• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Dog Pound Hop [10]

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Dog Pound Hop

Celestia's Journal six years remaining.

Note to self, add a sex education class to my school and make sure it explains all species not just ponies.

That said, I do not think I have ever laughed so hard at some one elses misfortune in my life. I'm not sure Rahs accepted my apology or Twilight's, but at least he's talking to her again.

I suppose I should explain this better, if for no other reason than I want a record of this to last forever.

Rahs and Twilight are both twelve now. While she is more comfortable talking with others she still hasn’t really made any friends. She willingly associates with the other students, but that's usually only when it comes to scholastic pursuits. I've not known her to actually, go out and and have fun unless some one like Lyra managed to convince Rahs to drag her out. Which from my understanding has happened twice in the last few years. And the only thing of note that was learned according to Twilight is she cannot dance. Lyra on the other hoof described it as a 'musically induced seizure on the dance floor'. I'm sad I missed it.

Twilight has gotten a bit more reclusive since Cadence started college and her brother joined the Guard unfortunately, but it was expected.

And yes I did convince Silvertail and Kaisur to come back for the training. The pair expanded the training to thirteen weeks and have had to restart it twice because of the drop outs for each session did not leave enough recruits remaining in each class to train.

Credit where it is due however, Shining Armor and a few others have stuck with it. Also I'm not sure of the details, but Kaisur has declared Shining Armor his 'special friend' for all three sessions so far.

Cadence is super pissed at me for this, but she can't prove I have a hoof in it. She's a few thousand years too young to see all the back room planning and behind the scenes work I do.

Beside I have the perfectly cultivated poker face. Also Kaisur and Silvertail have evidently tried to get her to join the training the moment she showed up. Seems some one informed them she was a Princess and they both have loads of training they would love to test on an alicorn.

She refused of course, likely to spare Shining a fourth time restarting his training. Pity I think she might have been able to use some Guard training.

Why not me you ask?

To tell the truth I have considered it, I might take them as tutors after this training session. I might need the edge that could bring in six years.

Rahs has progressed rather well. He's much bigger than he was though he's starting to go into that odd lanky teenager phase, much as Twilight is.

Spike is growing up rapidly too and he has started with a private tutor. He's very perceptive and very sharp, though like any young child he's easily distracted from what he should be doing by something else. He's more normal than Twilight or Rahs in that regard. The strangest one of the family is the most normal for his age... oddly fitting.

Still it is their age that caused this current issue.

So let me regale you journal with a short story.

Rahs still tends to sleep through most of my sessions with Twilight. I don't see it as rude, as most of Twilight and my sessions are magic based and he cannot cast anything, so it does him no good to pay attention.

This time however, while napping, he had what some would call an 'awkward teen moment'. While asleep in the sun beam coming through my study window he evidently was starting to have a rather 'good' dream given the fact that his..... well 'dog hood' for lack of a less crude term had grown out of it's sheath.

Like most canines the odd shaped length was a brighter coloration than his fur, bright red in fact.
Now it was something I could easily ignore, despite what some have claimed in the past, I do have tact. Besides he was a puppy and as I have said before I am not a cradle robber.... despite every one being younger than me. Also I still saw the pair of them as the brightly inquisitive filly and the fluffy bundle of teeth they were when I first met them.

His state of arousal was not the issue in this story however, merely the catalyst.

The issue was Twilight.

More importantly, the issue was that Twilight had been studying dangerous creatures of Equestria.

More important than that, was that she had gotten to the part in her studies involving a creature called a Tatzlwurm.

Now, the very most important thing is that Tatzlwurms are much like wasps, in that they stun their prey and lay eggs in the still living creature. Usually by simply depositing it in what ever orifice is available. I am quite certain many of the more lewd fetishes coming from Japony stemmed from this.

When the eggs hatch however, like a wasp they usually burst out of the abdominal region before devouring the host who has usual died of shock by this point.

Tatzlwurms are not much a threat to ponies and other intelligent species with this however. And there are known to be some particularly... demented individuals who make good money harvesting Tatzlwurm eggs by being bait. Once Tatzlwurms lay their eggs they don't care about the host and usually let them wander off so the young can grow some where else. The eggs are not that hard to remove with a moderately skilled doctor or Unicorn. And even a less than skilled pony with a bottle of strong alcohol and a sharp knife, or a very very close personal friend, can remove them with no issue. Easy to remove, if embarrassing.

The eggs themselves are valuable because Tatzlwurms will not attack any one with an egg even if it's from another Tatzlwurm, so long as they are kept warm and moist they will last to hatch after around two months. Quite valuable for any one forced to live near them or researching them.

Now with all that in mind, look at it from Twilight's perspective. Trust me it's much funnier and more adorable to do so.

She had no idea about male genitalia and likely even less about a canine's parts. So when she looked over what she saw was what appeared to be a blood red worm bursting out of her brothers belly, she reacted quite quickly. So fast in fact I wasn't sure what she was doing even as she yelled at me to get a doctor, a cry that woke Rahs up as well. And before I could question it she tried to help her brother.

She wrapped her magic around the 'worm' that was going to eat him and yanked.

I am told his howl was heard as far away as Ponyville.

It took six hours to get Rahs out from under my bed and another three to get him not to try and run away from Twilight. I wasn't even mad about the door he broke down to get from my study to my quarters.

Twilight apologized profusely and nearly constantly, in a panic herself, particularly after I explained to the young mare exactly what it was she had tried to pull off her brother.

Granted it took me an hour to be able to breath enough to be able to speak without breaking down laughing again.

I would feel bad but he has peed in my shoes on more than one occasion.

And that was the story of why Rahs now wears pants.

He's looking less and less like the cute bundle of puppy fluff he was when I first met him and more like a Diamond Dog every day, though I doubt he will have the massive forearms and slouched posture however. Still this is probably a good thing. Diamond Dogs are fairly common and the more Rahs looks like one the less likely any one will think of him as being anything else.

She had a number of followers. Dark cults and forces beyond even Her Nox-Cal and Witch Wolves. While I would like to think I found them all, or that a thousand years with no sign of Her would dissuade even the most die hard cultist into giving up, I do not want to chance that some one might recognize what Rahs really is and start a cult around him. Particularly since I believe the only way a cult like that could get him to cooperate is if they took Twilight or Spike as hostages.

That wouldn't end well for any one.

After as much time as I have spent with Rahs Twilight and Spike, I do not think She has anything to do with his life directly. If he was placed here due to Her influence I cannot see anything that he does that would benefit Her.

Still I have numerous other safeguards I am putting into place. Even if I lose to Her, She will be weakened and the Guard magi and the new troops Silvertail and Kaisur are training might still be able to stop Her.

While I hope the path Twilight takes will be all that is needed, I did not make Equestria what it is today without having backup plans.

Author's Note:

Dog Pound Hop

Yes that's right, 90% of this chapter was a long winded dick joke.

I make no apologies for crass and base humor.

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