• Published 8th Sep 2017
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Twilight gets a Puppy - TDR

A baby dragon wasn't the only thing Twilight gained during her acceptance test.

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Friendship is Puppies, part 4

Twilight Gets a Puppy

Friendship is Puppies,
part 4

[Ponyville, Town hall.]

“Decorations.” Spike read off the list as the three of them looked around the town hall.

Banners hung every where a number of them glinting with gems. Symbols of Princess Celestia's sun dotted the area in tasteful locations that were also some how made prominent by everything else seeming to flow towards them drawing the eye. The entire town hall was decorated in such a way that seemed to be borderline gaudy, but remained just shy of going over into too much.

“Well now.” Twilight smiled.

“Beautiful.” Spike chimed in.

“Woof.” Rahs nodded impressed.

“Not the decorations. Her” Spike offered, his gaze locked on a figure on the other side of the hall.

The Unicorn mare was pristine white with an artfully curled purple mane and tail, not a strand of hair on her was out of place and a trio of light blue diamonds graced her hip as her cutiemark. She was currently preoccupied looking over a ribbon selection and had yet to notice the three of them.

Rahs and Twilight looked at the enamored Spike and sighed as one.

“Got a one track mind doesn't he?” Twilight muttered.

“Woof.” Rahs agreed counting on his claws.

“Only the fourth one? I thought he became stuck on twice that many. All of them with gem cutiemarks too.” Twilight snickered.

Spike for the most part was either to distracted to hear them or was ignoring them, fully focused on the mare before them.

“How are my spines? Are they straight? Where's my mustache?” Spike fretted as his siblings rolled their eyes walking forward, the little drake rushing to catch up.

“Good afternoon.” Twilight began only for the mare to hold up a hoof to stop her.

“Just a moment please. I'm in the zone as it were.” The white unicorn stated cycling through a number of other ribbons before selecting one coated in glitter and tying it to a pole. “Ahh YES, sparkle always does the trick. Does it not? Why Rarity you are a talent. Now then how can I help yooAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

The mare screamed and jumped back. Rahs snickered expecting the count of ponies running away from Twilight to rise again.

“Oh my stars darling whatever happened to your coiffure?!?!” the white Unicorn demanded.

“My mane? Well it's a long story.” Twilight sighed.” I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair.”

“Out of my hair? What about your hair?” the mare who called herself Rarity sounded faint. She strode forward pushing Twilight ahead of her.

“Wha? Wait where are we going!?!” Twilight protested. “ Help!”

Spike eagerly followed after the mare and Twilight. Rahs hesitated a moment then sighed and went after them as well.

The four of them wound up at a oddly shaped store with a sign reading Carousel boutique. The white mare had pushed Twilight inside and immediately sat her down and started working on her hair. Once that was settled the white unicorn's magic quickly started to work on playing dress up with Twilight.

“No... no... no.. nah.., too green, too poofy, too yellow, too poofy, not poofy enough, too frilly, too shiny.....” Rarity muttered after each costume change. “ Now go one my dear you were telling me where you were from...”

Twilight gasped for air as Rarity did her best to tighten a corset she had put on her further, Twilight winced feeling her ribs starting to crack. Spike was still stuck on the mare, though Rahs was on the other side of the store doing his best not to laugh at the outfits that Twilight had been subjected too.

His favorite so far had been the Statue of Harmony costume. It was a spot on costume too, reminding him of the old play about the monkeys taking over and the giant set piece used at the end.

“From …........ Canterlot.. to...” Twilight hissed as she gasped.

Rarity blinked letting go of the girdle, the cord snapping forward sending Twilight crashing to the floor.

“Canterlot!? Oh I am so envious, the glamor, the sophistication. I've always dreamed of living there.” Rarity practically sang.

Rahs sighed helping Twilight up with a shake of his head.” Woof.”

“Yeah this is a bit much for me too.” Twilight panted.

“Oh I can't wait to hear all about it .. we are going to be the best of …EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” Rarity screamed out.

“Best of eeeeeee? Is that a thing?” Twilight asked.

Rahs shrugged before getting whacked in the face with a broom.

“OUT, OUT, YOU FOUL BEAST, WHO LET A DIAMOND DOG IN HERE!! SWEETIEBELLE!!! no wait she's at home.....”Rarity screeched continuing to beat Rahs about the head with the broom held in her magic.

Rahs grumbled to himself as the broom bounced off his head a few more times before letting out a rather loud growl as he grabbed the broom, yanking it out of the mare's magic. He glared at at Twilight and Spike pointing at the hysterical mare who had started collecting a great number of other things in her magic to throw at the 'Diamond Dog' she just noticed, who had been there for last two hours.

“Rarity this is Rahs, my brother. That is Spike my other brother.” Twilight stated pointing at each in turn. Spike of course was still staring at Rarity like she would vanish if he took his eyes off her.

“What!?” Rarity demanded.”How... most importantly … why? Why”

“A longer story. But they are adopted.” Twilight began.

“Why would any of the nobility in Canterlot subject themselves to being related to a Diamond Dog.. it doesn't make any sense. They're foul tempered and smelly brutes, barely a brain cell between them, I mean seriously look at that fashion sense, a maroon duster with brown pants, plus he's got to be infested with fleas.” Rarity ranted. ”The Mongrel is probably planning to eat poor Opal.”

The cat in question had come out about an hour ago, sniffed Rahs curiously, gotten some head scritches and wandered off again to take a nap.

Rahs twitched at Rarity's rant, he stepped forward suddenly and shoved her broom back into her forelimbs nearly bowling the mare over.

“BORK, BORK, BORK!” Rahs snapped with finality, whipping around fast enough his tail nearly popped the white mare in the nose as he stormed out of the shop.

“Owch....”Twilight winced.

“Dang it Rahs, I'm fireproof and even I felt that burn.” Spike stated his trance evidently broken as he waddled out the door after Rahs, offering a disregarding wave as he left. “Nice to meet you Rarity.”

“What was that?” Rarity blinked.

“Trust me you don't want to know.” Twilight stated her magic yanking off the clothing she had on. “ While it was very nice of you to fix my mane for me and offer me an outfit for the celebration, I am afraid I cannot take such generosity from one who so easily insults my family and is so blatantly racist. The decorations are perfect by the way I am sure the Princess will be pleased with them. Good day.”

Twilight turned walking out as well leaving the white Unicorn utterly confused as to what was had happened.

As Twilight left the shop she looked around for her brothers only seeing Spike who was also looking around in confusion.

“Where's Rahs?” Twilight asked.

“I dunno.” Spike stated.”He was gone when I got out here. He seemed to be in a rush to get away from Rarity.”

“Arrrrgh why are there so many delays!”Twilight bemoaned.” I'll never get a chance to research Nightmare Moon like this.”

“We still have one more thing to check up on. Maybe we can find him while we find this Fluttershy.” Spike stated looking at the list. “ I mean he's a big Moon Dog. He can't be that hard to find.”

“I suppose you are right. Lets head back to town all and see if any one has seen Rahs or this Fluttershy.”Twilight stated letting Spike climb onto her back as she trotted towards the center of town. “ So you left out of there pretty quickly. Give up on Rarity already?”

“Ehhh, she defiantly had a high looks charisma, but a low speech charisma. I mean heck, me and Rahs were there for two hours with you as she set your mane and tried on all those dresses and she didn't notice either of us at all until Rahs helped you up. And she still didn't even notice me.” Spike considered. “Still I don't think she meant most of it. There's got to be some story between her and Diamond Dogs that brought about that sort of reaction.”

“Most likely, but that still doesn't excuse her for beating him in the head with a broom. Or insulting him afterward.” Twilight concluded. “I understand that reactions to things like that can be irrational, but still.”

“Ehh maybe if she apologies.” Spike shrugged.

“Well she will have to do that to Rahs not us.”Twilight stated getting a nod from Spike.

Rahs was doing his best to be hard to find.

He wasn't trying to avoid his siblings, though he did want to wander off somewhere and have a good sulk. He crossed the the bridge over the river around the town thinking maybe to take the time to wander back over to Sweet Apple acres and see if he might help bring the supplies into town for a few more of those fritters.

Honestly he really just wanted to be away from anything that white mare touched. He didn't like to think himself petty, but he kinda wanted to tear up anything she decorated so her 'perfect' decor wouldn't be. He really did think she would fit in perfect in Canterlot however. She ignored anyone who didn't meet certain standards or were not useful to her and the moment she saw something that didn't fit in her little world view she tried to get rid of it. Perfect noble material right there.

He lost count of how many times the upper class had called the Guard on him for loitering or disturbing the peace when he was simply taking a walk, shopping, or going to work at the theater. It became funny however when the Guard had been called on him so often he and the patrol Guard were on first name basis with each other. Quite a number of times the Guards wrote the complainers tickets for making false calls.

He probably would have continued to sulk and boil in his own annoyance in anger when the rather harmonic sound of bird song caught his attention. It wouldn't have seemed odd o hear bird song near the forest like, this save it wasn't one bird, it sounded like many singing together.

Annoyance was pushed aside as curiosity took over. His long ears perked up as he searched around, zeroing in on the bird song and making his way through the bushes to see what was going on.

Sitting on a tree were a multitude of brightly colored songbirds of various species, all of them singing and chirping in a impressively blended harmony.

Sitting before them, her wings swaying a little as she conducted the bird song choir was a pale yellow Pegasus with bright pink hair that was long enough that it could have drug along the ground if she was walking. Rahs could see a trio of pink butterflies making up the cutiemark on her haunch.

“Oh my, umm.. stop a second everyone....” The mare practically whispered as she fluttered up towards a bluejay near a middle branch. “Excuse me, but, no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off.”

The bluejay closed its beak and nodded as the mare fluttered away from the tree again. “Now follow me please. A one, a two, a one ,two, three.......”

The song likely would have started again if a robin hadn't spotted Rahs peeking out of the bush and sounded a shrill cry which made all the other birds take off in a panic and made the mare whirl about with a shriek and seem to fold in on herself as she took to the air and looked around for what ever started the birds.

Rahs sighed now that his cover was blown and stepped out of the bush lifting a paw slowly with a wave to the mare. “Bark.”

The mare remained floating in the air looking down at him with a slight tilt of her head. The two stared at each other a moment in total silence, before Rahs slapped his face with a paw.

“Woof.......”Rahs complained, of all the times not to have Spike around to translate. He probably shouldn't have run off like he did when know one knew what he was saying most of the time.

“Who's Spike?” the mare asked.

“Woof” Rahs started to explain who Spike was before trailing off and looking up curiously at the mare. “Bark?”

“Your brother is a baby Dragon?” the mare blinked and drifted slightly closer to the ground. “ I've never seen a baby Dragon before.... oh and yes I can understand you. You're.... you're not a Diamond Dog are you... my friend Rarity is always going on about how much trouble they cause her... “

“Grrrrr..” Rahs grumbled at the mention of her name.

“Oh no, she's not like that, she's very nice, though I suppose she does have a an air about her that is hard to get past. And she does overreact quite a bit.” the Pegasus tried to placate.” If... um you don't mind me asking... what are you then?”

“Woof.” Rahs stated.

“A Moon Dog? I've never heard of one of those.”The mare questioned floating around him taking a look at his ears and then his tail as if studying him. Rahs remained still as she did so wondering if this soft spoken mare might take off if he startled her again.”Oh sorry where are my manners. I'm Fluttershy.”


“Oh nice to meet you Rahs... umm if you don't mind telling me.. where did you come from?” Fluttershy asked.

Rahs held back from the old joke about a daddy moon dog and a mommy moon dog loving each other very much as he wasn't even sure if there WERE other Moon Dogs and simply started telling Fluttershy his story up to this point. Despite everything else he was rather in awe of the fact that someone other than his two siblings knew what he was saying.

Author's Note:

Now then . let me start off by saying i am not much of a Rarity fan, out of all the dumb things the Mane 6 get up to she and Dash are the worst, though all of them have their issues of stupid which annoy me.

That said after watching how Rarity interacted with Twilight in the first episode I think that this was a fitting chapter. It also highlights that perhaps there's more issue with the Diamond Dogs this time around than in canon.

Another thing to note is that all four of the siblings are nerds.

Twilight is the Science/magic, book nerd.
Spike is the Comic, O&O nerd.
Rahs is the theater and music nerd
and Shining is the Sports and O&O nerd having converted Spike.

This nerdity might come up like in this chapter where Spike is talking about a Charisma stat.

Editing help by ThatNoobPony

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