• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Dog Days are over

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Dog Days are over

Celestia's Journal, eight years left.

It's been a year since the birthday disaster and it seems things have improved. Twilight and Rahs are ten now, with Spike just hitting his fourth birthday. He's grown a little and is getting around well enough on his own, though he still scampers on all fours at times. He's also talking quite a bit, though most of it is still toddler gibberish.

Rahs and Twilight are in a disagreement over what his first word was. Twilight says it was 'bark' Rahs says it was 'Rutabaga'. Given that Spike will often go around parroting what others say, bark, woof, and other canine noises are in his vocabulary. As are words like depolarizability and methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Still if his barks are real words in Moon Dog language, I am rather curious as to what Rahs hears when Spike is making those noises.

Rahs and Twilight's tenth birthday.

Aside from her attempts to ignore it was happening, much like a number of other older mares I know, it went fairly well. A simple affair like she wanted with just family and Cadence and I.

I actually managed my time enough to be there for a bit of it this time. Mrs. Sparkle makes wonderful carrot cake.

The rift between her and her parents is still there, though not as bad as at the start of the year, Rahs no longer snaps at them or growls, but he still watches warily. Twilight is also at least conversing with the other foals in the new school, well arguing over science nitpicks really. Mostly with Moon Dancer, though if there ever was another foal to challenge her it would be Moon Dancer.

While she doesn't have Twilight's power, she does have her intelligence and drive to learn. The pair of them often team up as lab partners even without being assigned. Rahs usually winds up with Lyra Heartstrings, which oddly works out as the teachers know that if something is going to explode, those two are going to be at fault.

Lyra doesn't have the power or the intelligence of the others, she's simply easily excitable and the only one who still sees Rahs as a big puppy dog. In truth out of all of them she was doing the best in the normal school. She is a good deal stronger than a normal unicorn of her age, likely due to her father being an earth pony, but that's not why she was accepted into the program.

When tasked with hatching the dragon egg, Lyra came up with the idea to wake it up with music. She composed a song for her harp on the spot, a song that made two of the three examiners weep. It also gained her her cutie mark.

I'd have rated her at Twilight's power level if she managed to get Stone Hoof to cry, but some things are impossible.

Moon Dancer had tried to hatch the egg by raising the temperature of the area to what some writers have claimed the dragons make nests in, thankfully she didn't have the power to raise the room to the temperature of an active volcano, but her attempt was enough to put her in the program.

Twinkle Shine had tried a few alchemical mixes that she had learned, one of which the examiners were unaware of existed. Seems the filly had learned some Zebra alchemy from her grandfather who was a mixed breed.

I never understood the aversion to the mixed breeds, they are often quite pretty with pony colors and Zebra stripes. Still given the average pony is one uniform color I suppose they were at best thought of as exotic.

Lemon Hearts had attempted to cook a meal so delicious that the dragon was sure to wake up and hatch. And although it did not work, the judges did try some of the meal and Stone Hoof immediately passed her after standing there stunned for ten minutes staring into space. He later claimed it gave him a flashback to his own foal hood and a dish his mother used to make.

He also ate it all before I could try some. The jerk.

Shining Lights built a incubator of sorts and powered it with her magic. It was nothing fancy, but the examiners were impressed with how efficiently she used her magic, utilizing barely half of the normal power required for each task.

Then there was Minuette, if Twilight had not come along Minuette would have been the one who I chose as my personal student. At six years old she managed a time manipulation spell that she had read about in comic books. Taking the idea and reworking the theory of it she managed to age the egg and it's cart by ten years before passing out from over taxing her horn. The examiners didn't even know what she did at first until the egg's wagon collapsed, the screws aged to dust and the wood made old and brittle.

When asked about it she wrote out a formula she had thought up on the spot to get it to work. I asked her not to use her spell without supervision and she agreed. Still the formula was documented and locked in one of the secure vaults. Time alteration spells are quite dangerous, to have a new one invented by a foal was far more than enough to secure her place.

Given it was the second year of the official school and the test was coming up again I opted to expanded the school further so if there were any incoming students they could be taught separate from the currently enrolled ones.

Some years many foals passed, other years none did. I wasn't sure what the school was going to use for a test this year, but I allowed them to make the choice. That they didn't have to use the university for testing this year made the examiners happy as the pink wall incident still annoyed the dean. Once i had three schools that stested students but the numbers fell so low only the one in Canterlot remained.

Moving along, a few other things of note have popped up.

The first is that Rahs and Twilight have found out Cadence is an alicorn. This went surprisingly well as Rahs didn't care and Twilight only had a few hundred questions before she accepted it.

Shining Armor however had a complete break down over it, of course there was a reason for that.

Cadence and Shining are in their senior year of high school and somehow or another Shining Armor and Cadence became a couple. I'm not supposed to know this of course as Cadence has been quite hush hush about it. Still it doesn't take a fortune teller to see what's going on.

Shining Armor is going to join the Guard when he graduates and the colt doesn't want any hint of any sort of favoritism. I suppose Cadence explained she has no real sway with the government yet as few even know she exists. But he seemed concerned with how I might influence his progression.

He has a right to be worried about that, cause I plan on it.

He thinks he's worthy of my niece and becoming a Prince?

I plan to make sure he is.

I've got two old Drill Sergeants in mind that I will need to woo out of retirement for his training class. Staff Sergeant Starfall Silvertail and First Sergeant Jer'rahd Kaisur. Both of them were strong opponents of the relaxation of old Guard protocols involving training and while they were instructors ,the pair refused to follow the new politically mandated safe programs.

While this resulted in more drop outs, it also resulted in better Guards. They both retired a few years ago however, Silvertail so she could play with her grand-foals, and Kaisur because his wife was starting to demand foals before they got too old.

From what I have heard he and Platinum have their first on the way soon.

Still I should be able to convince the pair of them to come back for a training session. A rank bump and a pay upgrade coupled with full control over how they run their training.

Shining had best prepare now …...

Though I think he might be doing just that, with the help of Rahs, which brings up the second thing of note.

Shining Armor has begun training for the Guard even though he has a good six months left until he can enlist. Aside from a Twilight sponsored exercise regime and research into tactics and Guard history he is also practicing his magic.

In particular he is forming shields and getting Rahs to eat them.

While it seems quite silly, particularly with the pain it brings to have a stronger spell devoured like that, he's persisting and it is showing impressive results. His shield spell has become one of the strongest I have seen in a long time. It was already his signature spell, though with the training he's put himself into I might even have a hard time breaking through one of his shields. It's currently gotten to the point where Rahs can't even bite through it like he should be able to.

This has brought my interest in him up considerably. A shield spell that is resistant if not outright immune to effects that disrupt the mana flow would be invaluable to the Guard.

Still don't think he's worthy of Cadence yet, but he's showing more promise than I thought he would.

Rahs and Twilight have also started to tag along with him during his exercises, and while the ten year olds cannot completely keep up with the eighteen year old colt, even they are showing results. Both have lost that little bit of baby fat they still had and while Twilight has slimmed down considerably, Rahs has bulked up.

Twilight has tackled this the same way she does everything else, with a multitude of checklists for both herself, Rahs, and Shining. She's also read up on physical fitness to the point that she's acting as her brothers coach.

I wonder if I should bring in a teacher for this sort of thing as well. None of the schools foals are out of shape, but Lemon Hearts is a bit pudgy.

Something to consider later, work the mind and the body.

I probably could use a bit of a work out as well, too much cake. While I’ve yet to have any complaints about my flank, with what's coming..... I need to get back into a shape that I can fight in, if my initial plan fails it may be all I have left to fall back on.

Author's Note:

Most of my titles have been music related, this one is from Florence and the machine, i may switch to puns before too long.

This chapter brought up a few changes to the canon i wanted to roll with and also cemented this further in canon with other things. Still it is decidedly an AU story.

We also had cameos by not one, not two, but three Classic SiS characters. Alternate AU's of alternate AU's are fun.

I posted this one so close to the last one because this is supposed to be a light and fluff story, and last chapter was some what dark. Granted this might have been due to my grandfather being hospitalized when i wrote it. He's doing better now, but it was a bad time for a while there.

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