• Published 8th Sep 2017
  • 29,794 Views, 5,214 Comments

Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Brindle Gossip, Epilogue 3

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Brindle Gossip,
Epilogue 3

[Two days later, Ponyville]

“So Twilight's not back yet?” Rainbow Dash asked with more than a hint of worry.

“Nah, docs wanted to keep her in Canterlot a bit longer to make sure she was recovered enough to return. Spike and Rahs came back yesterday, though they went back up tah Canterlot again after gitting a few things.” Applejack offered. “They told Pinkie Pie to let us know what was going on and she found me first.”

“Dang, I saw Spike yesterday and he didn't say nothing.” Dash pouted.

“So the poison joke had some side effects?” Rarity pondered. “Perhaps I should get checked out , though I don't recall feeling anything but fabulous after my bath.”

“Prolly somethin tah do with Rahs eating three trees worth of apples.” Applejack sighed. “ That whole family's strange.”

“Yeah, but check this out!” Rainbow Dash pulled a small stack of photos from under her wing showing them to the other girls. Both Applejack and Rarity turned red as they regarded the five photos of Rahs as a pony. Some one had taken pictures of him as he rinsed off before soaking in the cure to the poison joke. Water clearly rippled off muscle and his amber mane was plastered to his head and back spilling over his broad shoulders as he stood under the shower.

“Oh. My.” Rarity gasped.

“Daaaang....” Applejack whistled before whipping her head back and forth. “Rainbow where did you get those?”

“I know right. “Dash grinned. “ Spike sold them to me yesterday, twenty bits a piece, totally worth it to see him with a wet mane. Just when you think he hits a cap at 11 he goes right up to 12.”

“Dash what even is your scaling system?” Applejack grumbled.” And honestly yer gitting a little creepy, no matter how hot he is.”

“It's fine. It's not like I’m gonna do anything with them. Like I told Twi he's pretty to look at, damn pretty to look at, but he doesn't have wings so I’m not interested in doing anything.” Dash smirked. “ Any guy I’m gonna hook up with has got to be able to keep up with me in the air.”

“ Given how fast you are you're already setting yourself up to be a old maid Dashie.” Pinkie Pie stated, popping up behind Rainbow Dash's. Fluttershy was only a bit behind her.

“GAH!” Dash yelped her wings jerking and tossing the photos in the air.

Fluttershy blinked and reached a wing up to catch one as it drifted down. She took one look at the photo and turned bright red with a thin trickle of blood running from her nose before she passed out in a heap.

“Dang it Pinkie!” Dash growled, as she snatched her photos back up.

“I'm glad I packed smelling salts this time.” Rarity sighed digging into her purse.

“Good thing yah did, cause this mandatory shindig looks like it's about tah start.” Applejack frowned looking out across the town hall and the mass of town ponys gathered there.

[On stage]

“Thank you all for coming.” Mayor Mare sighed looking at the list before her and the ponies out in the crowd. “Keep in mind this is a mandatory town meeting as ordered by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia so aside from a few individuals the whole town is required to attend this meeting. Given that I'm to be part of this class as well I turn the floor over to the Canterlot head of Cultural Enrichment, Mr. Parks.”

Mayor Mare sighed again stepping away from the podium and moving out into the crowd of confused and rather annoyed ponies. It wasn't like the Mayor to cut a speech short.

“Greetings Ponyville.” Mr. Parks stated. He was a well groomed Earth pony at first glance. His ocean blue mane and tail were cut short and his suit jacket was a inexpensive make that still looked professional on him. His fur was a dark purple that looked marbled around his limbs and ears , though closer examination showed these to be stripes. “Usually this class is only attended by individuals or groups no larger than ten or so. This is the first time I’ve had to deal with a whole town, though with this precedent I doubt it will be the last.”

The stallion tapped a few stacks of paper on the podium.

“Let me begin by telling you the law. This is not a new law and has been in effect for the last fifty four years. No one is allowed to deny service to any individual due to nationality or species without adequate reason if said individual is in need. An adequate reason is something that you can, and likely will, need to argue in court. It could be that the individual is known to be dangerous, or has caused some sort of harm before. “ Mr. Parks continued. “What is NOT an adequate reason to deny service and shun a individual is because others are doing the same, or because they look, or seem strange to you. It has come to the Princesses attention that this town has been doing just that with several of it's residents.
So she sent my team and I to nip it in the bud now.”

There was a general mummer of annoyance from the crowd. A mummer that Mr. Parks and the other five ponies, and one mule scattered around the hall took note of. They also took note of those that seemed surprised, and those that seemed ashamed.

“Before you all get mad and leave allow me to point out now that there is a sizable fine for the first conviction depending on the severity. That can also be or include jail time depending on the situation. “ Mr. Parks stated. “ All that said there is no law about private businesses denying who ever they see fit from their establishment, this does not include anything also being bankrolled by the crown. However Princess Celestia is adamant about maintaining good relations with all of Equestria's neighbors. And given she cannot be the first to meet all of those coming to Equestria, the duty falls on you, and I am sure that none of you wish to upset the Princesses. Now then, we will start out with a short film, then a lecture and Q&A, and at the end of the class there will be a test. Failing this test will result in the class being required again with who ever did not pass. We will teach a second class later in the week. There will be no third class, those that fail will simply be recorded as failing and will be in documented in CCE files. Now then let's begin.”

The lights in the town hall dimmed with the expected muttering as a projector started in the back of the room, lighting up a screen that had been lowered. A crackling voice seemed to boom from everywhere at once as the film began.

“So you've decided to be a racist.....” The narrator mocked.

[Outside of Canterlot]

Trixie stretched her legs as she trotted along the road, her new wagon pulled behind her with incredible ease thanks to the new library of spells that had been fitted into it's construction. With the insurance money as well as several other payouts from both the parents and Ponyville town hall that accounted for lost wages, Trixie had more than enough to make her home even better. Feather weight charms and enough durability and protection spells that the next time it was stomped on by an Ursa, the Ursa would chip a claw.

Trixie really hoped there wasn't a next time.

Still to be back on the road was a thrill, she had truly missed this, traveling the land, choosing her own way. Canterlot and the theater were nice, but this was so much better. She also had plenty of time to work on her stories, there was now a cautionary tale in her bragging involving two stupid young colts and how Trixie saved them from themselves with the help of a certain Moon Dog. It still made her look damn good, but it also warned away any one thinking of trying the same thing that happened in Ponyville.

She also she really needed to thank Twilight for dealing with all the fine print.

The flutter of wings and a loud thud of something striking her new wagon made Trixie wince. Stopping the cart she unhitched herself and moved around to the side of it where a gray pegasus with a blond mane was just picking herself up off the ground and trying to put letters back in her bag from where the impact had scattered them.

“Are you alright?” Trixie frowned.

“Oh huh, yeah I’m fine, I just don't know what went wrong, one minute I’m flying around and the next , WHAM, cart outta no where.” The gray furred Pegasus chuckled.

The mare looked up and Trixie noticed her amber eyes were facing two different directions, clearly this was the issue with her flying.

“Oh hay. I know you. You're the mare who's magic doesn't taste like muffins.” The Pegasus smiled.

Trixie blinked and sighed recognizing the gray mare as well.

“If you say so.”

“Good I was trying to find you. I've got a letter for you.” Derpy explained.

“A letter?” Trixie asked.

“Yeah … ummmm, no that's not it.... that's a delivery to Pinkie Pie....” the mare muttered digging into her bag.” .... that's to Raindrops..... there's Princess Celestia's 'Well-built, Oiled, Outdoor, Fancy Stallions weekly... how'd that get in here? Ahh here we are.”

The Pegasus offered a fair sized envelope to Trixie. Trixie took it in her magic curiously noting that it was from Spike of all individuals.

“Thank you.” Trixie offered as she tore open the letter after the Pegasus had taken off, her delivery done.

“Let's see here.” Trixie muttered noticing some things in the envelope still, though she pulled out the letter first. “To Trixie, after a run in with something called Poison Joke the three of us wound up changing forms. Enclosed is a recipe and a description of the plant so you can avoid it and cure it if you can't. Despite that I still agreed to help you with Rahs. So I am enclosing something that should help with the motivation.
Sincerely. Spike...”

Trixie blinked, before noting a PS.

“PS, all the images included are of Rahs under the curse of the Poison Joke. Have fun.”

Trixie tilted her head pulling the photos out of the envelope looking them over, her eyes growing wider as she took in what Rahs looked like as a Pony.


Author's Note:

And thus we have the conclusion of the Brindle Gossip episode.

All that said I am going to attempt the Discord AMA this weekend. Details are in my latest blog post

Next up Swarm of the Chihuahua.

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