shirley.”

The mare seemed to pout as she settled back.” Awww the good ones always are. I take it he's using Twilight's ticket? Alright you guys can go ahead, I know you're good. Make sure you say hey to Miss Broadway, she's been wondering about you two.”

The trio entered the theater just as a swarm of Guards showed up to investigate a monster attack.

Finding nothing but smashed camera's and a gibbering and battered Freelancer with a number of tooth and claw marks on him, the two oldest of the Guard's who had arrived came to the same conclusion regarding the most likely culprit from their time Guarding the palace and the rather adorable trio that had been there.

The final report that was filed wrote it up as self inflicted injures caused by the Photographer being a ponce who deserved it.

It didn't hurt Freelancer already had three warrants and six restraining orders for some of his 'work' activities. Even the other reporters chocked the damage up as a business expense and wrote it off as dealing with some nobles overprotective bodyguard.

Freelancer got medical help and spent some time in jail.

Shutterbug started taking pictures of flowers, and made more money that way.

“Excuse me sir. Might I have a word with you?”

The well dressed older stallion blinked, looking around a moment at the voice before his gaze dipped down to the small purple dragon standing next to him in the aisle. His wife and daughter also took note of the dragon as well as the large navy furred Diamond Dog with him that had a struggling white Unicorn tucked under an arm.

“Ummm yes?” The noble questioned looking between the two and the struggling unicorn demanding to be put down with more than a little apprehension.

“ My brother and I have come into a quandary of sorts.” Spike stated, sounding posh enough that one would expect him to suddenly spawn a monocle and top hat. “ The theater is a bit more crowded than expected and due to my brothers rather excessive height it seems our usual seats would be detrimental to any pony sitting behind us. In order to avoid such a kerfuffle we thought it prudent to attempt to switch seats with someone in the back in order to avoid becoming troublesome to any one during the play.”

“Well that is rather considerate of you. Though where exactly are your seats located?” The noble began, wondering if this was some sort of a scam.

“Third row center right behind the orchestra pit. It is a bit loud, though they are good seats.” Spike stated showing the tickets. “Given that they are season passes we cannot simply trade tickets, but for the night as crowded as it is we are willing to trade. If the usher questions you please direct them our way and we will settle the matter without any issue.”

The noble considered leaning over to speak with his wife and daughter before quickly agreeing. The three of them headed down to their new seats and Spike and Rahs took a seat with Shining being planted between them.

“Grrrrr.” Rahs grumbled.

“I know you don't like it this far back, but we're not here to see the show.” Spike rolled his eyes as Rahs stuck his tongue out at his brother.

“What are we doing back here? They're way up there, we need to move closer!” Shining fussed only for Rahs to grab him by the horn and slowly turn his head until he could see where Twilight and Prince Blueblood sat.

“This position is better because we can see them easy when the lights dim, but they can't see us. If we took our normal seats we'd be only a row in front of them.” Spike explained eating another claw full of flashbulbs and nearly blinding his brothers as his mouth lit up.

“Mouth closed when you chew.” Shining hissed as Rahs whimpered rubbing his eyes.“Where did you learn to speak fancy any way?”

“Please... I've got drama mutt over here as a brother and with how often I've played and run games of Oubliettes and Ogres with you three, since I was six mind you, I think I can fake an accent by now.” Spike scoffed.

“Huh... good point.” Shining grinned running a hoof over spikes head in a noogie causing the little drake to flail under the assault. “Guess you managed a high Intelligence stat after all. Pity you didn't take a high Charisma stat like me though, already have a mare friend and I still have cute fillys falling over me.”

“Ruff?” Rahs questioned.

“Wait, you mean Shirley?” Spike questioned.

“She did call me handsome.” Shining grinned.

Rahs and Spike looked to each other, before both of them broke out into giggling fits.

Shining blinked, his ears flattening as he looked back and forth between the two.” Okay what's so funny?”

“Bork!” Rahs cackled.


“He said, hehehe...he said Shirley’s a stallion, He's the one who played Gaston for the Beauty and the Beast play Rahs was in. He's trying out for some Wong fu new age play now while he works here. Still I guess he does make a convincing filly.”

The sound coming out of Shining's throat was akin to a dead whale as realization that he found a stallion cute, set in. The effect just made his brothers laugh harder.

“...AND LOVE IS A LIE, SWEARING NO MATTER WHAT IT WON'T DIE.....” The unicorn playing Edmond sang out on stage.

Rahs was enthralled, leaning forward in his seat his tail wagging as he watched the performance, his ears perked up and his amber eyes glued to the stage.


Spike had to admit that the show wasn't too bad. A little more singing than he liked, but at least the music was fast paced. Still the twisted tale of revenge would have been right at home in one of their Oubliettes and Ogres sessions. He might need to work on something for the next time he ran a game. He couldn't use the idea on Twilight and Rahs, they both knew this story, he would need a new group before he could run something like this. An old player coming back for revenge against the pc's that he thought betrayed him. Classic.

“BUT WHAT DO I CARE? THERE ARE WOMEN TO BE HAD EVERYWHERE!!!!” Edmond gestured as he was surrounded by mares rushing up from the edges of the stage to fawn over him.

Shining Armor was not having a good time. He had tried to leave his seat several times to try and go stop what he thought was Blueblood putting the moves on his sister, only to be stopped by Spike with logic, or Rahs with brute force. As well trained as Shining was he still wasn't able to move Rahs when he was focused on something. And right now the Moon Dog was dead set on watching the stage show, so much to the point that the last time Shining had tried to rush off to stop Blueblood, Rahs had simply sat on him, resulting in a short brawl between the two brothers which Rahs only won because he cheated going for Shining's ticklish spots.

“FIRST THERE'S RETRIBUTION I MUST PREPARE, MIGHTY VENGEANCE IS MINE!!!!!” the unicorn gestures and the mares all flee the stage.

After a bit of struggling he managed to get free of his brothers fat ass, though the most he was allowed after he got loose was glare at the back of Blueblood's head.

“She's getting away.” Shining cursed as the crowd rose at the end of the performance milling about in the aisles towards the rooms exits. Blueblood and Twilight were currently slowly moving towards the exit.

Rahs however ignored his brothers frantic pacing, setting Spike on his shoulder as he made his way away from the exits towards the stage. The cast had already taken their last bow and went back stage , though a older black and white palomino earth pony mare was on the stage collecting the flowers the crowd had thrown onto the stage. Rahs lifted a paw waving to her as he approached. The mare looked a little surprised , but she smiled in return.

“Rahs hunny. I was wondering when we'd get tah see you again.” the mare smiled speaking in a voice that changed pitches oddly. Rahs climbed up onto the stage before digging into a pocket of his pants for a small book, flipping though it before he started to move his ears in random directions , having to lift a hand up to position one in a direction he wanted.

“Not bad hun, you're getting better at your signing. You didn't even mention snails that time.” The mare chuckled. “And Spike you've gotten a lot bigger since I saw you last.”

“Hello Miss Broadway.” Spike practically shouted. “Sorry for not coming around more.”

She stared blankly at the dragon before looking to Rahs who started moving his ears again, though he had to flip through the book again to find the right position. The mare noticed this and chuckled.

“You don't have to humor me by showing up if you're not a fan young Spike, though I do wish you would let me teach you the piano, you have the claws for it.” The mare smiled picking up another flower off the stage before her eyes took note of the stressed white stallion climbing up onto the stage after Rahs.” And who is this?”

“Shining Armor ma'am. Rahs we need to go after her.”Shining fussed.

“After who hun?” The mare asked Shining as Rahs looked exasperated as he tried to signal with his ears again.

“My sister, she's on a date and we need to get after them before they get out of the lobby.” Shining stated, though when he turned away she looked back to Rahs who flopped his ears about again. Shining turned back and finally noticed the book Rahs had and the positions of his ears.” What are you doing?.. Is that Guard cant?”

“Sign actually. Rahs has been trying to learn it since he met me. Been deaf since I was a foal after a parasite got in my ears from a swimming pond.” The mare nodded. “I can read lips fine, but Spike and Rahs here aren’t ponies so their lip movements are odd, and I can't read them.”

“Oh I'm sorry I didn't know...” Shining began and the mare shook her head.

”Don't be dear, it's been forever since I could hear anything. I have to read along with the script to enjoy my plays.”

“Err sorry Miss , but we do need to go , we have to get out of here and get outside before Twilight does.” Shining brought up quickly.

“Oh Twilight? She's on a date?” She looked up as Rahs' ears start moving again.” Well will wonders never cease. I thought that filly wasn't gonna be much more than a crazy old cat mare with as buried in books and study as she is.”

Spike chuckled and Rahs flicked his ears only for Shining to thwack him in the belly with a hoof.

“I can understand Guard cant Rahs, I'm a Guard, I trained in it.”Shining growled.” And for the record I am not freaking out, and your left ear needs to be at three o'clock otherwise you just said ' freaking trout'.”

Rahs growled as the mare laughed. Rahs' ears started moving again and the mare nodded. “Of course you can dear just be sure to bring them back when you're done. You can head around the eastern stage exit to get around to the main lobby before this crowd disperses. “

“Really?” Shining blinked.” Just like that?”

“Oh anything for such a devoted theater buff.” She reached up and Rahs ducked his head down a little , his tail wagging as she petted his head with a hoof. “ You'd best hurry it won't take any one long to get out of the lobby. Also Rahs dear I would say the one we used for that western a while back named after a bug.”

Rahs grinned and started to move past the mare to back stage followed by a confused Shining Armor.

“Thanks Miss Broadway” Spike hollard with the enthusiasm of one who thought a deaf pony could hear him if he just yelled.

“He would have done well as Gaston.” Miss Broadway chuckled.” Pity I’m just the stage owner and not the director. Still I wonder if I can work a play out of those three trying to meddle in their sisters date. Probably be as humorous as a Midsummer Morning's Daydream.”

[Outside, five minutes later. ]

“How did I let you talk me into this....?” Shining growled from under the lightish red,[he refused to call it pink] bonnet that he had pulled over his head to hide his hair and face.

“Rowf” Rahs stated from where he sat on the bench in a blue dress suit, his upper body hidden behind a comically large newspaper with a big picture of Celestia on it with a caption reading' Let them eat cake'.

“What?” Shining demanded.

“He said he doesn't have the hips to pull off that dress like you do.” Spike grinned kicking back in the canopied stroller with a cackle.
The group of them were sitting on a bench outside the theater off to the side of the main road trying to look inconspicuous. Spike was stretched out in a stroller buggy that Shining was half hunched over peering out of a crack between the buggy and the awning over it.

“I'm going to have to hurt both of you if you tell anyone about this.” Shining growled.

“Bork.”Rahs grinned.

“I don't know what exactly you said but I know that grin and I swear on my dead relatives, and even on the ones who are not feeling too good, that I will end you if you tell Cadence.” Shining Armor growled as Rahs and Spike snickered.

“Here she comes, quiet.” Spike snapped ducking back down in the foal buggy.

Shining kept his eyes on Blueblood, looking down at Spike whenever the noble looked their way. Rahs drew in a sharp gasp of breath as Blueblood focused on the two of them, but Twilight said something from inside their carriage and distracted him, enough that he climbed into the carriage without a second glance at them.

“Ruff” Rahs stated helping Spike out of the buggy and setting the paper into it as he watched Shining try and take off the dress without ripping it.

“So we can't tell Cadence... but what about mom. Shouldn't she know you've been cross-dressing?” Spike smirked as Rahs snorted back a laugh.

Shining glared at his brothers from under the lightish red head covering and growled.” I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you....”

[Outside the Le Pré Canterlan]

“I don't suppose you have a ticket for this place.” Shining asked as Rahs shook his head, the trio looking up at the fancy restaurant before them.

“There's no way I could afford to eat here on my allowance.” Spike shuddered.

Rahs shrugged as Shining paced nervously.

“Okay , let's go around to the side of the building, there's a few windows there, maybe we can boost Spike up to one so he can check and see if he can see Twilight.” Shining stated heading into the ally with his brothers hot on his hooves. He turned to say something only for his eyes to narrow and a sigh to escape his lips.

Spike and Rahs were a few paces away and both of them sporting fake mustaches that they had picked up from the props department at the theater after dropping off everything else.

“You two need to take this more seriously. Twiliy might need our help in there!” Shining scolded.


“Yeah Rahs, I bet he is just jealous cause he can't grow such a awesome mustache.” Spike chimed in. Both he and Rahs paused dramatically, their claws reaching up to twirl their new facial hair causing Shining to slap his face with a hoof.

“GAAAH!!! Where are dey?!” a voice shouted as a door slammed open in the side of the restaurant further down the ally. A large furry creature with shaggy cream colored fur and a large pair of curved horns poking out of the sides of his head and a large white chefs hat between them. The yak looked up and down the ally, his eyes hidden under the shimmering bangs of his fur. In fact his whole body glistened in the light. Rahs nearly sneezed as even at this range the amount of hair spray holding the Yak's fur in place was tickling his nose. The Yak finally noticed them and let out a relieved sigh.

“Youse guys the temps? Course youze is why else would youse be back here. Get yer flanks and tails in here, we got a rush and ay need all tha help ay ken get.” The Yak shouted waving them in.

Spike was in awe of the amount of hair on the creature, having never seen a Yak before.

Rahs was trying hard not to sneeze from the ridiculous amount of hair product the Yak wore. Though if he was a chef, that was likely to keep hair out of ponies food.

Shining was thanking the universe that everything seemed to be working out so he could keep an eye on his sister.

Five minutes later Shining Armor was cursing the universe.

The Yak was the head chef here and had a name Shining couldn't pronounce. Spike had tried and mangled it each time. Not like the Chef said it the same every time he said his name any way. He also seemed to switch accents every time he spoke.

They were brought to a side room, briefly met the Maitre D' who did his best to explain his utter disgust at using temps and how the three of them should be kissing his claws that they even got the chance to set foot in the door, before he gave out the assignments.

Spike and Rahs were both given fancy suits, for some reason the restaurant had clothing that fit them fairly well. The pair of them were to take orders and deliver the food as well as collect dishes and clean up the tables.

Shining was given a faded and somewhat dirty tan smock and told he had the most important job in the kitchen.

It was at this point in his life where learned the Universe had a sick sense of humor. It was also about the point he started using all of the crass language he had picked up in the Guard training over the last few years as he started washing yet another greasy plate.

With as chaotic as everything was in the back room, no one seemed to notice his brothers popping up to talk with him every so often, though they often brought more dishes for him to wash.

Rahs had seen Twilight and Blueblood and had even taken their order unnoticed, and Spike had served them with the same result. Blue blood didn't seem to be trying anything and Twilight didn't seem upset, just nervous, which wasn't much different then when she left the house.

Shining wanted to take a peek out there himself , though every time he tried the Griffon Maitre D’ always chose that moment to poke his head in the back, immediately shouting at Shining to get back to work and stay away from the front lest his scruffiness be seen by the clientele.

The third time this happened the Maitre D’ launched into a tirade that made Shining freeze up with flashbacks to his Drill Sergeant. The Griffon wouldn't let him get a word in edgewise and the tirade drew the attention of everyone in the back.

Right about the point where the Griffon had started placing the blame for Shining's evident incompetence on his family Rahs and Spike came into the back. Neither of them said anything and they both adopted a bored expression and they moved between Shining and the Griffon.

The Griffon paused in confusion at the pair, though neither said anything for a moment. Rahs then bent over and picked up Spike holding him up at eye level to the Griffon. Spike pulled off his super fluffy mustache and slapped the griffon across the beak with it before reattaching it to his face. Rahs set his brother down and peeled off his own mustache before slapping the stunned Griffon across the beak with it on the other side before putting it back on. He then bent over picking up Spike again who held a half emptied soup tureen that a couple had failed to finish. Spike stretched out his arms and dumped the remaining luke warm lentil and carrot soup over the Maitre D’s head.

“I quit.” Spike stated as he was set back down.

“Woof.” Rahs agreed.

“What they said.” Shining added snapping out of his flashback.

The group of them pulled off their suits, tossed them before the stuttering and stunned Griffon before the trio walked out the back door. The rest of the kitchen staff and the head chef looked at the Griffon , whose mouth was moving like he was trying to say something, but was instead doing a rather good fish impersonation, then at each other, and broke out laughing.

Outside the trio walked past a another small group. An Earth pony who seemed lost and a tall Diamond Dog and a super short Diamond Dog.

“Cornstuck, you say this the place three places ago!” The small beige Diamond Dog muttered.

“It's Corn Husk, Mungo, and this map the agency gave me isn't very good, there's also a lot of restaurants around here.” The gold and tan Earth pony sighed.” Merta what is it?”

The larger of the Diamond Dogs a dark gray female was staring after the three who just passed them, her eyes focused on Rahs, a smirk across her muzzle.” That one cute....”

“Huh?” Mungo demanded.

“That hound! Very exotic...” The Diamond Dog female chuckled patting the smaller male's head as he ranted about some other dog drawing his girls eye.

Stepping out of the ally the three of them were in fairly good spirits and were laughing at the expression that had been on the Maitre D’s face. It wasn't until Shining noticed Blueblood's carriage roll past that he recalled the whole point of them being there.

“Quick we have to get after them before they go to lovers leap or some dark corner somewhere!” Shining freaked out prompting Rahs to slap his brother in the back of the head. “ Ow!”

“I think they are on the road that heads back to our house.” Spike considered.

“GAH! That's even worse, we need to get back there before she does so she doesn't know we were tailing her.” Shining fretted.

Rahs and Spike looked at each other and shrugged, they had been following their brother's lead most of the night anyway, what was a bit more. Rahs picked Spike up setting him on Shining's back and the trio took off into the night after the carriage.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure i'm that happy with this one. It was bigger than i wanted to be and i feel some of the jokes fell flat. I'll call it a world building chapter to show Rahs's love of theater and leave it at that.

To be honest this whole arc has gone on way longer than i like. And i still have one more part in it before i'm done with it fully. I have another part because other wise this chapter would have been even longer than this.

TGaP was supposed to be quick short stories ... this was closer to SiS levels than i intended.

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